HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 2007 10th Street f-A.fr Y. 0 .: City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2005-0554 904 6th Street Issue date: 07/27/2005 P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 07/27/2006 CO Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 47/ >.gaaitS.ry. Job Address: 2007 10TH ST Permit Type: Reroof Single Family Residence ANACORTES WA 98221-1421 Project: APN: P56127 Remarks: Add new pitched roof over existing flat roof as per drawings. Owner: BARBARA LLOYD Contractor: BAKERVIEW BUILDERS Address: 2007 10TH ST Address: 1610 35TH PL ANACORTES WA 98221-1421 ANACORTES WA 98221-3336 Phone: ( ) - Phone: (360)293-7989 License#: BAKERBI972JA General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 25500 State Building Code Fee 4.50 Building Permit Fee 175.00 Total Calculated: 179.50 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 179.50 City or 4i' L..0: 2 S.econd Flour 0h20004-2 07/27/200s 5k2 T4 Wed jlul27,2005 10;4/AM Tra:;;;trl-i Ms ls. LLOYD BARBARA Addr: 2f0? 10TH ST iNACORIES,WA 50 S000- - Perintt-fees t L;trs•-:)n:er • 0055e3 t Pe,$i r #: BU!-_;:_;c .,_i,,54 1 ;_I•Ir;r:•. TOTAL : $179.50 PAID $179.50 Purl in4 wilt) batter . THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUED BY CCity.tit:Ah'aco rteS, ' Buildingte itt: liPli atiib ti `•r. Site Address: ev7007 `--laS S pt - Parcel No.: Lot: Block: • Div: Addition: OWNER LENDER CONTRACTOR: ' Name ll// Name Name Mailing Address ��// l�/�Mailing Address Mailing Address �7 l�z�s� /401 &s yoe• City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: • .4 eIr/04Ke0.eA 5- z4t "i.mtaz es Ecl a • yy Contractor Lic.No j�.CXig" 9?2 T'T- Phone No.: Phone No.:-) Phone i1. ?`2Y27 Exp Date: 41zBC-o i Contact Person: ,a ��/G',/�I,soA Phon lio.: 70g—e/ � . . CaL.U Xi CAL. AJ1rteJ1:�'Oetf GtO-iNQ OCCUPANT USE (Check One) i Single Family: Multi-Family: Apartment: Condominium: Senior Housing:_ Retail: Office:_Restaurant:_ Manufacturing: Storage:_Bank:_Assembly: Accessory: Automotive Repair: Other(Specify) DESCRIPTION OF WORK: /7v� ��� �r ��!'7LSC' "ea,1^ Ir. ce.r/S//t✓' 9j /�Z.6zee Re air >p' Pr S'2 2IZ/Baab: (f . GENERAL INFORMATION .. Street Setback: ft. 2nd Floor: sf. (Circle Yor N) . 1s`Side Setback: ft. 3`1 Floor: sf. Shoreline/Wetlands Y N 2nd Side Setback: ft. Basement: sf. Water on/Adj.To Property Y N Rear Setback: ft. Occ.Group: Soils Report Y N Use Zone: Carport Area: sf. Sensitive Area Y N Type of Construction: Garage Area: sf. Latecomers Agreement Y N Lot Area: sf. No.of Stories: Fire II drant 250 Feet Y N No. of Dwellings: BuildingHeight:g Hei 7 z ' ' ' ' Y N Lot Coverage: Deck Area: sf. Y N lT Floor sf. I od Zonje X P AE VE JL C.. RILYVJI ( Project Valuation(Labor and Material Cost): I � , �G i b VJC=1�Z3LI 012J- Liv THIS APPLICATION IS RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER4 S 'eoR9'BS MUNIeIPRteODE,AND SHALL EXPIRE BY LIMITATION AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF PERMIT IS NOT OBTAINED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF THIS APPLICATION. BY AFFIXING MY SIGNATURE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY FOR WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS ISSUED OR AN AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE OWNER. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS INA S GOVERNIN S TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT,INCLUDING CALLS FOR INSPECTIONS. SIGNATU ^ .-< s DATE: S aC ' 6id-aDas - D5511 0 it Vato s 1 itrifiti Or 30 8" AS�iss"ez'-. • 16 It cgs �i�� ?Wit ate‘ Y® �� v -g,`gp V,061L liff II. Ciro" PpO \ 0 s \ illcibt t nt"',�t� suu¢ Lli fgs Wear 4 L r ,g� .