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City Council Study Session Minutes—January 11, 2010 9cog
At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled study session of January 11, 2010 to order.
Kevin McKeown, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer
were present.
School District Maintenance Levy
Anacortes School District Superintendent Chris Borgen presented an overview of the 2010 replacement
maintenance and operations levy the District is proposing to the voters this winter. Ballots will be mailed
out on January 22, 2010 and must be returned no later than February 9, 2010. Mr. Borgen summarized
what the District is presenting to the voters. The levy requests a fixed annual amount of $6.8M for each of
the next four years with no escalator. This is a replacement levy to continue the funding from the levy
passed by the voters four years ago that is about to run out so will not increase taxes over the current
level. The levy is for maintenance and operations only, no capital expenditures and is not a construction
bond. Mr. Borgen explained that the District has already made budget cuts due to cuts in state funding
and has tried to do that as far from the classroom as possible. He said state and federal funding levels for
the next few years remain in question. The District is working hard to pursue private and foundation
grants as well. Mr. Petrish asked how property devaluations would affect the levy. District Financial
Officer Lisa Matthews explained that voters approve a fixed levy amount that is then divided over the total
assessed value in town regardless of whether that value goes up or down. Completed ballots may be
mailed or dropped off in the drop box behind the Anacortes Public Library any time through February 9,
2010. For more information the public is welcome to contact Mr. Borgen at 293-1200
(cborgen@asd103.org) or access the ASD 103 website (www.anacortes.kl2.wa.us/district/levy).
Anacortes Historic Preservation Board Presentation
Anacortes Historic Preservation Board chairperson Susan Rooks updated Council on the work of the
Board during the past year and its agenda for 2010. 2009 accomplishments included the Researching
Your House History workshop on January 24, 2009 with over 80 participants, the House History and
Plaque program, the revised and expanded AHPB website which has been very popular and has
provided frequently downloaded articles, and the 2009 Survey which continued the inventory of historic
buildings; 106 homes were added to the State database this year including 60 homes south of 12th Street.
Also in 2009 four properties were added to the Anacortes Register of Historic Places (the Carnegie
Library, the Depot, Causland Park and the W.T. Preston snagboat) and five new interpretive panels have
been designed and created and are being installed using County funds from the Apex Warehouse
demolition. Ms. Rooks thanked Parks Director Gary Robinson, Museum staff members Terry Slotemaker
and Evelyn Adams, School Superintendent Chris Borgen and School Board Chair Kris Lytton, and AHPB
members Jim Young and Jean Oakley for all their work on the panel project.
Ms. Rooks introduced the other members of the Anacortes Historic Preservation Board: Rob Harrison,
Jim Young, Susan Fahey, adjunct member Jean Oakley and Museum Director Steve Oakley. Ms. Rooks
thanked outgoing board member Steve Cox. Ms. Rooks then announced the 2010 initiatives that will be
undertaken by the AHPB: completing the inventory of pre-1940 buildings (approximately 300) with the
help of a consultant to be hired using a grant from DAHP, a workshop on energy conservation in older
homes, another workshop on Researching Your Old Home, and continuing work on the Handbook of
Anacortes House Styles. The first chapter has been completed. Ongoing programs include the
preservation awards program, the Anacortes Register of Historic Places, the House History and Plaque
program, the website, and possibly additional interpretive panels.
Mr. McKeown praised the interpretive panels and asked about their expected life. Ms. Rooks said they
are designed to be durable but that the Board has set aside funds for sign maintenance. Mayor Maxwell
noted that the signs are made locally by Anchor Signs. Mr. Turner asked if the Building Department
notifies the AHPB when historic houses are going to be remodeled. Mrs. Rooks said the Board does not
generally get involved with remodels but is notified about demolitions so they can contact property owners
to discuss options for adaptive re-use of buildings or building materials. Mr. Turner suggested that the
AHPB might be able to help a property owners remodel in keeping with their home's era and style. Ms.
Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes January 11, 2010 1
Rooks noted that the Handbook is designed to do exactly that and stated that the Board is happy to assist
with such projects. Mr. Geer thanked the Board and asked where residents should send old family photos
that show historic buildings. Ms. Rooks said by all means bring them to the Anacortes Museum. Mrs.
Pickett complimented the Board for its ambitious accomplishments. Mrs. Richardson asked when the
Board will inventory the commercial buildings downtown. Ms. Rooks said the historic preservation
consultant will include commercial facades in the report coming out later this month and that the Board is
very interested in providing reference resources for property owners interested in restoring commercial
properties. Mr. Adams thanked the Board for looking at historic properties south of 12th Street and asked
if the Board is working outside the City limits at all. Ms. Rooks said the inventory focuses on the City but
anyone on Fidalgo Island is welcome to use the Museum and website resources. Mrs. Richardson noted
several books have been published in the past decade that address Skagit County history and historic
properties. Mrs. Pickett noted that the many mills in town influenced the finishes used in period houses;
Ms. Rooks concurred. Mayor Maxwell thanked the Board for its work.
Recreation Program Update
Recreation Manager Dustin South and Recreation Coordinator Nicole Johnston provided an overview of
the many recreation programs offered by the Parks & Recreation Department. Special events coming up
include the 6th annual Daddy Daughter Dance, Bark in the Park on June 26th and the Art Dash in July.
Youth enrichment activities include Messy Me for toddlers, Survivor Day Camp at Washington Park and
the tumbling program at City Hall. Family events include summer outdoor movies and the family camp out
at Washington Park. Teen events include Skatefest and the Limousine Scavenger Hunt. Special events
include the Sunset Loop 10-mile Relay Run and the Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt in March, the Kids
Fishing Derby in June which is supported by the Puget Sound Anglers, Kids-R-Best Fest in July which is
supported by many businesses and service clubs in town, and the Mt. Erie Road and Trail Run in
October. Youth programs include the pee wee sports program for kids 4-6 years old, the very popular
youth sailing program that takes place each summer, and sports camps including soccer, wrestling,
basketball, volleyball and skateboarding. School breaks feature Fun Weeks that include activities such a
swimming, bowling, movies and ceramics. Youth golf will be offered again this summer. Adult programs
include tai chi and yoga, drop in volleyball, pickle ball, table tennis and weightlifting, 50 and over
kayaking, women's self-defense, dog obedience, and co-ed softball. Youth sport leagues include boys
and girls basketball, co-ed volleyball, youth track and field, boys and girls soccer. Youth sports leagues
promote the message "athletes first, winning second."
Guest participant Baylee South spoke enthusiastically about the many youth recreation programs she has
participated in including sports camp, basketball league, soccer, softball, track and field, co-ed volleyball
and sailing. She said her favorite activity is Kids-R-Best Fest. Ms. South thanked the City for the great
programs offered. Mr. Geer stated that the high quality of the recreation programs is what brings out the
participants and thanked Mr. South and Ms. Johnston for their work. Mr. Adams noted that other
communities have cut recreation programs in the current economy but Anacortes remains committed to
Parks & Recreation. Mrs. Pickett expressed appreciation that so many wonderful programs can be
offered with just two full time staff. Mr. South thanked the many volunteer instructors and coaches who
make the programs possible. Mrs. Richardson praised staff's ability to recruit and use volunteers
There being no further business, at approximately 8:45 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly
scheduled study session of January 11, 2010.
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