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Permit File 1220 10th Street
l \1)....C'S\2) l\ PC\In C ' 1,\ F `t J (�) ' COMBINATION PERMIT . CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO: COM2001-00012 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 1/30/01 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 7/18/01 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 7/18/02 SITE ADDRESS: 919 M AVENUE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-077-018-0000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a new Public Library. OWNER CONTRACTOR LENDER CITY OF ANACORTES P.O. BOX 547 ANACORTES,WA 98221 1 TYPE OF WORK: NEW AREA(SF) VALU: 4,392,000 FEES TYPE OF USE: PUB LOT: REQUIRED SETBACKS CENSUS CATEGORY: 1ST FLR: FRONT: Type By Date Receipt Amount ZONING' 2ND FLR. SIDE(1): PLCK MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $8,396.38 BASEMENT: SIDE(2): INSP MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $50.00 OCCUPANCY GROUP. GAR/CARPORT: REAR: PRMT MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $12,917.50 7 OTHER: REQUIRED PARKING PMEC MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $168.20 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TOTAL: PPLM MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $335 00 5N NUMBER OF UNITS: ACCESSIBLE: STBC MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $4.50 OCCUPANT LOAD: STORIES: COMPACT: STRM MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $11,281.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: IMPRV SURF: IMPT MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $55,904.63 SEWR MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $3,857.00 MechanicalEquipment Plumbing Fixtures ' Total $92,914.21 Equipment Type Quantit Fixture Type Quanti Air Handling Units 2 Backflow Devices 1 Boiler/Compressor 1 Dishwashers 1 CITY OF ANACORIES Ventilation Fans . 3 MUNICIPAL BUILDING Drinking Fountains 2 Exhaust Hoods 2 Floor Drains 10 904 6TH STREET Fireplace 1 Hose Bibs . 8 (360) 293-1908 Gas Outlets 1 Lavatories 8 Other Units 1 Showers. . . . 1 FINANCE 6756 DEPARTMENT Kitchen Sinks,w/Disposal. .. " ' 3 REG RECEIPT:03 0106756 C:Jui i8 2001 Urinals.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CASHIER ID:M 8:31 as, A:Ju1 18 2001 Water Closets(Toilets) . 9 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $8,396.38 1334 SEWER INSPECTION F $50.00 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $12 917.50 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE 1,168.20 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $335.00 3042 DTOGU STATE BUILDI $4.50 1340 STORM DRAIN-GEN FA $11,281.00 1383 DEV IMPACT FEES-ST $55,904.63 2022 SEWER-GENERAL FACI $3,857.00 TOTAL DUE $92,914.21 'RECEIVED FROM: CITY OF ANACORTES OHECK: $92,914.21 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above infom TOTAL TENDERED $92,914.21 with all ordinances and laws regulating activities covered by this permit CHANGE DUE $0.00 Issued by Applicant or Owner's Signature 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections % ( I Building Department Memo To: Bob Hyde From: Michelle Deaton mli Date: 2/1/01 Re: Sewer Hook-up Fee for 919 M Avenue—New Library The following shows the new plumbing fixtures being installed in the new library and the fixtures that will be credited from the existing building. New Fixtures Existing Plumbing Fixtures Water Closet 9x4=36 4x4=16 Shower 1x2= 2 Dishwasher 1x2= 2 Lavatory 8x2= 16 4x2= 8 Kitchen Sink 3x2= 6 3x2= 8 Urinal 2x5= 10 Drinking Fountain 2x.5= 1 1x.5=.5 Total Fixtures New 75 Credit 32.5 New fixture units installed calculate to be 75 and a credit of 32.5 fixture units, which equals one ERU and would require a sewer hook up fee of $3,857.00 for the new library. Please let me know if you concur.Thank You. irpoi- Feb l/ ZOO / Lob Hy.$ublic Works Director Date • Page 1 rm r � � i BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF ANACORTES PERMIT NO.: BLD2001-00347 P.O. BOX 547 APPLIED: 9/28/01 ANACORTES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 12/31/01 (360)293-1901 EXPIRES: 12/31/02 SITE ADDRESS: 919 M AVENUE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-077-018-0000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install sprinkler system in new Library. OWNER CONTRACTOR CITY OF ANACORTES AMERICAN SPRINKLER CORP P.O. BOX 547 ANACORTES,WA 98221 2311153RD AVENUE SE SNOHOMISH,WA 98290 Primary Phone: Primary Phone: Phone 1: Phone 1: 425-335-4645 License#: TYPE OF WORK: NEW AREA VALUE: $ 35,516.00 TYPE OF USE: PUB LOT: sf REQUIRED SETBACKS: CENSUS CATEGORY: 1ST FLR: sf ZONING: 2ND FLR: sf FRONT: ft Occupancy Groups BASEMENT: sf SIDE 1: ft GAR/CARPORT: sf SIDE 2: ft 1: 2: OTHER: sf REAR: ft 3: 4: REQUIRED PARKING Construction Types NUMBER OF UNITS: TOTAL: 1: 5N 2: STORIES: HANDICAPPED: 3: 4: BUILDING HEIGHT: ft COMPACT: IMPRV SURF: sf FEES NOTES: Type By Date Receipt Amount PLCK MRD 12/31/01 0107383 $263.38 PRMT MRD 12/31/01 0107383 $405.20 STBC MRD 12/31/01 0107383 $4.50 Total: $673.08 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above informjtion is correct,a agree to.comp?y with all ordinjj s and state and federal laws regulating activities covered by this penny'i Issued by icant or Owners Signatuke ' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections C CITY OF ANACORTES MUNICIPAL BUILDING 904 6TH STREET (360) 293-1908 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REG-RECEIPT:03-0107383 C:Dec 31 2001 CASHIER ID:C 10:33 a® A:Dec 31 2001 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $263.38 1120 BUILDING PERMIT FE $405.20 3042 DTOGU STATE BUILDI $4.50 TOTAL DUE $673.08 RECEIVED FROM: AMERICAN SPRINKLER CORP. OHECK: $673.08 TOTAL TENDERED $673.08 CHANGE DUE $0.00 JOB //h dry/ _ 0alle CITY OF ANACORTES TITLE . h7�m lVY�l i/� �f� j Engineering Dept. CALCULATED BY 6Z-r, DATE 7/4, 1891 (360)293-1920 CHECKED BY DATE 4h1'1C:R/ SHEET OF SCALE 7atife-"C" a 29,r) Proo"-e-ei ym�erli Oti ✓✓ ?rya5e1 /'/ GIMPv S✓� el11 /7 ram . ?r f of F of fi & A 15.- pen( ae! Z12/2 5 f 7fC /; O 9. i/1 , 4 O r✓i'aus is-An g 01S-;-/e I m per() v 4 , 3 3 pp,!-✓iat/S O/I Si le 3 i m . Z-36 Fer'4ozi5 04// 640-0e, a-c-Ideci ni perY;0 a 5 O72 7/e 0r9 - ry Ufr-n #122 a4 a in r /; o 9 - 5 = , 41(a ace'e - 3X6,O 20) a37 1-71 z - I =--�i # /1 2e/ 5 orr-, -)ray n Fec flifk! GC- --Don �1 gmeV' ���07 .t/eyhar Building Department Memo To: Ian Munce From: Don MeasamC ._ Date: 1/16/01 Re: Library Traffic Impact Fee The new City of Anacortes Library is proposed to be 28,550 square feet and the existing library is j 11,375 square feet. Total increase of square footage is 17,175 square feet. Please verify the following traffic impact fee per city ordinances No. 2277 using No., 590 Library, from the institute of transportation engineer's trip generation handbook. #590=6.20x 17.175= 106.485x$525.00=$55,904.63 Based on the increased square footage of the library the traffic impact fee total would be$55,904.63. Please let me know if you concur. 5. ,41 7/61p/ c... 001 Ian Munce, Planning Director Date •Page 1 -- - Library (590) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 5 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 30 Directional Distribution: 53% entering, 47% exiting it Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area, Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 6.20 4.00 - 11 .60 3.71 { Data Plot and Equation Caution - Use Carefully- Small Sample Size 400 300 1 '. 'D X a F N 200 N 0) ct 4) X II F- 100 . x O I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points - Fitted Curve Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.688 Ln(X) + 2.878 R2 = 0.67 Trip Generation, January 1991 877 Institute of Transportation Engineers `C' 77 8git C y Vc-u ; C,'Y1 CSe * x a , Cr0/L/Brt Cvmpari 51on �r e.t/Q /k a,1; Thi (�/l !fit/ 7 raJ 71i G�e,S epro p ,s,,-I eD; rent,- t -3 75 +Z Z 8l c 50 l 7i 175 f+Zr 150. 17 V 7oU gooks IZ, / z3 ( Yo) % '1/ oic6oaks - l0 3 , r?' o)) b yZooz� coo 6004 - . 4 7 Palr bri rect se- �Si!rvlateci 2- o % /_ 0 -ninn i v) -002 lag Q r.P itg 13 v I a r'at %ec�( '1 n o G7 5 T d a XncAtratie no r- F�� ch.., _ 0 %P7 eta �. 55 /z 9g /9v, 57 = f17 (aooi) A 0 Porn: C 02/ - 003 11:06 4099 ' .002 CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE FOR ABOVEGROUND PIPING Lgstem• Additional copies of this form are Publications-Order Processing, Training Resource Center. available only to Insureds Irons Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, 1161 Boston-Providence Turnpike, P.O, Box 9102, Norwood 'MA 02062 PROCEDURE Upon Completion of work, Inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. Alldefects shall be corrected and system left In service before contractor's personnel finally leave the Job. A certificate shall be tilted out and signed by both representatives. copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners and contractor. ItIs understood the owner's representative's signature In no way prejudloes any claim against contractor for!faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. . , DATE PROPERTY NAME liA\ -�ere CA (3 t ." q—�l0� PROPERTY ADDRESS e?a'l R -* $rto ; Afit 4eza) ACCEPTED EY APPROVING AUTHORITYCSI NAMES ANacekl-f6S eC. 1>e,-1r ADDRESS I�inamsee -�!" t ? .1 -- -i__ji,="r..aiw „-„, PLANS INSTALLATION CONE--MS TO ACCEPTED PLANE 'EQUIPMENT.USED IS APPROVED liyES ONO Y.F_S_ IP NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS ill NO • • HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OP FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION _ YES ❑NO of CONTROL VALVEAND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO,EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OP APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCC CHARTS feZ.YES 0 NO AND NFPA ISA BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES/ IF NO, EXPLAIN • 'LOCATION SUPPLIES ELMS, q OF SYSTEM rHL7"1t, YEAR OF ORIFICE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE MAKE MODEL MANUFACTURE SIZE RATING SPRINKLERS PIPE CONFORMS TO AtFP 0 , STANDARD TCXYES ❑NO PIPE AND FITTINGS CONFORM TO idPOO -lb ' STANDARD 6/i-41�YES ❑NO FITTINGS IF MO, EXPLAIN ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST PIPE A TYPE MAKE MODEL MIN. SEC. TOR f'�io b kiln PoitetL VSki- F f3 DRY VALVE Q,O.D, MAXI MODEL SERIAL NO, MAKE , MOD BEALAL NO, A IR OPERATED II TIME TO TRIP WATER AIR THAU TEST PIPE PRESSURE 8U PROPERLY DRY PIPE MIN. SEC. PSI I PSI MIN- SEC. YES NO OPERATING WITHOUT TEST O,o.o, WIT O. it No,EXPLAIN I • ee.,r.Ameunw2vown n inure A, r' From: (1 02/0003 11:07 #099 P.003 c ) OPERATION' ' ❑PNEUMATIC ❑ELECTRIC ❑HYDRAULIC• .. -• PIPING BuPERV16ED ❑YES '. ' ❑NO IDEYEOTING MEDIA SUPERVISED OYES ONO DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TRIP AND/OR REMOTE GONTROL 11ONS1 YES ONO DELUGE & Ia THERE AN ACDES31B FACILITY IN EACH CIRCUIT FOR TESTING7\L0 FACI IE_NO,E7Sp1F4 PREACTION \ VALVES YES ❑NO DOES EA ROV RATE DOM EACH CIRCUIT MAFIMUM TINE TO ' CE MODEL ' - SUPER Si LO S ALARM OPERATE VALVE FlaLEASE OPERATE RELEASE YES NO' ' YES NO' YES ' NO 1 ' ' BYDROSTATIQ: Hydrostat); tests shall be made al not lees than 200 pal (13.8 Sars) for two hours or'60 pal (3,4 bars) above Static pressure In excess of 15p PSI (10,2,bars) for two hours. DifferehtIal dry-pipe belve'clappera'shall be left open during test to prevent damage. ',All''L "-'" aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. , ' ' ' ' - • - -..,,. - TEST FLUSHWjf3: Flow the required rate until water Is clear as Indicated by no collection of foreign materiel In burlap bags al outlets such As ... DESCRIPTION hydrants and blow-;Re. Flush at flows not less then 400 GPM (1514 Wein) for 4-Inch pipe, 600 GPM (2271 Umin) for 5-Inch pipe, 750 GPM (2839 Umin) for &Inch pipe, 1000 OPM (9786 Umin) for 8-inch pipe, 1500 GPM (5878 Umin) for 10-Inch pipe and 2000 GPM (7570 Umin) for 12.Inch pipe, When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rates, obtain maximum available. • - FNEUMATIC: Establish 40 pal (2.7 bars) air pressure and measure drop which shall not exceed 1.112 pal (0.1 bare) In 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure� and measure air pressure drop which shall not exceed 1.112 psi (0.1 bare) In 24 hours. / ALL PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT fr10 PSIFOR � FIRS, IF NO, STATE REASON DRY PIPIt(T.PNEUMATICALLY TE, k_ ❑Y N EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPE YES NO 'READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR,.J4A SUPPLY TEST PIPE: RESIDUA ?ASSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST PIPE OPEN WIDE T T STATIC PRESSURE 11 pal psi Underground mains and lead-In oonnecdonq�ttoo'system risers shall be fluahed before connection made to sprinkler piping, VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE FORM NO. 853 EYES ONO OTHER EXPLAIN r FLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND ��rt SPRINKLER PIPING 'ES ❑1NO•' BLANK TESTING NUMBER USE LOCATIONS NVMBER REMOVED GASKETS a Ip�� WELDED PIPING LOna ©NO IP YES - . . ' • DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY .$YES ❑NO WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR47 WELDING DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED EY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN BYES -ENO „- • COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10,9, LEVEL AR3? „ , DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH A DOCUMENTED DUALITY faXES ❑NO CONTROL PROCEDURE TO INSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED, THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH, THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? •_ HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE PROVIDED IF NO. EXPLAIN ✓✓' -'"-' DATA ❑YES ❑NO • i ♦"• NAMEPLATE DATE LEFT IN SERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN: 11" • 9—W - 02 .... . „Cob .at 'l, ` 5It?‘-612--7787 NAME OF SPRINKLER CONT TOA • ? l TESTS WITNESSED BY -- SIGNATURES "ROE-RTY OW R(SIGNED) TITLE DATE ' "P- • LER t -.ti •- SIGNED)- TITLE • DATE ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION ' Co y 03 . . ,... SEA SACK From: 02I05f�Q03 11:07 #099 P.004 WASHINGTON STATE FIRE MARSHAL OFF^'" FIRE$PRlNKLEikADVISORY BOARD • CONTRACTORS MATERIAL&TEST REPORT FOR AUOVEGROUND PIPING PROCEDURE Upon completion of work,Inspection and tests than bs made by The contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. NI defects shall be corrected and system left In seMoe before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies sham be prepared tar apposing authorities,owners,and convector. It Is under. stood tne owner's repres.ntatve's signature In no way prejudices any dalrn against contractor for faulty material,poor workmanship,or failure to comply with approving authority'.requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE f Aar Dr}C}•• Pv21:[, / i hey' , 7-�3-ca PROPERTY ADDRESS hey', 1�04 9 ST Ancaac+^acs l.s. 823-) H IE'Ir(NAt� ADDRESS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS LAVES L I NO PLANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED . , - BYES ❑NO -' ` 'IF'No;Omit-QM DEVIATONS' HAS PERSON IN CHAR?OF FIRE EQUIPMENT SEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION LIVES U NO OF CONTROL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO,EXPLAIN HAVE COPIES OF THE FNSLLOWING BEEN LEFT-ON THE PREMISES: UYES U NO INSTRUCTIONS 1, SYSTEM COMPONENTS INSTRUCTIONS BYES ONO 2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS. ❑YES ONO 3. NEPA13A OYES ONO LOCATION OF SYSTEM SUPPLIES BUILDINGS Inalr hki�. - YEAR OF ORIFICE I TEMPERATURE MAKE MODEL MANUFACTURE ' SIZE OUANTTTY RATING 5+at aisASdant 5Lo C'coi•t -20o2 `Pr / ;Cr SPRINKLERS S' ? naaA.di4' SA at "" •2aoo IIy ) /Sr sFut. ,ro/r• hr SFAiL O& . I/'L... 4T7 lS'S 0A..r c:d.S�.n K,R. oaz v31. ` 'I2 3 JCt PIPE AND TYPE OF PIPE sc.kd /0/ /j a.Ffc.v,1 C.A, go' FITTINGS TYPE OF FITTINGS e.,c•✓ - ALARM ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE VALVE - THROUGH TEST CONNECTION I OR FLOW TYPE MAKE _ MODEL MIN SEC. INDICATOR 4/ow s...--rc l.. ,Mti+tfrl DRY VALVE Q.OD. MANE MODEL r SERIAL NO. MAKE MODEL r SERIAL NO. 7* TIMER(RIP • TIME WATER ALARM I DRY PIPE THRU TEST WATER AIR TRIP POINT REACHED OPERATED OPERATING CONNECTION LPRESSURE , PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE TEST OUTLET PROPERLY_ TENT MIN. _ SEC. PSI PST PSI •MIN. - SEC. YES I NO /'/r 0.0.0. WITH ..`` --/''., •,;tea 'r O.O.D. `. ' IF NO,EXPI)JN . .,__3,-ti-'•.-; •MEASURED FROM TIME INIPECTORS TEST CONNECTION IS OPENED SSA (OVER) li From: 02/05/2 03 11:08 #099 P.005 OPERATION OPNEUMATIC ❑ELECTRIC ❑HYDRAULIC DELUGE& PIPING SUPERVISED LIVES UNO I DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED LJYES UNO ' DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TRIP AND OR REMOTE CONTROL STATIONS UYES U NO PREACITON VALVES IS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY IN EACH CIRCUIT FOR TESTING IC NO,EXPLAIN j ❑YES ONO 1; DOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE DOES EACH CIREUR MAXIMUM TIME TO MAKE MODEL SUPERVISION LOSS ALARM _ OPERATE VALVE RELEASE OPERATE RELEASE `� YES ND YES NO MIN SlL: T L4)i�1G itCmin In nil b m�d�a reinI nam p+hfss bars)brt+e earner m d�A eN.l�Mk Pisuf*Ili P mo a im M(102 DISC N /v be In adannW Pryelp.Sip/pins an an a M1own Rama to le pwI d^Wa.An anaragrawa pine inn aha m•bn d. P•m�.mnnppar�'p. E�ona&bW RI sn oh onaeaa Ertl ne n tap p'Wthh�.1-SI ml ar�a,01.V2 ml Ran In WSW,. TS per,'la a rent.dq n. man nal AA.PIPINGNG HYDROS TITICICA YE�TQYES a LOR 'or o f . NO,STATE REASON DRY EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLY BYES ONO DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM b6NTRACTOR THAT ADDITIVES AND CORROSIVE CHEMICALS,SODIUM SILICATE OR DERIVATIVES OF SODIUM SILICATE,BRINE,OR OTHER CORROSIVE CHEMICALS WERE NOT USED FOR TEST- ING SYSTEMS OR STOPPING LEAKS? glYES ONO TESTS, , DRAIN..... READING W.ILMEECCATED NEARWATER RESIDUAL PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST TEST SUPPLY TEST CONNECTION: PSI CONNECTION OPEN WIDE` PSI ' UNDERGROUND MAINS AND LEAD IN CONNECTIONS TO SYSTEM RISERS FLUSHED BEFORE CONNECTION MADE TO SPRINKLER PIPING. VERIFIED BY COW OF THE U FORM NO.SIB ®YES ❑NO OTHER EXPLAIN FLUSHED DY INSTALLER OF UNDER- GROUND SPRINKLER PIPING ,)STYES ONO SHANK TESTING NUMBER USED L OATIONS I NUMBER REMOVED GASKETS y beh:o41 /lv I -a— WELDED PIPING 13.YES LINO IF YES. . DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER-CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9,LEVEL MS EYES ❑NO DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED BY WELDERS OUAUFIED IN WELDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWE D10.9,LEVEL AR3 EYES ONO III ' DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE TO INSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED,THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ME SMOOTH,THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ME REMOVED,AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED Cares ONO CUTOUTS DO YOU CERTIFY THAT YOU HAVEA CONTROL FEATURE TO ENSURE TFRAt ALL (DISCS) CUTOUTS(DISCS)ME RETRIEVED? FilYES ONO FUNCTIONAL DOES AHJ REQUIRE A FUNCTIONAL FLOW TEST OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS? U YES U NO FLOWTEST WERE FUNCTIONAL.FLOW TEST RESULTS'SATISFACTORY? ❑YES ONO HYDRAULIC NAME PLATE PROVIDED IF NO,EXPWN DATA NAMEPLATE • OYES ONO DATE LEFT IN SERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN; REMARKS NAME OP SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR [CONTRACTOR UCENSE /$rerpc:cr-n S/X:n fC lei Ca'Pnr«t^: TESTS WITNESSED BY FOR PROPERTY OWNER(SIGNED) I TITLE I DATE SIGNATURES F R, RINKLER CO (SIGNED) TITLE DATE I FvT ,an '7-23 02 FOR P NG UTHORRY �(TR - DATE I IFY THAT THEM RMATION HEREIN IS TRUE AND THAT THIS SPRINKLER .TEM WAS I$ D I -A ORD ANCE WITH ROW 16.1 AND THE RULES •? • =Y THE WASHINGTON ADM/ RATNE AS AD ISTERED EY THE STATE FIRE MAR '� 9.y �. CERTIFICATION "<„ ' _ -. p '( ItJy TECFCON � r' Oer ppY DIDNA GERnFlG y�F COMPETE ., CERTIFICATE REGISTRAT10N< 1�(lji I�t3'y :ab ry .B 7! TE '- o"�_ ADDITIONAL EINUWATION AND NOTED , �>., ,A' MA BMX S s" f, .r, .,.