- AlailFD et dog& iaa • r puss ti it a�� ass X 40 AEA J-------- gs itp tth bl`rr fgflli t W►�} t +1413) jt i v gt �S �i3 J� t �,„eniii t v- y .,4aa S . o �X .�.�tt0 ctl a C ?d. . „�4aa. "N t.'-"s • of r_;j / NrtD3Q. s. � .9-%.1. -t'�� t %Tr - -- TitaTl-l-tti�t�i lnWiattintif - , / / "1-%5-11-61 M2 e 1 LOINS TRUSS INC J05-1031, 805-0659 • BAKERVIEW BUILDERS nap so.o LOYD RES f 1 01E01 A. SO 1 so 4 A. rra - so son sa. • SO 1 A. W01 A LISO 1 A sc-ia. 2301 aol - • _— so So so s-6 eel • L so-I is* lea Sol stbi 40 1 ieige 1 I "a"aa' I. moo.. • ZO'd 9T:8 SOOZ VT Int 0088V82092T:xpd ssnNI smnol BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO.: BLD2000-00311 P 0 BOX 547 APPLIED: 00-10-03 ANACORTES,WA 98221 ISSUED: 00-10-03 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 01-10-03 SITE ADDRESS: 2007 10TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-177-004-0002 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Decomission heating oil tanks, clean and fill with sand. OWNER CONTRACTOR R PETERSON P O. BOX419 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 Primary Phone: Primary Phone: Phone 1' Phone 1: License#: TYPE OF WORK: ? AREA VALUE: TYPE OF USE: SF i LOT: sf REQUIRED SETBACKS: CENSUS CATEGORY: 1ST FLR: sf ZONING: RED. MEDIUM FRONT: ft 2ND FLR: sf SIDE 1: ft Occupancy Groups BASEMENT: sf SIDE 2: ft GAR/CARPORT: sf REAR: ft 1: 2. OTHER: sf 3: 4: REQUIRED PARKING Construction Types NUMBER OF UNITS: TOTAL: 1: 2: STORIES: HANDICAPPED: , 3: 4: BUILDING HEIGHT: ft COMPACT: IMPRV SURF: sf FEES NOTES: Type By Date Receipt Amount MISC MRD 00-10-03 $0.00 Total: $0.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and state and federal laws regulating activities covered by this permit. 1 Issued/by Applicant or Owner's Signature CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections '''''''''''''' "' ' "*. ''' ' ---• ''''' ............. ...... „ .xx. . ... .. DEMOLITION PERMIT ........ ........,. -14> Site Address: 2-00—7 /0--- 57 , Date: 24 /DO Assessors Account No.: Lot(s): Block: Addition: ter, Owners Name: g: c/Lifj-- PeLe/rok- Contractors Name: )1-tiVorreA-v4i- Se/u:te. Address: g007 ota- st , Address: 'P o 9oq, t.,/ State: WA Zip: cip,74 State: 'LP ct, Zip: qg 2,277 Phone: Ulf eibelet ed 7-93 g5.05 Contractors License: 1-) ictiaS v 33 cc' 6•10.,v1/4€ Phone: ige; 5.) 1.51 Have Utilities Been Notified? Describe Work & Tools To Be Used. How Will Materials Be Disposed? , Water Dept.: Y(sc:No ettoor.,4>C . vi 0, i rro Electric: L(,.." q- Fb1 1-0 S Cable: YYZ Gas: s No Phone: Y s No Co„,".,,p4e, Co BARRICADES TO BE PROVIDED FOR PUBLIC PROTECTION, AREA MUST BE ROPED OFF..'tun I SEE SECTION 4409 U.B.C. _(Applicant's or Agent's Signature) ASBESTOS WARNING Breathing asbestos is hazardous to your health. Before starting a renovation or demolition project, survey for friable asbestos materials. Notify Northwest Air Pollution Authority prior to asbestos removal or containment. 201 Pioneer Bldg., Mt. Vernon,WA 98273. (360)428-1617 Fire Department Approval: Date: (Fire Chief or Fire Marshal) Police Dept. Notification: Date: Public Works Dept: Date: (Speed Garrett) Comments: _. - . . 1F©R.INSPECTI©NS CALL: CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT 293.1901 BUILDING PERMIT 24-Hrs. Notice Requested Site Add es 2007 10th Street NAME(OR NAME.OF BUSINESS) PI t7AIBIN, '' Richard Peterson - MAILING ADDRESS No. TYPE OF FDCTURE OR ITEM FEE 4 2007 F9th Street CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Water Closet $ Anacartes. WA 9822' Bathtub NAME Lavatory Shower ' ADDRESS Kitchen Sink • Dishwasher . • CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tray Clothes Washer • NAME 1 Water Heater 2.00 Barron Heating Urinal IADDRESS Drinking Fountain , P. 0. Box 1 1 1 fi Floor Sink or Drain CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Slop Sink ' v Bellingham, WA 98227 678-1131 Water Piping STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER BARROHA17907 4124 D)Residenllal 0 Non-Residential PERMIT $ 3.00 ❑New ❑ Add ❑ Alter, 6ffiepair TOTAL FEE $ 5.00 ` 0 Building numbing C*Mechanical MECHANICAL 0 Sign 0 Demolition [FOther OCAS 0 OIL 0 ELECT. 