HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-25 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—March 25,2019
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of March 25,2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Ryan Walters,Anthony Young,Brad Adams,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller
were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Community Appreciation of Salvation Army Cold Weather Shelter Volunteers: Lt. Stephen Milner of the
Salvation Army thanked the city for its support of the winter Cold Weather Shelter. Lt. Milner reported that the
past winter the shelter opened nightly between December 20,2018 and March 1,2019,thanks to the help of 58
shift volunteers and support provided by Skagit County to hire two graveyard shift staff to cover the 11 PM to
5:30 AM shift. He said that 920 total bed nights were provided to an average of 15 guests per night. Lt. Milner
thanked a long list of individuals and agencies for supporting the shelter with goods, services and time. He
recognized Mr. Johnson's oversight of the shelter and offered special thanks to Nelle Jacobson, Chief of
Scheduling and Volunteer Coordinator for the Shelter. Mayor Gere thanked Lt. Milner for his leadership and
coordination to provide this vital community service.
Planning Committee: Mr. McDougall reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. He indicated
that the Planning Commission hoped to conclude its review of the Development Regulations update on April 10,
2019 and said that committee members looked forward to full City Council consideration of the Development
Regulations soon thereafter. Mr. Walters reported on the committee's discussion of proposed fire impact fees
and the limited revisions to the commercial categories being prepared by consultant Berk Associates. Mr.
Walters also reported on new technology that might help to identify available public parking spaces downtown
and alleviate the perceived shortage of parking.
Public Comment
Jennifer Mann, owner of Tides of Anacortes, spoke representing the retail trades group and downtown
businesses to bring Council attention to an ongoing problem with downtown parking. Ms. Mann submitted a
written summary of her comments which was added to the packet materials for the meeting. She reported that a
2018 survey of downtown businesses identified parking as the top issue impacting their businesses in a negative
way. Ms. Mann discussed the parking time limits downtown and the lack of enforcement of those limits; she
said that enforcing the time limits would help address the problem of employees parking in spots that could
serve customers. She acknowledged the constraints on the parking officer's time and said she had spoken with
other cities in which the Auxiliary Patrol assists with chalking tires. She also suggested signage to make
customers aware of public parking in lots at the cinema and City Hall. Ms. Mann asked if the city might be able
to purchase or rent parking space owned by private businesses to provide more public parking. Ms. Mann also
urged more effective sweeping of downtown streets,possibly posting signs prohibiting parking on some regular
schedule to allow streets to be swept. Ms. Mann thanked Council for considering the parking issues and offered
the assistance of the retail trades group to help develop solutions. Mayor Gere thanked the group for speaking
and advised that the Planning Director was investigating the potential to make some private parking spaces
available to the public.
Allen Rhoades,4105 Mitchell Drive, suggested several ideas for alleviating the parking problem. His handouts
were added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Rhoades observed that the yellow painted no parking
zones at corners seemed to grow a little longer each year, limiting available parking. Mr. Rhoades suggested
lowering the speed limit on Commercial Avenue to 20 mph from 2nd Street to 12th Street if slower speeds would
require smaller sight distances,hence shorter yellow zones at intersections. Mr. Rhoades also observed that the
tick marks partitioning parking spaces were larger than required by most vehicles so had actually reduced the
number of parking spaces. He said back in angle parking would also be a good option if streets were one-way;
Anacortes City Council Minutes March 25, 2019 1
he proposed making the east-west streets between 1 1th Street and 4th Street one way, alternating direction every
block,to allow safe back in angle parking. He suggested changing the truck route to 3rd Street rather than 4th
Street since there are fewer residences on 3rd Street. Mr. Rhoades also suggested increasing parking spaces on
Commercial Avenue by replacing the bicycle lanes with pull in angle parking on both sides of Commercial
Avenue. Mr. Rhoades expressed frustration that the Port of Anacortes did not provide sufficient parking for its
tenants, and concern that the Port's expansion plans for the north and west basin would exacerbate the parking
problem. He asked if a code change was needed to require the Port to provide sufficient parking for its tenants
and urged a coordinated parking plan for Port properties.
Cheryl Gilman said her alteration business had been located in two different downtown locations and that it was
difficult for her customers to find parking and that they would sometimes postpone visits to her business if
parking was not readily available. Ms. Gilman endorsed Mr. Rhoades's suggestion of angle parking.
Janet Schlaifer, of Oak Harbor, spoke as a consumer. She said she would like to shop in Anacortes but had not
done so for the past 30 days because there was no parking available. Ms. Schlaifer said she had also stopped
shopping downtown in Oak Harbor and La Conner because she couldn't find parking, shopping on line instead.
She cautioned that Anacortes was losing sales tax revenue due to lack of visible downtown parking.
