HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1815 10th Street G1� Y O� ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f.O. BOX 547, ANRCORTES,WA 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 Az FRED BUCHENMEVER,P.I.S.,DIRECTOR FAX (360) 293-1938 E-MAIL: fredb@citpofonocortes.org February 5, 2008 Mike Pizzuto 903 E. Division Street Mount Vernon, WA 98274 SUBJECT: Required Frontage Improvements at 1815 10th Street - Final Dear Mike, Thank you for meeting with me on February 4, 2008 to discuss your frontage improvements for your project at 1815 10th Street. As we discussed: 1. You are not required to pave the alley across the frontage of your property. 2. You are not required to pave the parking area along the frontage of your property along 10th Street. 3. Provide a grass lined water quality swale, per the original requirements, across the frontage of your property and the property to the east. The swale will transition back to the existing alignment beyond the most easterly property line of the adjacent property. 4. The parking area will transition at the same slope as the existing street to the edge of the water quality swale. 5. The parking area can finished with crushed rock surfacing top course on top of an approved WSDOT structural fill material. If you have any additional questions or would like to meet and discuss, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES Steven R. Lange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Eric Shjarback, Jim Baldwin, Don Measamer • Water • Wastewater • Streets•Storm Drainage • Engineering • Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment • Capitol Projects • Development Services tRY O Job 1�J \a'ttcz.l CITY OF ANACORTES Title }�-R.eN'T)>J$C, IMF 'a IEtmet,IrS Engineering Department Calculated by J 4 1_,P4,-N-€ DATE OZ,tL,,c 3 't'S ' 360.293.1920 `9001LZk Checked by DATE Sheet 1 of \ SCALE 1-1.17 5, t -----Dpi---i - - - - -- \--- - -- - L_ r� r N. - - 4II 1 yen I c 9 gI - - - -- _ K , (j LH S �Z r --;� _- - - r__ N. r[ ` 0 eolllf i , X g 1 I 1 0 , , , , ..„. 1,$ i„, pi . : ,, ,,, , , 1 \ :\ .1/4,a : ...... , .. . ar • !! , . 9 VIA ; \ IL if"' \ \ .�.w. _..,..._.� - I \ / ` I 1l j 0;'1..604-2 0001 06/1 c 200 7 002 102 Permit Fees 005871 $50.00 ! . ;. Engineering and Development Services PO Box 547,Anacortes,WA 98221 Telephone 360.293.1920 ; 4:0 Fax 360.293.1938 E-mail enoineerinqacityofanacortes.orq 440*4 RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT APPLICATION Submit this application with payment at least five days before the work starts. Please complete both sides of this form. (City completes shaded sections.) SITE P E rt OTT t-� LOCATION: /SYS /�) 14 43E`R:: 142044. ""c 1- OWNER INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION --- l� - �, Name j�(,L�=- 4 t Z�� Name AfDiZ77-6LL C_"vii<s,—rz,.sr._rzvs�r- Address cio 3 Address ci+c,j �4 0< <,,°r3, City 1A-'t fir L.c= City State kL11- Zip ctf62_Z State G4�%/4 Zip ?r 27 Telephone s _3% -.-37 31 Telephone jam; - 3 j - li License Number , :i `0 c PROJECT INFORMATION Work Includes (check all that apply) ❑ Curb Cut ❑ Water NI Sewer ❑ Storm ❑ Gas ❑ Sidewalk ❑ Street Cut ❑ Phone ❑ Power ❑ Cable ❑ Culvert Describe Work: a_VC-4 �cc- _5 c-i.ct3L PIPc -7 L /4-Li s)-"-- /-4." )5 ,-=1 rD ,z�2-.1c_:).L rY . = C-c-c, y PERMIT TYPE , 0 Curb Gut$50 0°Streets Cut$50 Inside Traveled Way.$5o 0 Outside Traveled Way$20 Sr Et-,.. iL t E Q U I R E IVI E 1 T;$ Callt I.804 424 5555 twry business.da s before' 4ui di•.AMP,Rcit.:, uLt\- -4014A.43.s- 1 , . ' , „ , , Work within the City Right-of-Way is permitted by approval of the City Engineer. All work in the right-of- way must be bonded. The applicant and owner must use warning signs, traffic control, and barricades as necessary to ensure public safety in the work area. The applicant and owner must restore the right-of- way to previous condition. The applicant and owner are liable for damage to public and private property. 