0 OTHER Legal Description of Property or'lha Account Nujuber Lot Block of No. TYPE OF EQUIPMENT FEE Air Cond. Unit $ • Refrigeration Unit— HP Boiler— HP ' 1 Forced Air Sysxm— BTUIKW 9 .00 Describe Vlbrk Floor Furnace Install furnace and hot water tank Wall Heater Unit Heater ` Clothes Dryer Occupancy U8C Ventilation Fan .E. ❑}gingle Family Residence ❑Multi-Family Residence Range Hood 0 Office 0 Retail ❑ Storage 0 Church Air Handling Unit— - CFM 0 Restaurant ❑Other Pre-manufacaired Stove or Fireplace NOTICE 1 Gas Piping 3.00 This permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not com- PERMIT $ 15.00 muted within 18Q days from the date of permit issuancem.or if the building TOTAU FEE $ 27 .00 or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time - r- after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days, TOTAL FEES VALUATION FEE By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that I am She owner of the ' property for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- Building $ tative of the owner. Plan Check C .00 All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this,type of work will Plumbing 5 .00.., be complied with whether specified herein or not,including routine calls echanical 27.00 for inspections. Sign Demolition .Energy Surcharge Sigewm of Owner or Authorized Agent (Date) State Surcharge Sant Setback Sole Mud Setback Rev ltientbai:k Other T'OTAI,: t: 32 .00 II Use Zone Occupancy Group Type of Coast. Conditions: t Lot Area tan She Dwelling Units ❑Yes O No Fire Spiokien Required No.of Stories Bedrooms Occupuit road '' O Yes ❑No { Sire of Bklg. Plans Checked By: went' " to a maw Paemieiw?y',,,' - .. ., - work, hydra conditions Mn teed t* ' Unto,subject t0 t. carat=wBliabe '" ,eft , 'tilt Or 7WAc oxtss. . i1/08/91 Permf Issued By i n/1 Q. / O '" f i. ( 2 - �y inn Building Official (Date) .Nip i / Edwin Frank s PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO. : BLD92-0142 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 08/17/92 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 08/17/92 (206) 293-1901 EXPIRES: 08/17/93 SITE ADDRESS: 2007 10TH ST ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NO. : 3772-177-004-0002 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tear off existing roofing, apply base, insulation, 3 ply built-up roofing. — OWNER — CONTRACTOR — LENDER R. PETERSON SAVAGE ROOFING, INC P. 0. BOX 419 911 31ST STREET ISSAQUAH WA 98027 P. 0. BOX 336 ANACORTES WA 98221 206-392-3238 293-2021 SAVAGRI114P0 TYPE OF WORK •REP AREA (sf) VALU. . . $: 6000 TYPE OF USE •SF LOT • 6000 REQUIRED SETBACKS---- CENSUS CATEGORY •999 1ST FLR 0 FRONT 20 ft ZONING 2ND FLR • 0 SIDE • 10 ft :RES MED BASEMENT • 0 REAR • 20 ft OCCUPANCY GROUP GAR/CARPORT. . . : 0 REQUIRED PARKING-- :R3 OTHER 0 TOTAL • 2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION HANDICAPPED: 0 :5N NUMBER OF UNITS • 0 COMPACT • 0 OCCUPANT LOAD STORIES • 0 IMPRV SURF. : 0 sf . 0: 0: 0: 0: BUILDING HEIGHT. : 0 ft — FEES — NOTES Code Amount---- By- Date---- Receipt PRMT $ 56.50 EF 08/17/92 44053 STBC $ 4.50 EF 08/17/92 44053 TOTAL $ 61. 00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and agree to comply with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit. 7 / Issue y App e= ro , .wner s Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections bld_prmt, Rev: 06/11/92