HomeMy WebLinkAbout003306 Interlocal Agreement MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT REGARDING UTILIZATION OF SKAGTT RIVER BASIN WATER RESOURCES FOR INSTREAM AND OUT OF STREAM PURPOSES L PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT A. To ensure the establishment of instream flows to protect fisheries resources, and the mitigation of any interference with such established flows; B. To provide a mechanism for the coordinated management of water resources in areas described by the Skagit County Coordinated Water System Plan, Regional Supplement, July 1993 ("CWSP") to meet the out-of-stream needs of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, Upper Skagit River Tribe, and Sauk-Suiattle IndianTribe (Collectively "the Tribes"), local governments, nd public water purveyors within Skagit County; C. To avoid litigation or adjudication of water resources within the Skagit River Basin between the Parties to this Agreement; D. To assist in expediting the Department of Ecology's water right decision-making within the CWSP service area; E. To modify the CWSP conform to this Agreement and to incorporate this Agreement into the City of Anacortes' and Public Utility District No 1 of Skagit County's Joint Operating Agreement. II PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT ("THE PARTIES") City of Anacortes ("the City") Public Utility District No. 1 of Skagit County("PUD") Skagit County("the County") UpperSkagit Indian Tribe Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe (collectively "the Tribes") Washingon State Department of Ecology ("Ecology") Department of Fish and Wildlife ("WDFW") Page 1 of 17 cc: Planning, Health, John Moffat • Memorandum of Agreement 0017106 al. DEFINITIONS A. Instream Flow - The quantity of flow necessary to maintain sufficient water in a stream to support in harvestable numbers the natural production of food and game fish. B. Established or establishing instrcam flows - Instrearn flows that are established by rule and thus enforceable by law. C. Out-of-Stream Use -The quantity of water identified for withdrawal from the Skagit River and its tributaries, or from groundwater in continuity with the Skagit River or its tributaries, for use by the City, PUt);and Tribes. D. Effective Date and Term of Agreement - The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be when the last Party has signed the Agreement and shall continue for 50 years from effective date. E. Claims or Adjustments - Existing, recorded, pending, and proposed new water right: '� documents consisting of registered claims, certificates, permits, applications,-and;pnopose : changes to such documents related to place of use, point of diversion, anchor authonz i instantaneous and annual quantities of water, all of which are specifically identified.in. Sections IV.B.I.a, IV.B.1.b (1), and IV.C.1_a-d of this MOA. F. Spit River Basin - The water resource basin as generally defined by the State of Washington Water Resource Inventory Areas 3 and 4 G. CWSP - Skagit. County Coordinated Water System Plan, Regional Supplement (July 1993). It Lower Skagit Riser Instream Flows - Established instreara flows for the segment of the Skagit River below the Skagit River PUD Pipeline Crossing east of Sedro Woolley("PUD- _ - Pipeline Crossing')measured at the existing USG& Station 12200500, near Mt. Vernon_ I I. Future claims or adjustments -any claims or adjustments not specifically identified in this MOA. is )_ Cultus Mountain Streams Instream Flows - Established instream flows for the Salmon,. Turner,Mundt,and Gilligan Creeks located in the general Cultus Mountain area. K. Ecology Low-Flow Streams: Those streams on Ecology's Surface Water Source Limited (SWSL) list that have been identified to have limitation in available supply as a.res"uIt of fisheries concerns. IV. AGREEMENTS A. The Tribes agree to the followinng, conditioned upon the other Parties meeting their oblig Lions as outlined in this Agreement, which includes establishing Lower Skagit River Instream Flows as defined in this Agreement, and as jointly or indivirhially recommended by the parties, within the time period established in subsections IV.B.2_c. and IV.C.2.c., unless such time period is extended in the manner described in such sections. Nee 2 of l a Memorandum of Agreement Of)771'0,f; 1. To not challenge any Skagit River Basin water rights claims or adjustments,made by the City or PUD within 50 years from the effective date of this Agreement, as tong as such claims or adjustments are consistent with this Agreement. An inconsistent claim or adjustment would include, but not be limited to, claims or adjustments other than specifically identified in this Agreement as not subject to Lower Skagit River Instream Flows that in any'way interfae with established instreaun flows. 2. That established Lower Skagit River Insstr.,am Flows will constitute the full ins€ream flow agreed to by the Parties for 50 years from the effective date of this Agreement; 3. That any challenges made by the Tribes after the 50-year period of this Agreement will be made only against future claims or adjustments by the City or PU1)that - are additional to those identified in Sections IV.B_1.a, IVB.I.b(1), and IV.C.1.a, b,c,and d of this Agreement; 4. To collaborate with the Parties to secure adequate flows for instream and out-of- stream uses for areas identified in the CWSP; 5. To work towards establishing satellite systems as defined in the CLASP with the objectives of reducing groundwater or surface water withdrawals that adversely impact. Skagit River Basin Instream Flows, improving water use efficiency, and • providing public water delivery to existing and planned communities in Skagit: County. A primary objective is to reduce the use of exempt wells in those areas of the County experiencing inadequate instreaxn flows that'may be occurring as a result.of grcandwater withdrawal.; 6. To seek funding sources to: contribute towards the development and implementation: of long-terns watershed management programs; develop a coordinated water delivery system throughout the CWSP service area;and achieve' the objectives of this Agreement. B. The City of Anacortes agrees to the following: - 1. The fallowing certificates presently held, pending water right appl cations, and :a future claims or adjustments to water rights will be recognized and put to use by i the City in accordance with the relative order of priorities set forth below. a City Water Rights Not Subject to Lower Skagit River Instream Flo s: 85 t cubic feet per second(cfs)(54.94 mgd)as comprised in`the .t (1) Certificate #C-709 (2/14/1963) which provides 70` cfs (4524 ' million gallons per day or mgd)for the"area served by the City of • 3 - Anacortes Water Supply System". (2) Certificate#EC-1 161 (7/211930)which provides. 