+c ;w ) CITY OF ANACORTES fl z Y 0 WATER DEPARTMENT RETURN TO: c T City of Anacortes BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY Water Department r m 2201 "A"37th Street yC O R.��' TEST REPORT Olt _ ' Anacortes, WA 98221 2/10 RETURN NO LATE THAN AME OF PREMISES �`` n..cnrbz-c 1�u4;<<� I ;hdo✓ FIL % 'f.',4_. `' SERVICE ADDRESS t`In 4 `7 l" VT 4,1a c or 4-ec / e ye._ 9 a-'?a 1 I is U, LOCATION OF ASSEMBLY k)of-Lk c_imi- r',- hljc , ,, <,,;,,;Ai, Irr t-Ser foe,:-, r% iY ;Cr ANACCIIITCIS ASSEMBLY: (\ YYlP5 2C.. o( l5 3 /r/ t✓INN`,jfgwicc MANUFACTURER MODEL SIZE SERIAL NO. LINE PRESSURE AT TIME OF TEST ' t__ LBS. TYPE OF ASSEMBLY /.Ar Ti M - 34 Reduced Pressure Assemblies Pressure Vacuum Breaker • Double Check Assemblies Relief Air Inlet Check Valve 1st Check 2nd Check Valve Opened at 7 / psid psid Initial DC-closed tight .......® Closed tight ® Opened at Did not Test RP- r- 'ram psid Leaked ❑ psid open ❑ Leaked ❑ Leaked ❑ ,;, ,o - • Repairs :--;:: ':, r. s _. - and Materials - Used Test After DC-closed tight ❑ Closed tight.......❑ Opened at Opened at psid Repair RP- psid psid psid AIR GAP INSPECTION: Required minimum air gap separation provided . . , . Yes No ❑ REMARKS: THE ABOVE REPORT IS CERTIFIED TO BE TRUE INITIAL TEST PERFORMED BY C A r,r !f: .`<', =� CERT. NO. l 7 c 7 DATE - i 1 -= REPAIRED BY DATE FINAL TEST PERFORMED BY CERT. NO. DATE in (Th CITY OF ANACORTES S r o WATER DEPARTMENT RETURN TO: City Water rof Department Anacortes BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY 2201 "A"37th Street -1cl.,(... O P.��' TEST REPORT n ik v Anacortes, WA 98221 VC)) 1,(11 RETURN NO LATER T : -"`� :' "'.T'; NAME OF PREMISES Air:, c(;l S `, Pc)\-X G L ‘brr,r 5.- FILE NO. • C7 i SERVICE ADDRESS / d0 9 7-I-h S+ /I.ng r� b c S (.1 e. G �5 D'21 J L�. ' i,j'.. E ('.14.Acc).AYES. . LOCATION OF ASSEMBLY pot- D ni' blr.5. ,ri, S7)r'.c L...r riSrr gyp, )o,i ; r.1ni\V.:, ASSEMBLY: C.L.rh e 5 30 on .`> S !/ I[ 6 7,3'a0?i O G , MANUFACTURER MODEL - SIZE SERIAL NO - LINE PRESSURE AT TIME OF TEST S LBS. TYPE OF ASSEMBLY 7C l io, 'Reduced Pressure Assemblies - Pressure Vacuum Breaker ' Double Check Assemblies. Relief Air Inlet ' Check Valve 1st Check 2nd Check . Valve Opened it psid psid ' ' Initial DC-closed tight N Closed tight......® Opened at Did not Test • RP—psid Leaked..:...._. .... ❑ psid open ❑ Leaked ❑ Leaked ❑ "Hp Repairs ' , and Materials - , Used ' Test After DC-closed tight ❑ Closed tight ❑ Opened at Opened at psid . Repair . 'RP- psid psid psid AIR GAP INSPECTION: Required minimum air gap separation provided .'. . .Yes JJ- No ❑ 'REMARKS: THE ABOVE REPORT IS CERTIFIED TO BE TRUE: / INITIAL TEST PERFORMED BY C :kw r r,..< J r,c,it—. , CERT. NO. /3 !1 Co`t DATE -f -I t-(1- ,REPAIRED BY DATE FINAL TEST PERFORMED BY CERT. NO.- DATE L 0%T 7O$ {91ep 't„ FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION THEREON ON THE CITY OF ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY EXPANSION PROJECT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Final FINDINGS OF FACT 1.0 General Background 1.1 The City of Anacortes Zoning Ordinance specifies that Libraries are a conditional use in the Public. Anacortes Zoning Ordinance Section 17.26.040 (A). 1.2 On January 18,-2001 the City of Anacortes applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion o£iibr'ary services to 28,5000 square feet on two stories with on-site parking for 41 cars. The facility is located at 1209 9th Street, Anacortes, Washington, Skagit County. The application is Exhibit 1. 1.3 The project site is in an area designated in the City of Anacortes Comprehensive Land Use Plan as Public Use. 1.4 The project site is in an area designated in the City of Anacortes Zoning Ordinance as Public. 2.0 Description of Facility 2.1 The site plan drawing and vicinity map is attached hereto in Attachment A to Exhibit 1. 2.2 The surrounding zoning is R 3 on all sides with R 4 to the south. 2.3 A neighborhood hospital existed at this location until the late 1960's; the building was remodeled into a library and has been used in that capacity to this date. 2.4 In considering the current library expansion project the Administrator determined that as the proposal increases the land area or land covered by buildings by more than 10%, a conditional use permit/public review is required. Anacortes Zoning Ordinance Section 17.10.100 F 3.0 Consideration of Alternatives 3.1 The applicant has considered and rejected alternative site layout configurations. 4.0 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) 4.1 A Declaration of Nonsignificance (hereinafter DNS") was issued for this project on January 19, 2001 by the City of Anacortes, the SEPA lead agency. (Exhibit 2) 4.2 This lead agency determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Accordingly, an environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. 4.3 The DNS was made available for public comment on January 19, 2001, and mailed to the following agency with a deadline for public comment of February 13, 2001: State Department of Ecology. 4.3.1 No letters of comment were received in response to this DNS. 4.4 The DNS was published in the Anacortes American on January 24, 2001, again with a deadline for public comment of February 13, 2001. 4.5 The DNS was posted on the project site. 5.0 Notice 5.1 The Anacortes City Zoning Ordinance, contains public notice requirements for Conditional Use Permit Applications. '--The Ordinance requires the Planning Commission to hold public hearings on Conditional Use Permit Applications, Section 17.10.090 B(1), with public notice being given as follows: ��tt • 7.• -a • •- n a�•• -i a a- a-e • - • m- .• a -¢ • - e ' .•.' Jr " $�� a — kirk!.-. e i$ Pr a EtI Yam• t t4 . _ _ • • • -,- - a Ka• S 9 0 f faqq44r34e- M1n+. .w X'R. -. a a{^ike -kA4nY 0f.,+2 AnT4 te~s D,` `=?2a?c e'ct an'7 2 O 5.2 On January 24, 2001, a Notice of Application, a Determination of Completeness and a Notice of Open Record Public Hearing before the Anacortes Planning Commission for a hearing on February 14, 2001 were posted at the Anacortes City Hall and the Anacortes Post Office. The property was posted with copies of all notices on January 24, 2001. All of the posting was done at least fifteen days in advance of the public hearing date. 5.3 On January 24, 2001, the Anacortes American published a copy of each of the notices. This publication took place more than fifteen days in advance of the hearing. 5.4 Because the public hearing involved a Conditional Use Permit, copies of both notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property on January 23, 2001. 5.4.1 No letters of comment were received in response to this notice. 2 5.4.2 Written staff comments were received and incorporated into these Findings as follows: The application was received on January 18, 2001 and distributed to City staff on January 24, 2001 requesting that the Planning Department be notified of any additional information needed to evaluate the application. No additional information was requested and the application was determined to be complete and the applicant notified. Proposed conditions 1-4 are standard conditions. It is noted that additional issues will be addressed in City staffs review of the Building Permit Application that will follow on from approval, if granted, of this application. 5.5 An Open Record Public Hearing was held before the Anacortes Planning Commission on February 14, 2001 and continued to February 28, 2001. At the February 28, 2001 meeting the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Request to the City Council based on the Findings and Conclusions as set-out in this Report and subject to the conditions set-out on pages 7 and 8. The Planning Commission minutes are Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4. 5.5.1 No new exhibits were submitted at the Planning Commission Public Hearing: 5.6 The City Council held a public meeting for the Conditional Use Permit Application on March 19, 2001. No appeals have been filed. 5.7 The-City Council held a public meeting for the Conditional Use Permit Application on March 19, 2001. The matter was heard pursuant to the notices. At the conclusion of the proceedings, the Anacortes City Council voted to approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditions set-out on pages 7 and 8. 6.0 Zoning Ordinance 6.1 The City of Anacortes Zoning Ordinance specifies that Libraries are a conditional use in the Public Use zone. Anacortes Zoning Ordinance Section 17.26.040 (A). 6.2 The Zoning Ordinance contains the following procedure for all Conditional Use Permit Applications: e; ' 1) • .8 4n0 fe.&:Y f ....f ��' i "f 6 for to . 4 " , , ope F eo eao 'l; a i :a as f fitr"ti f z5. e C f - f • ; .f a „ g o qB tl q t9 i . mmf ' f' , 0 Y a1 a a %. - !• � t . :c0rof r tie s< •tr. _-aG y 2) 4.1.1WitAtiS. 3) N ! lic i fi g shali) giri ia. 4) ) r,w Il 4 4R . ?,�� ;�: i� .�� '��tcie' et1����4 �dew'� ?+�. o€`p�s to tF:..e .c;.eaq. • 3 5) An=c penirecdrd iublic,hearing:shall be;fieid. 6) The ',1anr}ing CArilinisstdna%s iatl ecoidtheir re meridation,,_£heir ' r heir.�X asos�s� u.na a ; ca. ••n 3. e i s e z & x. 1 �ec-or rilagtiatio n.t 4,0nj!yccincli nsfthcomitm.b4 11493e, i PO'bltrM .�a . 7) aggrievedat al ave ; e worl£g a ifo!m a; 6 - mi t irtc er a ni omis 8 is . o ` n a - „„. 5 . shaf�g . n. 8 i r "'Wit ,1li : n4 cb. .RS.01. 9) a ,fir PIP). .t� a;nniri"..... S ct r. p ` o (i7 2 6.2.1 The first step, showing the use is allowed as a conditional use, is met as Zoning Ordinance Section 17.34.040 specifically allows Libraries as a Conditional Use in the Public Zone. 6.2.2 The second step, filing of a complete application, was satisfied by the applicant filing the required information (Exhibit 1). Pursuant to established procedure, fees were assessed and paid. 6.2.3 The third step, notice of a public hearing, was satisfied by the Planning Commission as shown in Section 5.0. 6.2.4 The fourth step, reports being forwarded to the Planning Commission, was satisfied in the form of the application and site plan and draft Findings (incorporating reports from City staff) which were forwarded to the Planning Commission on February 7, 2001 prior to the February 14, 2001 public hearing. The Planning Commission also forwarded reports to the City Council prior to the March 19, 2001 City Council public meeting. 6.2.5 The fifth step, the holding of a public hearing, occurred before the Anacortes Planning Commission on February 14, 2001 and February 28, 2001 pursuant to public notice. The City Council also held a public meeting on March 19, 2001. 6.2.6 The sixth step, the recommendations of the Planning Commission, was complied with when the Planning Commission made a recommendation on the application to the City Council. A record of this action was sent to the City Council in the form of Minutes of the Planning Commission Meetings of February 14, 2001 and February 28, 2001 together with a transcript of these meetings (Exhibits 5 and 6). Additionally, the reasons for this action were set-out in a report of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law forwarded by the Planning Commission to the City Council. 6.2.7 The last step, the City Council acting on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, was satisfied when the City Council approved the Conditional Use Permit after the public meeting on the Conditional Use Permit on March 19, 2001. 6.3 The specific requirements for Conditional Use Permits are as follows: B1. 'Y i e4 • Ada !}. •e e a.,trat.r4e, • _ro t • �'aa, • C "; . ` I d' K ii �. b �si 1 4 $�^ s., �. ,I `-`-.;._..i i? ..��i•. m,,.slo ..`.a.' ':' •�� a 'e rn. CO'I Sabit, .:=I 4 (fl hold. publicv,hearing, Priorto.approvalibylitie 0,46:PO.UpCi itauch'a;peCmiti t using shown that'ihe tisa to ill not i,Q.:a I;abOylo the neigilbonng;uses B2. A1cpnditional;use permit shall,-b'esgranted1:y the•GJ�tyu 11kAr:th0Aisiican'tkroi strates Mat: 1. Thel coiditional sets:desl iied, ' eYatanc fie. .; 6: ;41 tc 01 r; hl Solt. aid` P.G 0� �i?; �:�th t .�>::�.::zp,.:pP_..>_.a.i .,�:ppt!��. . ,. �!��i t �� b.u6 ct pr !; 5. Ttie` oitiiit19n8i e siiA ;il? ;wtths , _ A ! tJ'f;tfttt! t 6. T,4170�;,'itiot'i s` s 64 tat�e . C useeri a� #3 ,: 5,e4:a rlrci ntitet, x� ;; i .. .. :ti 4.7. t t o�ed`i ro—ei "t i1p. �n d ,- yo � ' "' p11 Le i ;e�" s ill ripc,; 3'irh t. • b t� ertr • • cfa � ".w! Q es£ablushedttom1i ,ig t' / s 8. :. t,}conditlonall!sq ?_ o pliance t the+ ' ,etiONSP an B3 • &• �$ • • • . . {o _4'`•' {• ,{ • ' o_. "•{",.;;.... fir+ h, • 4: • a ''f o i • { •t e • •o 'h" a : + E C • i • D C. AT o t o _ ' 1 : oW Wi . . " Itt"•� m� • o pwaysilpffiratixtanititifa .� • • • ° { Lo yn , r•br11 tots •� .,.le a, 6.3.1 Under Section 17.10.100 B1., a showing that the Conditional Use is not detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood is required. This has been shown. The proposed expanded library has existing in a residential setting for over 40 years and is an integral part of the predominantly residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 5 rl Access is available from 12'h Street and "0" Avenue. The renovation project plans for site parking 41 cars and provides angle parking on two sides of the block for a total of 107 cars. No modifications to standards have been requested. For the reasons detailed above in and the proposal is not in conflict with the health and safety of the community. Project traffic issues have been adequately addressed as detailed in and No particular impacts to public facilities and services have been identified. - The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the reasons detailed below. 6.3.3 In the last portion of these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Planning Director is authorized to issue a Conditional Use Permit for the Anacortes Public Library expansion project subject to the conditions set forth herein. The location, nature, and extent of the use, together with all conditions that are imposed are set forth on pages 7 and 8. Zoning Ordinance Section 17.10.100 C. is satisfied. 7.0 Anacortes Comprehensive Plan. 7.1 The City of Anacortes adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan (hereinafter"Comprehensive Plan") in 1982. The Comprehensive Plan contains general policies and goals which are to be followed for development in the City. Comprehensive Plan at 1. The Comprehensive Plan contains general overall goals and specific policies for certain types of land. The following portions of the Comprehensive Plan potentially apply to this project. 7.2 "General Goal #1. Create and maintain a healthy, aesthetically pleasing high quality environment that maximizes the opportunity for all citizens to share the social, psychological, physical and economic benefits of Anacortes/Fidalgo Island." Comprehensive Plan, p. 8. 7.2.1 The project will further this General Goal #1 of the City of Anacortes Comprehensive Plan by continuing to provide an expanded and improved public library that has existed in this neighborhood for over 40 years without substantially changing the outward appearance of the predominantly single family character of the surrounding area. • 7.3 "Conservation Goal # 8, Policy (a). All proposed development subject to City review through the conditional use or Planned Unit Development policies directly affecting existing residential neighborhoods should be compatible and shall seek to maintain the intrinsic value of life as presently experienced by those resident in said neighborhoods. 7.3.1 The project will further this Conservation Goal Policy (a) of the City of Anacortes Comprehensive Plan by providing a public library, a use that is compatible with the neighborhood. 6 ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1.1 The requirements of SEPA have been complied with. 1 2.1 The notice requirements of Zoning Ordinance Section 17.62.010 have been satisfied. 3.1 The conditions set forth in Zoning Ordinance Section 17.10.100 for issuance of a Conditional Use Permit have all been satisfied by this application. 4.1 The applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan have been met by this application. 5.1 RCW36.70C (Judicial Review of Land use Decisions) states that an appeal of the City Council decision to Superior Court "is timely if it is filed and served on all parties...within twenty-one days of the issuance of the land-use decision."' RCW36.70C.040. The City mails a written decision to the applicant, and appellant (if any), after the City Council has adopted its Findings of Fact; this typically occurs two weeks after the City Council's oral decision by motion. In this situation issuance is defined as three days after mailing the written decision. The date of mailing will be inserted by the City Planning Department on the final page of this document. Gl� O4 � - - DECISION TO ISSUE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Anacortes Planning Director is hereby authorized to issue a Conditional Use Permit to the Anacortes Public Library expansion project at 1209 9t Street subject to the following conditions: 1. The scale and scope of the project shall not exceed that set forth in these Findings, Attachment A, and conditions; this permit does not waive or alter any requirements of city code unless specifically addressed herein. 2. Construction or substantial progress toward construction of the project must be undertaken within two years after the approval of this permit. Substantial progress towards construction shall include, but not be limited to the letting of bids, making of contracts, purchase of materials involved in development, but shall not include development or uses which are inconsistent with these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law or the applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance. In determining the running of the two year period hereof, there shall not be included the time during which a development was not actually pursued by construction and the pendency of litigation reasonably related thereto make it reasonable not to so pursue: PROVIDED, that the Planning Commission may, at its discretion, extend the two-year time period for a reasonable time based on factors, including the inability to expeditiously obtain other governmental permits which are required prior to the commencement of construction. 3. If the project has not been completed within five years after the approval of this permit, the Planning Commission shall at the expiration of the five year period review the permit and, upon a showing of good cause, do either of the following: a) extend the permit for one year; or b) terminate the permit, PROVIDED, that the running of the five year period shall not include the time during which a development was not actually pursued by construction and the pendency of litigation reasonably related thereto make it reasonable not to so pursue. 