HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-15 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—July 15,2019 Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the Anacortes City Council meeting of July 15, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Anthony Young,Ryan Walters,Brad Adams, Carolyn Moulton,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcements and Committee Reports Skagit County Law&Justice Council: Mr. Miller reported from the LJC meeting on July 10,2019 at which topics discussed included updated North Sound Behavioral Health Administrative Services referral materials, retrofitting the bunks in the new Skagit County jail,jail staffing, and District Court's introduction of a Community Services Court model for non-violent misdemeanors. Public Works Committee: Ms. Moulton reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening at which discussion continued regarding the CSO reduction study. Mr. McDougall reported that he recently toured Uber's autonomous vehicle depot in Pittsburgh and described it as an example of evolving technology that will affect employment patterns, city planning, and building design. Ms. Moulton reported from the Community Action of Skagit County meeting earlier in the day. She said the group is exploring creating affordable housing through public/private partnerships and is surveying efforts by different jurisdictions in an effort to avoid duplication of effort. Public Comment No one present wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. Consent Agenda Mr. Young removed Item 5b,Approval of Claims, from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Miller,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of July 8,2019 c. Interlocal Agreement 283 with Skagit County: Expense Reimbursement for Crisis Intervention Team International Conference The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 93877 through 93915 and 93947 through 93948,total $254,338.49 Check numbers: 93876 and 93916 through 93946,total $305,060.99 Wire transfer numbers: 252756 through 252820,total $2,703.15 b. Approval of Claims in the amount of: $566,165.03 Mr. Young commended some staff for making local purchases when possible and urged other staff to follow suit. He moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson,to approve Consent Agenda Item 5b. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS Municipal Fiber Update Municipal Broadband Business Manager Jim Lemberg updated Council on the status of the municipal fiber network,referring to his slide presentation included in the packet materials for the meeting. The update refined Anacortes City Council Minutes July 15,2019 1 the format for future updates based on Council feedback at the June 24,2019 meeting. Councilmembers questioned Mr. Lemberg about the timeline for taking customer orders and urged focus on that goal.No revisions were requested to the report format. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council. Ordinance 3040: Development Regulations and Zoning Map Amendments Planning Manager Libby Grage recapped the status of the amendment process over the past several months. Ms. Grage and Mr. Bob Bengford of Makers invited Council discussion of one last group of public comments and requested feedback on draft Ordinance 3040 to adopt the amendments. Ms. Grage's slides were added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Grage and Mr. Bengford walked through the staff memo in the packet and requested Council direction on each of the 16 outstanding proposed changes. • Item 1, 19.12.020,regarding"floor area,net"definition: Council agreed with staff's recommendation. • Item 2, Table 19.41.050,regarding retail uses in mixed-use and industrial zones; and 19.44.120 regarding standards for all retail uses: a majority of the Council agreed with staff's recommendation. • Item 3, Table 19.41.050,regarding heavy industry uses in the industrial zones: Ms. Grage noted the email from Ms. Moulton that had been circulated to all councilmembers earlier in the day with suggested revisions for this item. The email was added to the packet materials for the meeting.After considerable discussion, Council agreed that staff should update Table 19.41.050 to refer to"Petroleum and crude oil refineries and storage",add a definition to the use that does not limit oil refineries to crude oil refineries,and disallow that use in the MS and I zones.Ms. Grage clarified that this would effectively allow oil storage in the MS,I,and HM zones,which Council confirmed was its intent. Council requested more research from staff on an appropriate definition for chemical manufacturing that would achieve its goal of protecting the public from health and environmental hazards and that the use should be disallowed in the MS and I zones until a satisfactory definition was achieved,which could be in the next round of development regulation updates. • Item 4, Table 19.42.020,regarding form and intensity standards for residential zones: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 5, Table 19.42.020,regarding form and intensity standards for residential zones; and 19.42.150(B) regarding setback modifications: Council agreed with staffs recommendation.Mr. Johnson requested spelling corrections in the text on Figure 19.43.010(C)(3)(b)(i). • Item 6, Table 19.42.030,regarding form and intensity standards for mixed use and industrial zones; and 19.42.150(D),regarding setback modifications): Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 7, 19.42.030,regarding form and intensity standards for mixed use and industrial zones: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 8, 19.42.050,regarding C and CBD zone base and bonus heights and incentive options: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 9, Table 19.42.070,regarding bonus incentives in the MMU zone east of Q Ave: Council agreed with staffs recommendation but asked that incentive feature 6(integrate small units)in Table 19.42.070 Anacortes City Council Minutes July 15,2019 2 be moved forward so it was the first incentive listed,with the remainder of the incentives in the same order following it. Councilmembers suggested several topics for follow on discussion at a later time. • Item 10, 19.42.140(B)(1),regarding building height calculations, exceptions, and modifications: Council agreed with staff's recommendation. • Item 11, 19.43.010(H)(3),regarding multifamily uses in the MMU zone(east of Q Avenue): Council agreed with staff's recommendation but asked that 19.43.010(H)(3)(b)be corrected to read"Multifamily family dwellings and other permitted residential uses within single purpose residential buildings ..." • Item 12, 19.47.030(C)(5),regarding accessory dwelling units: Council agreed with staff's recommendation. • Item 13, 19.64.100,regarding bicycle parking requirements: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 14, 19.66,regarding fences,walls and hedges: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. • Item 15, 19.67.100,regarding monument and noncommercial speech signs: Council agreed with staff s recommendation. • Item 16, Official zoning map: Council agreed with staffs recommendation. Ms. Grage indicated that staff would make the changes requested and include a draft Ordinance 3040 in the packet materials for the July 22,2019 City Council meeting for consideration and possible action. Mr. Walters observed that draft Ordinance 3040 adopted the Planning Commission Findings of Fact by reference and asked that the ordinance highlight where Council was recommending something different than those Findings. Councilmembers also asked staff to correct the effective date of the ordinance to meet publication requirements. There being no further business, at approximately 8:15 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of July 15,2019 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes July 15,2019 3