Mr. Walters called attention to a recent Skagit Valley Herald article on Sedro-Woolley's downtown
development. He observed that government,businesses and business associations all have a role to play in
addressing parking and strengthening downtown retail.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion
carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of March 18,2019
b.Approval of Claims in the amount of: $221,137.69
c. Contract Amendment: Anacortes Senior Activity Center Foundation 18-109-SEN-001
d. Contract Award: 2019 Chevrolet Silverado Purchase 19-042-ERR-001
e. Donation Acceptance: EMS Donation
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 92626 through 92657,total$72,867.58
Check numbers: 92658 through 92711,total$148,484.67
Wire transfer numbers: 246880 through 247071,total $975.79
2019 CDBG Action Plan Review
Administrative Assistant and CDBG Administrator Joann Stewart summarized the city's participation in the
federal Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)program and presented the city's draft 2019 Action
Plan. Ms. Stewart's slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Stewart described
the schedule for the congressional appropriations,the public comment period for the annual Action Plan, and the
second hearing on the draft plan scheduled for April 22,2019. She also briefly described the project applications
received to date. Mr. Walters suggested prioritizing sidewalk curb cut projects over service counter retrofits at
City Hall. Mr.Adams asked that staff provide more information on the counter retrofits to help Council
determine the relative priority of the two items. Mr. Johnson asked if additional project applications would still
be accepted. Ms. Stewart said that additional submissions could be considered and addressed at the April 22,
2019 hearing. Mr.Young thanked Ms. Stewart for her extensive efforts administering the CDBG program for
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the city for many years. Mr. Miller asked if staff expected substantial changes in the award amount for 2019.
Ms. Stewart said there was some indication that the 2019 allocation to Anacortes could be slightly larger than
the prior year.
Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address
the Council.Mayor Gere left the public hearing open until April 22,2019.
Guemes Channel Trail Update
Parks and Recreation Director Jonn Lunsford updated Council on the Guemes Channel Trail, specifically
regarding Phase VII,the 4096 LF directly west of Lovric's. Mr. Lunsford's slide presentation was added to the
packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Lunsford reported on a recent survey of shoreline plantings in Phase VII
which found 8700 SF of actual planting pockets 3' wide or wider, compared to the 5250 SF called for in the
Phase VII permit. He explained that plants that do not survive are replanted and cited over 200 trees planted
along the trail by volunteers in 2018. Mr. Lunsford then reported on the storm damage caused to the trail by high
winds and waves on February 3-4,2019. He confirmed that staff had met with the Department of Fish and
Wildlife(WDFW),the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the city's Planning Department to ascertain
necessary requirements before staff could begin repairs to the damaged trail section. Mr. Walters inquired if the
city could obtain an ongoing permit for trail maintenance. Mr. Lunsford said staff had obtained such a permit in
2014 and was in the process of renewing it. He responded to councilmember questions about situations that
would and would not require COE permits,the process for ascertaining that all mitigation required for Phase VII
had been completed,tracking expenditures for trail maintenance and repair each year,the potential to improve
the quality of the wetland buffer in adjacent sections of the trail, and measures taken by staff to require
reparation for plant damage inflicted by vandals along the trail.
City Council Candidate Presentations
Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh summarized the process for filling the City Council seat vacated
when Councilmember Liz Lovelett announced her resignation from the Anacortes City Council effective
February 25,2019 following her appointment to the 40th District of the Washington State Senate. Ms. Schuh
referred to her slide presentation which had been included in the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Schuh
clarified that the appointed councilmember would serve in the position only until the November 5, 2019 general
election results were certified. Candidates who filed to run for the seat by the May 13,2019 deadline would
appear on the ballot in November and the winning candidate in that election would then hold the seat from the
certification of the election results until the end of Ms. Lovelett's unexpired term in 2021. Ms. Schuh
summarized the timeframe for considering appointments. She advised that staff had verified that all nine
candidates present met the qualifications: Anacortes resident for at least one year and a registered voter. Ms.
Schuh said each candidate would have 5 minutes to present their interest in the position, community
involvement and the skill set they would bring to the position. She explained that neither councilmembers nor
the public would question the candidates at the present meeting and that following the presentations Council
would convene in executive session to review the qualifications of the candidates. Mr. Walters asked each
candidate to indicate whether or not he or she planned to run for office in the November 2019 election. Ms.
Schuh said that prior to the meeting the candidates had drawn lots to determine the order of presentation: Chuck
Flagg,Jeremy Carter, Carolyn Moulton,Meredith Mcllmoyle, Christine Cleland-McGrath, Gary Robinson,
Nicole Mortimer, Tor Fleming, and Sara Holahan.
Each candidate then addressed the Council and audience from the podium. Candidate statements and any
supplemental materials introduced during their presentations were included in the packet materials for the
meeting. The candidate statements are included in their entirety in the permanent video record of the meeting.
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At 8:03 p.m. Mayor Gere announced that Council would convene in executive session per RCW 42.30.110(h)to
review the qualifications of City Council candidates and that no action would be taken before the April 1,2019
City Council meeting. Ms. Schuh asked if the candidates should remain in chambers in the event that
councilmembers wished to reconvene and take action. Mayor Gere called the candidates back to the dais. She
advised that the executive session would conclude by 8:40 p.m., at which point the open session would
reconvene and Council would advise on the next steps to be taken.
At 8:36 p.m. Mayor Gere reconvened the regular meeting, advising that Council had met in executive session
and that no action had been taken. The mayor and several councilmembers commented on the high caliber of the
candidates,thanked all the candidates for offering to share their talents in the service of the city, and reminded
that participation on city boards and commissions was another means of participating in city government. Mr.
Walters moved, seconded by Mr. Miller,to ask the following five candidates to appear before Council the next
week for an interactive question and answer session: Christine Cleland-McGrath,Meredith Mcllmoyle,Carolyn
Moulton,Nicole Mortimer and Tor Fleming.Vote: Ayes—Young,Walters,Adams,McDougall,Miller and
Johnson. Motion carried. Mr. Walters suggested that councilmembers email Ms. Schuh with questions for the
candidates,which staff would compile and circulate to the candidates prior to the meeting.
There being no further business,at approximately 8:40 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of March 25,
2019 was adjourned.
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