HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit File 1419 10th Street Ferry t Fees 008176 $117.00 1210403-1 0001 04 F•13/2012 001 3 ' 0 : City of Anacortes Permit#: BLD-2012-0119 904 6th Street • f Issue date: 04/13/2012 # P.O.Box 547 Expire date: 10/10/2013 iV' Os Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Job Address: 1419 10TH ST Permit Type: Reroof Commercial Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1923 Project: i APN: P55732 Remarks: Reroof and replace plywood as needed Owner: HOOD CONNIE I Contractor: Address: 4609 CAMANO PL Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-1104 Phone: Phone: License#: General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 7000 Building Permit Fee 112.50 State Building Code Fee 4.50 Total Calculated: 117.00 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 117.00 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LA - • '• •-• •NCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, TH =' •NTI OF A PERMIT P•ES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STAT - LOCAL •W REGULATING •NST-.CTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 421) •IGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ISSUES BY °" as=o,, Re-Roof Building Permit Application y City of Anacortes Building Department �'ap84° P.O. Box 547 Anacortes,WA 98221 Phone No.: 360-293-1901 FAX: 360.293.1938 Type of Permit: (check one) ❑ Residential ,Commercial Project Address: \'' \ l ( O c_( Parcel ID# Owner: LfAS Phone Number: 2—c1( 7 ' 7 0 `�3 Address: 9 (,Cat CM.-1\K) PLCity: As..‘\_\ "State: CA.A.- Zip Code:rlTY`Z2 Contractor: OW JLJ.E 2\ Phone Number: 2-�a S 3 Address: City: State: Zip Code: Contractor's License Number: Expiration: Type of Roofing: et76U1 V' Number of Layers: "1 Number of Squares: Class of Roofing: ❑A ❑B(NC Installing or replacing sheeting: Work Scheduled to Begin: Work Scheduled to End: The following is required for NON-Residential Buildings: ❑ All Non-Residential projects will require a site visit prior to the issuance of the permit for obvious signs of fatigue, condition of existing roofing and number of existing layers. ❑ Two copies of the installation specifications and U.L. listed roof assembly. ❑ Building square footage: ❑ Occupancy Group Office Retail Church Restaurant School Project Valuation: $ I hereby certify the above information is correct and that the construction on, and the occupancy and the use of the above described property will be accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington. The applicant will be responsible for providing a method of safely accessing roof for inspection. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained when the re-roofing is complete. Applicants Signature Date Revised September 11,2008 hu= Cod 7)4' ANRCOATES PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (INCLUDING BUILDING AND PERSONNEL DEPARTMENTS) CZ t N P.O. BOX 547, ANACORTES, WA 98221 IAN MUNCE, DIRECTOR TENS December 3, 1990 Mr. Emery 0. Owens Zoe Life Christian Center P.O. Box 995 Anacortes, WA 98221 Dear Mr. Emery: On October 24, 1990, the Anacortes Planning Commission recommended approval of your Conditional Use extension request provided that no objections were made by the surrounding neighbors. The Planning Department notifi d the neighbors of your intent to continue the Zoe Life Christian Center at (j.419 10th Street) no objections were received. This letter, therefore, shall serve as your revised Conditional Use Permit which shall expire on October 3, 1992. Thank you for your cooperation during the permit process. Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES .� A• /v"' `� mil Ian S. Munce, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development ISM:kj cc: Ed Frank, Building Official August 9, 1988 1419-10th Street Conditional use application for A-3 occupancy Zoe Life Ministries Lot Area: 4500 Sq. Ft. Lot Coverage: 2214 Sq. Ft. Construction: Type V-N Parking in place: 2 spaces Use, current: B-2, R-3 Proposed: A-3, R-3 Fire Resistive walls required: Exterior: 1 hour less than 40 feet from a property line 2 hours less than 5 feet from a property line Openings : Protected less than 10 feet from a property line Not permitted less than 10 feet from a property line Interior: 1 hour between an A-3 and R-3 occupancy Parking