15 cfs(9.70 mgd) for the "City of Anacortes." This: Agreement, provides for a change in the point of diversion under this right downstream Page 3of17 - ��_._ � Ofr;► O6 Memorandum of Agreement approximately 1,500 feet to coincide with the existing intake for Certificate 4C-709. b. City water rights subject to Lower Skagit River Instrearn Flows developed as a condition of this Agreement: (1) Certificate#C-3959 (9/13/1954)which provides 32.30 cfs (20.88 mgd). This Agreement provides for a change in the point of diversion of Certificate 4C-3959 from the original "Ranney Well" Skagit River bed subsurface diversion to coincide with the existing intake for Certificate#C-709. (2) The following may be subject to results of s'tateof-the-art instream flow studies;regardless of the date of the application: I) future rights acquired by the City'in excess of thosespecified in Section IV:B.1.b(I) above for service to parties within or outside the ��s�e}r�yv�iic�eipareas as defined in the CWSP; and 2)future claims;or adjustments. 2. The City will participate in identifying instream flaw needs through an IFIM instream flow study process. The City and PUB, with consultation from. the Tribes,will fund and contract for the IFThel studies, which will apply only to the • segment of the Skagit River described in subsection 111.1-L a- The City, PUD, and any other parties that desire to assist with.Bring, will fund and contract for the necessary studies to establish Lower Skagit River Instream Rows. The Tubes,and WUFW will provide fisheries and fisheries habitat management criteria for input into the IFIM study and recommended Skagit River Instream Flows. IH b. The Parties to this Agreenrait Will jointly develop the recommended instream flows using the Water Resources Forum.process'(Tnstream;Row Policy Working Draft, Rth Draft,Revised May 19, 1993)as a guide. The a Tribal'IFI141 study input criteria will be limited.ito fisheries and fisheries habitat management and will not include other instream objectives. The Parties will utilize all appropriate methods to establish an agreed upon instream flow for managing the Skagit River below the PIII) 'Pipeline Crossing,including mediation. c. Schedule. (I). The City agrees that the following events must occur within tvo years of the effective date of this Agreement. 1) the nmena''y Lower Skagit River instream flow studies are completed; 2).the City,PUt,and Tribes agree on the recommended instrwAu flows; and 3) the City, PIJU, and Tribes submit jointly recommended instream flows to Ecology, or, if these parties cannot agree in writing, submit the differing recommendations for Lower Skagit River Irtstrearn Flows to Ecology for its decision as to vhhad to include in the rule proposal_ This two-year schedule may only be Page iof17 Memorandum of Agreement ()(`2 21)6 extended by written agreement of the City, IUD, and Tribes. If• these parties cannot agree to an extension, the City shall take all necessary actions to ensure that changes to existing water rights documents identified in section IV.E_I. shall not remain or become efective as further described in subsection(3)below.The City may then remove any commitment of water service to the Tribal Reservations identified in subsection IV.S.(3) except as • required under a separate contract. (2) Upon receipt of either the joint or differing recommendations described in subsections I1/.13.2.c. and IV.C.2.c., Ecology shall immediately file a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry Code Revision (CR) 101, indicating its intention to adopt the.Cu[ais ` rf Mountain Instream Flows and Lower Skagit -River: `Instream Flows. Ecology shall seek to complete formal n_' filing a CR 102 within eighteen (I8) months of its receipt of the joint recommendation or deferment described in.IV.B.2.c(1) and. IV.C.2.c(I),,with a goal of adopting final rules within two.years of its receipt. (3) If Lower Skagit River Instream.Mows have not been establisl by the end of two years following Ecolo 's 'receipt .of the g recommendations described in subsection (1),the City,PUT),and = r Tribes may extend the deadline only by writtedagreement. If the City, PUD, and Trite cannot agree to an extension, the City shall immediately request Ecology to rescind any water right change action submitted to Ecology since the Agreement became. k effective, even if Ecology has taken final action.The City may immediately reapply for the change. The intent of this pravis on is to secure the Tribes' right to challenge these comes: the event that Lower Skagit River Instrearn Flows are not established within the specify sciile_ dl_ In the event that Ecology approves the changes referred to in s$bseetio above,the City shall ensure that any water issued by Ecology that u P rpart to effectuate these changes s'aall,:.l;>e expressly and clearly conditioned to require compliance Wilb this g Agreement. Regardless of whether or not Ecology so conditions the cocument(s),the City shall,by its own authority, enforce the conditions of this Agreement when using these water rights. Si e. The City may, at its option, negotiate with upstream Skagit River dam operators for release of flows to maintain the agreed upon flow levels downstream from the.PUD Pipeline Crossing. 3. To guarantee in perpetuity to the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community for non- rhscr minafory use by all residents within the Swincanish Indian won a water quantity of 2.8 million gllons per day based on demands identified anmrtly and projected for five and twenty years by the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and based on amendment to the existing wholesale contract with the Page 5of}7 g Memorandum of Agreement Swinomish Tribe. Government-owned and operated uses will be subject to conservation and curtailment programs for both the Reservation and off- _ ?.-:; . Reservation water uses ar x►lined in Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein. --, Government-owned and operated ecooricxr+ie development on the Reservation, such as the Tribe's marina, gaming facilities, hotels, and similar facilities will be considered services that generate governmental revenue and will receive the second - #filly highest priority after residential domestic use. Similar government-owned and e operated commercial services within the City's and PUU's service area will receive ,i the same status. .- rY 4. The City,includingits Public Works art;nentprovide Dep -, agrees not to arxy grater: 94,' service to users or property located within the Swinomish Indian vation without the prior written approval of the Swinomish Indian Tribal:Cot unity , _ . 5. To assist Ecology in adopting.Lower Skagit River Instream Flow rules within the tune period set forth in subsection IV.B2_c._ 6. To actively support and pro-tide input at both a policy and technic level:to _ - County officials regarding implementation of Section 63 of the Growth Management Aet, such that building permits will only be issued if`there is an • -..::. '` '. adequate supply of potable water rimer Can be' withdrawn .-fir : " i-: . ..- Y without adversely impacting instream flows,other than as agreed .. 