4. This project is subject to applicable wastewater general facilities charges, water, sewer, and stormwater hookup fees and transportation, fire, school, and park impact fees. These fees are payable at levels in effect at the time of building permit issuance and may differ from those fee levels currently in effect. 5. Stormwater detention shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. These Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law were adopted by the Anacortes City Council on CITY OF ANACORTES, WASHINGTON By H. Dean Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: George Khtaian, City Clerk Steve Mansfield, City Attorney "This written decision was mailed to the applicant and appellants (if any) on . Kathy Janke • 8 200 1st Avenue t )tel 206 217.WSR8 n_ Sotto 500 tar 206,217.WFAX W.ASHINGTON SURVEYING At RATING BUREAV Seattle.WA 98119 web www.wsrb.com Underwriting Information, Filings. & property Less Costs December 30, 2002 IJAN 0 3 2003 Safcco Insurance Company Post Office Box 34756 R E C E 1 V E C P-QC,:- 13Let Pc.ech Seattle, Washington 98124-1756 Daz 312002 Mention: Bonnie Cunningham Apo) Att QOMM•tHS• • Reference: City of Anacortes-Library 1220 10tt Street Anacortes,Washington 98221 Policy No: 02CC609422 This will acknowledge your application of December 26,2002, for survey of the captioned building. We have listed it for assignment in the future. We wish to advise a search of our files indicates we have no information on the sprinkler system that may be installed at this location. If fire insurance rate credit is desired for the automatic sprinkler system,please submit the following to this office: I Copy of the"as built"sprinkler plans. " es Hydraulic calculations(if applicable). V- A copy of the complete Contractor's Material and Test Certificate. Care should be taken that I results of the main drain test and local sprinkler alarm test are included. t — r Dry pipe valve trip test(if applicable). Was Recent hydrant flow test. 1 �a Please call this office with any questions. �a Very truly yours, ° i ° /� l � Sherri L. Websterdc: - Sr.Department Assistant sheni.webster@wsrb.com (206)217-9772 ext. 149 RICHARDS MIKE KELLER Serving the Property end Casualty Io,oranee ll Agent/Broker 2517 Commercial Ave. BUS:360.293.5158 Anacortes,WA 98221 FAX:360.293.5150 EMAiI-:�kek@swttcichuds:wm RES:360.293.7670B;WWwscotttichazds.com Toll Free in WA:888.293.5158 City of Anacortes Building Department Memo To: Mike Keller/Bonnie Cunningham From: Don Measamer Date: 2/10/03 Re: Anacortes Library Please find enclosed the information requested by the WSRB for fire insurance rate credit at the Anacortes Library. If you require any further information please feel free to contact me at 360.293.1901 City of Anacortes, Don Measamer 1 Measamer, Don From: Jim Cary [JimC@CardwellArchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 11:00 AM To: Measamer, Don Cc: Everhart, Doug; Barnett, Gary Subject: APL- Library Shelving Spacing Don - This email is in response to your comments about the clear space between some of the library shelving units at the Anacortes Library. You have not questioned aisle widths surrounding shelving areas, as these areas should meet or exceed the required width. Your field observations identified locations where the space between library shelves was 43" . This occurs where two 25" wide units were spaced at the typical 68" c/c (based on column spacing) . UBC 1004 .3 .4 .4,2 requires a minimum aisle width of 44" . This section is typically interpreted to address restaurant and work areas where seating or equipment is moveable, and maintaining a consistent clear aisle is difficult. This section allows for a 1 1/2" encroachment on both sides for nonstructural projections. UBC 1004 .3 .3 .2 requires a minimum 44" hallway. If the occupant load is less than 50, then the hallway can be 36" in width. UBC 1106 .25.3 . 1 refers to 1106.20 for library aisle width for Barrier-Free Design. This section allows aisles between library shelving to be a minimum of 36" in width. The most recent library design that our office completed was a remodel in Missoula, Montana. The library shelving units were spaced at 66" c/c, which leaves a 42" aisle, plus or minus an inch depending on the specified shelving units. This dimension was confirmed with the Missoula Building Department. In the current library design that I am working on for the City of Seattle, which is also a remodel, the library shelving units are spaced at 66" c/c, which leaves approximately a 42" aisle, plus or minus an inch depending on the shelving units. I have confirmed this dimension with the Seattle Building Department. I work with the understanding that aisle widths between shelving units can be as small as 36" , based on UBC 1104.3 .3 .2 (less than 50 occupancy between shelves) and UBC 1106.20 (36" Barrier-Free Design minimum) . We design to achieve a minimum of around 42" +/-, because the extra 6" is a more comfortable dimension for access and lighting. On new construction where we can set the structural spacing, we typically set the spacing for 68" c/c, to make the aisle width a little more generous. Please call with any questions or comments. - Jim ♦ James Cary, Architect s Cardwell Architects 1221 Second Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle WA 98101-2925 206.622 .2311 T 206.44442 .91659165 F jimc@cardwellarchitects .com \ P3 J\ � I 1 1004.2.3.4 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1004. CM 0 1004.2.3.4 Additional access to exits. Access to not less than Section 1004. length of such corridor shall not be less ` three exits,exit-access doorways or combination thereof shall be than the amount of the increase taken,in feet(mm). provided when the individual or cumulative occupant load served 1004. Open parking garages. In a Group S, Division 4 by the exit access is 501 to 1,000. open parking garage as defined in Section 311.9, the travel dis- Access to not less than four exits,exit-access doorways or corn- tance shall not exceed 300 feet (91 440 mm) in a building not bination thereof shall be provided when the individual or cumula- equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout and 400 five occupant load served by the exit access exceeds 1,000. feet(121 920 mm)in a building equipped with an automatic sprin- 1004.2.4 Separation of exits or exit-access doorways. Where kler system throughout. The travel distance may be measured to open two or more exits or exit-access doorways are required from any ]005.3t3irways, which are permitted in accordance with Section _ level or portion of the building, at least two of the exits or exit- access doorways shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less 1004. Factory,hazardous and storage occupancies.In a than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal one-story building classified as a Group H,Division 5 aircraft re- dimension of the area served measured in a straight line between pair hangar,or as a Group For Group S Occupancy,the travel dis- the center of such exits or exit-access doorways.Additional exits tance shall not exceed 300 feet(91 440 mm)and may be increased or exit-access doorways shall be arranged a reasonable distance to 400 feet(121 920 mm)if the building is equipped with an auto- apart so that if one becomes blocked,the others will be available. matic sprinkler system throughout and is also provided with EXCEPTION:The separation distance determined in accordance smoke and heat ventilation as specified in Section 906. with this section may be measured along a direct path of exit travel 1004.2.6 Dead ends. Where more than one exit or exit-access I within a fire-resistive corridor complying with Section 1004. I serving exit enclosures.The walls of any such exit enclosure shall not doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged such that be less than 30 feet(9144 mm),measured in a straight line,from the there are no dead ends in hallways and corridors more than 20 feet I walls of another exit enclosure. (6096 mm)in length. 1004.2.5 Travel distance. 1004.3 Exit-access Components. 1004.2.5.1 General.Travel distance is that distance an occupant 1004.3.1 General.Exit-access components incorporated into the must travel from any point within occupied portions of the exit design of the exit-access portion of the means of egress system access to the door of the nearest exit.Travel distance shall be mea- shall comply with the requirements of Section 1004.3. sured in a straight line along the path of exit travel from the most 1004.3.2 Aisles. remote point through the center of exit-access doorways to the center of the exit door.Travel distance shall include that portion of 1004.3.2.1 General.Aisles serving as a portion of an exit access the path of exit travel through or around permanent construction in the means of egress system shall comply with the requirements features and building elements.Travel around tables,chairs,fur- of Section 1004.3.2. Aisles shall be provided from all occupied nishings, cabinets and similar temporary or movable fixtures or portions of the exit access that contain seats,tables,furnishings, equipment need not be considered as the normal presence of such displays,and similar fixtures or equipment. items is factored into the permitted travel distance. 1004.3.2.2 Width in occupancies without Fixed seats. The Unless prohibited elsewhere in this chapter, travel within the width of aisles in occupancies without fixed seats shall be deter- exit access may occur on multiple levels by way of unenclosed mined in accordance with the following: stairways or ramps. Where the path of exit travel includes unen- 1. In areas serving employees only, the minimum aisle width closed stairways or ramps within the exit access,the distance of shall be 24 inches (610 mm), but not less than the width deter- travel on such means of egress components shall also be included mined as specified in Section 1003.2.3. in the travel distance measurement.The measurement along stair- ways shall be made on a plane parallel and tangent to the stair tread 2. In public areas of Groups B and M Occupancies, and in assembly occupancies without fixed seats, the minimum clear nosings in the center of the stairway. aisle width shall be 36 inches(914 mm)where seats,tables,fur- 1004.2.5.2 Maximum travel distance.The travel distance to at nishings,displays and similar fixtures or equipment are placed on least one exit shall not exceed that specified in this section. only one side of the aisle and 44 inches(1118 mm)where such fix- Special travel distance requirements are contained in other sec- tures or equipment are placed on both sides of the aisle. tions of this code as follows: The required width of aisles shall be unobstructed. 1. For atria,see Section 402.5. EXCEPTION:Handrails and doors,when fully opened,shall not 2. For Group E Occupancies,see Section 1007.3. reduce the required width by more than 7 inches(178 mm).Doors in any position shall not reduce the required width by more than one half. 3. For Group H Occupancies, see Section 1007.4. Other nonstructural projections such as trim and similar decorative fea- tures may project into the required width 11/2 inches(38 mm)from 4. For malls, see Sections 404.4.3 and 404.4.5. each side. 1004. Nonsprinklered buildings. In buildings not 1004.3.2.3 Occupancies with fixed seats.Aisles in occupancies equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout, the with fixed seats shall comply with the requirements of this section. travel distance shall not exceed 200 feet(60 960 mm). 1004. Width.The clear width of aisles shall be based on 1004. Sprinklered buildings.In buildings equipped with the number of fixed seats served by such aisles. The required an automatic sprinkler system throughout,the travel distance shall width of aisles serving fixed seats shall not be used for any other not exceed 250 feet(76 200 mm). purpose. 1004. Corridor increases. The travel distances speci- The minimum clear width of aisles in buildings without smoke- fied in Sections 1004., 1004., 1004. and protected assembly seating shall be in accordance with Table 1004. may be increased up to an additional 100 feet 10-C. (30 480 mm)provided that the last portion of exit access leading to The minimum clear width of aisles in buildings where smoke- the exit occurs within a fire-resistive corridor complying with protected assembly seating has been provided, and for which an 1-112 Nov 26 02 08: 49a TFSI 360-862-0128 p- 1 �i .. TECHNICAL FURNITURE SYSTEMS, INC. 1305 BONNEVILLE AVENUE SUITE A SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON 98290 PHONE (425) 252-2969 FAX(425) 252- 2433 FAX Memo To: City of Anacortes Attention:Don Measamer,Building Inspector From: Rick Tinunerman FAX: 360-293-1938 No of Pages Faxed: 14 Copy: Date:November 26, 2002 Re: Anacortes Public Library-Seismic Cals on the new Estey Library Shelving Don: Let know if you would like to stop by during the installation to double check on the anchoring of the full height shelving. You can reach me on the job site next week.My cell number is 425-330-1149. Thanks c2C •Page 1 Technical FummrreSy tars Nov 26 02 08: 49a TFSI 360-862-0128 p. 2 Tiav 25 02 07: 41p NO( —':i9ne engineering 42S '3 7977 p. 1 .. I -�J NOVA dyne engineering pile 15500 ne 80th street sego 205 redmond Wa 98052 425883 8388 ESTEY LIBRARY BOOKSTACKS FOR ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY ANACORTES, WASHINGTON Prepared Exclusively for Anacortes Library by: i NOVAdyne engineering„PLLC 16600 NE 80Th ST. Suite 200 1I Redmond, WA 98052 (425)883 8388 November 25, 2002 202245 i ?T. 114 OF W 3y /P . U018Y1 st tQ A• , Sr ONAL gNr' EXPIRES MAY Zr, 2OO4. Nov 26 02 08: 49a TFSI 110v 25 02 07: 41 360-862-0128 P. 3 P NOCMisne engineering 423 /n3 7977 2 P. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF ESTEY BOOKSTACKS FOR TECHNICAL FURNITURE SYSTEMS Job Number: 98170 Calculations by: FaaL File name: 991706.CALsis , g94.91 1997 Uniform Building Cede Loading; Bookstack frame DL= 145 lbs. Books LL= 50 psf Seismic Zone; 3 Peskin Stymies' All boekshadt columns,base,channels,shelves are made of steel wilt a yield of 36 ksla (fry=361d). e = 6'BOOK LOAC Lst erat�lnalysls(Seismic]- A}')✓ ONLY 90'TallEsiey Bookst*ck t Bookshelf capaQQy= 50 psf ti,}_ f Shelf length= 36 in. 1--- Shofdeptlh= gin, ll N&Shelves= 7ste1v sfside o -.1 rn - If c Bookshelf Wetted=Pe112)(9h2)(50 cog= 113 �tishelf n ® - .__ -L° --- Shelf weigh= • T lbs./shelf -r u _ Bookslack frame DL(vhd.shelves)_ 145 lbs. o ; a Base width= 21 5/18 in. a Center of gravity(approx)= 43 in. 'o Check Overturning: L Laden on one side n e-r- N. Wp=0(113)a(145)e 936 lbs. 51/1 Weight of flame= , 145 lbs. Weight of books= 791 lbs. For nonbonding structures,using the following(amulets determine seismic forces: Per 1997 Uhnifomn Building Code,Section 1634.5 V=0.56CaJN= 109 lbs. Ca.=shall be based on Table 16-Q far Ufa soil profile type= 0.38 (Use Seismic zone 3,Sd soils) 1=importm%ee factor given in Table 16-K= 1 W=the total seismic dead load defined In Section 1630,1.1.- 936 errs. Page 1 Nov 26 02 08: 5Oa TFSI 360-862-0128 p. 4 Nov 25 02 07: 41p NOni) ne engineering 425 ( '')3 7977 p. 3 I' ti • Momerd overturning=(189Ibs.)(43 in,)(1_5)= 12171 in.-lbs. Moment resisting= =(791 Ibs.)(21.3125 roll-6 In.)+(25_125 inJ2)(145 lbs.)= 5228.3 in.-Ifs. No goods Anchors required) • Anchor tension=(12171-5228.3)/((21.31251 SX2#3))= 526 lbs. Check Overturning: Loaded on both sides Wp=(14)(113)+(145)= 1727 lbs. Fp= 348 lbs. Moment overturning=(348 Its)(43 in.x1.5)= 22456.5 in.-lbs. Moment resisting= 18403.3 in.-lbs. No good! (1727 Ibs))(21.3125 Ina)= Anchor tension=(22458.S18403.3)/((21.3125-1.5)12/3))= 307 lbs. • By insnaction.oveRWnlno caused by one wiles loading controls! Antdror Connection Assumed 2000 psi concrete Pont Use Rewfredt'Rawl Stud'(Wedge anchors)tf7400 3B'dra anchor sim Tension(Uye)= 3900 lbs. 2'minimum embedment Shear(Ultimata)= 4265 lbs..-^ Assumed 2000 psi conc. Tension(Allow_)=using safety factor of 4(per mfg)_(3900/4)= 975 lbs. Shear(Allow.)=using safety factor of 4(per ml9)_(426514)= 1066 lbs. v(adua N(alow)+t(actuapR'(allow)c 1.33(Seismic load duration) (348/1066)+(307/975)= 0.84 4 1.33 081 Use(213/r diameter anchor size`Raw$Stud"(Wedge anchor)#7400 with 2'_ minimum embedment at each end of base[Nate. Column-Properties (2)2112"x11/4'x16 Ga.Sections • 1" 1/4- A=2(o.0e5)((25+(875(2))+(,25)(4)+(-5)(2))= 0.81 in^2 bc_ 0.723 ino4 Sk=0_723/1,25= 0578 inn _ 1.34 in. Chad!Column-Loaded both sides X Upper 6 shelves each side considered Base shelf adds no load to cohunrt. Wp=(12)(113 lbslshelt)+1451bs.= 1501 lbs. V=(0.58)(.38)(1.0x1501 tbs.)= 303 lbs. height from tootle center of gravity= 50 in. Page 2 Nov 26 02 08: 50a TFSI 360-882-0128 p. 5 Nov 25 02 07: 42p NO/ engineering 425 n3 7977 p. 4 • At top of bracket _ • Moment=303165.(50 in-9 in.)= 12407 in.-Ito. p lb=Actual bantling=M#Sx= 21450 psi 1 fe=Actual axial=P/A= 1847 psi Maximum compressive stress axial+bending= 23297 psi it N Assume'ig Fy=36,000 psi '--' "'4 Fa=(1.33)(D.60X36.000 par)= 28728 psi Fb=(1.33)(0.80)(98,000 pal= 28728 psi ta/(1.33Fa)+11:41.33Fb)41.0 0.81 Old kl/r=2,1(90 fn.-9 in.y1.34 127 Fa= 9280 psi Fe=Fa=1.330)26 i®)= 12318 psi fa/Fa+((Crnxxlbx)y((1-fa/F`ex)Fbs)S 1.0 0.05 Oki fa/Fa= 0.20 (Cnox)(fbx)= 18232 (1 -fa/Fex)Fbx= 24418.77 j2) 2 1/2^x 1 114"x 164ta columns adequate for bookstack Base Bracket 2 Brackets at connections considered. Section modulus of 2 brackets= =((0.084(9)(9))/6)2= 1.73 ia"3 it=(12407/1.73)= 7180 psi Oki J2) 16 qa_ Base bracket adequate for bookstack r, Ile C2111 an Longitudinal Analysis: wy3 = ws3 Loaded both sides one frame only. .-mo �y/IN = q/1 NMN WO= 1727 lbs. M V= 348 Ito. VIM = 43 in. I' a Romeo overturning= - 14971,02 lbs.•in. Z es f a Overall stability okay by inspection_ e— V Seismic load V=348 lbs.is equivalent to a unicorn*distributed load of apprwdmately 1.93 lb�n.,� 30 applied to each column. Per beam tables with one end fixed and other end free to deflect but not rotate: Mmak at base=w(f)(0/3 5211 in.