required: 25 spaces. The existing building is type V non-rated construction with no fire rated seperation between the residential unit and the store area. The proposed assembly use of the building would require a one hour fire rated wall between the assembly area and the residential area. The proposed use also requires the east wall of the building to be at least of one hour fire resitve construction. It appears that that wall is non- rated at this time. At least 2 of the exit doors will be required to swing in the direction of egress from the building. The door to the east must be a fire rated door. The exit doors must be equiped with panic hardware or, if locked when the building is not occupied, be opened without the use of a kpv or special knowledge. A sign stating THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS is to be placed adjacent to the door. The stairs to the lower level do not meet code requirements for rise and run. They must be changed-to-not-more-than- a 7 inch rise and not less than an 11 inch run. If the door to the north from the side room is activated, a landing must be provided inside. Edwin Frank Building Official City of Anacortes CITY OF ANACORTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING October 24, 1990 MINUTES Members present: Goddard, Lewis, Pickett; Carlisle, Hasty Staff present: Secretary Munce The minutes of the October 10, 1990 meeting were approved on a motion by Carlisle seconded by Goddard. The Chair then stepped down and turned the meeting over to the Vice-Chair, Mr. Goddard. Correspondence: The Commission directed the Planning Director to inform Dr. Lowell, Anacortes School Superintendent, that the October 16 ratio data that he had submitted did not address the Planning Commission's concerns. The Commission wants to have building permit data for 1988, 1989, and 1990 shown along side enrollment increases for equivalent periods. The Commission then reviewed a request for Mr. Iry York for a variance from the City parking standards for his remodeling of the Philips's Building at 317 Commercial. If this was a new structure, it would require 64 parking spaces. Mr. York, by letter, informed the Commission that he had purchased additional property behind his building and would provide 18 parking spaces. Mr. Carlisle moved that the Planning Commission issue a parking variance, establishing 18 spaces as the parking requirement for full utilization of 317 Commercial Ave. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lewis and passed unanimously. The Planning Commission then turned to a parking variance request from Mr. Don Peterson. This request was to renovate 402 to 406i Commercial Ave. installing six apartments above the existing retail space. Mr. Peterson proposed developing six parking spaces at the rear of his building. Ms. Lewis moved that the Planning Com- mission approve the parking variance, establishing six spaces as the requirement for full utilization of 402-406i Commercial Ave. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hasty and passed unanimously. During discussion on each of these items, the Commission focused on the need for the City to move towards establishing a downtown parking lot, funded by mechanisms including perhaps a payment in lieu of providing parking for a particular project. The Planning Director was directed to further investigate this issue. Finally, under Correspondence, the Planning Commission reviewed a request from the Zoe Life Christian Center for a two-year extension on their conditional use to tem- porarily operate a church at 1419-10th St. The Planning Director pointed out that the original conditional use was about to expire and that the original Council action authorized the Planning Commission to extend it for only six months. He proposed that the Commission authorize the six-months extension with an additional eighteen months if the Planning Department informs the neighbors of the proposal to extend for this eighteen months and no objection is received. If an objection is received, the Zoe Life Christian Center will need to reapply for a conditional use and proceed through the public hearing process. Mr. Hasty moved that the Planning Commission follow the Planning Director's recommendation on this matter. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lewis and passed unanimously. • Planning Commission Minutes Page two October 24, 1990 Mrs. Pickett rejoined the Planning Commission and resumed her position as Chair. She then opened the continued public hearing on the proposed Summerwoods PUD. The Planning Director submitted a revised staff report that included additional written comments, referenced as Exhibits 15 through 20. Mr. Tom Preston presented two large maps to the Commission that showed the general vicinity of the proposed Summerwoods project. The large scale vicinity map was introduced as Exhibit 21 and the large scale aerial photograph was introduced as Exhibit 22. Mr. Preston reiterated his concern that more study needs to be done on the watershed prior to even preliminary approval being given to this proposal. He concurred with staff recommended condition no. 18. Finally, he recommended delay of approval on this project so that the storm sewer study proposed by the City for 1991 could be taken into account, again prior to any project approval. Mr. Ross Barnes stated that he had no objection to conditions nos. 2 and 9 as they had been reworked to incorporate his recommendations. He, too, emphasized that there was a need for additional wetlands work to be conducted on the site. Mr. Les Johnson, Attorney for Mrs. Ruth Sutton, submitted a two-page letter to the Commission detailing his concerns about the proposed PUD. He stated that the open space requirements of City ordinances had not been met. Additionally, he argued that there should be a uniform, 30' buffer around the site and not the 15' proposed adjacent to his clouds property. Mr. Backlund, 1423 Gibralter Lane, stated that an additional wetland should be done prior to any approval being given for this project. This same concern was expressed by Mr. Bill Rockwell, who highlighted the need for more information to be collected concerning the site. He also expressed a concern that the mapping that had been done to date was not accurate. Dr. Threet also argued that a final wetlands delineation should be conducted before any approval was given for this project. He pointed out that if this work was done now, it might eliminate the need for a revised design to be submitted later. Mrs. Preston emphasized the need for additional wetlands delineation work to be done. Mr. Myers, 4020 W 6th St., restated his interest in having Ohio considered as an alternative access from Oakes Ave., through the project site, to Anacopper Rd. and on south to the airport. Mr. Murphy Palmer, representative of the proponent, stated that the Corps of Engineers would be on the Summerwoods site on November 30 to com- plete their wetland delineation. Mr. Backlund stated his support for the use of native growth protection easements. The public hearing was closed. Mrs. Pickett pro- posed that the following two conditions be added: Condition #19: "The final de- velopment plan shall include a habitat management plan"; and Condition #10: "The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council only approve this project if the City formally commits the Anacopper Rd. will have a standard 50' right-of-way with a 36' paved surface to City standards by the end of 1994." During the discussion the Commission members also wanted Condition #12 changed so the fencing would be for the construction and the native growth protection easement adjacent to Mrs. Sutton's property would be 30' . With these changes and the addition of Conditions #19 and #20, Mr. Goddard moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of this project to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lewis and passed unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes Page three October 24, 1990 The Chair then opened a public hearing on a proposed planned unit development named Westwood. The approximate location of this PUD would be at 44th and A Ave. The ap- plication was for 18 lots of single family residential housing on a 7.4 acre site. The Planning Director submitted the following information to the Commission: 1) a 5-page application summary together with a site plan layout (Attachment B) ; 2) a Declaration of Nonsignificance on this project together with a SEPA Checklist that includes a traffic study, a wetlands assessment, and a preliminary drainage calculation (Attachment A) ; 