4 : 7. To actively seek amendment of the CWSP and. adoption of County o. 3, ,, that: a) require, in lieu of individual wells connection of new individuallsingle family homes to public water systems where the proposed development is within ` the designated service area of existing utilities and timely and reasonable SerVite is i available; and b) limits tip: use oldie 5;19 gallons per day: in those `, �a areas af the County e»cPeriencing inadequate Skagit t fiver"Bashi h iiy That May be occurring.as..a:result of .Withdraw*.. S4 l � 8_ To seek funding sources to contribute: towards the 'de mi:op it` and; . C ti. implementation of long-term watershed management programs; towards the . _-_,... 4,4,,,-„ ,. development of a coordinated water delivery system thrtiughnut1the SP-service towardsarm;and achieving the objectives of this Agreement. 'lilts,provision does` .: � elt notsupersede or in any way affect the City's financial commitinent"as:st* in Section.IV.B:2. C. The PUD agrees to the following: - 1- The following certificates presently :l ld, :pending and new water rigl applications, and;future claims or adj rightsr �.�watCl will �7C' � r and put to use by the PUD in accordance with the relative order of priorities set r furth below. Y • Page 6 of 17 r Memorandum of Agreement Oil`7 6 a. PIJD water sights subject to established Cultus Mountain Insstreatn Flows, but not subject to established Lower Skagit River Instream Flows. Maiimum Appropriation , ':'= Document No. Priority Date Source cfs mgd Claim 9332 Pre-1917 Salmon Creek 1.80 1.16 =' Certificate 411 10/10/1929 Gilligan Creek 1.50 0.97 Certificate 724 10/30/1963 Gilligan Creek 7.39 4_77 f:- ,. Ate; Claim 9333 Pre-1917 Turner Creek 4.30 2.7a Certificate 739 10/30/1963 Turner Creek 6.20 ' 4.01 4 , Certificate 26 9/28/1917 Mundt Creek 2.50 1.62 "r Certificate 737 10/30/1963 Mundt Creek 8.00 5.17 r Certificate 8738 I/16/94 Judy Reservoir Storage Storage. - S Certificate R-673 4/24/1963 Judy Reservoir Storage Storage ' � Subtotal 31.69 20 48 ; . '•.'.. ., :',.'., ....[I,„41I;.1 b. PUD water rights not subject to established Lower Skagit River Instream Flows. 4_ ' Maximum Appropriation. .. Document No. Priority Source c£s ngd r? --, _ Date s ?, Certificate 1904 3/26/1953 Sedro Woolley 2.00 129 Well a, 4 Certificate 5/1.2/1954 Ranney Well 8.90 5.75 ;. Cis Mountain Water Rights 31.69 20.48 (See Seen IV.C. 1 (a)) 42.59 27.52 c. Pending and new PUT) Cultus Mountain water right applications,subject °a to Cultus Mountain and Lower Skagit River Ins-main Flaws. .. The purpose of these pending and new applications is to male full use of g .i the hydraulic capacity of existing collector When the...fights is;listed, ,' ,y below are combined with rights Cultus Mountain 'streams listed in _ : subsections a and b above,the total diversion will not exceed 35.8'mgd:. ¢ r> ' ''# Maximum Appropriation - Document No. Priority Date Source cis ntgd 1821J( e,) Salmon Creek 4.00 2.59 .°, 25129 Gilli�i Credo I3:15 `8:50 Nevv Turner Creek 6.60 4.27 New Mundt Creek 16.06 10.38 - d. New application partially not subject to Skagit River Instream Flaws for proposed Skagit River pumping plant delivering water to Judy Reservoir. Page7of17 1 Memorandum of Agreement ° The PUD's combined capacity of the gravity collector lines that presently supply Judy Reservoir is 53.39 cfs135.80 mgd. The PUD is dependent on • the ability to withdraw water fr Ili the streams, river, or combination of :Y river and streams in the amount of 55.39 efsl35_80 mgd when available. A new application for a water right will he filed on the Skagit River in the x' -q. amount of 12.80 cfs/8.28 mgd. This application for 12.80 cfs/8:28 mgd when combined with the water rights listed in subsection IV.C.1,a above w (31.69 cfa120.48 mgd)with the new point of dive on pn the S giver and the existing Sedro-Woolley Well-.(2.0 cfs/129�ngd)easel>) ell ` (8.90 cfs 5.75•mgd), loth of which are to be transferred to the:new pumping station,will result in a total water right of 55.39 ctsiV.• 8fl,xr d Of this amount, 42:59 cfs/27.52 mgd is not subject to Lower. • Inst ream Flows,and:the remainder is subject to such flows e. The instreani flows: being developed on. the Cultus,'Mountain s , through the corn. lesion of an 1FIM Stud wil be as a "' priority than the Calms Mountain stream: 1).ceitificates and'ct • ,s lamed.. in Section IV.C.1:a;2)pendingapp and new water.righ s le hated in Section IV.C.l.c.;and 3)future claims and adjustments. f. Based on this Agreement,the P (I) will manage the Cultus Mountain supply to;stet We: jointly - ti x agreed upon Cultus Mountain Instream.Flows; (2) may •periodically divert up to 35180 mgd. from..the •{fps 'as Mountain streams,into,h.dy Rese€vow s-liect to';'the Cultus Mountain lustream Flows; •(3) may providet for an opal point of dive at the PUD Skagit River Pumper Staab c each of the water rights l na Subsection IV_C.1 a a (4) may transfer the Ranney WelLan&SOS'W l) ►well fir right Points of diuersi to the new PUD Skagit River piing stauotr;, I t and • (5) may periodically divert a maximum of 3 s 80 mgd froth t Slcatgtt • ¢ a� River into.Indy Reservoir as an alternate:source of supply.to the Cultus Mountain system as explained above, with 27.52 mgd of "s this amount not Subject to'Skagtt RiVer lnstream$lows and $.28 ntgcl subject:to•Skagit River IxiSiieam Flows,and/or. (6) The PUD will continue needs on Samson; Mirri4° Giilig , anf`T Cis. U k completion of these inv�nons:and e flows, the PUD %mill ensure the retroactivetetroaCtiVe.application of'th instream flows to existing and pending PUB water rights.related to Cultus:Mountain streams. As a condition of this subordinmion of water rights, the PUD may: (1) utilize the full hydraulic Page 8 of 17 Memorandum of Agreement (1 .4.4() yf capacity of the existing collector lines to Judy Reservoir when <k water is available in excess of instream flow new as outlined in IV.C.1-c above, and (2) provide a substitute and augmented `y supply from the Skagit River to meet the reductions that occur as a result of curtailment of withdrawals from Cultas Mountain • streams due to instrear,flow needs. {_ g. The Agreement provides for changes to the water right documents, identified in Section:IV:C.I herein as an element of this Agri:. . h. Those fixture claims or adjustments acquired',by the PUD for service to + parties within or.outside-the.:service areas defied in the CNVSP,,nay be • subject to results of state-of-the-art.inst ream flow studies: 2_ The PUD will participate i € idifying instreamn. flow needs,: as IFIM instieamrn flow study process: The: City and. PLI), with c onsultation fi the Tribes, will fund and contract fort 1RM studies, why to ifie segment of the Skagit River.described in subsection III I-L • a. The City, PUD, and any other parties that desire:toy assist .with-tinnaterng . will fund and contract for the necessary studies to establish Ltd Slgtt River Instrearn Flows_ The Tribe and WDFW wilt.provide:tltu fisheries • and fisheries habitat management criteria:for'input into the IFIMStudy and recommended Lower Skagit River Instrearn Flows. b_ The Parties will jointly develop the recommended insneam flows using the