HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-20 City Council Minutes Approved O-sTY Off`, co City Council Minutes—July 20, 2009 At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of July 20, 2009 to order. Roll call found present: Kevin McKeown, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of Previous Meeting Mr. McKeown moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, that the minutes of July 6, 2009 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes— Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and McKeown. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No one present wished to speak on items not on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication Proclamation of 2010 Census Partnership: Mayor Maxwell presented a proclamation declaring Anacortes to be a partner with the U.S. Census Bureau to help ensure a full and accurate count in 2010. Project Porchlight: Mayor Maxwell announced that PSE is sponsoring a volunteer project to distribute free low energy light bulbs to local neighborhoods including in Anacortes to encourage saving energy. Volunteers are needed to help distribute the bulbs on Sunday, August 2 meeting at 2:00 p.m. at the Anacortes Library and Saturday, August 15 meeting at 2:00 p.m. at Storvik Park. Mayor Maxwell will be volunteering at the first session and Mrs. Richardson will be volunteering at the second. Mrs. Richardson commented that Shipwreck Days was fantastic, drawing crowds from throughout the region, and complimented the Port of Anacortes for hosting the workboat races at the end of the weekend. She hopes the latter will become an annual event. Consent Agenda Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, and Petrish. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer(Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on July 9, 2009 and July 16, 2009 are approved for payment as of this date July 20, 2009. Claims Warrants July 2009: Warrant Numbers 51675 through 51864 in the total amount of$364,118.16 EFT July 2009: EFT Number 51667 through 51674 in the total amount of$3,045.54 Prewritten Claims July 2009: Warrant Number 51666 in the total amount of$50 Payroll for July 20, 2009 in the total amount of$533,690.80 Warrant Numbers 33790 through 33848 in the total amount of$52,835.12 Direct Deposit from 31586 through 31757 in the total amount of$309,046.87 EFT Numbers from 1007 through 1013 in the total amount of$171,808.81 Cancellation of Warrant Claims Warrant Number 51520 in the total amount of$371.00 Claims Warrant Number 51503 in the total amount of$85.00 Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2009 1 In the same motion Council: Approved the Street Fair Application and associated conditions and services for the Anacortes Fire Department Open House to be held on September 12, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Anacortes Fire Department; Approved the Street Fair Application and associated conditions and services for the Anacortes Eagles Annual Barbeque to be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 14 through 16, 2009 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day at 901 7th Street; Accepted the Secure 20-Inch Waterline at Bartholomew Bridge project(08-027-WTR-001) by SRV Construction, Inc. as complete; and Approved a Resolution fixing a time when a petition for vacation may be heard and determined by the City Council in setting a public hearing date for the 17th of August, 2009 to vacate a portion of the alley abutting Lots 1-12, Block 40, ANACORTES, Skagit County (generally between 11th and 12th Streets and "O"Avenue)for Mr. Mooney. Ordinance 2801: Adopt 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented Ordinance 2801 to adopt the 2010-2015 CFP. New capital projects added to the plan this year were reviewed by Council in study session several weeks ago and the entire document was presented for public hearing at the July 6, 2009 Council meeting. No public comments were received and no changes have been made to the document since July 6. Mr. Turner observed that the CFP is an important document for budgeting purposes and moved to accept it, seconded by Mr. Adams. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, and Pickett. Motion carried. Interlocal Services Agreements for Reciprocal Library Borrowing Library Director Cynthia Harrison presented two interlocal agreements to establish reciprocal library borrowing privileges with the City of Burlington and the La Conner Regional Library District. The agreements allow Anacortes library users in good standing to obtain cards at the other two libraries, enhances library services overall and provides a convenience to Anacortes residents who travel throughout the county. The agreements increase the effective size of the Anacortes collection without purchasing new materials. Mr. McKeown noted that Mt. Vernon is not participating. Mrs. Harrison confirmed that Mt. Vernon will not be participating at this time but suggested that perhaps in the third quarter Mt. Vernon will reconsider. Mr. Geer praised Mrs. Harrison's progressive guidance at the library and moved to approve the proposed interlocal agreements, seconded by Mrs. Pickett. Mrs. Richardson inquired whether Anacortes patrons will be able to search Burlington and La Conner library catalogs on line. Mrs. Harrison confirmed this is the case. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett and Adams. Motion carried. Skagit County Guemes Ferry Request for Noise Variance for Temporary Construction Assistant Director of Planning & Community Development Don Measamer introduced Skagit County's request for a noise variance in order to perform construction outside the allowed hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. to reconstruct the wing walls at the Guemes ferry dock on the Anacortes side of the Guemes Channel. The work is expected to last from one day to one week and may exceed the allowed 45 dBA in a residential zone. WAC 173-60-80, which establishes allowed noise levels in the City of Anacortes, provides for variances if made in writing; if the variance is for less than 30 days, a public comment period is optional, not required. Mr. Measamer introduced George Dragseth, Project Manager in the Skagit County Public Works Department, who presented the County's construction plan. The wooden wing walls at the ferry dock have deteriorated and need to be unbolted and replaced. The County hopes to complete the work as quickly as possible with minimal impact to the public. Work at low tide is required because the bolt location is below normal low tide line. In September and October the lowest tides occur about 1:00 a.m. Night work also avoids ferry service interruptions. The anticipated decibel level will peak at about 70, with no pile driving involved,just lifting and bolting in the new pieces. The County will have an inspector on site as well as Mr. Dragseth and an Engineer's Representative monitoring the work and the noise. Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2009 2 Neighbors will be notified prior to work beginning. In response to a prior question from Mrs. Richardson as to whether the work could be completed on the weekend, Mr. Dragseth said it is possible but the crew will need 6 to 8 consecutive hours to complete the work. The project has not even been bid yet so no contractor has been selected. Mr. Dragseth believes the ferry makes more noise during normal operation than the crane and wrenches that will be used to complete the proposed work. Mrs. Pickett asked if the contractor would need an air compressor. Mr. Dragseth agreed they might need a compressor briefly to loosen the bolts but will likely have to hand wrench the new bolts into place. Mr. Petrish asked about the condition of the material the wooden wing walls are anchored to. Mr. Dragseth answered that the wing walls are anchored into steel that is still in fairly good shape. Mr. Turner summarized his understanding that it doesn't sound like there will be much noise made and asked that the construction crew will be made to understand that it needs to be sensitive to neighbors and complete the work in a short time frame. Mr. Dragseth confirmed that County will monitor the contractor's schedule and the noise levels during construction; he anticipates the crews will use radios rather than yelling. There will be pile driving at the dock on the Guemes Island side but not on the Anacortes side. Mr. McKeown moved to approve the requested noise variance, seconded by Mrs. Pickett. Mr. Adams inquired which aspect of the work will generate most noise and Mr. Dragseth replied that the dolphin installation at the dock on the Guemes side would be the loudest part of the overall project. Mr. Adams asked if the County could schedule the work during its regular annual ferry shut down and Mr. Dragseth replied that the Army Corps of Engineers and Fisheries won't allow in-water work between February 15 and July 15 which is when the regular ferry maintenance shut down occurs. Mr. Adams asked if the County would back off on the project if too many noise complaints are received. Mr. Dragseth responded that the County can't back off of the project but will monitor noise and respond immediately to any complaints. Mrs. Richardson clarified that the wood wing walls are intended to absorb impact and be replaced periodically. Mrs. Richardson asked if the Guemes-side dolphin work will be done at night also. The Mayor observed that the work on the Guemes Island side falls under the County's jurisdiction, not the City's. Mrs. Richardson stated that noise does travel across the water and that though the wing wall design requires that work to happen at low tide she would like any work that doesn't have to be done at night to happen earlier in the day to avoid disturbing the sleep of neighbors on either side even if it means cutting a couple of ferry runs. Mr. Petrish asked why the wing wall work can't be performed by divers so the work is not tide dependent. Mr. Dragseth stated that using divers involves extra risk. Mr. Geer called for the question. Vote: Ayes— Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams and Turner. Motion carried. Authorization to Purchase Flashing School Zone Beacons from Sole Source Supplier Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer presented a proposed resolution to approve JSF Technologies as a sole source vendor to purchase Flashing School Zone Lights for which the City has received a State Traffic Safety Grant. Mr. Buckenmeyer also requested Council to authorize the Mayor to budget up to $59,942.94 (including tax)for the purchase of the beacons, $52,500 of which will be reimbursed by the grant. The lights will be installed at Whitney, Mount Erie and Island View Elementary Schools. The Mayor praised this unique programmable technology. Mr. McKeown inquired about ongoing software maintenance costs. Mr. Buckenmeyer clarified that going forward the City will absorb costs of$50/year for each of the three schools for software maintenance plus approximately$450/year for solar batteries for a total of$600/year. There will be no other hidden ongoing costs. Mr. Geer moved to approve the resolution and authorize the budget item as requested, seconded by Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Richardson noted that several years ago speed limit signs in school zones changed from "when children are present"to "from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m." and asked if the signs will be changed so drivers aren't confused about when the reduced speed limit applies. The Mayor advised that the signs need to stay as they are to remind drivers to be careful in school zones all day and noted that the flashing beacons will not change the existing ordinance but will add extra visibility. Mrs. Pickett agreed with Mrs. Richardson that confusion needs to be minimized for drivers and thanked Eric Shjarback for pursuing and winning the grant. Vote: Ayes—Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner and Richardson. Motion carried. Contract Amendment to HDR—WWTP Odor Control Project Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer requested an amendment to the City's existing Task Order contract with HDR to expand construction management for the odor control system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City anticipated performing most of this project management in house but has more large, high profile projects underway simultaneously than anticipated. Outsourcing more of the project Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2009 3 management, construction inspection and submittal reviews on this project to the design consultant, HDR, will allow City staff to concentrate on the success of these other projects. The requested amendment will extend HDR's involvement through the end of the project which is slated for the end of August. Mr. Geer noted that spending this $60,000 for project management will save the City money on construction. Mr. Buckenmeyer agreed and stated that HDR's involvement has already saved the City quite a bit of money when they rejected materials that arrived on site but did not meet specifications. Mrs. Richardson observed that HDR has expertise that City staff may not have. Mr. Buckenmeyer agreed, noting that the City has a lot of great civil engineers on staff but HDR has mechanical engineers which the City does not have and this is primarily a mechanical project. Mr. Adams asked if the amendment changes the scope of the project. Mr. Buckenmeyer answered that it does not. Mr. Turner noted that he has watched City staff working very hard managing all the major projects going on right now and that this is a good time to bring in outside assistance. Mr. Turner moved to accept the amendment, seconded by Mr. Adams. Vote: Ayes— McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson and Geer. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 8:14 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly scheduled meeting of July 20, 2009. Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2009 4