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City Council Minutes—June 15, 2009
At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of June 15, 2009 to order. Roll call
found present: Kevin McKeown, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson
and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, that the minutes of May 26, 2009 and June 1, 2009 be approved
as if read. Vote: Ayes — Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and McKeown. Mrs.
Richardson and Mr. McKeown abstained from voting on the June 1st minutes. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Ms. Boshie Morris, 1618 7th St., presented a petition from the 6th Street neighborhood asking to provide input
on the 6th Street Improvement redesign project.
Mr. John Adams, 1917 Tweed Place, expressed concern about the Fidalgo Bay clean-up project relative to a
ditch running behind Parcel 1 at Seafarer's Place. He recommended monitoring to make sure pollutants
were not entering the Bay via the ditch.
Mayor/Council Communication
Proclamation: Samish and Skagit County Medical Reserve Corps Week
Mayor Maxwell read from a Proclamation encouraging all citizens to honor the many dedicated volunteers
willing to help their friends and neighbors in Skagit County in time of need; the Mayor then proclaimed the
week of June 21-27, 2009 as "Samish and Skagit County Medical Reserve Corps Week" in the City of
Certificate: Recognition of Community Service and Artwork Donation to the Anacortes Library — Allen and
MaryAnn Hatfield
Ms. Cynthia Harrison, Library Director acknowledged the many years of service to the community offered by
Allen and MaryAnn Hatfield. Specifically, Ms. Harrison honored the Hatfields for their contribution of an Al
Currier painting to the Anacortes Public Library. The Mayor presented Ms. Hatfield with a Certificate of
Appreciation to a standing ovation from the audience.
Mayor Maxwell announced that on June 27th Anacortes Sister Cities will host the Doyle Geer Memorial Golf
Tournament at Similk Beach; this activity is a major fund raiser for the Sister City youth exchanges.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. McKeown to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes
—Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, and Petrish. Motion carried.
Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants
Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing
Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on
June 4, 2009 and June 11, 2209 are approved for payment as of this date June 15, 2009.
Claims Warrants
June 2009: Warrant Numbers 51208 through 51406 in the total amount of$350,224.41
June 2009: EFT Number 51201 through 51207 in the total amount of$2,249.54
Payroll for June 5, 2009 in the total amount of$754,079.00
Warrant Numbers 33609 through 33669 in the total amount of$61,931.40
Direct Deposit Numbers 31028 through 31221 in the total amount of$506,648.83
EFT Numbers 992 through 996 in the total amount of$185,498.77
City Council Minutes June 15, 2009 1
In the same motion Council:
Approved the Street Fair Application and associated conditions and services for the Pleasant View 4th Block
Party Bash on July 4, 2009 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. to be held at the west end of 29th Place to 28th
Closed Record Meeting: Conditional Use Application —Skagit Adult Day Care - 1208 7th Street
Mayor Maxwell initiated the Closed Record Meeting. Before discussion, Mrs. Richardson mentioned a
Kiwanis Club presentation on this project held before the application was submitted; the presentation was
consistent with the record. Mr. Don Measamer, Assistant Planning Director, reviewed the Conditional Use
application submitted by Skagit Adult Day Care to convert an existing single family residence at 1208 7th
Street to an adult day care facility. Mr. Measamer used an overhead to point out surrounding land use
together with the proposed site plan. The modifications to the building will be to the interior except for an
access ramp at the rear entrance. The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing and all exhibits and
transcripts have been forwarded to the Council prior to this meeting. Sixteen letters of support for the facility
were received and no appeals were filed. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the
application subject to conditions.
Questions followed regarding future expansion or relocation of the structure; ramp access; strictly limiting the
use to adult day care; daytime hours of operation; CDBG funding relative to fees; and changes to
impervious surfaces. Mrs. Richardson recommended that condition # 5 regarding a large parcel storm water
plan and water quality control plan be deleted, and that Condition # 8 should read, "Future site
redevelopment " Discussion followed regarding potential impact to the neighborhood. With that, Mrs.
Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Skagit Adult Day
Care Facility at 1208 7th Street and to adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law as amended. Vote:
Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried.
Request to Bid: City Lighting Project#2
Mr. Russ Pittis, Facilities Manager, recapped a number of energy cost savings realized by the City's lighting
improvements, use of fuel efficient vehicles, choice of fuels, and green cleaning procedures. The project
now before Council is for electrical improvements to Fidalgo Center, Fire Station I and II, Museum, Library
and Public Safety Building. The estimated cost to relight and control these facilities is approximately
$44,000; PSE has a program that will rebate half of that cost. The buyback period for this project is 4.3
years. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Pittis for his successful efforts to implement energy conservation
measures. With that, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. McKeown, to authorize staff to prepare a bid packet
for the City Lighting Project# 2; bid results will be brought back to Council for review. Vote: Ayes —Turner,
Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, and Adams. Motion carried.