Water Resources Forums process (Instream Flow Policy Worm Draft, 8th Draft, Revised May 19, 1993) as a guide.. The'Tribal l'IFIM study input criteria will be limited to fisheries and fisheries habitta nianagemeat a^' and will not include other i m object fives_. Parties Willatilize all appropriate.'methods .to establish. an agreed upon instream flow for •managing the Skagit River below;the PUD Pie CrossMgi mediation. - rs , c. Schedules: (1) The PUD agrees that the following events must occur within two rv� years of the effective date of this l) the neceasary. :• Skagit. River instream flow studies are: t Cis elm, and Tribes agree on the In flt ;and - 3) the City; PUD and.,:Tr > sirb t jou y • • flowsto° gy, or;:if these-pares- `agree, nr v'ritrng submit differingree s Vowear r � Instream Flows to'ECol for itS•decision:as to w tt -in the rule ppaposal. This'two-year schedule may'Only be "5 by written. agreement of-the City, PUD,,and'.Tribes: If, 'b parties cannot agree to an exteon, the. P13I) shall take.all necessary actions to ensure that : water changes to:existing 4ts documents identified in section N.C.I. shall not remain, or. become effective as further described in subsection (3) below. Page 9 of 17 • Memorandum of Agreement i'UI i (j6 The PUD may then remove any commitment of water service to the Tribal Reservations identified in subsection FV.C.(3)except as required under a separate contract. (2) Upon receipt of either the joint or differing recommendations described in subsections IV_B.2.c. and IV_C.2.c. Ecology chill immediately file a Preproposai Statement of wiry (CR 10I), indicating its intent to adopt Cultus Mountain Instream Flows.and Lower Skagit River InstreamFlews_ Ecology shall Seek to - romplete formal rulema_king by filing a CR 102 within (18) months of its receipt of the joint recommendatiOn or deferment described in IV.B.2.c(1) and IV.C.2.c (I), with*goal of adopting final rules within two years of its receipt: 3 . (3) If Lower Skagit River Instream Flows have not been established by the end of two years following ,Ecology's .reeeiit :of me • recommendations described in'subsection(1),Ole ,PUD,a Tribes may extend the deadlineonl written- t) y City, PUB, and Tribes cannot agree to an erg, the PUD: •shall immediately retest Ecology to rescind any water right change action that is submitted to Ecology since the Agreement became effective even if Ecology has taken final action. .T e may immt-riia*Ply reapply for the age:. The•intent of this provision is to-secure the Tribes' right to:'challenge theseChanges in the event that Lower ;Skagit.River hastrream.flows:.:are not established.within the specified write d. In the event that Ecology approves the changes refereed to,in Albsection IV.C.2.c:(3)above, the PUD q-ball ensure that:airy'R+dter rights decinneniS • issued by Ecology that purport to dfocnuate these.chaff shall. expressly and clearly conditioned to require compliance with. this: Agreement.. . Regardless. of: whether. Ecology .intbditions the doccunen t(s), the PUS'shall, by its own.authority,enknrce the conditions': . of this Agreement Am using these water rights • e. The PUD may, at its option, negotiare with upstream Si t River dam operators for release.of flows to;maint*in :.agree" upon downstream froom the•PUD Pipeline Crtg. 3_ To guarantee in perpetuity to the Upper Skagit-Ldian Tribal:Ccnmy r -. by all use ` rill n land s.endfie'Uppr.amatory residents within thepow India Skagit Indian Reservation. a water quantity of 0.35 mgd based: on- identified anrinallv and projected for five and itwenty-years by the-Upper Skagit: Indian Tribal Community and base on amendment to the existing wholesale contract with the Upper Skagit Tribal Community. Government-owned and operated,uses will be subject to conservation and curtailment programs for both the Reservation and off-Reservation water uses as outlined in Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein. Government-owned and:operated economic development on the Reservation, such as the Tribes gaming facilities, hotels,and similar facilities, . Page 10 of 17 '. (in.42O6 Memorandum of Agreement will be considered services that generate governmental revenue and will receive the second highest priority after residential domestic use. Similar government-owned and operated commercial services within the City's and PUD's service area will receive the same status. 4. The PUD agrees not to provide any water service to users or property located within the Swinomish Inman Reservation without prior written approval of the Swinomish Indian i rib-dl Community The NIT) agrees not to provide any waver service to users or property located on Upper Skagit Reservations or other Indian Lands at Bow Hill without the prior written approval of the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe. 5. To assist Ecolonv in the adoption of instream flow rules for the Lower Skagit River and Caltus Mountain streams within the time period set forth in-Subsection- of this Agreement. 6_ To actively support and provide input at both a policy -lev to ounty officials regarding implementation of ;Section 63 of. t e :Gr):1wtic' Management Act, such that: building permits will Only be issued if there is an adequate potable supply of water that can be withdrawn find'.without impacting instream flows; 7. To i seek amendment of the CWSP andordinances s that actrve3y. adoption of require, in lieu of indivirlt'al wells, connection of new individital/single family homes to public water systems where the proposed developrt is within the designated service area of existing utilities and timely and:reasonable service is abt Also,to limit the use of the 5,000.gallons per day those areas pf-tir County experiencing inadequate Skagit River Basin lnstream Flaws that may he occurring as a exult of groundwater withdrawals. $� To seek funding sour: to contribute: towards the •and imOleitientatiOn. long-term, watershed maim programs;- the - development of a coordinated-water delivery system throughout the SP-seiance area;and towards:achieving the objextivea,of this Aft.- provision-40esThis •- t not supersede or is any way affect tlae•PUA`i:5 .as set fn a. u: -. , k Section.W.C.Z. D. Ter County agrees to the following 1. TO implement Section:03 of theGrowth 11 t Act; sueb that _ perrnnts will rely be issued if the partid is served-.bY..a'pubic water systemor if there is an adequate supply of potable water that can be ,. from groundwater wit t adversely impact Skagit. River Basin . Fes,_ other tan as agreed herein; 2. To actively work with:all parties to address the 5000 gallon permit exemption for all public water systems and for:all:individual water systems in those portions of Skagit County that are impacted by inadequate Skagit River*stream Flocs that may be occurring as a result of surface or groundwater diversions. Skagit.County Page i 1 of 17 _ - fvfemorandura of Agreement. • nO Ofii reserves the right to allow exempt wells for single family. systems in the Skagit River Basin above the PUD Pipeline Crossing. 