1t n� 1 vim: b . b' d ' 7 tyApplicati n:Approval Signature:` Date. Applican S' ure Date SITE DRAWING 1 . Show north arrow 2. Label streets 3. Draw plan r 1/1,/ n 'CONSTRUCTION MNS'PECT.EU iN.D 'APPP1ROVE'IWt City ©:f Ap s . tuber 0713604-2 0002 05/16/2007 002 8 Engineering Plan Review Fees t643.64 o'C-T_°� ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 9.44 `g ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES SITE INFORMATION AND PROJECT�V�ALUE OWNER: l k c P,22.-tl7p pp SITE ADDRESS: I O I s I O' SA; y toneS DESCRIPTION: 2..0'St©inac_4( PROJECT VALUE [PV]: $ 5 7(p , °' (Page 3 of 3 Total Cost) ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE (.005 of Project Value) $ 14r7 g2 D TOTAL ENGINEERING REVIEW FEE $ q t7,6Ud k DUE AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL OF PLANS FOR REVIEW CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE BASE FEE $ 500.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE ,, rr (.015 of Project Value) $ 1`�fJ.1O4.r CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE SUBTOTAL $ (0`i3.(° 'I REDUCTION * $ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE $ 1014-3' 104 DUE UPON CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL * SUBJECT TO THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES APPROVAL,A 50% REDUCTION TO THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE MAY BE ASSESSED IF THE DEVELOPER PROVIDES ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING THROUGH PRIVATE CONSULTANTS TO THE SAME STANDARD AS THAT OF THE CITY. / Page 1 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number GA -DI`j, D\I APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006 ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lalcipv47 gCtj,RT . ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEE WORKSHEET(DEVELOPER DEDICATED ASSETS) Engineering Project No. Project Location Project Name Project Engineer Developer The Developer shall enter the quantities shown on the construction drawings to be submitted to the City for review. This document is used to maintain the City's Inventory of Public Works infrastructure and determine the amount of Engineering&Inspection Fees due to the City. DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY Unit Cost Total Cost FEE AMOUNT 6" L.F. $25.00 8" L.F. $30.00 10" L.F. $37.00 12" L.F. $45.00 15" L.F. n: 18" L.F. 24" L.F. N Other Other cc Catch Basin,Type I EA $740.00 m Catch Basin,Type II EA $3500.00 Storm Manholes EA $5000.00 Ponds EA Bioswales EA Vaults or other water EA quality measures 6" L.F. $35.00 8" L.F. $45.00 10" L.F. cr 12" L.F. 15" L.F. 18" L.F. N 24" L.F. a Other F z Other a e+ Sanitary Manholes 48" EA $5000.00 Sanitary Manholes Other EA Lift Station EA Page 2 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006 • °s" p ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT fCqcp_ ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FEE AND CONSTRUCTION FEES DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY Unit Cost Total Cost FEE AMOUNT 4" L.F. $45/$55 6" L.F. $55/$75 8" L.F. $55/$75 12" L.F. $65/$80 16" L.F. $75/$90 Other L.F. Water Meter EA $200.00 Fire Hydrant EA $5000.00 0•N (len)gth Street Construction S.F. Li%Zp°.) ($3)length Length Width_ ($2.80)20'x length w Street Lights EA $3000.00 1- Street&Stop Signs EA $200.00 u Curb&Gutter L.F. (op $14.00 9(40 71 Overlay,Asphalt TON $100.00 Overlay,Concrete S.Y. Sidewalk S.Y. IOOXJj $28.80 3 (.,°D Wheelchair Ramps S.Y. $36.00 Landscaping S.Y. $27.00 Trails S.F. Stream Enhancement S.F. Other Other Temporary x Erosion/Sediment Lump $2000.00 = Control" Sum Earthwork C.Y. $15.00 Traffic Control LS $2000.00 Erosion Control LS $500.00 Utility EA $275.00 Relocation/Adjustment TOTAL COSTS $qj to Temporary Erosion/Sediment Control includes: Clear and Grade,Fill and Grade, ESC Supervisor, and Silt Fencing. Page 3 of 3 Engineering Plan Review Fee and Construction Inspection Fee Project Number O APPENDIX D: INSP-07 JANUARY 2006 G1'Y O•th ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPORTMENT P.O. BOX 547,RNRCORTES,WR 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 FRED BUCKENMEYER, P.I.S.,DIRECTOR FRX (360) 293-1938 E-MAIL: fredb@cityolonacortes.org CvOittt April 25, 2007 Ed Sprauer Anaco Drafting Services 3410 Oakes View Lane Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Required Frontage Improvements at 1815 10th Street Dear Ed, Thank you for your letter dated March 25, 2007 agreeing to the construction improvements as outlined in the March 20, 2007 letter from the City. Please provide a drawing that details the needed information to construct the improvements, as well as existing conditions in the area and all utilities at an appropriate engineered scale that is legible. This project will be required to grade the swale, in a manner to achieve positive drainage to the existing structure downstream, as well as redirecting and collecting the upstream drainage. If you have any additional questions or would like to meet and discuss, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES Steven R. Lange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Jeff Miller, Dave Walde, Don Measamer, Rick Harvey • in • Water • Wastewater •Streets•Storm Drainage •Engineering • Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capitol Projects • Development Services 0 ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • P.O. BOX 547,ANACORTES, WA 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 FRED BUCHENMEYER,P.L.S.,DIRECTOR FAX (360) 293-1938 E-MAIL: fredb@cityofonocortes.org �10ot " March 20, 2007 Bill Obrock Clayton Design 1015A 14th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Required Frontage Improvements at 1815 10th Street Dear Bill, Your request for information regarding the required frontage improvements at 1815 10th Street was reviewed at the March 13, 2007 Development Review Committee meeting. The required improvements are: - Replace the existing sidewalk along the frontage of the property and replace with a 5- foot wide sidewalk. - Excavate the swale and install grass for water quality. The swale will need to have a 1- foot wide bottom with 3:1 side slopes. The 3:1 side slopes are easy to maintain and are mowable. Provide a 2-foot flat area between the edge of sidewalk and the beginning of the slope. This is the safe zone for pedestrians. - Pave the existing gravel parking area from the edge of road to the edge of the grass lined swale. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF Steven R. Lange Y Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Jeff Miller, Don Measamer, Rick Harvey • Water • Wastewater •Streets• Storm Drainage •Engineering • Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capital Projects • Development Services ,Vt Y Ofi,, City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2006-0784 904 6th Street Issue date: 11/17/2006 Saltless" z x 547 Expire date: 01/16/2007 `'*^ Anacor 0 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 �' w (360)293-1901 Job Address: 1815 10TH ST Permit Type: Demolition Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1417 Project: APN: P56059 Remarks: Demolish single family residence and shed.Remove all debris from the site. Owner: MIKE PIZZUTO Contractor: Address: 903 E DIVSION Address: MOUNT VERNON WA 98273 Phone: (360)336-3784 Phone: License#: I General Information: Fees: Total Calculated: Adjustments: Deposits/Receipts: Total Due: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUE BY L 14if CITY OF ANACORTES DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION 1 Site Address: /�/S lO N S�Zc L-I A/vilc.v✓t rc-S h Assessors Account No.: 3772 /67 -Oo3-pp09 Date: 11-!9`06 i Lot(s): 7 1 E3 Block: /6-7 Addition: MAp or ctry of Ak4ca.zzL-S I Owners Name: Ni INC Pizz.sra Contractors Name: IVol21-H ice_ Conssntoc-To ✓ Address: 903 E. Ott/is/a'," vcre7Zer Address: 9'o3 E OR- sl.Y✓ /1WI VC2,r& State: tJ4 Zip: 95274 State: w✓a Zip: `1(aZ74 Phone: 36c,-3 36-- 3 78`F Contractors License: !