3) a June 25th letter from Mr. Les Johnson and July 19th letter from the State Department of Transportation responding to the Planning Department's Determi- nation of Nonsignificance (Attachments C & D respectively); 4) the Planning Director's proposed Findings and detailed recommendation. Mr. Jim Egge, representing the proponent, pointed out that since this project was last before the Planning Commission the lots have been reduced from 19 to 18 and the 6800 sq. ft. active play area had been added. Mr. Ted Parrish, 2215 41st St. , questioned _ as to whether it was necessary to have such a high density in the undeveloped portion of the City's Rural zone. He added that he objected to the vague language of the PUD ordinance. Mr. Les Johnson, representing his mother (a property owner just across the street from the proposed site), first raised some procedural irregularities. These alledged procedural irregularities together with Mr. Johnson's detailed comments are set-out in Attachment I. Mr. Johnson stated that by his calculations a standard sub- division would allow for 15 lots with 12' buffer zone. He added that by his calculations the PUD Ordinance would allow a maximum of 16 lots through the use of density bonuses in the PUD section. Mr. Johnson also pointed out that the issue of impacts to adjacent property owners who utilized wells as a source of their domestic water supply had not been addressed. He further stated that he was not convinced that there were no traffic problems associated with this project. Finally, he stated that no response had been made to his request to further investigate 45th St. as a logical way of providing access in and through the neighborhood. Mr. Boyd Veer, 4306 A Ave. , stated that the high density proposed was not harmonious with the surrounding area where many people live on 5-acre parcels. At the absolute minimum he stated the proposal should be dropped from 18 lots to 15 lots. Mr. Ted Parrish, 2215 41st St. restated his question directly to the applicant as to whether or not this much density was really necessary. Mr. Ron Metcalf, 4209 A Ave. concurred with the statements made by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Veer, and Mr. Parrish. He stated that he wanted to see larger lots, at least 15,000 square ft. in size. Mr. Richard Threet, 2801 17th St. , asked if the developer had considered other street configurations. Mr. Jim Egge, for the developer, stated that they had looked at other street configuration As to the number of lots proposed, he related this to the need to cover the costs of meeting City urban standards. Finally, he stated that by his calculations, 17.6 units were allowed under the PUD bonus considerations. Mr. Les Johnson restated his opinion that 16 lots was the maximum that could be provided under the Zoning Ordinance. The public hearing was closed. During the discussion, the Commission agreed that Condition #10 should be changed by deleting the following words: "with fire lane access control by a mechanism acceptable to the City Fire Chief." Additionally, Condition #7 is to be Planning Commission Minutes Page four October 24, 1990 expanded by adding the following sentence: "Further, the buffer and common areas will be held by the homeowners association and be fenced or otherwise clearly delineated during construction." With these two changes, Mr. Hasty moved that the Planning Com- mission recommend approval of this project to the City Council subject to the stipulation that no more than 17 lots be permitted. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lewis. Under discussion, Mr. Hasty pointed out that his intent was to compromise between the positions presented by Mr. Johnson and by the proponent. Vote: Ayes - Goddard, Lewis, Pickett, Hasty. No - Carlisle. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11 p.m. APP. ATION TO PLANNING OMISSION ! ` COUNCIL 1Z FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Li 0 3 q (c APPLICANT: Emery 0 . Owens DATE: 8-1-88 MAILING ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: F . O . Box 995 , Anacortes , Wash. 98221 OWNER OF PROPERTY Geri Edson Ncrartney (IF NOT APPLICANT): Zoe Life i:/inistries /contingent this permit ADDRESS OF PROPERTY INVOLVED: 1419- 10th st. , Anacortes , .,,n. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED: di West ; of lot 9 & all of lot 10, block 11L , nap of Anacortes ,/o 1. Conditional Use being applied for: Ministry and church 2. Zone designation of property: Antique store 3. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) Checklist required? If so - attach. 4. Is the use applied for listed under the "Conditional Use" section of the Zone? yes x no If the use is not listed, the Administrator shall make a determination on similarity of the use with listed uses and forward his recommendation to the Planning Camnission. S. Reasons for applying for Conditional Use Permit: To Chance the use from Antique store to ministry and church. 6. Attach list of property owners within 300 feet of property involved. 7. Attach any maps, diagrams, or other material which supports Conditional Use application. 8. Attach application fee receipt or Clerk's Receipt No. Gam. (4)- il ------- (1) Signat of Applicant - conditional use permits shall expire 24 months after issuance of the permit unless construction has commenced. - a conditional use application which has been denied shall not be resubmitted for a period of six months. it the fo0vway described real estate,sheeted in tie Casty at Skagit ,Sure at Wuhmtts: - The West it of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10, Block 114, "MAP OF THE CITY OF • - ANACORTES•, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 4, records of Skagit County. t• Situate in the County of Skagit, State of Washington. 1 ,,o It -s, a . - _ - r e rate rasa I. ' - PAID • , _ I _ OM S 1g7T • • Ct*2CS1 Dated di 3rd day d 9?- • October ab 77 1• ' s • �� / �sa / • '- 1 /.elf/ .I1.11/, ..� 1. . , 5rA r{ASHDdOTON, I P ; )} i1 i .1kpgit Iilittgen,_1 ;1 $/ayp&•,anaDy*peeredhdareet John Delaporte, Jr. and Anna Mae Delaporte, - y t. p r husband and wife I- • .- ild hitrwa•to je the individual a d seabed is and who sewed the within ad head, {Isms, and t7'• •••; ,•. `y��� they signed the atone s their fine and vaiastary act sed dal, h the 1i •'rpe had p. ata thereat mentioned. •- - - 77 October . , i •• •• 4 . .'.4 NI , = O N I It a 1 m my � 1n I m • .1 \ 1 • 1 ' Oy • + o• o c B IN•V • AVENUE " �•-,r eb eb CO sN• ,•' �'• EitEr M /Y � U A-- It . Pll�.7 � • IS, o v to Fi J.�.iA. / ,a A �'. re m M. T� ar 1 jVpls _ ►eta srt r•.< voi ioy i - ye it. { its fi, 1 rig= " e::: a yyN•t:g 4. a •0.•,i • II s - y ' , a t.(•rLvlrr epeC lFo.O : (,A ECII� kve .7L 74C!' . i � naP!! J • ' • 7ryP�Y / dr finial 4h l+gnetf• .. .carvefi i.l•' El�lp ' LJ •w4+vy h. It° Ftr e � ••.ones) til�rFiC. •t • •.�.[Nt[dPFIJCs % 7.P-ss• 0... 'WOO `y7� �_5 l'•• owl. •ore•�PvK/". l • �,aSs�q. � _ •' 'Plr els •••• i 0� 7♦ • 7TaaI . ..� •. •IN• \ \ DIE ( M t IN 1 AVENUE• a. . , • t • — � , • 1 rt 1 •_ j, . T} • tom. : i ,...1 CSerir ANACORTES PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (INCLUDING BUILDING AND PERSONNEL DEPARTMENTS) P.O. BO% 547, ANACORTES, WA 98221 IAN MUNCE, DIRECTOR COS October 5, 1988 Mr. Emery Owens Zoe Life Ministries P.O. Box 995 Anacortes, WA 98221 Dear Mr. Emery: This letter is to confirm that on October 3, 1988, the Anacortes City Council granted your request for a Conditional Use Permit to use 1419 10th Street as a Ministry and Church. The Conditional Use was granted with the following conditions: (1) the conditional use permit expire two years from the date of issuance unless extended for up to six months by Planning Commission motion, and (2) that you are to submit a status report no more than one year from the issuance of the permit as to the progress you are making in securing a new facility. Additionally, Mayor James Rice requested that your parishioners be asked not to park east of the facility. Thank you for your cooperation in the application and hearing process. Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES Ian S. Munce, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development ISM:kj cc: Ed Frank, Building Official *0.: ° OTY OF ANACORTES BLDG. 0 PLUMBING,F MECHANICAL 0 PERMIT 65 '35 Anacortea,WA Date PERMISSI IS I$$tY GRANTED TO: OWNER Jrt.i./� 04 4 STREET , ADDRESS / /J7 — /G+ — //l'c:a i Location where work is to be done CONTRACTOR S/it .... f j. TO ERECT ❑ INSTALL LW OR REPAIR ❑ F IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: !kJ;tea ; (.-4ir.x= t" .ti`,: .. ••/S;/. 