•lbs. Page 3 Nov 26 02 08: 50a TFSI 360-862-0128 p. 6 'Nov 25 02 07: 42p NOCyyne engineering 425 E'\3 7577 p.5 • Section Modulus of Bottom Channel Spreader: 1 "x 1 3/4"x 16 ga. Locate neutral axis- a x • y= ((0.114)(1.75/2)(2))/((0.114)(2)+(0.065)) = 0.68 in. n - — L 0_ 1 = (2"((.065'1.75^3)/12)+(.065`1.75"((.195^2)))+ (((.87`065^3)/12)+(.87*.065"(.6475"2)) = • --- I = 0.09 in^4 • Sx=0.09/(1.75-0.68) = 0.0846 in"3 Moment at base= 5211 in. -lbs. fb= 5211/0.0846= 61601 psi No good! Sway bracing required. • Sway Bracing Properties: 1"wide x 12 ga. thick A= area = 0.109 in^2, `n\ Ft = allowable tension= (1.33)(0.6)(36000)= 28728 psi �TmO) Tmax= max. tension = 3131.4 lbs. ‘\ Tmax Based on Anchorage of Frame rn w� n —n (2.29/2.06)(1727+2(975)) = 4088 lbs. ' ^' Strap controls! \ Vmax based on Tmax: Vmax=(3131/22 �_ 9)(82/43) = 2607 lbs. ANCHOR FORCE V per Frame= 348 lbs. No. of Frames per Sway Brace Pair= (2607/348)= 7.5 frames Be conservative and use 1 cross brace per 8 frames 6 Frames per Brace Summary: Use 3/8" diameter wedge type anchors at base bracket with one pair of sway braces for every 6 frames (maximum) in each range. (1 pair of minimum per range). For ranges of three frames or more, sway braces may not be installed in end frames. NOTE: CONNECTION OF BRACE TO FRAME SHALL EXCEED THE STRENGTH OF THE BRACE Page 4 • Nov 26 02 08: 50a TFSI 360-862-0128 p• 7 Nov 25 02 07: 42p NO, yne engineering 425 \3 7677 p. 6 ANCHORING FASTENERS FOR CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB Existing 4"concrete slab with reinforced 6"x 6",10 ga. Wire mesh. Assume concrete has minimum 2000 psi concrete strength. Contractor to verify prior to installation of bookstacks. Try Rawl Power-Stud fastener-3/8"dia. anchor size, 1 5/8'min.embedment Ultimate tension= 3565 lbs. Ultimate shear= 3840 lbs. Use safely factor of 4,far design. Tension (design) = 891 lbs. Tension (actual)= 307 lbs. Shear(design)= 960 lbs. Shear(actual)= 348 lbs. v(actuai)/1.33N(design)+t(actual)/1.33"T(deslgn)<1.00 for seismic loads (348)/(1.33`960)+(307)/(1,33*891)= 0.53 < 1.00 Oki For existing 4"concrete slab: Contractor to verify existing concrete slab strength and its thickness prior to installing bookstack. If concrete slab is less than 3 1/2"; or if slab concrete strength is less than 2000 psi, Contractor will notify Engineer immediately for resolution. Use (2) Rawl Power-Stud,3/8"dia. x anchor size at each end of 9"high rectangular base for bookstack. Provide 1 5/8"minimum embedment. Special inspections may be required by local agency. Page 5 ti Nov 26 02 08: 51a TFSI 360-862-0128 p. 8 Nov 25 02 07: 42p NDrTh ne engineering 425 (Th3 7977 p. 7 • ! MST Y COMPANY . ; Division of Tenneco Cott:. _ 1467 Snit°Road ' i Tinton F(Uts,N.J.07712 ' (2011542-6000 i 800-524-0907 1 co,.:,.w) • I STEEL IIOOILSTACIL CANTILEVER SIIELYIIVG j view FRAMEI SPECIFICATIONS j DESIGN:Welded Ftm.wa rdnad nisi.boat Litt tlJm�Icsbd(.ad base prig- i SCOPE OF WOIK:Mgt sped6colmar aunar s7 4 6 I....u..r..«library nod> &vingol unit b.iabliAim an + d a a gcnris shal a La(r dies:es dopiest O ar Sdadtia oft4dpmmt. - i AD shaving sba0 be olddOy sipped ea1114 LW zed leveed.Wellabd.inf shall be as.ebed la Nswtli a the mac letateriesseve lanrfeaa. stATERIAlsAbm WORC64ANSktt?. dtefin.sI4uwNerdgodbnof rabe.mspnbIc 56stmesaThw mun b.or . nel.mutmueq cc a'rs W dad tat;idled a miasmaGt.ta(d.e>as m WI.usadod rieb the W Wwiesmians-.ltguitmmts i 1_ Ugrickt Causes rt WdtFrim.-1 I6 puce ' i ' Z. c Ted Spreadllmdar&e1-e16.'ay I 3. Rouen Chanel Speeder.SO a. a. %ever bin dbdf-elf ea9fwfc I 1 S. Ssdf Pad Dada.s 16 bow 4 U .S air Wickes-4 to sw•p 7. Adjustable Lea See-elfea l a i CAPACITY REQ want ENTSt Evb hW i 6aa*t(mGi®es tlnp baaLev tweso end&netcm of15 3/T. I ' FIN F :Sit CD npoecaLpansst it bep cpu erpaiiisadla smaitiwnda droning al dboaWlsl)ii4 pis.Med061 is drum be feisbodvttb a pewee p.Lu bakki.--.•••-I of a Ides San,sap6rd by.4m.nadcaW9pd,opable of whhaandisf Sc,we bssmsr said wm¢o f+apa raho=L6adnt 'Dil-Cdae lobe alma Sias ssnnddp fakir'clan. i E OFBOOKSTAcie sin be a ata lauaacdby;MEaes Cmipsey.Tmleaf fls.Waw1en� ••I . :cam ernmwadmeticep)mbttaccompllibarMO6anpbtimofedditienolpan.,UpriliSeihnhadatnWadurd(trhtthies:•r-mcmbabai sw•kl•:4 Mamainw sack nnbt . (•) UPPJG KTCOWN 4$atthcn(drAGnwandfbibmcdhammtb4 thane 16 pup acel,elesd dhspedw26tlt12t90 depobemdsfarntNde US riLiSeY--Ides mmbNdlds.atfmae[t�.OicM Lit P5 air ..•.;. . . .. • prints zit tab!. .it40(1larilie 7+111'.211.1bewe.Me.rercical wean and bcarad.dtbio Sae DigPic man eart cr.The Aux enpauvatd n•s-Sedsa e766LaadLieshasaredpddManaiy oemtk.pn ioastsurteadeddamnedOaTbe bah end rfphaba llbepuededrvbc9e•ri raraatgo b win'iaasay sic intheLacfapadpbes.iam ortbnsr¢mhkshcvg.Tbe upright Stanars dmlrteayrstledia nfnsccosetesclipa lLsF Present su.asriy 6•Hy.mdoad se in b. R rsidn. - (b) TOP SPREADER-Cif Time r- imW es oranil thani161etW .tabu s .aaeier Inzi l(Y'6a toass l ioa. T mYirmte is rlLeib . beaten td am eget*+atrem. (c) 8OTTCM SPREADEamts.ldadfrat} aeiasiukeemrbw•Id pocssretZcbanaatabap.maspniag rj*i 3/P isaow,ecdoc7Tcea*v raceµ• d"a' ,eiseselY�peached to w[Sl.ainra.44awrlodsa ) t, welded rnaaa,har,••-e...'t . 15 adlgatiu.w'_SS sa4 psteth e giu,(a]sc6aarbt.Danl..t+ezE+cb l.rdcrmb.psvlddwith; aaoeea,.r plaids alas n nobs eere.a.vie m pe.rgs'vrnetlnC'Of ifacic.si[L Idl CI.OStD DASE SUPTORtflact E'[7'alan be tisg ..d'a damn*ra Old.taaad welded 6m.ap:yet MdwWshal be no tea than a l d WLq ae el Eraskru stab lairs-0 dgra faricalbnsss.Hrd acmkwl becituettmiaebas be ismorpysled1bta tab base Aacbt Yap bad rma edporb•aq bntkatls abcDrtsadauo,adappmisany lye,ads.pngwe dthlataraaaMD net, n atibalklitisaatiptheltaullaraeciaded,iaadda4.-thc,la( a(.k.e bass bradas is psaaidd rat a etstasaas dull bas a pinesbele for 4a®nI so W(a(e[sgM sks.wish birdieptp.idd_ (cl CLD$ttsa l(SHELVES senorrac,to M w .aa, tud banestldue pit pinsoWdedemN e Nasal,urdup{dhs ad urns eban bane widows cbs mut otbet..rl She semis amp es►wild ofths bun shelf shall be toss/a lad 3'1 rad lba side v.(armed with 90 deGnk •Mawft flanges. lO ADIUSTAILLE & VYSahallb.64eudofi se phaikteelgaaaipw Wset ss+ inRm o dtes ldaur. 3iflphclanaL m w dare Eaab.ndd:dand 96 .. d tbsviimeiflan sanal.aars .aisd. •Tlsddwass®pW(.ohsrdnpvin back a. n rM ppsarid . skMl bederiaziadagsbaatear afaap 1:4f4pm lfat lfl.Liam sad bnetalak .....ragagdacaskaamis ,I SHELF END 1SSIACKETSakdlbs blend prmllyra`nee a 16 captain/1 .s and all bus Ors swain We baabdadulsorodsppeoabaaidy 1N'•.Ths read da :wN kpfo 'Likeee csm•pad hot a 16e lap.4 epo4t.oeJ a lab ro prawn maidsoufcpdedp,aaeoLi tie benam kr mPUsd tease apish acts - ieeweenrdin nee unasmrl.curMl..-aa��Trrs:d.Dgnpa.Orance delgat allows sea attolr•4•mt.e.pwsrd a.ddr.ervd G.r-ras:•tt s.thdt) rr•aut croaabiaz an allhaadrrrad.e&T4ilea0N brvcYs an ease prwidei•.ith ase ad cmbmorum ippin•slalatre Insist*l ad••mis re psewWab•aakesrfiasavet ides anait.n ill a teem Yaw tgack.s•alai/a•teW.s hail i`area glair sheYatt?ar.: j 1 . Nov 26 02 08: 5la TFSI 360-8S2-0128 p• 9 Nov 25 02 07: 43p NCr7ne engineering 425 r"3 7977 p. 8 \ i -10 tlmasa odaarriw epaniQad.) I Tr ; 3 ' 66' a • e3" 1 2 i' I (7 CVEnutsWFtislanntlibluE a°fi1apW (il HINGED PER20DICALahtlra�^l-.Lt�-,,'mamd'4t aag(adtpbyrasfaauaadm ailWm bt lavh(Chltstmp(4danb4.ad9�dnia taco rite . an ma dam pins,ad Da aM�d a aid I4�dedlopt pad set • mac stopcddepby abadvaare lr IpaltaiyaWha l VIP BaagaalbeUoaa,e'toad tatmo63apwwda wiAC•Rot 6l4wbn lapdthaltaap(a utuY, The top and chhaanaarshalwithbOdegreillangu.pcalancidancaciatalatdtalkanlarEanUpruidetbasiaatyczwitheyoulanasy 00 aevafensfc from'the.adcalatlaeaaoparidedsLsohbaby@Ss@/Ymddadmkyflab aasiia(a anew datandna. I km caused Wald paa+oo ...Mat laldaa Os Shand Nate P a mina*slim wit lne iad bonus arepo.Wad sad ars Ir&.µ Co TWO PIECSD1W DPATYPL SIW.PdsYlaa6mlaamaa*II Sags dal aseltscmbi-a ma sa at0nnblcabelftasspa jwlflbedonadaa L" m- vrsa.rsri.a dtridaAatpmabr010100 piusewillaniStldmuas ispoaWdaaa ad)oact adiddaabdZ IacF.d..ndirderplataT tb raw cub sbdf aRaia{galas afar Spur/blur'ae.p.Ci@Y l0 STEEL CANOPY TOPS('.baa HnekwfRm(nrbeYbdWivpedvBA wltlaapaedesan sopraaaddiaiimp tmaeidThtfant rar-e orrh.tap arguest4abalanuallb . tctilhba3H!bt ,clan cil a WI an additioaa190degal intutdfascmPhadsYaty.Tbt sides and bark Reads arc fauna!SO degas.They Wa Wh. ad by an Nve pa krautN(m)HPLCOLTER TOPS(saga t&di as l l!tUdetm.oad rig h:slsptcasatc haitve Para dsky nalakt averpuddthdva totes with abcba. um'tame dtba lop ant will bahndag atop.IF is Gem Pippin trachea and anal.daps an pa.14s a mypwl IS Mg (a) STEEL END PANELS ache wad baam{mb&aislaa ab.TheyshaOmnNlofade Diedili Omit aced ynem.d:aa Nun a Arran with 1 la" name t$awderpmd rm.a*aopefmlaaalai 3'c.Top Ragaabal be dealydaud.Cmm.ddsabh fitadpaaLgrad banetaipped with full larit)v • eoanngl$car suachlazzo frasa npfapts arid todcada sods ad daaseaae-aa ea.mu6' (a) HPLPLASTBCENDPA7'IELSWli guardfutvldaWbe(alddwiasd stall bedggnsfay itiT t1uniaaucbaflNLy caw th 43 pouad dcnstry psauida baud can.th•astrill adds aataad pawl aba 3N"or 1 1/4'. aCCESsO • RJE3 ' A. 200K SUPPORTS '1 • • a 1. Wire book ,, .,IT blab.as!W*rand Plaid 3116"dnavtn. • NaMJmabLpluMpalmktnpp4antrarr latightasspacitaraball boot*1ibads 16pagated.tapaaiwly.wd lulu&aonakid elmpatilim as best. 3. Laactm twatmppnre.6'or"be it 4l,6a4br da1Ecal PM Rants;WI daciprd aGe stomd Yidbaakosa a4yaabla their War.. 9. sNaP LABEL HOLD ERS dal bi atFib/Write re aigbdy grip edge=arbor*or drvidcr type dachas to cardriat Sib"s V. C. CARD HOLaf Srlsaabadeurae&turd alaraboinawitb bwheb1eWadsiu.bad 3"arardsTwrbailbepnvlda6tersch as'pacaddoubl.(sad cad insist(sued or road)and sac ab41 be pa.idad fa each siagic raced cad pint bras cud bidder a di:taed by arching maw owner. D. RANGE FINDERS w m bc'V"aiiaaped dcsipe to bdd3'a 3-buds sad et UZ1 Mgt SAWS a aim(aI n ID E. SOLED Oa M dnsplaraeaap_pid sly Mar McpSsbeawaapt.npnyrsfantltwit amsdag from aa hsssAdran ibe tap 0fl1eauh formed te sl i gauze essia(.L l i F. CORNER vn r airs slue ha seal pun cud of as diransloau syncMa.1 Each shall h d..de a tightly(hang cap. G. WOEX SKEJ.VES(riaa apacWI4a),(sI aa36"rjaa irides"(Kasai slas)suppssd by sla paps ieraad Wages.Tops a labeaf bicA Pnsarc Iarmatu as rcfaeYa.aver I lir-1.14 agar ulgnefpd,wills h.aaadsd Shea 3i tI oudG RETERENCE SHELVES t. 0 caudfacti am aalS wage gad.fa mad aascdy IGe tic aCvnabh dabs .Thu redden=aanttcao bc sdachancialuacUtgablastabratauguadaithaugrolahladdt TbgnpaYsaostud hall baasinLdabbla Munk,ado and asad m=Oa tuba depth of the=Lae abort L NSWSPAPEARACK3**ObesOa:aM.onoI6f+apannt sze$agriusecttob2IdlOsartanaanpapsdCs AS Awl iv'Tbq sMR bedpeapt ars so ea hrsaaamadasd Paeparly a.Wrlaj d lit"'aaadrie dcpib. 1. SHELF asar •='of'muta ti3b ittO thwa.ruing MirnzetuiOaagv ens team far sawing abcYYaaettbs.Racbudys en siso P ssss- "sided aural fdeaad Is rump ad*Arai whit*4aan for wire beak sup Fe War/3,393E • • I • i i i • Nov 26 02 08: 51a TFSI 360-862-0128 p. 10 Nov 25 02 07:44p NO+f`ljyne engineering 425 7977 p. 9 uZ'MY ' •Yea.v To.m ar r 7 1 r I ! C -'WELD FRAME(INF) FIXED BASE SHELF .. . . . Single Faee " • . _ - :•. iDouble Face ' - . j • ' UT.4m0. MEOW ZWELF DE ilaill CATALOG'/ WADSEil� - ':e-'.52 ;•i..M7W1EA. , term 42" 81 a' wF 11080 . 42"': :'1 8' 16 W F420p0 ;t-v81' -410-;r: s--WF41092 . . . c•...--:-.'' `Ii '• wF42082 r • 4. 4 91 9' WF41090 _i a. i•c .i=: + 9' I' 18' .WF42o90 ii {. .icia,..:aWFi1ae1'__r . I;: ,�.*''. bg$�'-'' -,....",'.: , W 1 01 :: i •• . -.. ; wrFazte . .iDt. 12* . .Y,. WPt41102 :- IP-Fr'. ;::P:.-a•:i tAicit: is 3 leveis - 121 12'' WF41120 �" tlM�i 3levels'�^'� 1r 24' WF42�/1�pI 66" If9_&it: ni .8 .lam- M1G8O 11 {�PSI. 66N :F;V,'�•n, ",}a'.''•. `i;ir+.. _ ""'�T_ �s , 81 10' ..a .WF81002 . ' ,•, ... r a' ;tg ' WFfi10$0 i -' ! 9-... .-..1§':.:,..:?WF52490.., 11 L e r 10• WF61091 -. a -�:'.#! ... 9' 26' . WF62 31 - ' 10' F'110"7,17.:‘" WF61100 .. I cO ,s:49.7: " p 10� 20'. WF62100 -- 101 - . ...ID WF51t02 '.ter: �af: ,'it 10' 24' WF621p2,. 5 levels �:r':,.- ;. 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WF91090 s �� 9' 18' WF921i90 ,r�a -;, .9t ..`'10'T. .,�. WF'81021 . .'�- 9' �20`.'� ... WF82091. �101 10'. '' WF41100 i=` - i- awe. Own'— .e...�9,. w 4131.......41 �--:` ( '.. 10- ,4::72-1• .WFi1102 '1 , - ' 10' . .. 2{-_ :-WP87102 7 Levels 1r 12-1 WF9112o 1 '-'ems , it 24 wF92120 -i a,a•a im laaldartY..,Gb.yaw ow inaptly..inapt _a_* 4*wa-YT Ina%loya m i' dart . +OTCY+w ae.,--i a.mimosa s�P no -0^1 .s.0.1-I'4;mps.w.,ar.kr'—.. -.asw.ass-.,Y*tie airy—...FY/a,a . Nov 26 02 0$: 5la TFSI 360-862-0126 p- 11 ,Now 25 02 07: 45p hO!'-j�ne engineering 42S C3 7977 p' 10 etas."". As" GnJ al Gc.-Ia4S - I asap.thdi t icz #.Yt(.Cw�-1 • ialiiiii 1r 'il� yr`� � i; i (,t-� z e+.x MC.Kswir. 11 . .„ , l ,, , i ‘, . " , 11 i-r tom,-:tL 4n.,ii `111111111111111114b- !!- �`; '�`'.. cw"' acL. I I . I Ko.a . i . 1 i l I i • I . j . I i 1 i Nov 26 02 08: 52a TFSI 380-862-0128 p. 12 -Nov 25 02 07: 45p NfC )dyne engineering 425J3 7977 p. 11 . Power5tudTM • 24.0 Power-Swd" 243 Installation Procedures 24.1 Introduction • using theptoperdianseter bit drill a hole Into the base The Power-Stud Anchor(formerly called the Rawl- material to a depth of at least Surd)is a one piece,wedge style anchor available in P12-or one anchor diameter carbon steel and stainless steel-Threaded,Rod Hanger, - deeper than the embedment op a- e Op Rod Coupling and Tie-Wore versions we designed for required, The tolerances of use inconaete_ the drill bit used should meet '-4•-' 242 ProductDtSai Description the requirements of ANSI Ptt ndard Ere 75. o •b _ od The Power-Stud anchor diameter is the same as that Blow the hole clean of dust y • Tf ' for the hole size which eliminates the need for hole and other material,Position : the washer on the anchor and i h..r thread on the nut .ccw ..r... ap v• o• op a . . Threaded Version aotail"'" ` ' � Drive the anchor through the .' ' tee fixture into the anchor hole I until the nut and washer are i ti—Yana\ .sAw firmly seated against the fix- f. :e aitlirr't"-P 'turn.ere sure the anchor it dri- .a.rvsliggieli Yen to the required embed- -p r e - n cl mentdepth. r s..;o b• , b• �v spotting or layout.On the standard version,it is designed with a chamfer on the threaded end and a 'lighten the anchor by fuming tapered expansion section on the working end of the the nut 3 to a sums or by anchor on which a set of interladcing wedges are applying the guide Installa- mounted.Dining installation,the chamfer prevents tion torque from the finger damage to the threads of the anchor.The wedges are tight pacitio . held on toe tapered expansion section of the anchor '. r' tote by in6erloddng tabs which grip the anchor body tsnnly - to prevent spinning of the anchor during tightening. As the anchor ntightened,the body is pulled upwards op o a, v using b� expansion section to compress the wedges circumferentially against the wall of the Rod Hanger Version anchor hole_ Thread the anchor onto the •_ Length Identification • rod to be used along with a - .° et.° ' nut and washer. Drive the ;.•••fl ' The threaded P r+a Stud has a length identification marls anchor Into the hole until the a . °a I °p- AIstamped ontheheadofttheandwrasshown below anchor is at the required • - ,, •- •, -. . embedment depth. The y Fran 1-trz ' 2 t>n 3 372' 4 4-1/25 anchor body should be tecessedin the hole. 111.11 Yp01" 2 3-112 3 3-V2 4 HR 5 StR utonwene Ma-. 1 I h .4 l M :v O P Tigtlmn the anchor by turning FTem ®0=r� ®n the nut 3 to 4 turns or by a' a a.o. a �� applying the guide installation a• ° sadhaswmy �®�®EI®�® :',1� -.:'. longue from the finger tight ;p ° Position- Mars O R 5 I Li W K Y z a. c -I n1 l m to m Ell®mflm©m 7B Nov 26 02 08: 52a TEST 360-862-0128 p. 13 .11ov 25 02 07: 46p NOfdyne engineering 425 113 7977 P• 12 w 1 Cardwel►Architects 3 July 2002 Rids Timmerman Technical Furniture Systems,Inc. 1305 Bonneville Avenue, Suite A Snohomish WA 98290 425.252.2960 T 425252.2433 F • • Regarding: Arrecofes Public Library- Estey Library Shelving Selsmie Report Dear Ridc: The following are answers to your questions for the Macortes Public Library. 1)Typical Cross Section of flows(showing concrete floor thickness,rated concrete pounds per square inch and steel reinforcing.) -TYPICAL.SLAB ON GRADE IS 4'THICK WI 6x6 W1.4 x W1.4 WWM CENTERED 1N SLAB OVER SUBGRADE PER SOILS REPORT i -TYPICAL DECK SLAB CONSISTS OF 2",, 18 GA METAL DECK W/312'OF CONCRETE COVER PER 2/S5.2. PROVIDE ft4 WOG EW CENTERED. -SEE ATTACHED COPY OF 2/55.2 2)Area geotedrnical information for seismic analysis. ZONE 3, SOIL Sc,R=4.5 Do not hesitate to cal if you have questions. Slneerely, otele James Cary.Architect • CC Gary Barnett,Project Manager,City of Anacortes 1221 Second Avenue,SUMe.700 Saeltb,Watil Wn 9001 (2007 622.2311. FAX 1706)4429165 z • o • 2 < • D N • m I— NO t p N NO I.lalL OWE,AI AO mM WL Pia 9+4L 1Ait IOY P9 1 O CO ®A1piP lal.DIM, II CA RR 9YLL K RR Al f I Slat ALIP%I aMA 11Ac Ma oaWM zA0111C>®JN Y-ea 9M• gays sr*R'e c.i.%L L Cn r.;:' it Ka IS Y-P'Wa SIMI,KI4 cam VW monad uo Ir.,.m _ Na ru Mfg SPIN COMM i MR 1 Mal 9WCIe1AolKvm .y '0 �� ��������� Y-�-LAWK w ]ROAM(II I/1'OIM77a UI�IM PRRI KIDS MI91[Li IO AL YwN6 I1AThIBR/L11P R W0. in ,_,I 4.MYR 1/1'WAWA Mit*X AI etc WE ifMO(oA1CRAC11 2 71 811P IQ I*ice&OW Cain Y/ WHO AIG Iron SIMMS MAIL o MN NM _p 0-1Ioam Ma Np1hl L Mel as 9W1 na 1Y11W mots A A'AA J ii -II. I1a I.Did Mt AR rumwin RllR119SWA19n PGWIP4 itat 1 WAN PM!91a 91W m'a1 0 IUPWI$Ko MOS SRwn Ws Kmtt J- PAM W1w.Y s. ,sflm k.3 w3 Aa II 0.g1IDW110171 WOWS SIFCOPMw6 —A 7 fP• OS 1.WMaa 9R RG11cila l/9L1 i m ;: I� 9n1 WI[Iwl K1tl-19101/A A��J)II1k w +WtMq L 1 9 I r . ?-. IS: • iiii 5 co (S, ea . i•1 _ 7.1•PP }yy t' 1'x RAY MIS—.mi MRo'AC WLb lS KW • : .; 1Im111R At InW1 1111 fa 1Vll Ir ulli Pm MO WP1a1 ::,.I.•:. a RfK11AR901 Y[9i3)� III 4' K7911a NI SS fe EOM In Ma p u--�-` e -- CO II. • E. �m0Y1a A W 1KM N O 1.y r. - 11M11 . 11 SS' I wall III♦ -�• ', CO Ina Dv.Rea - W W i K ro.AIR/R- IramYRanamnl w cawxn. a ro o ,�: Nan:.. WI An WO 1a6 WAYK 9111WW m a N �°: MIS 111511 KINW.KIS a N -1 • xn,1M IIau ,ncw, 1i is WRR9rnWlR ' m IUAA as IIp RJtKR RYA91al YY1�U1Y P Ll. a.AnaA 'o m Typical DRt Lam5 flow Deck Upped Ai ColYRR1 6 a a to . C! CITY OF ANACORTES ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY 2. Name of applicant: ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY, CITY OF ANACORTES 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 1209 NINTH ST. ANACORTES, WA 98221 DOUG EVERHART, DIRECTOR 360 293 1910 BRAD MILLER,PROJECT DESIGN TEAM 206 634 1411 4. Date checklist prepared: 1/6/01 5. Agency requesting checklist: - CITY OF ANACORTES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): CONSTRUCTION: 6/01 THROUGH 6/02 7. Do you have any plan for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NO, PROJECT IMPLEMENTS A 20 YEAR LIBRARY MASTER PLAN 8. List any environmental information you know that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this project. SITE ASSESSMENT BY ZIPPER ZEMAN ASSOCIATES 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the affected geographic area covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. NO 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. BUILDING PERMIT, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat these answers on this page. DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 28,550 SQUARE FOOT LIBRARY WITH ON-SITE PARKING FOR 41 CARS AND RELATED OFF-SITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and Section, Township and Range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area,provide the range or boundaries of the site. Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. 1209 NINTH ST., ANACORTES, WA B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the affected geographic area(circle one). Flat,rolling, hilly, steep slopes,mountainous, other FLAT/ROLLING b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? APPROX. 5% c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. 2 ) SILT, SAND & OCCASIONAL GRAVEL d. Are there any surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NO e. Describe the purpose,type and approximate quantities of any fillip or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND STRUCTURAL FILL FOR SLAB- ON-GRADE. APPROX. QUANTITY: 1,500 CY CUT; 5,000 CY FILL, MAY RE-USE NATIVE CUT MATERIAL AS PART OF FILL—WEATHER DEPENDENT f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? If so, generally - - — - describe. _ • - • MINIMAL DUE TO LOW SLOPE, CONSTRUCTION CONTROLS g. About what percent of the site will be covered by impervious surfaces after proposal construction(for example, asphalt or buildings)? 61% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: TESC PLAN WILL BE INCLUDED WITH CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal(i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION NOISE DISTURBANCE b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. NONE KNOWN c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3 Ei NONE PROPOSED 3. Water • a. Surface (1) Is there any surface water body or on in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. APPROX. 1/2 MILE TO WATERS OF PUGET SOUND (2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) — the described waters? If yes, describe and attach available plans. • NO (3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. NONE (4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. NO (5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the affected geographic area plan. NO (6) Does the proposal involve any discharge of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. NO b. Ground 4 0 0 (1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. MINIMAL PERCOLATION FROM PROPOSED BIOSWALE (2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage, industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural;, etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served(if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. NONE c. Water Runoff(including storm water): (1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities,-if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. ROOF DRAINAGE TO STORM SEWER, PAVEMENT DRAINAGE TO BIOSWALE TO STORM SEWER (2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. NONE ANTICIPATED d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: WATER QUALITY SILT TRAP BASINS AND BIOSWALE 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous trees: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen trees: fir, cedar,pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other 5 other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? EXISTING CHESTNUT TREES TO REMAIN&NEW LANDSCAPING PLAN c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the affected geographic area. NONE KNOWN d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the affected geographic area, if any: SELECTED NATIVE PLANTS ARE PROPOSED IN LANDSCAPE PLAN 5. Animals a. List any birds or animals which have been observed on or near the affected geographic area or are known to be on or near the affected geographic area: Birds: SONGBIRDS TYPICAL OF URBAN/SUBURBAN AREA Mammals: NONE KNOWN Fish: NONE b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the affected geographic area: NONE KNOWN c. Is the affected geographic area part of a migration route? If so, explain. NONE KNOWN d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL PROVIDE TREES AND NATIVE PLANTS 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas, oil, wood, stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, GAS HEATING AND COOLING 6 k b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. NO SHADOW IMPACT ANTICIPATED c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: ENERGY LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS, PASSIVE SOLAR AND ECONOMIZER VENTILATION FEATURES, DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT DURING BUILDING DEMOLITION (1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. NONE ANTICIPATED (2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: ABATEMENT TO BE PERFORMED PER APPLICABLE STANDARDS b. Noise (1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? NONE es and levels of noise would be created (2) What types by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. SHORT TERM: CONSTRUCTION NOISE 7AM— 10 PM, LONG TERM NO SIGNIFICANT NOISE IMPACT ANTICIPATED (3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 7 NONE PROPOSED 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? PUBLIC LIBRARY, RESIDENTIAL, MUSEUM, PARK, CHURCH,VACANT LAND b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. NOT IN LAST 60 YEARS c. Describe any structures on the site. EXISTING LIBRARY: 11,000 SF 2-STORY WITH BASEMENT d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? EXISTING LIBRARY STRUCTURE TO BE DEMOLISHED e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? 'P' (PUBLIC) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? `P' (PUBLIC) g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified an"environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. NO i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? APPROX. 6— 15 STAFF AT WORK, APPROX. 200 PATRONS MAXIMUM j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? NONE 8 C k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any? NONE 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: PROJECT HAS BEEN DEVELOPED WITH OVER 6 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND WIDE PUBLIC INPUT 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NONE b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high,middle, or low-income housing. NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: NONE 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas;what is the principal building material(s)proposed? 40' MAIN HALL CLERESTORY ROOF. BRICK MASONRY WALLS AND STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? NO EXISTING GROUND LEVEL WATER VIEWS c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: USE OF COMPLEMENTARY AND NATURAL BUILDING MATERIALS, MANY BUILDING BULK SETBACKS AND ROOF FEATURES. PROJECT WAS DEVELOPED WITH SUBSTANTIAL PUBLIC AND COUNCIL REVIEW OF DRAWINGS AND PROPOSED MATERIALS. 9 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? NO GLARE, SOFT `LANTERN' LIKE GLOW FROM CLERESTORY AT NIGHT. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? NONE ANTICIPATED c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? NONE ANTICIPATED d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any? ALL SITE LIGHTING TO INCORPORATE `CUT-OFF LUMINAIRES TO AVOID LIGHT SPILL 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? CAUSLAND PARK ONE BLOCK NORTH, SHUGART PLAYGROUND ON SITE b. Would the proposed proposal displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe? F SHUGART PLAYGROUND WILL BE RELOCATED ON THE SITE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the proposal or applicant, if any? SHUGART PLAYGROUND WILL BE RELOCATED ON THE SITE 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. SIGNIFICANT STRUCTURES: ADJACENT BRICK CHURCH,NEARBY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, NEARBY CAUSLAND PARK 10 b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. SIGNIFICANT STRUCTURES: ADJACENT BRICK CHURCH, NEARBY HISTORICAL MUSEUM,NEARBY CAUSLAND PARK c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: PROPOSED MATERIALS AND BUILDING MASSING ARE COMPLEMENTARY TO SURROUNDING STRUCTURES 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. PRIMARY PARKING/BUILDING ACCESS: 10TH ST., SECONDARY • - PARKING ACCESS: N ST., SERVICE ACCESS/BOOK DROP: 9TH ST. • F b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? TRANSIT ALONG M ST. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? EXISTING ON SITE: 8, PROPOSED ON SITE: 41, EXISTING OFF SITE: 57, PROPOSED OFF SITE: 66. NET GAIN: APPROX. 42 SPACES d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets; or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe(indicate whether public or private). NEW ANGLE PARKING, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT NINTH AND TENTH ST. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NO £ How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 11 APPROX. 742 AVERAGE DAILY TRIP ENDS (BASED ON I.T.E. EMPLOYEE DENSITY) g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: PAYMENT OF TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER CITY ORDNANCE 15. Public Services a. Would the proposal result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection,police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. PROJECT PROVIDES NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH 20 YEAR MASTER PLAN b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. ELEC,NAT'L GAS,WATER, REFUSE SERVICE,PHONE, SAN. SEWER, STORM DRAIN b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service,and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. ALL CONNECTION WILL BE MADE TO EXISTING SERVICES 1N SURROUNDING STREET RIGHTS OF WAY C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them too make its decision. io/o, Signature D e Submitted 12 I�� 1 Cardwell/Thomas&Associates/Architects SELKIRK MILLER HAYASHI ARCHITECTS 1221 Second Avenue,Suite 300,Seattle,WA 98101 118 N35th St. Suite#200 Seattle, WA 98/03 206 622-2311 FAX(206)442-9165 T 206 6341411 F 206 634 0167 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NARRATIVE January 10, 2001 Site Description: The basic site approach of preserving the existing chestnut trees, providing new trees to screen views, and retaining a grassy park-like feeling at the larger open areas has been refined. Several minor modifications have been made to the site plan in the Design Development stage. In order to accomplish an improved alignment of the entry drive and the building entrance, a utility pole has been relocated and the drive moved approximately 10' to the east. A bioswale will be created at the east end of the site to improve the water quality of runoff from the parking lot. This will essentially be a gently sloped turf swale. The current parking count for the project is: 41 spaces provided in the parking lot on the site, 66 spaces provided at the perimeter of the site. An additional 7 spaces may be created through a bid alternate to create angle parking at the east end of the site, if the bid prices allow. Building Description: A major thrust of the Design Development phase is to coordinate the design of major building structural, mechanical and electrical systems with the approved schematic design. Design of the building has included the preliminary detailing of a cost effective structural brick system and refinement of the basic structural approach using steel beams and wood ceilings in the primary public areas. A lighting plan has been prepared based on high efficiency fluorescent lighting fixtures and takes advantage of the generous clerestory lighting by using daylight sensors to meet programmed light levels and reduce long term operating costs. The energy life cycle costs of the building are also being studied to determine the final approach to building mechanical systems, balancing first costs and anticipated operational costs. Individual public and work area plans have been reviewed carefully with the staff and David Smith resulting in numerous small scale changes. One larger change results from the addition of a rooftop enclosure for the boilers—this has prompted a reworking of the administrative area to provide a central skylight due to the loss of exterior windows. Staff and Building Advisory Committee members have reviewed the preliminary interior colors and finishes palette prepared by Polly McArthur, Interior Designer. Samples of proposed library chairs and lounge chairs will be delivered to the library in the next few months for feedback from the staff and public. Project Budget: Throughout the Design Development phase we have implemented the cost assumptions made in our Schematic Design estimate which showed the project on budget. We are currently finalizing the Design Development cost estimate and will have a status summary for you on Wednesday. 01-01-10 DO Narrative.doc c ; • pd MAEKE 1r 11 A et is WI 7 10 a� lell o Q. ova �• 14L 4 J tir ,''Y, . 4 . la F � " _ .1 �k> . / 7 1 �1P�v1 . . .ra e 9- 11 !A!. g go ,\: n • iiiir ,,,,,i , u r. ra iti A al !I:: [„ : . i' mi / ii Ire lap sm-- at IL,;,...- __ Aila.A 1 ....,_ 0. 7--,* ,,_, ___, luereiti 41[ ,1-11-"As- ,44,(40 `AY u c� ,,p (, .� s�� � o-- j, "E�14 S4va- w - 't - n R t__ II i l R @g@ RI I(?4t iii iS id ' IFIk , e4 'e J 0 00o a❑ � . : :3 o+IL4ii %• i ❑o°Soo❑ ❑000°0oo i{ .++qi ❑oa ❑000 i '3, on coon I oo0S0000 w sill* w I � f aP o000 > OBBEEI888$8000i�N11 ii§ y�iJ�ifa 11 ' d Irma lraY _ m� S,$ € qY: tip! r / w4 22 ith d�_�ii 91 ; 1 b 17 , . � . 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St. Mkilloi ��� �RFptEO �` 90AGpRtEs• *IN x C V\CiN\ZY y r ' PO Box 547 Anacortes,WA 98221 Telephone(360)293-1920 Fax(360)293-1938 City of Anacortes Engineering Department Memo Date: August 2,2001 To: Len Andrews Anda Construction 3834 South Bay Drive Sedro-Woolley,WA 98284 From: Gary Barnett Subject: Payment of Putmit Fees by Anda Construction cc: Cardwell Thomas ct-1fn : . ;m G-cri Doug Everhart Sue Moore Michelle Deaton/ Anda Construction and the City are obligated for certain permit fees for the Anacortes Public Library. These fees have been allocated according to the contract documents, copy attached. The City has paid for and secured a combination building permit that includes two fees that Anda Construction is responsible for. These are noted with asterisks on the copy of the permit. As agreed at the last project meeting,Anda is to include in a change order a credit to the City for the fees paid by the City on Anda's behalf. A copy of the building depaihnent approved plans and specifications including red-line annotations, were transmitted to Anda Construction at the last progress meeting. R-Wctive ProjectsUabrary\Construction\Conesjuudence\Memo 7 to Anda Construction re Permit Fees 08-02-01.doc �� COMBINATION PERMI :CORTES PERMIT NO: COM2001-00012 +7 APPLIED: 1/30/01 ,ES, WA 98221 ISSUED: 7/18/01 -1901 EXPIRES: 7/18/02 SITE ADDRESS: 919 M AVENUE • ,SSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 3772-077-018-0000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a new Public Library. OWNER CONTRACTOR LENDER CITY OF ANACORTES P.O.BOX 547 ANACORTES,WA 98221 TYPE OF WORK: NEW AREA(SF) VALU: 4,392,000 FEES TYPE OF USE: PUB LOT: REQUIRED SETBACKS CENSUS CATEGORY: 1ST FLR: FRONT: Type By Date Receipt Amount ZONING: 2ND FLR: SIDE(1): — PLCK MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $8,396.38 BASEMENT: SIDE(2): —INSP MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $50.00 , OCCUPANCY GROUP: GAR/CARPORT: REAR: PRMT MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $12,917.50 T OTHER: REQUIRED PARKING 3 PMEC MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $168.20 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TOTAL: PPLM MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $335.00 5N NUMBER OF UNITS: ACCESSIBLE: — STBC MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $4.50 OCCUPANT LOAD: STORIES: COMPACT: — STRM MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $11,281.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: IMPRV SURF: — IMPT MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $55,904 63 — SEWR MRD 7/18/01 0106756 $3,857.00 MechanicalEquipment Plumbing Fixtures Total $92,914.21 Equipment Type Quantit Fixture Type Quanti Air Handling Units 2 Backflow Devices 1 1 Boiler/Compressor 1 Dishwashers 1 Ventilation Fans 3 Drinking Fountains 2 �� I Exhaust Hoods 2 Floor Drains 10 [� Fireplace asp)ctlets 1 Hose Bibs 8 ?el 7 \ t`1 L Other Units 1 Lavatories 8 Showers 1 Kitchen Sinks,w/Disposal 3 Water Closets(Toilets) 9 0-6-vs, Fi re_ Se r i n k �-`'- Ocvt(AA i cla'm 1 c-r rvc±s by ALNTDA or Subs • LG)cc vi(-- gar i± -through L$ et I hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above information is correct, and ree to comply with all ordinances and laawws regulating activities covered by this permit Issued by 4cOwn ' 4er's Si n t re lc- 24 Hour Notice Required For All Inspections n5 shall govern over scale drawings without figured dimensions. 3 .4 The following Subparagraphs 3 .4 .4 and 3 .4 . 5 are hereby added to Paragraph 3 .4 : 3 .4 .4 After the Contract has been executed, the Owner and the Architect will consider a formal request for the substitution of products in place of those specified only under the conditions set forth in the General Requirements (Division 1 of the Specifications) . 3 .4 .5 By making requests for substitutions based on Subparagraph 3 .4 .3 above, the Contractor: 1 . represents that the Contractor has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified: 2 . represents that the Contractor will provide the same warranty for the substitution that the Contractor would for that specified; 3 . certifies that the cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract except the Architect' s redesign costs, and waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution which subsequently become apparent; and 4 . will coordinate the installation of the accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for the Work to be complete in all respects. 3 .7. 1 Subparagraph 3 . 7. 1 is hereby deleted and the following substituted in its place: The Owner shall secure and pay for the building and grading permits and shall be responsible for specialty testing and inspections and the zoning regulations fees and permits. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution of and 275179.04 - 3 i 1 ) C) completion of the Contract which are legally required when bids are received or negotiations concluded. 3 . 10 The following is hereby added to Paragraph 3 . 10 . 3 : 1 The Owner' s approval of any schedule submittal shall not transfer any of the Contractor' s responsibilities to the Owner. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for adjusting forces, equipment, and work schedules to ensure completion of the Work within the time (s) specified in the Contract . If, in the opinion of the Owner, the Contractor falls behind the schedule, the Contractor shall take such steps as may be necessary to improve progress. The Owner may require an increase in the number of shifts and/or overtime operations, days of work and/or 1 otherwise to increase operations and to submit for I approval such supplementary schedule or schedules in Ichart form as may be deemed necessary to demonstrate the manner which the agreed rate of progress will be regained, all without additional cost to the Owner. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of the Owner under the provisions of this III section shall be grounds for determination by the Owner that the Contractor is not prosecuting the work with I such diligence as will ensure completion within the I time specified. Upon such determination the Owner may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the I Work or any separable part thereof in accordance with determination for default or in accordance with other provisions provided in the Contract. If the Contractor desires, or, due to slow progress, is , `I', required to carry on work at night or outside the normal working hours, the Contractor must submit a "''i written proposal to the Owner. 3 .18 . 1 Subparagraph 3 .18. 