Ordinance: 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment
Mr. Steve Hoglund, Finance Director, presented an Ordinance to Council for review and adoption. If
adopted, the 2009 Budget would be amended to reflect revisions to expenditures and revenues in the
following funds: Library Construction Fund (356), RFID system; Sewer Fund (Fund 440), odorous air ducts;
General Fund (Fund 001), voter registration costs not billed for in previous years and therefore not budgeted;
Street Construction Fund (Fund 105), Commercial Avenue/SR 20 roundabout project; Water Fund (Fund
401), interfund transfer out; and Sewer Fund (Fund 440), interfund transfer out. After discussion, McKeown
moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to adopt Ordinance No. 2800 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 2791 Adopted on October 20th of 2008, entitled "An Ordinance Adopting the Budget and Salary Schedule
for all Municipal Purposes and Uses for the Year 2009." Ayes — Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish,
Pickett, Adams, and Turner. Motion carried.
Padilla Bay Waterline Construction Contract Administration and Inspection Services
Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Public Works Director, explained that the construction contract was recently
awarded to Scarcella Construction. Staff proposes that MWH Americas be retained to provide construction
contract administration and inspection services for this complex portion of the Padilla Bay 36-inch waterline
relocation project. The project includes, in part, four connections to the existing 36" line; keeping the Casino
in potable water throughout the whole project; removal of old pipe and piles, and keeping the impact to the
Casino at a minimum. The scope of services and resulting estimated costs of$129,123.88 has been subject
to significant review and modification. After discussion, Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. McKeown,
City Council Minutes June 15, 2009 2
to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with MWH Americas to provide construction contract
administration and inspection services on the Padilla Bay Waterline Relocation Project in the amount of
$129,123.88. Vote: Ayes - Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, and Richardson. Motion
Finalization of Shoreline Master Program with the Watershed Company
Mr. Ryan Larsen, Planning Director, explained that since 2006, the City has been working with the
community to update the Shorelines Master Program (SMP) ahead of the mandated adoption date of 2012.
The shoreline inventory and analysis and the cumulative impact analysis report are two components that will
help reach the City's goal with the Department of Ecology (DOE). Also, Mr. Larsen will be finalizing a public
participation plan and will review with Council in Study Session. Staff recommends enlisting the assistance
of The Watershed Company to provide the necessary reports in order to finalize our SMP. Watershed is
highly regarded by the Department of Ecology in their ability to produce this type of work; Wastershed will
also assist the City in making the final submittal to DOE. If approved, work will begin immediately with a
completion date of February 2010. With regard to financing, the City expects to receive at least $50,000
each year for the next three years from DOE to assist in finalizing the update. The City will ask for additional
funding beyond the first year's $50,000 allocation thereby allowing the City to complete the Plan ahead of
schedule and reducing the total assistance needed. Mr. Larsen then introduced Mr. Dan Nickel, engineering
consultant with Watershed. Mr. Nickel described the proposed scope of work to include: shoreline inventory
and analysis; SMP review and development; and cumulative impacts analysis and restoration plan
development. After discussion, Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Geer to authorize the Mayor to enter
into a Shorelines Master Program Consultant Services Contract Agreement with The Watershed Company in
the amount of $86,969.00. Vote: Ayes: - McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, and
Geer. Motion carried.
Design Task Order for 6th Street Reconstruction Project
Mr. Fred Buckenmeyer, Public Works Director, presented a Task Order Agreement to Council for review and
approval. The purpose of the Agreement is to prepare construction drawings for the reconstruction of 6th
Street between "K" and "H" Avenues. Work will consist of roadway design, storm drainage design and
replacement of an existing 6-inch waterline. The reconstruction project is listed as a Capital Facility Project.
The City is in the process of procuring Federal funding via the American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
in the amount of $700,000.00. Construction will be coordinated with Skagit County; the project is a joint
effort relative to City of Anacortes Shoreline Permit#307 conditions. Issues with the ferry loading/unloading
traffic in the neighborhood, pedestrian safety, and future connection of the trails at 6th Street will be
addressed; also, there will be opportunities for public input. Mr. Buckenmeyer pointed out, however, that
there are significant time constraints relative to funding. Northwest Datum and Design was selected from the
City's on-call list of consultants to perform Phase I: Design Work. Mrs. Pickett recommended that language
incorporating neighborhood meetings be added to page 2. After discussion, Mr. Geer moved, seconded by
Mr. Turner, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Task Order Agreement with Northwest Datum and Design
for the 6th Street reconstruction design in an amount not to exceed $58,500.00. Vote: Ayes — Petrish,
Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and McKeown. Motion carried.
Briefing: JAG Grant
Police Chief Bonnie Bowers reported that in March of this year the City was notified that, as part of the
Federal Stimulus Package, the City was eligible for $15,625 for local justice programs. The Chief met with
the appropriate agencies and a plan was developed to use the funds for domestic violence reduction through
offender treatment. Statistics show that abusers are 50% less likely to re-offend when they underwent a 6-
month treatment program. The overall goal with this proposal is to reduce domestic violence in our City.
Mrs. Richardson and Council applauded the efforts to initiate this program.
Executive Session (30-45 minutes)
At approximately 8:40 p.m. the Mayor and Council convened in Executive Session to discuss litigation. At
9:45 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the Council and without taking any further action, continued this meeting to
Monday, June 22, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: (1) Bid Award for the 30th Street Boat Launch
City Council Minutes June 15, 2009 3