3. To seek amendment of the CWSP and related County implementing ordinances to require connection of new individual/single family homes to public water systems to achieve conservation of resources where the proposed development is within the designated service area of existing utilities and timely and reasonable service is available. . . . 4. To assist Ecology in establishing instreatn flow rules for the Skagit River below the PUD Sedro \Woolley, Pipeline Crossing, with the goal.of-tistablislinient,7iithin • . four years from the effective date of this Agreement. . • - . 5. To seek the goals of (1),providing certainty and stability for water supplies * citizens of Skagit County; (2) 'to. secure dvpite .streititifigw fbr Ecology . : designated Low Flow Stream's-during critical periods to meet fisheries needs; (3.) - ' -• to encourage public 'water suppliers to provide water from the-inaitti*M-of.the Skagit River for water users near Ecology Low Flow Streams where lkikidmirats . . • •• . may have direct impact*On in-stream resources;and(4)to eiraltiats-iiiint!y,with other parties,streams for possible designation by Ecology as Low-FlowlSOteams..' , . •- E. Ecology agrees to the following; . „ . . . .•-•• • I. To process any City or Phi)requests for changes identified in tills AgreemerikMal ' I to expressly and clearly condition any documents effectuating chatigesiOccisting rights to require compliance with.this Agreement. Ecology agrees to seek to the extent possible, to enact all necessary rule and-water right changes;necessaty.io, implement this Agreement; • 2. Upon receipt of either the joint or differing,.recominendrifloF described in ; subsections (t) and IV.C.2.e.-(l), Ecology shall immediately file PrePtoposaI Statement of,inquiry(CR - Mca.in*ain-litattertni Flews,and Lower.SkagitRiVer.hiStie* .FClitOgy.:ShatI . Sit* to complete fimtnal mternaking by tiling"a CR ).-OZ_'..withia eighteen.'-(181.- ..• Months- of its receipt,..of the 'joint recOninietidittion or: •"- , v_azig ) and IV:C2.t.:(1).- with'a,goat of adopting-final rules within two years - • P ofits eceipt, aau . • . ' • 3. Until the adoption of Lower Skagit River and Plitus Monntain'Instreain•TIOWs provides a ,framework for deter :IMning the availability of nnter'thr.,':ftittire-...:,' appropriations, no final decisions will be, made onany i*ater,,right'00074; aprilicartielas within that portion Of.the--Skagit River Basin which lies within WRIA3 which could affect or be affected tii•thoSein,kreant flows. , •-• • •••••• • , . • . •• 4. In signing this Agreement. Ecology is only obligated to take those actions-set fnith. in this section and is not obligated by or agreeing to any other specific provisions of this Memorandum of Agreement_ Page 12 of 17 ...„. - ----. — Memorandum of Agreement Orir4 101 F. The Departrnent of Fish and Wildlife agrees to the following: I. The Tribe and WDFW will provide the fisheries and fisheries habitat management criteria for input into the WIN study and recommended Lower Suit River Instream Flows. 2. WDFW will make a recommendation regarding the adequacy of the:jay developed recommended instream flow for Lower Skagit River Ism Flows,to , Ecology. WDFW s recommendation decision will be based upon:the jointly developed recommendations consistency with the fisheries andfribeties habitat management criteria: 3. In the event that the`:.1 reach an,egreenient em jointly developed . '- recommended instream flonr for L Lower Skagit River`Inaitearn flows,.'WDFW will make a recommendation.-_regarding the diffeiing naeornmendatiens for Lower Skagit River instrearn Flowsto: logy,- _ 4. WDFW will provide.appropriate techniCal support for developing reconialended imam flows for the Cultus Mountain Streams. 5. WDFW is in no way oblic,,a-tad 'or bound by any other`provisi of the Memorandum of Agreement,a teept:as outlines in the:above fear;items.. G. All Parties agree to the following 1. That the long term objective is to develop a comprel rve.v plan for the Skagit River Basin designed to manage the use>ofthe Water resources to meet both inst€eam and out of stream objectives defined by the City, PUD and Tubes: A. To gyrate in in igati�,all alternatives. so as to s adequate flows to meet instriam;ne ds=for portions of the Skagit i er upstream from the PUD pipeline-crossing at Sedro Woolley and oust- stream needs within the.surface areas defined -*It*. the CWSP. The :Parties will establish a Skagit .River Flory Canunittee (SRFMC) comprised, at -a,nwin� of representatives of 'dries to this Agreement This Committee will investigate YaTElS securing adequateflows to meet in stream am and ont-of-streamneeds, design a study process for the Skagit River, and develop a Managenient and nienitoring plan to-this end_ The Parties anticipate completion of a maw.place over a period of two to fyears. . . • . b. Ta actively attempt-to establish by rule-,wit 1 a pad effective date of this Agre t and .foi five y flows for the entire Skagit River Basin and its leg. The Parma agree to develop funding mechanisms to c ntribute to investijrions t will establish these flows_ • Page 13of17 - Memorandum of Agreement 0( '/ 2. To reach agreement prior to expanding service areas beyond those identified in the CWSP. Such agreement will be based on evaluations of additional needs existing at the time, and after considering additional needs that may exist alter the 50-year term of this Agreement. If the Parties cannot agree, then they may not seek or approve any changes relating to water quantity associated with the expansions of service areeas for a period of 50 years from the effective date of this Agreement. 3. A work plan and budget for implementing this Agreement will be developed by the City and PL'D in draft form within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement. An adopted work plan and budget will be prepared by the City and P0D w six months of the effective date of this Agreement. 4. The Stc�t River Flow Management.Committee(SRFMC)steal l be;responsible for identifying and recommending studies and management responses and in guiding the development, review, and approval. of Skagit:River Watershed Man strategies for the signators to this Agent related to activities that.have a measurable impact on the flow in.the Skagit R ver while take i co previously settled hydroelectric agreements. The objective_ the inStmam flow studies..is to establish a recommended flow upstream of the S ' erring for use in the SRFMC Management Plan. The .:to this Aft agree to establi b written response plans based:on y' c and flow criteria to he'9 establish an appropriate Vie as.. generally described below. • 5. The parties recognize that there is a possibility that the Crty's 54.94 pigd and the PUD`s 27.52 mgd recognizedrecognizedinthis ag cement as-not subject ;`Lower Skagit lastream'.Flows may reduce.Skagit River flowsfleiwa belOw he establishedflows: The attar Water Shortage Response Plan is by fc vuce into this . Agreement,and be.implemented in,the event that's oc;t ors 6. No riglts'ela ,and adjustments identified in:this.agreement can be confirmed :through this Agreement. Confirmation can only be done through an adjudicative 7. WDFW .is in lin way obligated or bound by any other :provision of the MeminaadumAgreement,exce t as outlined in section IV.F. $ V. •Pwivisprozs A.' .pination. Tire term of this A rs 50 years from its effective;da a The. may only be amend or,modifred during the 50-year term by mutual writtenagrees of • all si ,ne The Agreement will extend beyond.50 y ears if.all parties ag B. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement,or the application thereof to any person • or.cirOmnstance,is found to be invalid or unenforceable;the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement,or the application 'such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid or unenforceable, as the case May be, shall not • be affected thereby. Page i4 of 17 . Memorandum of Agreement 011: 10 C. Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises between two or more parries concerning any provision of this Agreement, or application thereof, any such disputing party may send a written request to the other parties requesting a meeting,to be schiduled 4 ithat, 15 days of the parties' receipt of the request. The parties shall then meet together to discuss the dispute and attempt resoiution. D. Enforcement. I. Between the City; PUD, and Tribes: • a) Notice of Failure. If any party(iess ("Notifying Party") befieves-.tbat another ies is in violation of this Agreement or party('Notifying) arty written notice ('"No�p� the , threatened,the Pa. . •Shad.give allegedly violating party (lea)-of such Violation and demand cave action sufficient to cure the violation_ • b) Failure to Respond,'If the allegedly violang.party(ies): • 1. Fails to cure the violation within 30 days after•ret�pt.of the'. Nice;or :_� 2. Under cif where the violation . be readably Cured: within the 30-day period, .falls to befit ;tying Stich violation within the 30rday peril 3. Fails to continue;diligently su ch viol tm it is fins cured the Notifying Party may bring an action as provided na subsection c. of this Section. c) Actions. The Notifying Party may bring an action at la*or is egiuty in a court of jurisdiction.,to enforce:the terms of thisto enjoin tlte'iolation by temporary.or. to; ' d� to which it may be a titled.for.:violation the perms ors and to require restoration c�€ trees( but a aiii.:iiinito4t0, water a fisheries) m;theConditidiihifwed"per to.:. t any ►t3 .. . d) Nature of Remedy The I+ tfymg Par s rlsghts'under this Sectionapply • equally in lhe.event of actual or tlirrateiled.violations-o-the terms,ofthis ti • Agreelr l� N Party may he t eve relief"m y addition to such other "retlef, including Agreement, without theftieCeisity of provin y ath er actuat dannages or vailab remedl described o�envlse a le tega€r�lleiYies. 'Ibe 'es in this paragraph shall:be umu clative and. shalt--be in addition to all: rules no3ii:Orbereafkr. xisting in laWL or in equity- e) Enforcement Disc etion_ Enforcement of the terms of this Ate. shall t_ at tlx:disc e ion:.of each Party entitled to forbearance by stiqh PaftY to exercise.sit s rights der this.Agtelletit:iii the event of-any breach of any terms of this Agreement by another party Page 15 of 17 Memorandum of Agreernent shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver, lathes, or estoppel of such rights. No delay or omission by a party in the exercise of any right or remedy upon breach s'3a3I i:rpair such rights or remedy or be construed as waiver, !aches,or estoppel. 2. By the City,PG'D,and/or Tribes against Ecology. a) The City, PhD, and Tubes agree to together take actien to enntie, by-all- appropriate legal means necessary,that l) Does riot take fireii action on any.water;rights-belated , • claims,or adjustments,submittedby any person or er `,'a or in way the Smait River basin, ivl or no the pe n entity is subject to this tt,:untla Skagit Rind� er Cultus Moiintain:instreant.TidIsiS;arc: ed other-.. thcase applications specifically set forth is Section IV E 3 ofthss. and 2) Acts expediently to establish Lower t River and Cukus Mountain lnstream Floats in order to :the stedule established in this Jglreeztlierft- E. Rights-Against .; As t i'non-Parties.to this :she Try#fir sag-this et,m no way dime sish, relinquish,or waive their respective legal r not limited to,federal reserved r -water rights and trentY rights,in a!rf =o�. tilde fbattete any a# F_ Successors and Assigr.s. This Agreement shall be binding tm die Parties and rip tl s in interest and assess,. G. No'I d Patty ciari :No third party s intended o,or Shalt. C,any rightsitr is 1 Parties intend that'this he strl y> , attrl r. tattiy a Parties have any right to*Aare# Age or,nay boa rem No Release of Mind Parties. This Art is not incencied:by to release any third parties not rammed herein from any claims or- w L. The.parties recoettie'that there are significant and-material c tide ons riot ► set forth is the Agreement that make t relationshi of the arties:hereto um Because: of the unique s .st is ti t and p r old# pares drat tins Agreement not be Vie nor provide ge 3. nt beyond:the`express scope and purpose mein. Therefore, it rsag `between the-parties that they will t use this Agreement as 'Precedent outside the A nor' ild any not a-PAY hereto. to Aft as pre y rt against an f the.parties J. Headings Not Controlling. .The headings in this Agreement are,'for convenience and referentennly,and are not.part of this Agreement;:and in ray amplify; , , .; describe the scope or.intent of this Agreement. Exhibit A-Water Shortage Response Plan, 7 pages • Page 16 of 17 - - Memorandum of Agreement lifJ,'4../flit; SIGNED: 9- - Date: '4'9*_ , • --At "C -i 7':11r`-`11.? Dean Maxwell Mayor, City of Anacortes 95-X."7 . .. ,iA(44 _,(1 Date: 4.77. . _ . ... : . ..... _.,• . . , .. . .. .. . .. - - - - _ , -• -. . ,.•.. ..„G .:, .. • ' eneraiWatt;igez .- :. .. .: 1 - . iis-UtilityDistrict#1 9isiqgi:.. t c...pirtw . . ,,. . . . . . . . ..: .... • ,7..,:-.-,-: • .. Ted Wm ',, .. ,. ::.. ... . - -. :--. . : -..,. .-.- : . ‘:-- - -;..-::--:,•-.7.;-:'..::','.--.=.3-.-1r.---, , . . . ,.. . . . _ . . . .... . . Skagit::-County CclinlroF! :, ' - . • '' .'.... . - • ,.. . . . . ,... , . . ., • . , . . , , . : •::.•. . , . , .. • . , . . . _ .. . .. ..., Rabat It.•:!140';: : ..: .... 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'-' ., • ..- '• . • • • ' ,....iii,,,4,,..•,,,--',.:-:‘-.2:,••••_.....7• • • k.:::'-'...4•.•g•?'...':..."...:;'•-•';:•;----""'-,":;•-;....- . .... . - - t.•,..,...,.ziii--';;,:i".`,..:..--?-•--...,-.:::-_--, • _..__........._____n.s.;••.,..e,,-_••••.---:---.--,-.-::- -. -: !i'.t'f"-•-'---''''''' -- . ' , - (1 fl August 22, 1996 EXHIBIT A ♦%•ATER SHORTAGE RESPONSE PLAN to the MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT REGARDING UTILIZATION OF SKAGIT RIVER BASIN WATER RESOURCES FOR INSTREAM.AND OUT OF STREAM PURPOSES - rf h• L PURPOSE OF THIS EXHIBIT ,' • The ompur�,pose to of reduce the this Exhibit is to outline a,plan.of action by.the City, the fru.A *d.,their e costand•:PUD ch ions have on possible impact the ..