1 is hereby deleted and the following substituted in its place: Contractor shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law with respect to its obligations under the Contract 11 Documents, indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless Owner, Architect, Architect ' s consultants and their constituent partners, employees, agents, representatives, stockholders, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnified Parties") from and II against each and all of the following: 11 I ' I '+I 275179.04 4 , III' l 06/08/01 FRI 18:12 FAX ' 'uuiiuuo ANACORTES PUBLIC LIB ARY l_ j ANACORTES, WASHINGTON ADDENDUM #3 8 June 2001 NOTICE TO ALL CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS: This addendum is hereby considered to be a part of the Contract Documents dated 4 May 2001. PROJECT MANUAL Section Description 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.7.1 Clarification -The owner will pay for water meter fee, sewer fee, and storm drain impact fee. 01311 PROJECT COORDINATION 1.04.H.2.a Change"Electrical Subcontractor"to "Electrical Work" 1.04.H.2.a.1) Delete "Electrical Subcontractor shall" Section to read"Furnish and install all wiring and " 1.04.H.2.a.2) Delete'The Electrical Subcontractor shall" Section to read "Furnish and install power wiring complete from power source to motor or equipment junction box, including power wiring through starters. Furnish and install starters not factory mounted on equipment. After circuits are completed, install power wiring " - 1.04.H.2.b Change to read "Mechanical Work: Regardless of voltage,furnish and install temperature control wiring, interlock wiring and equipment control wiring for mechanical equipment." 1.04.J.4 Add "e. Design consultants to provide AutoCad backgrounds for contractor's use." 01789 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1.06 Add "E. Architect to provide AutoCad backgrounds for contractors use." 02300 EARTHWORK 1.05.A.2- Replace"Architect" with "Owner's Soils Engineer' PART 2 - PRODUCTS -Add the following - 27 CAPILLARY BREAK MATERIAL A. Section 9-03.12(2) of WSDOT/APWA, Gravel Backfill for Walls, Sub- slab fill. 02620 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE 1.2.A Add related sections 01330, 01334, 01410, 01421, 01660, 02250 3.02.B.1. Revise to read "Place supporting layer of drain gravel over filter fabric over compacted subgrade where drainage pipe is to be laid to depth indicated." 02760 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1_02_A Add related sections 01330, 01334, 01421, 02743 Cardwell/Thomas 8 Associates/Architects 1221 Second Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98101 (206) 622-2311 FAX (206)442-9165 1 of 5 Ins W.6AKEFVEw ngnn ROJEc-NINLi GEMEN =- ANVIL PpgIE4'I wwKENEhl7 %as COMM LIC.fANVI-L0-271 0X rEy7IXp LANORA10PIEs CORPORATION I TELEPHONE MID}1171.1460 1NEPECIICX FAX(757)E71.16P7 J FINAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: Anacortes Library DATE: 3/25/02 JOB SITE; 1209 9th Street, Anacortes JOB NO.: BM8024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO-: 1-29 CONTRACTOR: Anda INSPECTOR: C. Vadnais INSPECTION: Final Report As requested by City of Anacortes, Anvil Corporation submits this final special inspection report for work on the Anacortes Library at Anacortes, Washington. To the best of Anvil's knowledge, as of this date, all work requiring special inspections is now complete and In compliance with the project drawings and specifications. There are no outstanding deficiencies or defects to be corrected. The following inspection reports were issued by Anvil Corporation throughout the course of our involvement on this project: C01 —C18; 101 -- 129; N01-NO2; WO1 —W19; and P01. The contractor was informed that this is the final special inspection report on this project. ANVIL CORPORATION ?-71/44,71? AZ-A j Larry N. Douglas Materials Testing Supervisor cc: Gary Barnett 1 City of Anacortes Don Measamer/Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Len Andrews I Ands Speed Garrett/PW Inspect. Dan Morrow/Structural Engineer n"0. Measamer, Don From: Stout, Kimberly [kstout@anvilcorp.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:36 AM To: Measamer, Don; Jim Cary (E-mail); Robert Ross (E-mail); Len Andrews (E-mail); Garrett, Speed; Dan Morrow(E-mail) Subject: in scvi29.doc neaaer ntm FINAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: Anacortes Library DATE: 3/25/02 JOB SITE: 1209 9th Street, Anacortes JOB NO.: BM6024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO.: 1-29 CONTRACTOR: Anda INSPECTOR: C. Vadnais INSPECTION: Final Report As requested by City of Anacortes, Anvil Corporation submits this final special inspection report for work on the Anacortes Library at Anacortes, Washington. To the best of Anvil's knowledge, as of this date, all work requiring special inspections is now complete and in compliance with the project drawings and specifications. There are no outstanding deficiencies or defects to be corrected. The following inspection reports were issued by Anvil Corporation throughout the course of our involvement on this project: CO1 — C18; 101 — 129; N01-NO2.1 9 , W01 —W19; and P01. The contractor was informed that this is the final special inspection report on this project. ANVIL CORPORATION Larry N. Douglas Materials Testing Supervisor cc: Gary Barnett/ City of Anacortes Don Measamer/ Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Len Andrews/Anda v �� � 44 ��i„ Speed Garrett/ PW Inspect. 7 0yv Dan Morrow/Structural Engineer 1 c \ _ n'1 /9-0-0 as I Cal a ( ENGINEERING DESIGN 1gleir 675 982260 D PROJECT MANAGEMENT ANVIL CONTR.LIC.#AN-VI-LC-2710H TESTING LABORATORIES CORPORATION TELEPHONE(360)671-1450 INSPECTION FAX(360)671-1697 INITIAL WELDING INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: Anacortes Library DATE: 12/05/01 JOB SITE/ADDRESS: 1209 9 St. Anacortes JOB NO.: BM6024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO.: W-05 CONTRACTOR: Anda Construction INSPECTOR: L. Douglas/C.Vadnais INSPECTION: Pre-Steel Erection Mtg. Met with Rick Kent of Anda Construction and reviewed the project drawings and specifications with regards to welding and welding inspection. Project drawings and specification require all welding to be in compliance with the AISC - UBC 97 and the welding to be performed by WABO qualified welders. Anvil requested a copy of the applicable project drawings and specifications in regards to the welding and inspection requirements. Copies of inspection reports shall be sent to: See "cc"below The welding sub-contractor is D & R Services, Inc., 1101 Alabama St., Bellingham, WA 98226 - Terry Zimmerman (360) 715-9236 / Fax 715-8190 Anvil requested a review of the applicable weld procedures to be used on the project and the welder's WABO qualification. Copies of weld procedures were not available for review but would be provided at a later inspection by Anda Construction The following WABO welder's certificate was not immediately available but would be provided later. NAME SS# EXP.DATE THICKNESS POSITION PROCESS VISUAL INSPECTION In a short meeting with Rick and Terry, Anvil reviewed the inspection requirements associated with the field steel erection with regards to welding & bolting. It was noted that an electrode rod oven was not on the job site but would be provided as soon as possible by either D & R Services or Anda Construction. Also, structural bolting need only be tightened to the snug tight condition as noted in item #28 on sheet S1.1 of the project drawings. Anvil Inspection will be spot-checking all connects after the contractor has installed & rattled all bolts. No welds or bolted connections shall be covered prior to Anvil's inspection. RMN C OOWSITEMP\IN3PCTa tloc Either Clint Vadnais or Larry D uglas will be responsible for Anvil to perform the structural steel welding and bolting inspections. ANVIL CORPORATION Larry N. Douglas CWI/WABO Registered cc: Gary Bamett/City of Anacortes Don Measamer/Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Robert Ross/Zipper Zeman Associates Len Andrews/Anda Speed Garrett/PW Inspect. Dan Morrow: structural Engineer C:\W IN DO WS\TEMP\INSPCTa.doc C � 0 ENGINEERING DESIGN �, 1 BELLINGHAM WA 992228D PROJECT MANAGEMENT ANVIL CONTR LIC.#AN-VI-LC-271QH TESTING LABORATORIES CORPORATION TELEPHONE(360)671-1450 INSPECTION \ J FAX(360)671-1697 CONCRETE STRENGTH REPORT ASTM C 39 PROJECT:Anacortes Library JOB NO.: BM6024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO.: C14 CONTRACTOR: Anda DATE MOLDED: 11/07/01 SUPPLIER: CNW DATE RECEIVED: 11/08/01 LOCATION OF POUR: Walls from 1.2 to 2 on L-line, on 2-line from 1 to 3.2 &slab for dumpster pad MIX TYPE: 4000 PS4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENT: 4000 psi at 28 days NO.OF CYLINDERS: 1 set of 3 QUANTITY REPRESENTED: 9 of 18 cu. yds. AIR TEMPERATURE: 54°F TRUCK/TICKET NO: 26/2126120 TIME BATCHED: 12:25 pm TIME SAMPLED: 1:10 pm H2O ADDED ON JOB: --gals H2O REQUESTED BY: -- SLUMP(ASTM C143): 4 inches AIR CONTENT(ASTM C231): --% CONCRETE TEMP(ASTM C1064): 62° F UNIT WEIGHT(ASTM C138): --pcf PLACEMENT: pump SPECIMEN LAB TEST AT DATE TOTAL LOAD, COMPRESSIVE REMARKS NO, NO. DAY TESTED I RS, STRENGTH,PSI 1 246 7 11/14/01 136880 4830 2 247 28 12/05/01 167810 5920 3 248 28 12/05/01 165440 5840 ALL CYLINDERS: 6"X 12" REBAR INSPECTION: [x]YES [ ]NO CROSS SECTIONAL AREA: 28.35 in2 APPROVED: [x]YES [ ]NO REMARKS: N/S-NOT SHOWN N/A-NOT APPLICABLE ATTACHMENTS: [ ]YES [x]NO ALL FRACTURES CONICAL EXCEPT AS NOTED. ALL SAMPLES CAPPED PER ASTM C617 INSPECTOR: J. Carr ICBO Certified/WABO Registered COMMENTS: ALL SAMPLES WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C31 &C172. cc: Gary Barnett/City of Anacortes Don Measamer/Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Robert Ross/Zipper Zeman Associates Len Andrews/Anda Speed Garrett/ PW Inspect. Dan Morrow: structural Engineer Submitted by Larry Douglas Materials Testing Supervisor C\WINDOWS\TEMP\concvcl4a doc 675 ENGINEERING DESIGN 1 BELLINGHAM V6 WA 9822 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ANVIL CONTR.LIC #AN-VI-LC-2710H TESTING LABORATORIES CORPORATION TELEPHONE(360)671-1450 INSPECTION FAX(360)671-1697 CEMENTIOUS GROUT STRENGTH REPORT ASTM C 1019 PROJECT:Anacortes Library JOB NO.: BM6024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO.: C15 CONTRACTOR: Anda/All Masonry DATE MOLDED: 11/07/01 SUPPLIER: CNW DATE RECEIVED: 11/09/01 LOCATION OF POUR: Brick Walls on 1-line G to L @ 12' &east bottom 4' Meeting Room MIX TYPE: 7-sack 30/70 PG STRENGTH REQUIREMENT: 2000 psi at 28 days NO.OF CYLINDERS: 1 set of 3 QUANTITY REPRESENTED: 5.5 cu. yds. AIR TEMPERATURE: 54°F TRUCK/TICKET NO: 62/2126116 TIME BATCHED: 9:30 am TIME SAMPLED: 10:10 am H2O ADDED ON JOB: 30 gals H2O REQUESTED BY: contractor SLUMP(ASTM C143): 9 inches AIR CONTENT(ASTM C231): --% CONCRETE TEMP (ASTM C1064): 63° F UNIT WEIGHT(ASTM C138): --pcf PLACEMENT: pumped SPECIMEN LAS TEST AT DATE TOTAL LOAD, COMPRESSIVE CROSS SECTIONAL AREA NO. NO. DAY TESTED LBS. STRENGTH,PSI 1 275 7 11/14/01 72500 6160 11.77 in2 2 276 28 12/05/01 77000 6560 11.73 in2 3 277 28 12/05/01 79500 6680 11.90 in2 ALL CYLINDERS: 4"X 8" REBAR INSPECTION: [x]YES [ ]NO CROSS SECTIONAL AREA: SEE ABOVE APPROVED: [x]YES [ ]NO REMARKS: N/S - NOT SHOWN N/A- NOT APPLICABLE ATTACHMENTS: [ ]YES [x]NO ALL FRACTURES CONICAL EXCEPT AS NOTED. ALL SAMPLES CAPPED PER ASTM C617 INSPECTOR: J. Carr ICBO Certified/WABO Registered COMMENTS: ALL SAMPLES WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C31 &C172. cc: Gary Barnett/City of Anacortes Don Measamer/ Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Robert Ross/Zipper Zeman Associates Len Andrews/Anda Speed Garrett/ PW Inspect. Dan Morrow: structural Engineer Submitted by Larry Douglas Materials Testing Supervisor C.\WINDOWS1TEMP\concvcl5a doc .BAKERVIEW ENGINEERING DESIGN 1675 g7EL\LINGHAM,WA 982026D PROJECT MANAGEMENT ANVIL CONTR.LIC.#AN-VI-LC-271QH TESTING LABORATORIES CORPORATION TELEPHONE(360)671-1450 INSPECTION / J FAX(360)671-1697 MORTAR STRENGTH REPORT ASTM C 780 A.7 PROJECT:Anacortes Library JOB NO.: BM6024 CLIENT: City of Anacortes REPORT NO.: C16 CONTRACTOR: Anda/All Masonry DATE MOLDED: 11/07/01 SUPPLIER: On-site batching DATE RECEIVED: 11/09/01 LOCATION OF POUR: SW Quadrant Bottom 4' Meeting Room MIX TYPE: Spec mix type S bulk STRENGTH REQUIREMENT: 2000 psi at 28 days NO.OF CYLINDERS: 1 set of 3 QUANTITY REPRESENTED: 12 ft.3 AIR TEMPERATURE: 55°F TRUCK/TICKET NO: -- TIME BATCHED: 10:00 am TIME SAMPLED: 11:00 am H2O ADDED ON JOB: --gals H2O REQUESTED BY: -- SLUMP (ASTM C143): 8 inches AIR CONTENT(ASTM C231): --% CONCRETE TEMP (ASTM C1064): 58° F UNIT WEIGHT(ASTM C138): --pcf PLACEMENT: trowel SPECIMEN LAB TEST AT DATE TOTAL LOAD, COMPRESSIVE REMARKS NO. NO. DAY TESTED LBS. STRENGTH,PSI 1 272 7 11/14/01 5950 1890 2 273 28 12/05/01 7600 2420 3 274 28 12/05/01 7150 2280 ALL CYLINDERS: 2"X 4" REBAR INSPECTION: [ ]YES [x]NO CROSS SECTIONAL AREA: 3.14 in2 APPROVED: [ ]YES [ ]NO REMARKS: N/S- NOT SHOWN N/A- NOT APPLICABLE ATTACHMENTS: [ ]YES [x]NO ALL FRACTURES CONICAL EXCEPT AS NOTED. ALL SAMPLES CAPPED PER ASTM C617 INSPECTOR: J. Carr ICBO Certified/WABO Registered 1 COMMENTS: ALL SAMPLES WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C31 &C172. cc: Gary Barnett/City of Anacortes Don Measamer/Bldg. Dept. Jim Carey/Architect Robert Ross/Zipper Zeman Associates Len Andrews/Anda Speed Garrett/ PW Inspect. Dan Morrow: structural Engineer Submitted by Larry Douglas Materials Testing Supervisor C\W INDO WS\TEMP\concvcl6a.tloc 0 0 December 8, 2000 D' Mr. Gary Barnett, P.E. City of Anacortes MNGINEEFS ECHANICAL■ 9046r'' Street RECEIVED P.O. Box 547 Anacortes,Washington 98221 DEC 1 1 2000 RE: ANACORTES LIBRARY ELCCA ENGINEERING Dear Gary: Per your request, I am sending you a copy of the ELCCA we conducted for Olympic College. The red and yellow inserts are revisions to the base ELCCA to incorporate the State's comments. Please note that this ELCCA consisted of envelope, mechanical and electrical options. The fee for this ELCCA was about $18,700. We have done other ELCCA's where we have only reviewed three mechanical options. For these ELCCA's, our fee ranged from approximately$10,500 to $12,500. At our preliminary meeting on December 5, 2000,we had gone over a handful of options you would like us to investigate. I had also given you a ballpark fee based on this meeting. We can modify our fee depending on the amount of options that you would like us to investigate. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you. • Sincerely, CONSULTING DESIGN INCO ORATED • Mari M.Hamasaki,P.E. Associate Attachment: ELCCA- Olympic College Library/Media Center Addition and Remodel Cc: Anna Reche, Cardwell Thomas Bradley Miller, Selkirk Miller Hayashi "One ELCCA for Anna and Brad H:\2000\2000-041 Anacortes Library\Correspondence\Letter\Letter to CTA Anacortes.doc 19203 36th Ave.W Suite 213 Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel.425-672-1071 Fax 425-778-8769 E-Mail cdi@edime corn ENGINEERI NG MECHANICAL ■ ENGINEERS DATE: March 13, 2001 PROJECT#: 2000-041.00 FROM: Ken Warren SENT VIA: Courier PROJECT NAME: Anacortes Library Cardwell Thomas&Assoc. ❑ Cardwell Thomas&Assoc. ❑ Swenson Say Faget Mr.Jim Cary Mr.Rich Cardwell Mr.Dan Say 1221 Second Avenue,Ste 300 1221 Second Avenue,Ste 300 2124 Third Avenue,Suite 100 Seattle,WA 98101 Seattle,WA 98101 Seattle,WA 98121 P: 206-622-2311 P: 206-622-2311 P: 206-443-4870 ❑ Swenson Say Faget ® Selkirk Miller Hayashi ❑ Travis Fitzmaurice&Assoc. Mr.Dan Morrow Mr.Bradley Miller Mr.Peter Richmond 2124 Third Avenue,Suite 100 118 N.35th Street,Suite 200 222 Etruria Street,Suite 200 Seattle,WA 98121 Seattle,WA 98103 Seattle,WA 98109 P: 206-443-4870 P: 206-634-1411 P: 206-285-7228 ❑ Travis Fitzmaurice&Assoc. ® City of Anacortes ❑ Mr.Mike Fitzmaurice,P.E. Mr.Gary Barnett,P.E. 222 Etruria Street,Suite 200 904 6th Street Seattle,WA 98109 P.O.Box 547 P: 206-285-7228 Anacortes,WA 98221 P: 360-293-1920 FOR: ❑ COMMENT ❑APPROVAL ® INFORMATION ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑APPROVAL ❑ NOT APPROVED ❑AS REQUESTED ❑YOUR ACTION # OF COPIES DESCRIPTION 1 ELCCA REMARKS: 19203 36th Avenue W Suite 213 Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel.425-672-1071 Fax 425-778-8769 www.cdime.com H:t000\2000-041 Anacortes Library\Correspondence\Transmittal\ProlectTrans 031301.doc Measamer, Don From: Barnett, Gary Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:02 PM To: Frank, Ed; Measamer, Don Cc: Barnett, Gary Subject: Library mechanical layout Please scan and see if questions and answers are appropriate. Am I hitting the right areas? Are the responses OK? Thanks for being part of the team! Gary Original Message----- From: Brad Miller[SMTP:bradmiller@smharchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, March 29,2001 11:21 AM To: Barnett, Gary Cc: Steven Rainbow;Jim Cary Subject: RE:Mechanical systems comments Gary- I've reviewed these with CDI, with responses under each item. The only action item will be forwarding a zoning schematic for your review. Please call with questions. > Original Message > From: Barnett, Gary [mailto:barnettg@cityofanacortes.orq] > Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 12:26 PM >To: 'Brad Miller' > Cc: Barnett, Gary; Pittis, Russ; Everhart, Doug > Subject: Mechanical systems comments >• 1. Multiple boilers as shown on mechanical plans >seem excessive. Police > building has two boilers. And only one was > needed to keep building warm > this winter with temps in low 20's. Police is in > use 24 hours a day. The > boilers would also run for very short cycles. So >one boiler was derated to > a lower BTU and it still provides the bulk of the > heat. So, please evaluate >carefully the number and rating of the boilers. The proposed system has multiple small same-size cast iron high-efficiency boilers working in series. This should avoid the problem of the derating of the larger boiler. This is an energy efficient arrangement-additional boilers are called up by the controls systems only if required, if only one is needed only one is firing. >2. A lead lag system of boiler and pump > alternation seems appropriate as > proposed. However, the boilers need to be > similarly sized, not one large, > one small as the police system evolved. Again, > check the ratings against > heat load under varying demand conditions. Boilers are all same size. The system has 2 pumps for back-up redundancy, alternation of pumps and boilers is controlled by the digital controls system. >3. The system installers at the police station > are speculating that part of >the short cycling that has lead to derating one > boiler, is due to the supply 1 >water"short circuiting" due to a pipin.,-.ayout C) > that brings a loop back to > boiler with a short run,while other loops are > longer. Yet, the longer runs > seem to be receiving adequate heat. So a lot of >fiddling is going on at the > police station. For the library system,we want >the designers to design and > specify components and system layout that produce > a good result without a > lot of tinkering. CDI thinks this was probably a piping issue as well. At the library they are aiming for similar length runs and are reviewing options including loops and valve controls to avoid short-cycling. >4. Please keep and eye on thermostat locations > versus heat/cool sources, > operable windows, proximity to foyer or service > entrance, public access, > proximity to heat vents and diffusers (that > produce a short cycle). We have > had issues with poor locations in several > buildings, so we know the > importance of experienced foresight in their placement. There will be a thermostat and therefore a zone for each F terminal unit (VAV). The thermostat settings will be controlled by the digital controls. In the public areas CDI is proposing no adjustability at the thermostat. In the staff areas CDI is proposing a limited range of user adjustment at the thermostat. > 5. How many zones are planned? Could a zoning > schematic be sent to us for > an early review, or is it shown on the permit set? There are 38 terminal units, thus the potential for 38 zones. In some areas units could be consolidated under one thermostat with savings of approximately$500 but some loss of control sensitivity. The number of units is dictated not only by different areas served, sometimes it is dictated by the desire to keep units small and similarly sized, making them quieter and more accessible. CDI will forward a zoning diagram to you and a copy to us, so we can discuss. > 6. The ELCCA report showed an obvious selection >based on lowest first cost > and lowest life cycle cost. The city confirms > the selection of the > recommended system. Confirmed. > 7. Do the wall assembly proximate and/or > adjacent to the air handlers and > mechanical rooms have added noise attenuation ratings? A double wall with minimal penetrations is provided adjacent to the air handlers. We are looking at ways including duct liner, sound traps and GWB wrap to minimize sound at the duct work below the air handlers. > 8. There is a line item for sound attenuation >within the mechanical budget. >What techniques are planned? I recall hearing of > oversize ducts for lower >velocities,flex duct for final run to diffusers, > acoustical attenuators >within the air handling system as possibilities. 