't I f j i PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE ISSUED WERE NOT{4 PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION WERE ❑ SUBMITTED WORK TO BE DONE BY OWNER 0 CONTRACTORS" RECEIPT OF FEES IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: TYPE APPROXIMATE VALUE PERMIT FEES OF WORK State Building Code Surcharge State Energy Study Surcharge Building Plumbing and W.S. r) Akio Cc) , _ 7 v,1 Mechanical Plan Check Fee TOTAL /� 100 0 L ?Uc' LE A,LDESCRIPTION 40 (.!, v t r Jo % 7 4 cr-C.f' s/j0 7 /6 /OO'. /Ftj/ ,>tit, oF' ete.accer ZEE I • CITY INSPECTOR r�C OmA CITY OF ANACORTES BLDG. PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL ❑ PERMIT ?? 6534 Telephone 293-1901 _ jJr , Anal:mes,WA Date t c 19 C" PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: OWNERS. .. . .� • %..v#�°,'j .. --flt �iK''$.} STREET ADDRESS % l _ Location where work is to be done CONTRACTOR %•••/-'-'--° TO ERECT ❑ INSTALL ❑ OR REPAIF IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: ' ' �l ^+ ® ��' •-' 'd,� PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE ISSUED PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION WERE NOT le SUBMITTED WERE ❑ WORK TO BE DONE BY OWNER, CONTRACTOR ❑ RECEIPT OF FEES'IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS FOLLOWS: APPROXIMATE VALUE TYPE PERMIT FEES OF WORK State Building Code Surcharge 3 r>'U3 1, State Energy Study Surcharge ` Building :711 ,AGO GC7 /0 Co Plumbing and W.S. - I Mechanical • Plan Check Fee -%TOTAL gc 7 00 IJ` Su LEGAL DESCRIPTION I �� 7L%% -t <{..6J / / , I.L.kffV f CITY INSPECTOR 2) c` f,7- '7 7776 l'*,/ BOARD OF ZONING ' rLL T i -JCJ1�'_' 1'.. VXRIANC . .-j,ST 4 Da to !p C710 NA/Pe44?oA76 Y,Z _-_are., 9 8? .5/9G/rl0�'3 9c/94 So'?Tcs Owe o//rtt W//✓Ec _ ire_:/1 re' .� Ba X 71??o ✓/ /7//99:0✓t'r s Pi,"; Location of property /// /9 /O N Srr &fr /&,7coR, Ta-ic Yl',J35F Screet II / ����//�� and number/� I3toc c //y' LOTS /Q /9NQ W V O� ;;�� AA gT %Sr`. s=�OTS ,C'/6./"G.9To/t,7/AcErr,reS Subdivision and Lot Number VARIANCE REQUEST: 8-7.46 Section 7.2,3 /a G n"e3 M/Y eownA'P1//✓e- the (/= G.eocF/P Y Srd's'c /' i/ /7 j/J rr i+/iJ=� ✓-ii'9rii�i'yl'i.9i�c'v'.Sv L1st 7ir'J iQ11a--✓rt3.C' %f% /4cl y %c NYii isWA5 /aR/Varez.yiY/N4.Cf.s eEery, 5 3j -7.05. ,zgale C O 1. Facts supporting owner' s contention that land and/or structure 's in question cannot yield a reasonable return if used only for a purpose pexnitted, and in accordance with other requirements of the (district) zone in which the land and/or structures are Located. /po Co.'74 y `/o l�E37,S'a >' aX/5 i/n/C- //3U/GP/./i/o. "7 2. Facts supporting owner' s contention that his plight is due to unique circumstances -which are not the general condition of the neighborhood, and are not the result of the owner' s own action: 3v/ hA5 9U:47 &Eraer Zo4✓4/V6- i�9NG� 11/4 /� 5 PaPte4 .� /l/1>/N - /SMr/?pgy7__0z -- /a A/y 3. Facts supporting appellant' s and owner's contention that the use requested, if established, will not be of a general classifi- cation, differing with the essential use provision of the (district) zone in which the land and/or structures are located: /3L//4 P/„i )L 3E CaAiPLer4-z-Y /�ENo/f iEl� GL 3EA:PA/ 855 /oL'r'9/174/1 /Tj/,AN /7/9Vg/'///Grf/ESs /.C'/9•C, /C //n/ 6-dS7o.GE/CY S "A'&i Re4, Can v/ ✓ Submit drawing or nap as required. ' Signature T,FG\L NOTICE - - - CITY OF Ai-TACOc.TES a' NOTICE IS t! :'EBY >TVE E that on orthE 7 , 19 75 , at 7;50 P,M, - within the City Council Chambers of the City Hall, of the City of Anacortes, Washington, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Adjustment to hear the requests of John Delaporte Jr. , - 1419 10th Street for: A variance request to change non-conforming use of grocery-store to non-conforming use of antique score at 1419 tenth street This. was fromerly Wing' s Grocery. See Section S-^7.V 2 �.� Par C. Anyone to speak for or against this will be heard at that tine. City Clerk DAM i7 THIS ,-, D9 t OF • • Address / /D . Legal Description 4P '/ c ei du_ or VZ(c //y b,e/G, Assessors Account No. 3-7-17_ /fy - 0/6 on67 Permit No. Date Description Date Finaled 2_334 cep. i,e nee D4_irtie 3Oct° ID 2cor fLA oz&; //OS 'Mg? 3=/6-€i( &Otb S;ZdC 5cA3 gfbu,dOAu-7o,J ` 3 Pziten731/;i6- y-3o - 77 621eUM s/-teD 5-2D1 Z27� Ztrxzo G egc,e 45-3 lb -6 —kc(sr A,o,ve2 31titt`4 -? fPt teen73%n0G