-.-_- : ':-.'2'.'...::;::.:::::!ti recommended beam Flows for the Lower Skagit River. IL DEFINITIONSu; For the purpose of this A te, the following shall mean. • A. conunercialandusirid Customers: Includes,, but is not l mited to, rind k fi food processing,5restaurant, sales,'service,:farm operatiocns. B. Discretionary Water Use: Water use which is not requite for business o 4: ar for general health`and safety of the user, usually pertains to outside water use d firing warmer periods oft 'year(lawt/foerer`watering, car washing walks, etc.). N C. Governmental Customers: Governmental entities, including, but not limited to 5 W related and other City fac�ty operations in tt a case of the Cit w r .,:. laity Operations in the case of the PUD, gaming a td pottier find g M ins in the case of the Tribes', sch ls, parks, a ve operations in the of governmet ageniies. D n-use: the application of water to--promote botanical •-development, • •- 5 .' a a residence or a corms ercial business 4' E Public Service Announc lent (PSA)- a media adverti. t intended to'info}mia ehe:.public'in general; whether,through television, newspaper or radio F. P UD Pipeline Crossinir The location in Sec •29, Twp. 3a1 , e 5 E.W_M; whew eP. 3 water transmission main crosses:Alm__ Skagit River F purposes of ' rlet kagit River flows at:this location A flows measured a recorded at....:.:-, s the US. -Geological Survey Graging Station•t o 12200500• (Skagit River near mount Vernon)will'be utilized esidential Custott a Sin a fanz . or. .:: gl � multifamily domestic meter G_.. R ' . . . Wholesale customer: A customer who resells the water for, cominerciaVindu�. Or rl use. ,:: A; Page 1 of 7 4;, . August 22, 1996 f1fi"4 ROB rr1. AcrloN PLC The City and PUD will monitor the flow in the Skagit River at the PUD Pipet.e Crossing. If the flow in the Skagit River is projected to fall below the State Department.ofEcoogy Instream Flow Level, the City and PUD will initiate the Response Plan as outlined'in the following matrix. Each Action Level indicated in the matrix outlines specific actions:by the City: and PUD de sending on the anticipated low flows condition in the Skagit. River ' The durations indicated `in the;matrix are the anticipated period of the specified flow condtticn. The duration fora aeon level will start when;the Skagit;River flows drop low enough to first meet that Action Levers definition'and stop when the'news needed. increase to:no longer meet i., that-definition,a higher Action Level can start and stop as needed, and the duration of the lower Action:Level will.still be calculated based on its original:start°date. s A ON LEVEL DURATION. ._ t to 2 Days 3 to'14 Days 15 Days orMi re I Alert P base Action 1.1 13 Manage r Phase Action II_l Action II.2' coon g 3 A. AC crto�his: The• Skagit River Flow Management Committee and to_will meet in May of each to review. theprojected :stream flows aacl,. to e y� ., management strategies to meet the collective water needs of the The p�Padts. SRFMC will- outline the .proposed Water Response:Plan used on the es outlined in�documen and for the two Action Levels. a 1: Through ut Aeon.Levels I'and T1'as defied below, the C ty and PUD w coordinate the.exec tion of the following a) Monitor water. supply foreca s provided State axe federal agencies and dam op tors Stream flow prOjectt+mts rd.based in sections'i 4.2 anti. 4 3 of this Response Plan shall be based on these forecasts b) Establish and maintain regular communications with upstreamdam operators m the Skit River.Basin to track pi ned:water releases, with the.explicit motive of increasingreleases;to h maintain � �P minimum Lower Skagit River Instream,Flows Monitor the current operating rule curves used for uF ramping and down-rampingfor each dam and establish communications and protocol for.those Page.2'of 7 s I (1412 a_/.1 , August 22, 1996 situations when the City and PUI) may request additional releases to augment projected deficiencies below the PUS Pipeline • Crossing. The upstream darn operators will be asked to determine the:: el • flow augmentation they can provide and to document.,their inter to provide such flow aupnentation, or to provide timely notice cannot deliver such a ugmentation: c) Establish.and maintain regular communications with the IG fisheries -manager(s) regarding-actual Skagit Rrv_ eat'flows ree to Lower• Skagit River Instream Flows, and``seek t coordinate>watee',_, zW. withdrawal patterns of the City and the PUD`with projected fish- pna��sae atterns. 2. Action Level. I .Alert Phase:: Applies when Sow, to the.Skate••River projected to reach the.:Lower Skagit River Instream Flow evel plus 24' percent or:at an alternative level, defined at the annual SRFIk C:meeting:and as=measured atth'ePUD Pipeline �C Sedro- ooley. The Cit -and the PUD':will uce the Mowing actions) during the Alert Phase for :he dt ration:ofthe.action•level•indicatecl. a) Action I:I (1 to t-day.duration) (1) No change in..water:'withdrawaVtreatznent plait operations- (2) The PUD wtfl evaluate the flow conditions:in their 0441 - lnuntm Pr�3 tlenc -� � �w and _ implement a to: .storage ui 3u R vain The PUS3`urtll also use peal *°flows from u and down-ramping at the upstream dam in•the Skagit;Il ver to keep Judy Reservoirfoil • .. .,' ,.: _ VAS _ On behalf te S . . :: �3) of,. ,h ��+�r $i1�11I3�•t�Ie route C)�flOR�S �TOITI . x the upstream Skagit Rr dams.downstream to ifte PUI Y ice_ pipeline ;crosg tt5tztg t dates og tole „ t curved projected flows from:the tecv g are ncal: records of ows I The upstream gaging stattniis, and o roe. standard routirig es.. 4 Prepare PSA#11 b) Action 1_ (3 to 14:days-duration):' . 10 percent water use reduction,in peak day use. Page a of 7 • (ll `li?CC August 22, 1996 (1) No change in water withdrawal/treatment plant operations. (2) The PUD will continue its program to maximize storage in Judy Reservoir. (3) Promote a program of voluntary water use reduction. rali City a:nd:PU13 water customers, with a goal of ten percent (10°A) reduction in peak day de d (4) Issue PSA *1 to newsy sand ratio media requesting vol, uttacy;Feducion of discretionary uae:of e: (5)-. In conjunction with the Tribes, monitor atnd`evaluate critical - elements of the tower Skagit River Instreait Flows agates played and, projected fisheries and habitat manage t plans for the per (s) of projected-low w Elements of the.'Lower Skagit River Tnstream:F/Ow to be evaluated include the projected timing of use and passage of->fish' through the reach of the,Skagit.River, downstream of the. PUT river crossing.a comparison of routed flows(provided by the ) __flows r . the Tnstream � City and PLTI� Flow ; and,: the effects of the routed flowson habitat • .