HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-03 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—February 3, 2020 Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of February 3,2020 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Anthony Young, Ryan Walters, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller were present. Councilmember Christine Cleland-McGrath was absent. Ms. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to excuse the absence of Ms. Cleland-McGrath. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcements and Committee Reports Planning Commission Appointment: Mayor Gere requested confirmation of her appointment of Frank Jeretzky to the Planning Commission to complete the term of retiring commissioner Jeremy McNett which expires December 31, 2024. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Ms. Moulton,to appoint Frank Jeretzky to the Planning Commission.Vote: Ayes—Young,Walters,Moulton,McDougall,Miller and Carter. Motion carried. Fiber Committee: Mr. McDougall reported from the committee meeting the prior Thursday, advising that in the Central Business District 18 customers had been installed though some of those were still awaiting activation pending receipt of materials. He added that fiber and public works staff were actively installing additional customers. Public Works Committee: Ms. Moulton reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. Those present discussed 12th Street and Commercial Avenue intersection improvements and interne access to information about that project including public input opportunities. She added that the committee also discussed ongoing discussions with the Port of Anacortes regarding General Facilities Charges for storm water treatment and upcoming bids for the water treatment plan raw water line and clearwell. Public Comment No one present wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. Consent Agenda Mr. Walters removed Item 5e, Ordinance 3063: Adopting Parks&Recreation Comprehensive Plan, from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of January 27. 2020 b. Approval of Claims in the amount of: $508,697.06 c. Contract Award: Reader Boards Purchase#20-042-ERR-001 d. Contract Award: AFD Command SUV Purchase#20-043-ERR-001 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 96124 through 96182,total$411,708.35 Check numbers: 96183 through 96191,total $70,322.05 Wire transfer numbers: 262845 through 263147,total $8,135.19 e. Ordinance 3063:Adopting Parks &Recreation Comprehensive Plan Anacortes City Council Minutes February 3, 2020 1 Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to adopt Ordinance 3063 with two following revisions: Strike the first four recitals,and revise Section 1 to remove mention of the ACFL Plan. Mr. Miller asked if his colleagues wished to act on prior discussion of removing the word"comprehensive"from the title of the plan. Parks and Recreation Director Jonn Lunsford confirmed that the RCO did not require that word to appear in the title of the document. Mr. Walters requested unanimous consent to amend his motion to also remove the word"comprehensive"from the title of Ordinance 3063. Mr. Miller noted that"comprehensive"would also need to be removed from all other references to the plan in the body of the ordinance. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS Acceptance of Donation for Senior Center Metal Roof Finance Director Steve Hoglund requested Council acceptance of an anonymous donation of$150K restricted to reroofing the Anacortes Senior Activity Center,with a metal roof if at all possible. Following some discussion among councilmembers and staff regarding the cost of metal vs. composite roofing,Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to accept the extremely generous donation of$150,000 cash with the earmark for a metal roof. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council. Vote: Ayes—Walters,Moulton,McDougall,Miller, Carter and Young.Motion carried. Mr. Walters suggested mounting a plaque at the Senior Activity Center to thank the anonymous donor. Year End Finance Update Mr. Hoglund presented a set of charts reporting on final year-end figures for 2019 for revenues and expenditures,referring to the packet materials for the meeting. Councilmembers requested that building permit graphs to be updated monthly and posted on the city website. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council. Ordinance 3062: Amending the 2019/2020 Budget Mr. Hoglund presented Ordinance 3062 to amend the 2019/2020 budget as described in the packet materials for the meeting. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council. Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. Walters,to adopt Ordinance 3062 authorizing the year end budget amendment.Vote: Ayes—Moulton,McDougall,Miller, Carter,Young and Walters. Motion carried. Contract Award: Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Pre-Design#20-032-SEW-002 Assistant Public Works Director Eric Shjarback introduced a summary of the WWTP Outfall project and its component contracts. Mr. Shjarback presented a slide summarizing the total budget for the project and its revenue sources. His summary was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Shjarback introduced Eric Bergstrom from HDR to elaborate on the project. Mr. Bergstrom briefed Council on the project rationale and the Anacortes City Council Minutes February 3,2020 2 various contracts and subcontracts required,referring to his slide presentation which was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Shjarback requested City Council consent to award a contract in the amount of$997,644.74 to HDR Engineering,Inc. to perform the pre-design for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall project. Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Mr. Young,to approve the contract as presented. Vote: Ayes—McDougall, Miller, Carter,Young,Walters and Moulton. Motion carried. Contract Award: Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Permitting Services#20-032-SEW-003 Mr. Shjarback requested City Council consent to award a contract in the amount of$284,607.20 to Widener& Associates to perform the permitting services for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall project. Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to authorize the Mayor to sign contract 20-032-SEW-003 with Widener&Associates in the amount of$284,607.20 to perform Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Permitting Services. Vote: Ayes—Miller, Carter,Young,Moulton and McDougall.Nays—Walters. Motion carried. Resolution 2072: Legislative Priorities Administrative Services Manager Nicole Tesch presented the legislative priorities for adoption.Ms. Tesch reviewed the edits to Resolution 2072 that were requested by Council following the initial consideration of the draft resolution at the regular City Council meeting on January 27,2020. Ms. Tesch's slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. Doug Thurber suggested that Ms. Tesch's slide reflecting staff's agenda for Legislative Day in Olympia on February 5,2020 refer to the"House Democrat Caucus"rather than the"House Democratic Caucus". Mr. Thurber also questioned Ms. Tesch's slide regarding the Tommy Thompson Trail Rehabilitation, asking what could be more permanent than a rock causeway. Mayor Gere and Mr. Walters clarified that the goal of the causeway project was to remove creosote,and also to enable better sediment migration in the bay. Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Mr. McDougall,to approve Resolution 2072 as presented. Vote: Ayes— Carter,Young,Walters,Moulton,McDougall and Miller. Motion carried. Executive Session At approximately 7:30 p.m.Mayor Gere announced that City Council and the City Attorney would convene in Executive Session per RCW 42.30.110(i) for approximately 20 minutes to discuss potential litigation or litigation and that following the executive session the meeting would adjourn with no action having been taken. Councilmembers Jeremy Carter,Anthony Young,Ryan Walters, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller attended the executive session. There being no further business, at approximately 8:00 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of February 3,2020 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes February 3, 2020 3