`earn cr' S l g egill* Phone: 360 -336-339 C / 66(.-70/7 4S u.41 Have Utilities Been Notified? Description of proposed demolition. How will materials be , disposed? j Water Dept.: Yes No fZE?'tss.E ,Fo rS- 3 SN11 Electric: 41d, No Cable: C$ No 7791 TO 12oP 7 Gas: es o BARRICADES TO BE PROVIDED FOR PUBLIC PROTECTION,AREA MUST BE ROPED OFF! J‘224_/ , iJ o Applicant'scgent's Signature ASBESTOS WARNING Breathing asbestos is hazardous to your health. Before starting a renovation or demolition project, survey for friable asbestos materials. Notify Northwest Air Pollution Authority prior to asbestos removal or containment 1600 S.21''d Street,Mt.Vernon,WA 98273 (360) 428-1617. Fire Department Approval: O"�T(Ci ' Date: /1 /( 0 G= Police Dept.Approval: �� 1�co-,--------- Date: V�/&' i Public Works Department Approval: Date: )077/196 Comments: £ ACL V i J `J..,f- V L7 67 -GI FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: CITY OF(ANACORTES PERMIT .1.?,. 9893 293-1901 BUILDING PERMIT 24 Hrs. Notice Requested \ Site Addresel s;I 1 .Lit `,1 I tie.I NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS) i PLUMBING Ranch 4 1i,:1, MAILING ADDRESS , Na TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE , !I2 i-i r,tie:4nti, CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Water Closet S (tl ac.oe l.ta, Wti 'iEL;: I -'cr /r,-I 'Bathtub NAME Lavatory . Shower ADDRESS Kitchen Sink 1 Dishwasher CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Laundry Tray Clothes Washer NAME Water Heater Urinal ADDRESS Drinking Fountain Floor Sink or Drain CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Slop Sink 0, Water Piping STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER Residential ❑,Non-Residential PERMIT S i° few ❑Add °Alter ❑ Repair _ TOTAL FEE S :1, giffiuilding 0 Plumbing ❑ Mechanical MECHANICAL K, E $ign 0 Demolition ❑ Other 0 GAS ❑ OIL 0 ELECT. 0 OTHER ;i' t9al Description of Property or'fix Account Number Na .TYPE PE EQUIP NT FEE Lot % 'h Block ICA,"} of , Air Cond. Unit S Refrigeration Unit HP Boiler— HP Forced Air System r BTU/KW Deocribe 16brk Floor Furnace ' C,ctua-,..!.iti •ar, I't),rt I4 _„14i..it .. Wall Heater Unit Heater ' Clothes Dryer ---- 9 D'i cupanry Use _Ventilation Fan ' 0-Single Family Residence ❑ Multi-Family Residence Range Hood GI Office 0 Retail 0 Storage ❑ Church Air Handling Unit— CFM II d'-Restauiant 0 Other _Pre-manufactured Stove or Fireplace i NOTICE Gas Piping ?his permit is issued by the Building Official and,under the provisions - Uniform Building Code,shall expire by limitation and become null voile if ilia-bedding or work authorized by such permit is not corn- the PERMIT • withhi days from the date of permit issuance,or if the building TOTAL.FEE of authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time S 1 • atlbr';.,„ work is commenced for a period of 180 days. TOTAL FEES 1 VALUATION FEE i y;�,lxffizing my signature, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the Building ,:,.)1., . ,0 S I .: - , _ for which this permit is issued or am an authorized represen- - •ve' the owner. Plan Check 3 ?Altprovisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will Plumbing I bt'ccii4lied with whether specified herein or not,including routine calls Mechanical 1 for inspections.' C - Sign �/ / Demolition `/,fls/�t ( ' )G- 11 Energy Surcharge , . Sieumne d Owner or tellho„eed Ages (Dan) State Surcharge Safi[Selkieck Sae Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Other TOTAL $ 1e•, ''•(, Um Zone Oxaparay Group Type d Coon. Conditions: , Ls Area Vaal She Dwelling Unix OW. ❑No Foe Sprinkles Required Na of Series Bedrooms °eminent Load ❑Yee ❑No Sire et Bldg. Mans Checked By: W®V WNW AND DA'IT.D BELOW:TWDD wilt PSY[f Fn.it It to*Os$doer to the conditions e he 'ta d d amid' Snit apje8eed plan WA abject to caepW—with-the wanes al the CITR OFF AN Permit hatted By ii' / ).,%OT T', ".tifil, ' ''IC,rS ,,. Budding Official (Date) I ,Itai4t 1441,1 PERMIT Pi': 9693