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City Council Minutes—August 3, 2009
At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled meeting of August 3, 2009 to order. Roll call
found present: Kevin McKeown, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson
and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, that the minutes of July 20, 2009 be approved as if read. Vote:
Ayes— Petrish, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, and McKeown. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
Mark Lijek of 3512 West 3rd Street spoke regarding stop signs, arguing that more stop signs don't
necessarily contribute to traffic safety. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTC)sets
Federal standards for placement of stop signs. The MUTC calls for a stop sign only where a full and
complete stop is necessary for safe passage through an intersection. According to Mr. Lijek, drivers may
not obey stop signs that they feel are extraneous. Mr. Lijek stated that stop signs are also an air quality
issue because each time a car stops and then starts again additional fuel is burned and additional
pollution and CO2 are emitted. Mr. Lijek suggested that the City could reduce its carbon footprint, reduce
fuel costs and increase safety by reducing the number of stop signs in town in conformance with the
MUTC. Mr. Lijek will contact Eric Shjarback and the Traffic Safety Committee on this issue.
Mayor/Council Communication
Employee Recognition for Kathy Janke: The Mayor and Council thanked Kathy Janke for her many years
of service to the Council which concluded at this meeting. Ms. Janke has attended City Council meetings,
taken and transcribed Council minutes, and prepared the Council packets since 1998. Ms. Janke has
worked at the City since 1978 including in the Finance Department, as front desk receptionist and in the
Planning Department where she is currently the Land Use Permit Manager in addition to her ongoing
duties as the secretary for the City Council. Ms. Janke was also instrumental in formation and promotion
of the Anacortes Farmer's Market and involving Anacortes in Sister Cities International. Ms. Janke has
worked for decades behind the scenes to help Anacortes to develop into the fine city it is today. Ms.
Janke retires from the City in December, 2009.
Art Dash: Nicole Johnston from the Parks & Recreation Department reported on the very successful 4th
Annual Art Dash held on Saturday, August 1, 2009. A total of 252 participants ran the half marathon, 10K
or 5K routes. Mr. Geer praised the traffic control at points where the race crossed roadways. Ms.
Johnston thanked Officer Farrell for his assistance with the traffic control.
Project Porchlight: Mr. Adams reported that he and the Mayor volunteered with Project Porchlight on
August 2, 2009, handing out free low energy light bulbs door to door to homes in Anacortes. The project
also educated homeowners about energy savings, including facts such as that a single CFL bulb will last
seven years and can save$43 in electricity cost over the life of the bulb. Volunteers are still welcome for
a similar event on August 15 which will meet at Storvik Park at 2:00 p.m. Also on August 22 and 23, 2009
at ACE Hardware citizens are invited to trade in up to ten of their existing incandescent light bulbs for new
free CFL light bulbs. The Mayor commented that if every home in America changed a single incandescent
bulb to a low energy bulb the country would reduce emissions by the equivalent of 800,000 automobiles
in a year.
Roundabout Update: Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer provided an update on the new
Commercial Avenue roundabout. An informal ribbon cutting and drive through for local business owners
occurred on July 24, 2009, exactly 30 days after the closure began. Mr. Buckenmeyer reviewed the
correct process for traveling through a roundabout: slow down when approaching, yield to pedestrians,
yield to cars already in the roundabout, then enter as soon as there is an opening. Once in the
roundabout do not stop and do not pass other vehicles. When exiting the roundabout, again yield to
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 3, 2009 1
pedestrians. If an emergency vehicle displaying lights or sirens enters the roundabout behind you,
proceed to the next exit and pull over out of the way. If an emergency vehicle overtakes you before you
enter the roundabout, either pull over before the roundabout if space allows or if not, enter the roundabout
and then exit at the first exit and pull out of the way. Bicycles can ride around the roundabout on the
sidewalk or can enter and travel through the roundabout just like a car. The roundabout is designed with
elevated center island landscaping to discourage drivers from passing incorrectly through the center of
the roundabout and to provide a visual barrier which encourages drivers to focus on the vehicles
immediately to the left, not vehicles that are still outside the roundabout. Mr. Petrish asked if turn signals
should be used. Mr. Buckenmeyer said yes, use signals: the left signal indicates you are continuing inside
the roundabout, the right signal indicates you are taking the next exit. Mr. Petrish also suggested that the
existing roundabout advisory sign should be positioned further east on Highway 20. Mr. Geer suggested
placing a no passing/no stopping sign in the roundabout. Mrs. Richardson suggested placing brochures at
the Visitor's Center. Mr. McKeown reported that he has received nothing but positive feedback about the
roundabout. Mr. Buckenmeyer said a formal ribbon cutting will be scheduled in September. The Mayor
reported that the Anacortes roundabout may soon be featured in a prominent national engineering
publication. Mrs. Richardson asked about traffic violations in the roundabout. Chief Bowers reported that
there have been no collisions and no violations. Mr. Adams complimented the landscaping which makes
the roundabout feel like a brief passage through a park.