2 (,) 0 Techniques proposed include: Sound traps at air handlers, perforated metal duct lining and internal walls at large ducts, acoustical duct lining 'downstream'of terminal units, vibration isolation at air handlers and pumps, flex duct to supply registers. The system is designed to strike a balance with a moderately limited velocity- lower velocity would come at a substantially greater sheet metal cost. > 9. Hot water storage of 100 gallons seems > excessive. Please review the > domestic hot water system with the mechanical > designer as we previously > discussed in context of energy management. As discussed, CDI will downsize to a residential size HWH. The ELCCA energy cost for domestic hot water is a result of default values applied to the 100 gal. heater, it does not reflect the library's reality in terms of limited handwashing and minimal showering. > 10. We'd like your input to training and > equipment documentation. I would > like to see specs that call for good 0 and M > manuals, hands on training by > qualified vendor reps, video taping of training > presentations for future > reference, assembly of manuals incrementally and > not in rush at the end > (tied to payment--no partial manual--no progress > payment). >This area is important for long term energy > management. Additionally, I do > not plan to have a separate building commission > activity. This 0 and M > training and documentation will be the designated > building commission > activity. Spec sections 01785 Operation and Maintenance Data and 01820 Demonstration and Training lay out the general provisions and formats for these activities. CDI will provide information in specific spec sections as to what the actual content required for those sections is, and refer to the Div. 1 sections. > 11. At staff lounge sink, please provide a > single handle faucet with a > separate sprayer for filling large vases and > coffee urns. A full size 34" > sink in the 36" base is desired (probably a > single large bowl). Suggest use > of single handle faucets at staff work sinks. > Children's area work sink > needs to be larger for paint project cleanup etc. Plumbing fixture schedule will be revised. Please give me a call with any questions. Regards, Brad 3 FEB-12-2001 15::4 CRPJ'ELL THOMRS 'j 206 442 9165 P.01. 01 Post-It'Fax Note 7671 rW6 of v' ! �t ,/ QQ�.{ ,/n To yot. *Nog- Co.Frm 0/41 CAW St rf 1 �l //��� Zl��/Co/Dept. /,,7,or Ail,, 3j C &HA //q 4 f+f.� t y'r ` ��yy,0'Phone x 960-273.1201 Phone tot,- &Z,VII P6� Its • 7 ogi, A ote- Fsx 3Ga•Zy3-1138 Fex# zr:y,-4fiL 7166- f 4a .6k Pale. 'I li midi i pM. ( i. r_, ,,, ___,___:______„. j® _____ - 7 a i 4 - LO B oh c°�J I .. Q Q' aw --g ~� ®t a 0 I@ _ O l ® w 1 . r C // J __ I 77- 1 1 1 I - O f ` -� O TOTRL P.01 • i§, ' c , ' C 1 CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE FOR L, BOVEGROUND PIPING g Additional copies of this form are Publications-Order Processing, Training Resource Center. available only to insureds from: Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike, P.O. Box 9102, Norwood MA 02062 PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPER NAME GATE M�� �/ ,� y 6,3 PROPERTY ADDRESS • ACCEP ED BY A ROVI G AUTHORITY('S) NAMES S. ADD PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED 5.YES NO IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS YES ❑NO HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? DYES ❑NO IF NO, EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE CHARTS AND NFPA 13A BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? I rr.FTES ❑NO IF NO, EXPLAIN LOCATION SUPPLIES BLDGS. OF SYSTEM MAKE MODEL YEAR OF ORIFICE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE MANUFACTURE SIZE RATING SPRINKLERS PIPE CONFORMS TO STANDARD El YES ❑NO PIPE AND FITTINGS CONFORM TO STANDARD ❑YES LINO FITTINGS IF NO, EXPLAIN ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST PIPE ALARM VALVE ,I _ TYPE /J MAKE MODEL MIN. SEC. OR FLOW AO - As- si r- INDICATOR ��',,,���777 As- /✓ F' DRY VALVE O.O.D. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. TIME TO TRIP WATER R TRIP POINT TIME WATER ALARM REACHED OPERATED THRU TEST PIPE PRESSURE ••ESSURE AIR PRESSURE TEST OUTLET PROPERLY DRY PIPE MIN. SEC. PSI PSI PSI MIN. SEC. YES NO OPERATING TEST WITHOUT O.O.D. WITH Q.O.D. IF NO, EXPLAIN ASAfS.AAIENG,NF_ERING PRINTED IN USA CD OPERATION ❑PNEUMATIC ❑ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PIPING SUPERVISED ❑YES ❑NO DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED ❑YES ❑NO DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TRIP ANDIOR REMOTE CON L STATIONS? ❑YES 0 NO DELUGE & IS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY IN EACH CIRCUIT FOR TESTIN IF NO, EXPLAIN PREACTION ❑YES ❑ VALVES S EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE DOES EACH CIRCUIT MAXIMUM TIME TO MAKE MODEL SUPERVISION LOSS ALARM OPERATE VALVE RELEASE OPERATE RELEASE / YES NO YES NO YES NO HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bars) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bars) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bars) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be lett open during test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. TEST FLUSHING: Flow the required rate until water is clear as indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as DESCRIPTION hydrants and blow-offs. Flush at flows not less than 400 GPM (1514 Umin) for 4-inch pipe, 600 GPM (2271 Umin) for 5-inch pipe, 750 GPM (2839 Umin) for 6-inch pipe, 1000 GPM (3785 Umin) for 8-inch pipe, 1500 GPM (5678 Umin) for 10-inch pipe and 2000 GPM (7570 Umin) for 12-inch pipe. When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rates, obtain maximum available. PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bars) air pressure and measure drop which shall not exceed 1-1/2 psi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop which shall not exceed 1.1/2 psi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours. ALL PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT PSIFOR HRS. IF NO, STATE REASON DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALLY TESTED ❑YES ❑NO EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLY ❑YES ❑NO DRAIN READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR WATER SUPPLY TEST PIPE: RESIDUAL PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST PIPE OPEN WIDE TESTS TEST STATIC PRESSURE 95-' psi psi Underground mains and lead-in connections cttoo�system risers shall be flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE FORM NO. 85B C]YES ❑NO OTHER EXPLAIN FLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND rram�// SPRINKLER PIPING oft 0 NO NUMBER USED LOCATIONS NUMBER REMOVED BLANK TESTING ` GASKETS L/✓) WELDED PIPING CES ❑NO IF YES . . . DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY S ❑NO WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR-3? �/ WELDING DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN ]C.IYES ID NO COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR-3? L� DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY :It YES ❑NO CONTROL PROCEDURE TO INSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED, THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH, THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE PROVIDED IF NO, EXPLAIN I' DATA ES ❑NO NAMEPLATE DATE LEFT IN ERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN: REMARKS NAM OF SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR a 0nid l TESTS WITNESSED BY SIGNATURES FOR PROPERTY OWNER (SIGNED) TITLE DATE ��. �1�� r2 N^ i AT"YI-n3 FOR .1 NKLER/,•••TRACTT' IGNED) 717E /� DATE ADDITIONAL EXPLANATI'i iv N•TES 65A BACK • CD AMERICAN „.0 \� DOUG BUEHLER Cel: (425)2103841 8tk/ \ •LICENSED •BONDED SPRINKLER CORPORATION •INSURED 2311 - 153rd Ave. S.E. •Snohomish, WA 98290 (425)3354645 • Fax: (425)3354766 • • III . 1 ,r r • CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE FOR 4 BOVEGROUND PIPING Egi Additional copies of this form are Publications-Order Processing, Training Resource Center. available only to Insureds from: Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike, P.O. Box 9102, Norwood MA 02062 PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. ! PROPER NAME DATE F� �`/ Gi� y �3 PROPERTY ADDRESS ACCEP ED BY ROVI G AUTHORITY('S)NAMES . s ADD PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED YES ❑NO IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS YES ❑NO HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? JayES Ill NO , IF NO, EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE CHARTS Ir�{�r AND NFPA 13A BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? U7'YES El NO IF NO, EXPLAIN LOCATION SUPPLIES BLDGS. OF SYSTEM MAKE MODEL YEAR OF ORIFICE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE MANUFACTURE SIZERATING SPRINKLERS PIPE CONFORMS TO STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO PIPE AND FITTINGS CONFORM TO STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO FITTINGS IF NO, EXPLAIN ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST PIPE ALARM VALVE Ajii TYPE //n MAKE �/ �JMOODE^L MIN. SEC. INDICATOROR FLOW �'�"�ea lit a— 4'SP"-!" DRY VALVE O.O.D. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. TIME TO TRIP WATER R TRIP POINT TIME WATER ALARM REACHED OPERATED THRU TEST PIPE PRESSURE •-ESSURE AIR PRESSURE TEST OUTLET PROPERLY DRY PIPE MIN SEC. PSI PSI PSI MIN. SEC. YES NO OPERATING TEST WITHOUT O.O.D. WITH Q.O.D. IF NO, EXPLAIN AEA/E.AAIENGINEERING PRINTED IN USA \. , a . OPERATION ❑PNEUMATIC ❑ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PIPING SUPERVISED ❑YES ❑NO DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED ❑YES ONO DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TRIP AND/OR REMOTE CON L STATIONS? ❑YES ONO DELUGE & IS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY IN EACH CIRCUIT FOR TESTIN IF NO, EXPLAIN PREACTION ❑YES ❑ VALVES S EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE DOES EACH CIRCUIT MAXIMUM TIME TO MAKE MODEL SUPERVISION LOSS ALARM OPERATE VALVE RELEASE OPERATE RELEASE ✓/ YES NO YES NO YES NO HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bars) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bars) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bars) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be slopped. TEST FLUSHING: Flow the required rate until water is clear as indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as DESCRIPTION hydrants and blow-offs. Flush at flows not less than 400 GPM (1514 Umin) for 4-inch pipe, 600 GPM (2271 Umin) for 5-inch pipe, 750 GPM (2839 Umin) for 6-inch pipe, 1000 GPM (3785 Umin) for 8-inch pipe, 1500 GPM (5678 Umin) for 10-inch pipe and 2000 GPM (7570 Umin) for 12-inch pipe. When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rates, obtain maximum available. PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bars) air pressure and measure drop which shall not exceed 1-1/2 psi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop which shall not exceed 1-1/2 psi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours. ALL PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT PSIFOR HRS. IF NO, STATE REASON DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALLY TESTED El YES ❑NO EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLY ❑YES CI NO DRAIN READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR WATER SUPPLY TEST PIPE: RESIDUAL PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST PIPE OPEN WIDE // TESTS TEST STATIC PRESSURE 7-r psi SO psi Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers shall be flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE FORM NO. 85B tS ❑NO OTHER EXPLAIN FLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER PIPINGS ❑NO NUMBER USED LOCATIONS NUMBER REMOVED BLANK TESTING GASKETS 0 WELDED PIPING L "ES CI NO IF YES . . . DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY AEs ❑NO WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR-P? �/ WELDING DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN ,'ES ❑NO COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR-37 L,� DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY FIVES ONO CONTROL PROCEDURE TO INSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED, THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH, THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE PROVIDED IF NO, EXPLAIN DATA 7�yES ❑NO NAMEPLATE + DATE LEFT IN ERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN: I REMARKS NAM OF SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR � *heir CFtP TESTS WITNESSED BY SIGNATURES FOR PROPERTY OWNER(SIGNED) I TITLE I DATE FOR iNKL;R '•f%lifTRACT IGNED) I �TITI . DATE Set ADDITIONAL EXPLANATI+T NOTES i 85A BACK AMERICAN DOUG BUEHLER // \\ Cel: (425]2103841 (1) / \ •LICENSED ' •BONDED SPRINKLER CORPORATION •INSURED 2311 - 153rd Ave.S.E. • Snohomish,WA 98290 (425)335-4645 • Fax: (425]335-4766 101 II rl n 0 Co �' ANACORTES PLANNING Et COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. itiek�a• "'�' PERMIT CENTER PH(360)293-1901 FAX(360)293-1938 .'.= s. P.O.BOX 547,ANACORTES WA 98221-0547 ,.. � ^- ' � IAN MUNCE, DIRECTOR �3 1891 At EDWIN FRANK,BUILDING OFFICIAL•E-mail:ed@cityoranocortes.org 4 et CO September 6, 2001 Eric Dittrich D-Tech 1501 Kentucky Avenue Bellingham, WA 98226 RE: Anacortes Library 1209 9th Street The following are comments and questions concerning the plan review done on the above- mentioned project. 1. The architect of record shall review all submittal documents and forward then to the Building Official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general 1 conformance with the design of the building per UBC Section and Section 2. Please provide contrasting colors for the zone labeling on the graphic map. 3. The 110 strobes,visual devices located in Room 136 and 132 do not appear to provide full coverage. Please verify strobe coverage. 4. A visual and audible device should be provided at Deck 217. Respectfully, CITY OF ANACORTES N. Don Measamer Plans Examiner DM:md cc. Gary Barnett D- 1EC.U, c 1501 Kentucky St. Trill Bellingham, WA 98226 October 2, 2001 Mr. Don Measamer, Plans Examiner Anacortes Planning&Community Development Dept. P.Q. box 5d7 Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 RE: Anacortes Library, 1209 9th Street-Fire Alarm Dear Mr. Measamer, Here are the answers to your letter of September 6, 2001 regarding this project. 1. We are passing this request along to our customer. 2. The Graphic Map will have red borders around each zone, red zone numbers, and black floor plans and lettering on a white background. 3. The strobe/horns in Rooms 136 and 132 have been rearranged from the engineers original layout. This should provide the required coverage. Because of the book stacks in these areas, the signals will be located at 96" A.F.F. to clear the stacks. See the note on drawing Au A=LM- FA-2. See the revised drawing enclosed showing these new locations. 4. We will add a weatherproof strobe/horn at Deck 217 as directed. Enclosed are revised copies of the Graphic Map showing the new location as directed by the engineers, Travis Fitzmaurice. Also enclosed are revised copies of the floor plans showing the changes noted above. Thank you for your comments. If you need more information or have questions, please call us. Very truly yours, George B. Shawn cc: Travis Fitzmaurice Dahi's Valley Electric TEL. 360-647-0110 FAX. 360-715-9008 a-mail sales@dtech.com D-TECH, ETC. 1501 Kentucky Sit. 0 Bellingham, WA 98226 October 2, 2001 l Mr. Peter Richmond Travis Fitzmaurice & Associates 222 etruria- Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 RE: Anacortes Public Library-Fire Alarm Dear Mr. Richmond, Enclosed are revised copies of the floor plan drawings and Graphic Map with the corrections noted in your review dated August 30, 2001. Also enclosed is a copy of our letter of October 2, 2001 to Don Measamer, plans examiner, in Anacortes. This will explain the other changes. As you said resubmittal is not required, these copies are for your records. If you have any questions, or need more information, please call us. Very truly yours, l / i 1� / Geor I B. Shawn cc: Don Measamer Dahl's Valley Electric TEL. 360-647-0110 FAX. 360-715-9008 e-mail sales@dtech.com r cD Date: 12J/Z From the Desk of Bob Hyde ccnl To: t)eo� Subject: . Li brarc.l L,Skti /Rra-wo/ Conf(iGa- See c f#fcc,Lcd. your AavS[.}� d trecion B� " ck i- _ eery e vt- n s / I r it4 wit a x- Public V V orks Engineering and Development ent Services Memo Date: December 11, 2002 To: Bob Hyde' t i From: Gary Barnett • Subject: Architectural/Artwork Conflict at City Library There is a conflict between the metal sculpture artwork produced by Ries Niemi and the hanging light fixtures in the central corridor of the library (see attached photos). City building codes require separation of the two elements. Both artist and architect Jim Cary concur that separation is needed. The mutually preferred solution is to raise the lights in the corridor and to reduce the artwork column height. This will provide the best balance and presentation of all the building elements and allow the artwork to have appropriate scale and presence. How did the conflict occur? An early design sketch prepared by the artist indicated a height of column. The architect relied on this information during design and construction and established the light fixture height to have the appropriate separation and scale for both the building and art elements. The artist built the columns higher than indicated as a higher column fit the space and the artistic intent better. During installation last week, the conflict was observed. There is also a minor issue with the handrail to column clearance (0.5 inches =/-) that will be corrected by the artist. Library staff, owner representative, architect, building department representative and artist all conferred and agreed the art columns do not fit the space or intent if the artwork column is cut down (2.5 feet +/-to solve the issues without raising any lights). Raising the lights 2.5 feet also was agreed to be equally undesirable. Hence, both lights and columns need adjustment. City of Anacortes Telephone 360 293 1920 Engineering and Development Services Fax 360 293.1938 PO Box 547 Email engineering@cityofanacortes.org Anacortes,WA 98221 w.,vw.cityofanacortes.org There are two opns: c i 1. Raise three liglfts that relate most closely to the art work and the second floor landing, leaving the remaining seven lights in the ten light row in the central corridor at a lower elevation. Artwork is lowered. Cost of$916 is the least cost z 1 ' minimum solution, but leaves the lights at different elevations. 