HomeMy WebLinkAboutIL232 Interlocal Amendment 04 DocuSign Envelope ID: 31F4D6B0-E210-4883-BF21-8C8E70194FF4 Interlocal 232 Modification 04 Date July 23, 2019 Page 1 of 1 Page Project Description City of Anacortes Fiber Optics Project Prime Contractor Northwest Open Access Network ("NOANET") BACKGROUND This amendment is to include outside plant design and engineering into the scope of work for two pilot areas for the City’s Municipal Fiber Network, the Old Town and M Avenue areas. The design and engineering work is to address that portion of the network beginning at the City Library and ending at the multi-port service terminals in each pilot area. Accordingly, the contract price is increased from $508,228.00 by $36,610.00 to $544,838.00. Accordingly, the following change is incorporated under this contract: 3. NOANET’s OBLIGATIONS, insert the following third paragraph: “The work as described above is hereby amended per Modification 04. NOANET will provide OSP fiber design and engineering services for the deployment of the fiber optic system in two neighborhood pilot areas: (i) the Old Town pilot area which is generally bounded on the east by O Avenue, on the west by D Avenue, on the north by 3rd Street, and on the south by 11th Street; and (ii) the M Avenue pilot area which is generally bounded on the east by M Avenue, on the west by K Avenue, on the north by 24th Street, and on the south by 32nd Street. The OSP fiber design and engineering services shall address the portion of the passive optical network that begins at the City’s Library and extends to multi-port service terminals distributed throughout each pilot area.” 4. COMPENSATION, insert the following second paragraph: “The work performed under this Agreement shall be performed on a time-and-materials (T&M) basis not-to-exceed Five Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars ($544,838.00). This includes the original contract price of $175,000. The price of $113,293.00 for Modification 01. The price of $198,880.00 for Modification 02 as detailed in Exhibit C. The price of $21,055.00 for Modification 03 as detailed in Exhibit D, and the price of $36,610.00 for Modification 04 as detailed in Exhibit E. All Exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. All other terms remain unchanged. The parties acknowledge that there has been an opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of this Modification and agree to be bound accordingly. CITY OF ANACORTES NORTHWEST OPEN ACCESS NETWORK By ______________________________ By ___________________________________ Laurie Gere, Mayor David Spencer, CEO Date_____________________________ Date__________________________________ Original Agreement Amount $175,000.00 Current Agreement Amount $508,228.00 Change Per this Modification $ 36,610.00 Total After Modification $544,838.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 31F4D6B0-E210-4883-BF21-8C8E70194FF4 COAInterlocal232 EXHIBITE PMGISandENGSr.MgrDir PilotProject2.0(11thSt)HoursHoursHoursHoursTotal Function υБЎυЊЉЎυЊЎЉυЊБЉ tƩƚƆĻĭƷağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЋЊЌ 5ĻƭźŭƓͲ{ƷğƉźƓŭͲtƚƌĻ5ğƷğ/ƚƌƌĻĭƷźƚƓ ЍЍБ h{ttƌğƓƭͲ{ƦĻĭƭͲğƓķ.źķağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЍЍ bĻƷǞƚƩƉ5ĻƭźŭƓğƓķ9ƓŭźƓĻĻƩźƓŭ ББ bĻƷǞƚƩƉLƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓͲĻƭƷğƓķǒƩƓ Ʀ Љ /ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷğƓķ/ƌƚƭĻhǒƷ БЋЊЉ TotalEstimatedHours ЋЋЉЊЊЉЌЌ TotalEstimatedExpense$170$2,100$1,650$0$3,920 PilotProject2.0(OldTown)HoursHoursHoursHoursTotal Function υБЎυЊЉЎυЊЎЉυЊБЉ tƩƚƆĻĭƷağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЍЌЋВ 5ĻƭźŭƓͲ{ƷğƉźƓŭͲtƚƌĻ5ğƷğ/ƚƌƌĻĭƷźƚƓ ЍБЋЎЉ h{ttƌğƓƭͲ{ƦĻĭƭͲğƓķ.źķağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЎЋА bĻƷǞƚƩƉ5ĻƭźŭƓğƓķ9ƓŭźƓĻĻƩźƓŭ ЌЌ bĻƷǞƚƩƉLƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓͲĻƭƷğƓķǒƩƓ Ʀ Љ /ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷğƓķ/ƌƚƭĻhǒƷ ЊЏЍЋЉ TotalEstimatedHours ЍАЋЊЊЋБВ TotalEstimatedExpense$340$7,560$1,650$360$9,910 IslandViewEast (MAvefrom24thStto32nd) HoursHoursHoursHoursTotal Function υБЎυЊЉЎυЊЎЉυЊБЉ tƩƚƆĻĭƷağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЍБЋЊЍ 5ĻƭźŭƓͲ{ƷğƉźƓŭͲtƚƌĻ5ğƷğ/ƚƌƌĻĭƷźƚƓ ЊЋЉЍЊЋЍ h{ttƌğƓƭͲ{ƦĻĭƭͲğƓķ.źķağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ЊЏЍЋЉ bĻƷǞƚƩƉ5ĻƭźŭƓğƓķ9ƓŭźƓĻĻƩźƓŭ ББ bĻƷǞƚƩƉLƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓͲĻƭƷğƓķǒƩƓ Ʀ Љ /ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷğƓķ/ƌƚƭĻhǒƷ ЌЋБЍЉ TotalEstimatedHours ЍЊАЏЋЍЋЋЉЏ TotalEstimatedExpense$340$18,480$3,600$360$22,780