Vessel Launch: Mrs. Richardson reported that Dakota Creek Industries has been building a large vessel,
the Ross Candies. The vessel will be launched at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 8, 2009 and the public is
welcome to observe.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Petrish moved, seconded by Mr. McKeown, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote:
Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, and Petrish. Motion carried.
Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Warrants
Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/warrants audited and certified by the City's
Auditing Officer(Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance
Committee on July 23, 2009 and July 30, 2009 are approved for payment as of this date August 3, 2009.
Claims Warrants
July 2009: Warrant Numbers 51868 through 52047 in the total amount of$1,074,466.36
July 2009: EFT Number 51866 through 51867 in the total amount of$154.00
Prewritten Claims
July 2009: Warrant Number 51865 in the total amount of$ 925.00
Cancellation of Warrant
Claims Warrant Number 51775 in the total amount of$ $342.72
Payroll Warrant Number 33835 in the total amount of$ $753.90
In the same motion Council:
Approved the Street Fair Application and associated conditions and services for the Sunset Cove
Homeowner's Association Annual Picnic to be held on September 13, 2009 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at
the cul-de-sac at the end of Sunset Court; and
Authorized pursuit of a refunding bond for the 1999 LTGO bonds.
Adoption of Interim Storm Water Ordinance
Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development Don Measamer presented a draft of an
interim ordinance that will bring Anacortes into compliance with recent Dept. of Ecology guidelines and
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 3, 2009 2
regulations. Staff would like to take the draft to the public for comment and then to the Planning
Commission for review before bringing it back to Council for final action. However, Dept. of Ecology
requires adoption of an ordinance by August 15, 2009. The interim package will allow Anacortes to be in
compliance now while the public process continues for the final ordinance. Mr. Adams asked for
highlights of differences between the prior version and the new one. Mr. Measamer replied that the new
ordinance has been shortened drastically. Much of the specific design information contained in the old
ordinance has been replaced by reference to City standards and the Dept. of Ecology manual so that the
ordinance is automatically updated as the referenced standards are updated. Mr. Turner noted a trend
towards more low impact development techniques. Mr. Measamer agreed and anticipated that this trend
will continue as the final ordinance is drafted. The Mayor reminded that a number of cities challenged the
first draft of Dept. of Ecology's NPDES Phase II requirements and were successful at achieving some
changes but subsequent legal challenges including one currently in progress may alter the requirements
in the future. Mr. Adams asked about the revision cycle for the Storm Water ordinance. Mr. Measamer
replied that the ordinance can be considered a work in progress as new guidelines and standards
continually come into play. Staff does review the NPDES Phase II permits each year. Mrs. Richardson
asked if the interim ordinance can be adopted on the condition that a few typos will be addressed by staff.
Mr. Measamer agreed. Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the interim ordinance with
corrections. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish and Pickett. Motion
Surplus of Vehicles and Police Boat
Mr. Buckenmeyer presented a list of eighteen vehicles and other equipment that can be declared surplus
and disposed of to save the City insurance and maintenance costs. Mr. Buckenmeyer added Vehicle 106,
a 1990 Ford Ranger formerly in service at the wastewater treatment plant, to the list. Once approved for
surplus, equipment is usually taken to Murphy's Auction for disposal. Police Chief Bonnie Bowers
presented a list of five retired handguns that can be declared surplus and traded in to Kesselring's gun
shop for credit towards the purchase of new pistols. Chief Bowers also proposed that the department's
1991 Stratos 22-foot fiberglass boat with engines be declared surplus and title transferred to the Skagit
County Sheriff's Office for their use pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement with Skagit County to provide
Marine Patrol in the inland water ways surrounding the City of Anacortes. Mrs. Richardson moved,
seconded by Mr. McKeown, to authorize surplus and disposal of all this equipment. Vote: Ayes—Turner,
Richardson, Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett and Adams. Motion carried.