° conditions or ro ected to east 40000113e low flow • Peti a3 Results:ofthe Lo Ska 'River In treazn Flow critical elements nitori g and°evaluation wilt be prow by the:City and PUT). ( City and PUD will develop/refine a-,TontrigencY Plan • -of OPeratioe for-the period(s) of lceW flow using the ! ,routed flowss from the upstrean^ . reaches "of the Sift 1 + maximized in Judy Rom?; results front ...the instream Flow monitoring and eve estimates of water :!saving front vcla iy: water use :'reduction ro s and:: weather and. water its for, the Skagit: River,Basin.:, "Contingency_ Plan of Operation' will provide for corgunotive use of the PUD,s Coitus Mou tain Project anon the C 's D's ;S�t> River facihti+ 3h�e "Conti and PlanPU of =--...PPera4on" will o the PiJD s use of-water from Judy • R cat during' periods when demands exceed available ,withdrawals: from the City's and PUD's`` Skagit River facilit es and the PUD's: Cultus_Mountain-.project due to 'established instream flows on those water courses: c): • Action i.3.(152days or more duration) Page 4 of 7 • August 22, 1996 (1) No change in water withdrawal/treatment plant operations. (2) The PI.JD will continue its program to maximize storage hi Judy Reservoir. (3) Continue.a-program of voluntary water u reduction try all City and_PUD water customer,;with a goal.of ten percent (1Q%) reduction in peak day demand: (4) Continue to refine:the "Cor gency Plan of Operations!! biased;on additional streain$ow•information and City and PUD'customer demand irforuation: (5) • Continue PSA#1 by newspaper and radio media. 3� • 3 Actioir Level-I. 1litana enie€t Phase Applies:when flovi, in the'Skagit l veak below the ablished Lowery Skagit River lnstreaiu Flov levels, measured at-he PUD>Pipeline Crossing in Sedro-Wooley and o the flows'either meet or>exceed the regulated i-nstreain flow teve . The City;and the TOD will. execute the llovvuig a on($) during the 'Management Phase for the duration of the aar€in li vel'indicated- a)::,. Action,I I (1 to 2 day duration) (1} limit water withdrawals to :quart exempt (.125.59 4,82-46 mg ).from Lower Skagit River Iristream s.. - (2) The PUD will continue its program to rnax,mize storage in Judy Reservoir (3) Implement the"Contingency Plan of Operation" Continue to refine'the `Corn ngen.y of Operation" based on additional. -streamllow ii[ttC Lion and City and. Pam:: customer demand.information (4) Notify the upstream Skagit River operators of the . downstreamf o w situation and seek ek additional releases; if possible; if the'situation continues (5) Continue,P$A41 bynewspape and radio med3 . (6) Prepare;PSA #22 with a program to' vo'i ntarily reduce. water demand to meet i ream f ows: • totg:mtri=ionifailusmeteenary exterior svateruse::to limit diversion to 125 59 cfs182 46 mgd' • Page 5'of: , - O(lll1i6 August 22, 1996 it ..: 1,- b) Action 11,2(3 to 14 day duration): t,...J i-, • I,t..i (I) Limit water withdrawals to quantities exempt (12559 cfs/82.46 mgd) from Lower Skagit River Flows and seek voluntary reduction in demand.. (2) The. PUI) will continue its program to maximize iCtrag.1:::'!1-1.• ' , • ' ':: •'.': , - - ',.•,:'.':!:;:.:.:;::t.', Judy Reservoir. . n _.._a • L- -. , ._.0f- ruturrop.q._-;,!# ;?.?,.:::::.'-.:.:::-,,-,-._:.. ':,';':,':./,.,:ii..:''i?,'_;' (3): Continue- implementation e the e-c,:,iject:, iiiiiigeo4,3i.tio :.._,,...4.c . . .,;,.:,:..... _.,..,,,.._..„,,,,, OPeration":. :.-Continue to, the ,404 , ,,s Operation" based on adriflow infoptiatiO , , d:Pi•JD'Hoti''... orier.dp-ftonal streatmand information ..- :-. - -,:.':.,'", .,. - ' •-: -,.'..,'.::::',,,,,,....,:,,,,,,,,c.i • '' - - darn ,,neriste.,4Sk'.10;g.:':.T---;-:?,2........'. ..:-:::-.f--....''.7...-.:='''i... iinctreim Skagit River-4,, ,. -• . ,;, , ( 1 " Request 4lie':---i,----- ''' idijittonatHreleasep--, --, - ,,---.',:-..',.','':::. . .. : . N4.,, • .-_, - --.- -'- - al releases Suok .• ..,,:. i-------.• .:,•:',..,!.,', .".-. :-...-...--::::!,:',.','••-sr ",',.'.., ', • cconn.000-02„-a4dition . ; -:,-,..1,,zih.a,,reitiiii0ii,,100.-:;.. : hiptil-cf.:.-be.tttn. .o , ...-u41,.2-,-.- ---a':deficient ' ' '- Croigitig_at,,tbe.,,.timg of projected Pp!?Ir...Pku-u. 7.-.-,.. ,..=,,;., ..::-_:,.:,.:::.,....,,,,.....;:,:,.,w4 Ilti'D'..)P1Peitnc- '' :- , -- -- - ' base their rewest(a..1'''9;t'- --i's--:: '':'_:-. ...-s!--i .::: • strearriflow. The City ..:_.. ..; 1 . . ':' :' ' . 2. ' "•, . . :. - . :establE. hecUrOtitm- g procedures. - • :- - ';'';-'.:'''.1,-i--'-.,.';,:::., ...,--:.-..,:-..,....-;::::--„,5,1:.-„, ,-2p.,,,.,-1,1.,-,,.., • ‘, . ' ' • • . ",.. ,...1 radio:-Media SA.#2-to .......PaPer---- -- - -.11-3:(I 'd :orol*CIPTPAQP): ....--':: .. c),-; :.:Actiov . ays . ... ,'Fk..,.., ...,...,::.:::::::;:4-4 -.....'',..:,..,:::....:40 -:thairsw-Alq quantities exempt -(P5-59 ''-.: :::;,.i-..i„..,-,::...,ip -.• .-.-: • - - water: 33,41- --- - -- .."43, :,,,,,.' -- • , •:'•- •.'--• ••• .••-.1•:.•'••.!::',"..,;.'rrlii ci) Ttiltat. Lower... • ' ,. • ,•-.• , Rieit,. instre/wv:Flows . , . „..::„.,44-,,, • ' - ,. .. . inst .• . : . , .: demandand.. 0015,..:,yolunt#Fy:,.,pckicti._.,,Q11::.1n .to tneet.., , . ..,. ' :iiiiliinciinize4.,StPrage in '-Judy Reservoir. , -,:-'.. : .,.,:.:,(' IIIV..-will'ecintintie:jts-''RNSF:4!1/ ;-F.,,,'-:.-:, .:.-: - .- : , ,_.',. ..''.:- ;..,,,,,,..i . .., : , ::. .. ,.. , „ :, . .:. ....,::.: • '!..,:J'i--::'. ._ 1 ' ' ' • ,,,,_,___,,__-':-. .., ,..„..4.t-:-.-'4:--.--, --::.--1;t,',Ai.i.:*0194rng=. c)r„;;P*,..., af • (3) ._,,.-N--.:Alm, u ule- - -, ,- •-• •.--....” 7.......,__'.: :...etintingertegiiilar4191- Operation".---f_.--nirtiitive toF:t4w4•.•wF: :.,..,._, , ,..,„,...,:..,. ..:,.,........„ ,. ...--, .:-:,,:-.----- , -:::::•• -..-- : = : -I' •-,- •:F-....7------ • .:: !,.t.•:•-..: .•---- ,i4tmation,and -adilitionahst:Femfto,'.;,.o::,!,:....:- Operation" based on additional..,...,,,::: - • citii.andj:roi?'-94stosi, --_- • .(4) Continue ...:.,: .:,,,, - :.,::,..skatitz:;:,itire,:r17,-: :_,,,. ,:._..,.,-:: • up4lte , .:...: .' -- :' : : - : - --, - • :-.,,..--,- -. ,-- . 7.,.,.. additionaliefaiii::-_-...,,,,,::',:-,::,.c.,:.:-...., .PSA#2 by nevisPalietWIT4C11°-Filer.7: _ .. ..: ; - - : ..-'. : : , • ., .... „ ." ' - --.. .. . .. , ,. . . ,.. ..?..,-..,.., .... ' . :... : . .:.; .. . „ f.... ... PPgq0of 7 . • . - „ • • , ,, Y,•••,-..1 . , ... . . . , • : . , .. ... (ltl??lfiti August 22, 19% PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS (Subjects Only) PSA►#1 Alert.Phase c3, ' Sew voluntary .10 pit water:use reduction with-a:.tbcus::on:discretionary Vie-a af- . '.. ..:.;. :::.i.......:.. #2 Ma a2em nt Pt aae; fi e : em• . otra nt dr• on to I2S59- d ny; exerior gater use t he. o , fosc oadand tii to>meet 0 12 mgd d tidthe owingo ,' 'p inay • Y ade l irrigation 'a V ,. an n p ' ula s E' co ndsrii customer ,is cnn th €an d P systemsts, .Redatt pew e� use= :all restderttral mess.� the City and ?PE7.� sy 0 As t C and 0 demand app caches tl- Out Hof stream version t 5 d mmg. `low flow cv the use reduction:program will induce • teary rn. o f gotatico iripi des from City-;and'PUD:systems, it hiding farms Prohibition of ica :w is operations . . all :` cilres dera. ie at ea ,--.,,,--,! ,,,:. i peak d waeyb .t. Reduction , systems.ts, theCity,and UD_ ... ., . . ,. . :::'.. .-..:,•::: ion in � water by: al aitial,`costa s.can fife City and.PUIII systems. Page7of7 ...:Mf v= . .• _ .. d .: ti� :. ..::.