2. Raise all ten lights to an even height. Artwork is lowered. Cost of$3290 is the preferred option to balance the lighting, artwork and space to best effect. Direction is requested as to which option is preferred and recommended allocation of costs. The artist indicates his willingness to reduce column height some, but not 2.5 feet and to rework the handrail—column clearance at no cost. The architect relied upon the dimensioned early sketch provided by the artist and produced construction drawings that worked for the given dimensions. Please advise ASAP, as this is a last minute item needing time for artist and contractor to modify their work. Change Order proposals 35-1 and 35-2 are attached for review. Attachments: Photos Change Order Proposals City of Anacortes Telephone 360.293.1920 Engineering and Development Services Fax 360.293.1938 PO Box 547 Email engineering@cityofanacortes.org Anacortes,WA 98221 www.cityofanacortes.org AUG-07-2001 10 32 C pWELL THOMAS 206 442 9165 P.04/05 O • © ' U I _ 1 .,b- , 1. ill LP I y STD 3 lb I i I IN eNJ1 M eat- 2 !I5 A NJ s-s 4'—I } N. 1 U N ro. - m y 27-7 RN CLR, .� 10' - 1 } 2,4 IF 4'-10' S-64 S-8' r 9-8' '� 8' 6' 8' P d' la FOUNDATION ANSON SEE RR #8 SKETCH 3 AxroT Cardwell/Thomas SCALE 1/B = 1'-o' ANACORTES A� cts>�es RFI #6 L..PUBLIC 7221 Swift*, ,0urd AYC, SWIe 300 SKETCH 2 Washington WW1(206) 622-2311 reN LIBRARY (206) 442-9165 Pox y�/\/.���/\�/ ruaitic Unmaya A `i' EEI.I®6C Y61ERNAYA$M ARG6fEC1S 1 �y.�� URN 35th Si Sii to 700 ��p/.ry1209- MM�Strtreet (�pry� Seville, W,:einglan 95103 ••^'"ni1 Washington^t 1 (ruff 634,070 Fad AUG 2A 2001 (wing.urnnus.mauen;woem.om AUG-07-2001 10:32 CP :RWELL THOMAS 206 442 9165 P.05/05 i • 111-11101.11111111 S:e_ , • I r—,s iza 1 Y2 Yi e �vr ' e t it _ 9(4' N Min)vn) `+/ PA PT• CF$82 TtP ff SI9d WAII. aFCGICP2104 9.Nt 0U7 ' 11 r MO KAMEN E a . e i At• a tawror,cc cauea lean 41 f ..e s . i II " Al . 4 II Ems=DvRAXcra :El a y • I j{...,..__ Sees FENTRSTO coma rout " 1 f( . y5 GAGr�CNcu tamntaac VCCAGST g a J OFNDNAT GRID L & 2 d 6 a. 4 SCALE r a Pa• et A . . e AFOSTECT Cardwell/Thomas SCALE r = 11--0e ANACORTES Arccitte Associates RFI #6 'PUBLIC Sear Second Avenue, Suite J� SKETCH 3 .ram 122111C, coSd Ave �1u{ (ans) 522-2311 TA N' LIBRARY (206) 442-9155 Fg+ SPJJORK SWIM INTA0I APGMiECfS I10N $1. Suite 200 • 20%—t1n. SW*,. wth$i.germ 98102 Artacortes,Washington 9a221 (2°O2 2:-nis77'F 9 AUC,2001__ AUG-07-2001 10:32 C9RDWELL THOMAS 206 442 9165 P.03/05 • • STUDY 140 t 9 1A 'EC • 20-4e 724141 5-0" • DIMENSION ArOetcr Cardwell/Thomas SCALD 1/8' LI 1-0' ANACORTES q hititeocts tes RFI #6 PUBLIC S s,Second to KO N SKETCH 1 LIBRARY carewnI trtmm�x6 nmox sa108c lm1m HAYA HI ARCHTTscrs ! 1 y�n� 118N$!h SI. •utte 200 4\]9Street -9lh may St"ee` Seattle, Woehinglon 98103 Armories, ^�1 "'r"� p;Oti tiJe ra11 !v4 •tl (leJ Wa Olui rm 2 �� _7_\333 ndi,\_1 i 7'-61/2" 1 8'-0" One single faced ` illuminated monument ilk Vinyl scotchcal logo tbd. sign. Meyer Sign 1--- f�- Aluminum constructed "' & Advertising 5"tall �-- sign cabinet &faces Face detail Co., Inc. letter caps Y paint to match library window color. Routed out 2608 Hwy Vernon,99 So., aluminum -An aco rtes Public Library __ Mount 8273 sign face . Faces routed out & cut out& backed with plex, see pushed thru --- -- -- • °f ir e: detail, clear plex E•Oi --� J-� (360) 24-1325c: :: EE i ii .. letters&logo _4 Fax . .. Electronic message circle �---- "� tseo�424-s212"Hi :: :: :: center 1'-7" x 6'-10", 6" letters shown. Letters&logo circle • '.l `•, plex backed with white 7 ` Metal cap flashing r ��� r,ea.�an er e aint to match library Vinyl scotchcal rm.ciePM yd MM ♦♦MMM • 'MM1MMllIMM p y blue 230-36 window color, on face of letters Nwmo� N aoo n NMMNM—AIM ------- 1=* whdavpanmayoe Inc a7,Amphehed WIInan rha e ■MMMIMIMi . " ��������- Brick base to match �' �I i i . eaessecld Ch -__---_O. .-___-__ —1 . - Nowt$,Er 3" ,elnp Ca Inc ■ MMI= EEMMMIMMfI1MEM � building brick. = =� NNENNENEENnom sommgNENEMfN Concrete foundation �� MEI = MM11 • 1 .� 1 • MNMNNME to match libra =MU !----No—Immol•-- --En z ry I•ENon1 City Of o — foundation. Anacortes u Public Library 1220 10th St. 4" standard steel pipe Anacortes, WA f 98221 o Concrete footing M 8'wide x 3' long x 3'deep Design Number: 4085 • . Date: - , - 5.25,05 8' 0° r .,, _ 3'-0" 7.7.05 100► s -�. — i *ii-- `�J tir• .ems , ` 10th St, Anacortes Public Library • 0. _— . sidewalkAt .. Sign location -- up to but not over o 111E11111 property line Z I1J1 1tlltlltJJtt ) 11 T 1 1 1 r 1 r O -Id planter/grass area _ - c� Building Sign location&size shown on this photo is approximate. • 11 Approved By: Date: Kaa0i rr -6 C_ >d CONSULTANT / 4 -0' y 2(Y-0 V2' 222-0' - BUILDING LENGTH / 37'-4 V7 / 60'-01/2' / I �I 35-0' 20'-0' 50'-0' 201-0' / / �' / / CONSULTANTS STAIVP NINTH STREET - _ _ _ - - — - - - - - - - - - - ' N \- - - - - —'I - REFER TO CIVIL I NORTHWEST REFER CORNER OF ; EXISTING NEW DRAWINGS FOR SITE , TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR i CURB CURB PAVING ALTERNATES / NEW 'EXISTING ON NINTH STREET LOCATION. CURB I CURB _ - J L ASPHALT ASPHALT --- - -- I SE CNL Ir 7 / EXIT 15-0 201-0 15 O ENTRANCE ❑ II _ I is O EXISTING NEW NEW I NEW EXISTING EXISTING SIDEWALK SIDEWALK _ SIDEWALK I SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK ❑EEXJSTING PROPER Y LINE NEW I I \ 4' WIDE CONCRETE PATH. NDSCAPED • °r► CURB GENERAL SITE N TES i I ❑ �, I GARBAGE I j MAX SLOPE 120 r EA 0 1) GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE 6' HIGH 1 i DUMPSTER STAFF & ELECTRIC I CHAN LINK CONSTRUCTION FENCE AS i �' I RECYCLE BOOK SERVICE TRANSFORMER GENERINDICAAL O THE TfTEOR IS PLAN /� l GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO UNIT CONSTRICTION ❑ RECYCLE \ DROP ENTRANCE< I - - - ❑ JOB SfTE STORAGE IS TO BE L WITHN ACTIVITIES TO INSIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION WE I ;7 — T T ( - - , - - - - Z - 20' SETBACK LIMITS OF TEE CONSTRUCTION FENCE ` — ' -y IF A FED OFFICE IS FEOUPED, THE GENERAL CONIRACI \ I LOCATE fT WITHIN T OF OR DOONSTRICTION o ��/ j a® J I / ❑ IFENCE OR IN A LCCATION TEDo PORTTOLET. ,1\ REFER TO CIVIL NEW LIBRARY `�� PROVIDE AN DRAWINGS FOR SITE I'1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN I i� LGCATNG a UTILITIES THAT COUD I RESPONSBLE FOR PAVING ALTERNATES 0 I I DIMENSION POINT ❑ BE AFFECTED BY a2) GENERAL � 5 CONSTRUCTION ON M AVENUE I. I, NEW ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY • Z I 3) AND DEMOUiION MATERIALS AND MIT OIN-SITE STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ / 10'T ' - FF EL 12T-6° 0 I Q b 4) GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE AND • I K / / / T/ / 7 T. FOOS'PoNT OF MING LIBRARY TO BE DEIMOLISHED, 28'EXISCH STNUT m ( /// NEW SITELEGALLY DISPOSE CF ALL FASTING AND , DEBRIS. THE CONSTRICTION SITE, If 1S THE FIESPOPLfTY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DEMOLfSFi 1AS WELL AS ADJACENT I / / / / / / / / / EXISTING CONSTAJCTIGPI AS REWIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION I SIDEWALKS,A TO SOLE IAN) FEE of S AND °BICYCLE - "' " / / NDICATED N THESE CONSTRICTION DOCUMENTS TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION MESS PAFtl4NG j , a LARGED / / SEE SELECTIVE DBvMCUTION SECTCN IN PROJECT MANUAL DURING AND AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION.ON I SLAB CONC I t I SITE PLAN / / 5) REFER FOR EXISTINGOAT CONDfTIONS SURVEY • ❑( BIKES)KES) I \ I III _I__ / / / / 4' VMDE I rn i Ire / / / CONCRETE 0 6) REFER TOCRAVINGS FOR D(ISTNG AND I \ 1 I_ �� 1 Sp / / / / / PATH. MAX NEW TOPOGRAPHY. I 1 Q / r SLOPE 120 7) TO C!V>L oRAwNGs FOR FxsTxvG AND ° I I' I DOOR & / / / ) / / / I NEW MPERJIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS C ( \1- 7 _ WALKWAY / / / / / / / 6. / T ° W 8) FEFER TO CML DRAWNGS FOR SITE DRANAGE CN Bca�c I1��=/\7 /} �7 / / / T/ / / / 7 T/7 // /� = i AND ALL u>xrrlEs Z 0f13 eIKEs> I / /1 1 / ✓) / / / / / / / / / / / / / // 7/ - k Z w /� /� I / / / / ° Anacortes I; I , / / / �' / 1� . , I / / / / 7 f \ Q Public / [--1 ! I / 0 �'`� / / I ©ENLARGED UNE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT j / �� \ FUTURE LOCATION OF �1 I Library I \ / { I 1 ®SITE PLAN / / SHUGARTS PLAYGROUND II -'I \ / / / I I LINE OF BUILDING ROOF OVERHANG / /� Anemia seal ❑ �; I / / / / I /� 1203-9•1 Steel N \ / /_/ �..� / / / / ° ARCHITECT / /t/ / / / / / / ✓ i \ ° I °'i I =__ — L '_ _ - / / I ' ' ` - - - - Lj J - - J 11 _ ❑ Cardwell/Thomas 1 -7 / u I 8 Associates . jENTERR LIGHTSSEE CM® 70' ON ELEC / Architects I ❑ \ nit .� � ❑ 1221 Second Avenue, Suite 300 NEW ' NON RETE Seattle, 9eon ss 10t �� 1 (2061 622-2311 FT eel - .— �.� o o o Ili (206) 442-4165 Fox PAVI TG, TYP. TYR 1 �/ MP I ° ardwellthcmos corn 4 \ \__ _ I/ WH EL STMPS 5 �� / I SELKIRK MILLER HAYASHI ARCHITECTS �k, ):6Ctr PLANT: sN 35tn St Suite 200 tir ° I / P' X 6'-0", II I0 (206Seatt)6 4051411 Telx8103 ❑ (200 634-0167 Fax 9'-0' 94-0' I 9'--0' 91-0' 81-0' IS--0' 9'-0' 9.-0 email ProdMalernSMNAccn,tects com 16 SPACES ®8' 6 / • I 1 ❑ 5-0' 5-0' / 5'-0' . BARRIER FREE PARKING & S NNAGE, PARKING tj ASPHALT PAVING, TYP. © 7I 0 I 40 SPACES N PARKING AREA $ ASPHALT 4'-6' ENTRANCE A CHTECrs STAMP ❑ • O a30'-0' 8 SPACES @ 8'-0' �' I 10 SPACES @ 8'-6' / I • EXISITNG ❑ `j�a 26'CHESTNUT I — ImaI� �`� -, 4 20' SETBACK - - r • R 'E TE' D \ -..imr, , / • i 1 / I O //^ 1{i� •,I H D RDw LL EXISITNG V) ! O ❑ I STATE OFWASHINGTON / 22' CHESTNUT EXISITNG // 2T CHESTNUT ❑ %,, a5 _ . PROP RTY LINE ar ° NEW 1. NEW tr �_ I DATE DESCRIPTION SIDEWALK SIDEWALK to 22 MAR 01 PERMIT SET ❑ I� —� I I \ \ �� Jot i 6'-0° RADIUS $ NEW CURBS \ \\\ \��� NE PARKINCh Y J' NEW PARKING OIF NEW PARKING: \ ASPHALT "\ 11 SPACES �� 4 . 4 SPACES TYP. U.N.O. �\ ❑ \� 5 SPACES '� \ ENTRANCE ❑ EXISTING NEW a CURB CURB • TENTH STREET I -' PROJECT NUMBER 0006 22 MARCH 2O01 \ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 MARC T1T0 WING E NC CI SITE PLAN I ARCHITECTURAL SCALE: I/16" = NO" SITE PLAN DRAWING NUMBER A1 .1 l _L r-ZAh ......vc:Luic, CONSULTANT • NAKANOASS.(Xi SUC Lot'.AM S 900B.t Pike,9Wh2000 W2062929092 Sestet WA96122 'm2052929640 www.nikwasodatamm/nakato 1 ' I f CONSULTANT'S STAMP NINTH LLL I anOc�aj ------------------------------------------------ ( PLANTING SCHEDULE SYMBOLS BOTANICAL. COMMON NAME STATE of WASHINGTON __ T1 . _ / QUANIIY SIZE REGISTERED% Tt:\ REGISTERED• /7: I/ I_ANDAPE ARCHRECT �'yJ�� '\,� • �y�r" 111♦ _\�1/C� LARGE DECIDUOUS STREET TREES 8' '/\' 9 ]6c - r %\` 1 , "/Vl' */.Th I CERTIFICATE NO. 335 1 _ '/`` KENICHI NAKANO Acer rubrum Red Maple � / P 3" CAL., B&B , Aesculus :< cornea / Red Horse Chestnut 3" CAL., B&B •• •��� 01.-- Fraxinus Fenns Ivanica Green Ash �Iw1w Y / 3" CAL., B&B • • SS ilo.^ `mil_ , y • • MEDIUM DECIDUOUS TREES 28 w=l�wwwwJ� �—°° /. r/.�w♦i6�w/./.��r� /� awamk•�i��illaALw/�ww� C iPyrus call ryana / Flowering Pear 2" CAL., B&B.\��`�di al /.r �tl�wor rwraG._ - .._ _. _. . . ,_ r-- _� — i w ww wlw� ilk ! - 'Eddie's White Wonder' Dogwood 1to�•��� „�; r 7 1 � ,� ..�rw.�/ —It �wrvi•ry9ew w I 9 / 2" CAL., B&B ��.��� 9 w ' 1 Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder' • ice,\V��� ��� / 1 ' '-1 > ►,aw j Crataegus phaenopyum / Washington Thorn 2" CAL., B&B ��'rr ►mow Populus tremuloides / Quaking Aspen 2" CAL., B&B � i0i Carpinus betulus / Hornbeam 2" CAL., B&B .��!/' .ate • A�yp war {�Ij - ' O SMALL DECIDUOUS TREE 17 w! / �• h =� /2-0 I Acer circinatum / Vine Maple 21" HT. @ 3' O.C. ati /y* _ �$1 Amelanchier laevis / Service Berry 21" HT. ® 3' 0.C. BIKE RA. S ( �,/ w / 1 / I Acer palmatum / Japanese Maple 21" HT. @ 3' O.C. EXISTING MEMORIAL CONIFER TREES 11 TREES TRANSPLAI TED • 1 / I �� 1 1 et. I Thuja plicate / Western Red Cedar 21" HT. ® 3' O.C. I • ,,�T I / 1 Pinus contorto Shore Pine BIKE RA S l/�0pr e i / 21" HT. ® 3' O.C. W 1 I I Calocedrus decurrens / Incense Cedar 21" HT. ® 3' O.C. 1 Mil/ Lv z I 1 11 �11 i `� % z ® SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER 502 "tea vAt 1 I w I Amcor s a11/1 • I tP < I I�.r"... . w 1 y= Q I ��7/�s�/, ( �� i I Cornus stconifcr; / Red Twig Dogwood 21" HT. ® 3' 0.C. Public w 1 FUTURE -LOCATION ' .. I / ' ' /.\r.\/ 4 9v \�w��G i9► 4 . . . OF SHRUCARTS. . .. . " - .. • I /n ant"ink / �, M//� Z Cornus s. 'Flaviramea' / Yellow Twig Dogwood 21" HT. ® 3' O.G. Library _ . yowl a_ Mw . • PLAYGROUND ��" `���� = 4 �1i I Cornus s. "Kelseyi" / Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 1 GAL.. ® 18" O.C. �`�,,`\�, = I 1209-9th Street �/ A Nr�� • / Eunoymus Alata BurningBush Anacortes, Washington 98221 Y / 21" HT. 0 3' 0.C. ��\rw.w• /..akwaskyak ma f valadM40 A �� �„ / Hydrangea quern oho / Oakleaf Hydrangea 21' HT. ® 3' O.C. >\, . , w��w- , ` - ltaT ah mill. S' 4 ��!�, �ii i :art - I.- •Ali ? I aa,/ Vaccinum ovatum / Evergreen Huckleberry 21" HT. ® 3' 0.C. ARCHITECT '� \/ ► x/�� `'.-w\/. /r/. .�/\�/V/\ /V/\VP/►�/\� q\ 'IVi�GVI\�■\�/\�/V� 7.�/V/�w\:1 \I \I! r,'�• `�s�' • w w .��. �/� �. a. �-�� et 5t ■�� /.�w?i.�/.♦ ♦ /.Fay �r i fl up., =��, _ �� . _ • __-- tea,, r � I / Viburnum iinus 'Dwarf / Dwarf Laurustinus 21 HT. ® 3 O.C. - - —�/ '/ t t\I L '-- !r\r lr�+riQ• ' \I\/ r�i S��iir�r�\I" alb\/\/,��� \►• �I.. i�•. i\'/•r\Iw„\I\/rlrcr. - '?ra c. /�=IW\ n - , - .. ��c. r ;i\\/. •i�\/p .-. .� ' /� 1 - — ,', i) {t `;4. ;' �� a" q1i�\/ �/�/ 1 Galium odoratum / Sweet Woodruff 4 aS �ww I'S 'a'w/�� , ,y.�. . : :�� w •��lw\/\r.� ;; f.,h4` 1 r , -' iT�i .�� ,: : w \/." _ .. ' .tr{j:-c 1, „ Pots ® 10" 0.C. Cardwell/Thom 1 .. . le . l , •' \r A i. j r' a. �� I & Associates o° /' . ,0es, , "C7%�/�\►e�aerial: \ my re i1\w:= t ,,,„Ail at n A n �IJ\/\/'\/ wi\i•\/.. w�./.a� 1i\mo .� .� w ■�■� <• /k +/d■k. 0flirriirei i.TTrialhA : ;� _f/n�/ w>.1/� i• ^_-�, wa•/k• ��lrw - 1 Enkianthus companulatus / NCN 21" HT. ® 3' O.C. Architects \ Away " wears._ \r '-tram 4,•1.b•c/ w\/�!)—rl.A\IA\/ 1//a\/AW1\r\/ !!A\/^J . . AN:!d \►rbwar \I�\✓. ��\IL�\I �`6_ • i I Nair a�a■ --I 61107 ■ �� ► ■ 1 / ICal°magroetis x acutiflora 'Strict°' / 1 GAL. ® 18" O.C. iLIGHT POLE TYP. t ���� intj I Feather Reed Grass teat Second Avenue, Suite 300 I Seattle, Washington 98f0I J ��- — — I Festuca ovina 'Glauca' / Blue Fescue 1 GAL. ® 18" O.C. (206) 622-2311 Tel c� 0 0 o G . i (206) 442-9165 Fax card;Ithomas.com - � Helictotrichon sempervireus / Blue Oat Grass 1 GAL e� 18" O.C. c�. c�. c c�,, SELIO NILLER HAYASW ARCHITECTS - , • • °c�� _ I - 118N5th St. Suite 200 • . 1 AWN Seatf Woshmgton 98I03 -0167 Fax (206) 634-1411 Tel • _ 1 email. Br6) odMillerOSMHArch,tects corn O° } © ROCKS ARCHITECT'S STAMP 1 ' . 911, , :` '. : a •.- I NOTES . . 41) . • I pL ANIL Alai �' k 05 All I 1 . ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC milq!r!rw w•!rw-\r-�rw :: w-v v\�•SI•w �:•\r-\r-\/•w•\ry w•vr w•w ar•\r•ar•\�r v!r\rlr-�ry \iw\r.\►.•r•\r� v ilk kkkkkk. . • SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM, BY OTHERS. /►wv.•a.•i. '0 /./..viw•/►/.-w i.•wr►•/. •a.•/. °° w•t.•/.-/.•/././.•t►•G.•/. '0 i.•w•i�a•/.•il�•w•/. w•wuw•/1 •/.•/. i.- .•sa•a nV •w _ I IAj.• .\�\�A /Alfl\LEI. L\!.!'/\1.��\L�! ��1►-..I\l.�I l��Ll7. A /AIW\l IA/•!! Al\lIlW\/ In t/.\�lllAlar lik 1i e m aea DATE DESCRIPTION 22 MAR 01 PERMIT SET . - \..- - - • . \ \ , -0- • . . \ • • • \ \ \ \ \ LP • _ TEN TH I PROJECT NUMBER 0006 -- g T.RE ETA_-------------------------------------------- -------------- 22 MARCH 2001 . 4OLANDSCAPE PLAN I DRAWING TITLE 1 SCALE VW•Eo . LANDSCAPE PLAN ' ; I I I DRAWING NUMBER L1 . O enq-h CONSULTANT CONSULTANTS STAMP — DECK( AT Vt5 SF AREAS OF REFUGE — AREAS OF REFUGE 12 SF8000 LA L ry Lcurct- 11- l 1 HR OCC FPC J------ i J �3 AT 1/15 SF r+ ^' _J SEPARATION 1 HR OC C ��_ ,, t/ L 25 O� EAT i SEPARATION ��0� FPC Lrll e I STOR 1 4 OCC READING AREA 0 tv'ECH CFRCE J 1 C s t�� I-- 4316 SF AT 1/50 SF ROOFTOP MECH 2 CCC 2 OCC 87 OCC 0 OCC 1 HR OCC I f--t j l �OCC I SEPARATION I OFFICE ORRICE III I 3 CYY' 2 CCC BEO O k' " FPC I 1000 I • •a •EXIT cn . N SECOND FLOOR CODE PLAN Anacortes SCALE: I/16" = 1'-0" Put.lh, Library 1209-911 Street Wee ington 96221 l I ARCHITECT 1 4R OCC 1 HR OCC j 1 N N4STIARAIUN SEPARATION i_--=o -Y ___ i-1 DRC)P • • ) 1 DCC E>TJ min 1' „aun �' CODE ANALYSIS Cardwell/Thomas MECkI L_J I mud' I 1 HR OCC nuu� & Associates __ __ OFFICE 1 OCC 5TOR —. MULTI-USE SEPARATION p� . APPLCAR F CYlnP 1997 UNIFORM BOLDING CODE Architects 2 OOO7 SF 0 V100 SF — 2 OCC ,li- J' �C 460� AT 1115 SF 1997 STATE OF WASHNVGTON STATE-WIDE AMENDMENTS I 1 1 10 OCC OCCUP,�ICY CLASSIFICATION GROUP B OCCUPANCY (SECT 304) 1227 Second Avenue, Soda 300 _ I Seattle, Washington 98101 Fip 27,167 SF - 9496 (2061 62<""-2311 Tel /� OFFICE r J pC��y� �r�� • GR1Dyly1P A3 OCCUPANCY (SECT303) (2oh) 441-�165 Foy STVII `'��,• VYYIvC __ ,I I 1 Fz IEACING AF€A N^� SF — ` ` inYrjWPIItl10lII05 corn MI S 1 OCC 1 OCC i 2850 SF AT 1/50 S7 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION A3I6 — NO SEPARATION RECO (TAR F 3-B) SELKIRK MILLER HAYASHI ARCHITECTS • o C o OFFICE I], P SEPARATION 57 OCC SEPARATION (SECT MECHANICAL30 FOOM CYY UPANCY Seattle, e35th St.Washington 95703220 OFFICE 1 CCC 10 OCC • • C D� 6OCC 2ne1 E34-Ian Tel '�� C I C OFFCE TYPE CCNSTRUCTpPI TYPEOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM =oe! ss4-ol6% Fa email, BradMdlereSMHArsndects Ism - �.� -- - 1000 _ r CLASSC ROOF ESHAFT ENCLOSURES NIUST� RATED 1#t (TABLE 6 N �I If1I II— - EXIT CI • LOCATION ON PROPERTY: SEE Al - SfTE PLAN FOR RIGHT OF WAY, SETBACK • • • LOBBY EJQT 0— AND PROPERTY INFOFIMATK�1y THERE ARE NO BUILDINGS WITHIN 20' OF EXTERIOR WALL ARCHITECTS STAMP 1070 SF AT 1/7 SF FAA® El ® FPC 1:' 16,000 SF 18,000 SF MAX /NCFEASE (SECT STORY • BaT SEPARATION ON ALL SDES (SECT 5(15.13) = • ET8 � �'� MAX / .i ELL \ STATE OE WASHIVTON pp AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INCREASE (SECT 5053) ,. ._..,.. �I - 64,000 SF - 32000 SF MAX / STORY � ________-----E MEETING ROOM --_ ?'MEETING 143 OCC AT 1/50 SF 1-- 3 OCC AREA ACTUAL FLOOR AREA - 7150 SFSECOND FLCCR 7,524 SF FFC r 143 CCC -MEETING FIRST FLOOR 20,954 SF DATE DESCRIPTION ' L 3 OCC TOTAL 28478 SF 22 MAR 01 PERMIT SET EAT • , ALLOWABLE HEIGHT & ALLOWABLE NUMBER CF STORES - 2 STORES (TAR F 5-B) NUMBER OF STORES \ 1Cy I , MEETING ACTUAL NUMBER OF STORIES - 2 STCRES BOCC i OCCUPANIr LOADS (TABLE 10-Ak H ASSEMBLY, CONCENTRATED USE - 1/7 SF ASSEMBLY, LESS CONCENTRATED USE - 1/15 SF • LIBRARY READING AREAS - 1/50 SF MECHANICAL EWIPMQVT ROM - 1/300 SF OFFlCES - 1/100 SF PROJECT NUMBER 0006 A STORAGE& CiFIRST FLOOR CODE PLAN R°°M ,w SCALE: 1/16" r I'-0" MARCH2001 DRAWING TfTLE GENERAL NOTES & CODE ANALYSIS ' 1 DRAWING NUMBER ) T2