Award of Task Order to Reichhardt& Ebe Engineering, Inc. for Fidalgo Bay Road Improvements
Mr. Buckenmeyer presented a proposed Task Order for$97,180 with Reichhardt& Ebe Engineering, Inc.
for design and construction engineering of Fidalgo Bay Road improvements that will be funded with the
grant received by the Samish Indian Nation. The portion of the road that will be improved is about 1000
feet that runs from just south of the entrance to the RV Park north to approximately the condominiums
and will likely include curb, gutter and sidewalk, storm drainage and asphalt overlay. The Task Order
amount is sizable because the Federal grant comes with extensive requirements for environmental
permitting and geotechnical evaluations. Mr. McKeown asked what the total project will cost. Mr.
Buckenmeyer replied that developing an Engineer's Estimate is one of the first things Reichhardt& Ebe
will do under this Task Order but he anticipates that most of the $449,387 of grant funding will be used.
Mr. Petrish suggested a sign be installed at the exit of the RV Park closing off the left turn at the
intersection of Fidalgo Bay Road and Highway 20 onto eastbound Highway 20. Mr. McKeown and the
Mayor both agreed that this is a dangerous intersection. Mr. Buckenmeyer said Public Works will be
talking with WSDOT about installing physical closures at that intersection. Mr. Turner asked if the Council
Public Works Committee could look at those issues. The Mayor assented but reminded that because this
is a State highway the City has to work with WSDOT to implement any changes. The Mayor also
reminded that closing this intersection was supposed to be part of the Sharp's Corner roundabout but the
State Legislature has delayed that project until 2019 now. Mr. Adams stated that any time the City can get
part of Fidalgo Bay Road resurfaced with grant funding it is to the City's advantage. Mr. Adams moved to
approve the Task Order, seconded by Mr. McKeown. Mrs. Richardson asked if the project requires a
shoreline permit. Mr. Buckenmeyer said no, the project is maintenance only. Vote: Ayes—Richardson,
Geer, McKeown, Petrish, Pickett, Adams and Turner. Motion carried.
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 3, 2009 3
Guemes Channel Trail Update
Mr. Measamer provided an update on the Guemes Channel Trail construction which began on July 27.
The section currently under construction is 2200 LF beginning at Leeward Way. Clearing and grubbing
has taken place and base rock is being placed. The shoreline is a lovely walk for the public. Rob Hoxie is
the project manager for this Phase I which will be completed late September or early October, paved and
ready for use. This is a combined project between the City and Gilbane. Local contractor Strandberg
Construction is the prime contractor along with several local subcontractors. The City has been working
closely with the State Dept. of Fish &Wildlife and Dept. of Ecology and consulting biologist Jim Wiggins is
on site daily to ensure the project is following the guidelines. The Mayor reminded that this trail segment
will one day connect to downtown. Mr. Petrish asked how much further east the trail can go before it
reaches the point where the railroad bed is washed out and the train tracks historically were built out over
the water. Mr. Measamer responded that the design is not that far along yet. Mr. McKeown observed that
this section is going to establish the momentum to get the rest of the trail built which will be a wonderful
attraction and a viable commuter route for west end residents. Mrs. Richardson observed that that the
trail is essentially level so that it is fully accessible for everyone even the mobility impaired. Mr. McKeown
observed that similar trails in Seattle move people of all ages and abilities. Mrs. Pickett asked about the
rip rap that has tumbled down onto the beach over time. Mr. Measamer said that the rip rap will be
removed from the beach and used to rebuild the armoring for the beach. The permit also requires that the
railroad ties be removed and trucked away to an approved disposal site.
Executive Session (15) Minutes
At approximately 8:30 p.m. the Mayor and Council convened in Executive Session to discuss possible
litigation. At approximately 8:45 p.m., the Council reconvened and without taking any further action, the
regularly scheduled meeting of August 3, 2009 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 3, 2009 4