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Council Study Session Minutes—August 23, 2010
At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council study session of
August 23, 2010 to order. Councilors Kevin McKeown, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill
Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer were present.
Wayfindinq Presentation
Planning Director Ryan Larsen introduced the wayfinding sign project. Noting that the 2010 budget
included funding for a consultant, Mr. Larsen said he investigated wayfinding projects in neighboring cities
and determined that a consultant would be worthwhile to help determine optimal placement and design of
signs. Mr. Larsen introduced the consultant, Jacqueline Beamer of BrandQuery, LLC, to provide an
overview of the recently completed first phase of the project and an outline of the next two phases. Mr.
Larsen said the project will conclude in October at which point the findings will be presented to Council.
Ms. Beamer summarized her firm's credentials and a synopsis of a similar wayfinding project her firm
consulted on for the City of Burlington. She presented photographs of the Burlington project and noted
that their goals included using existing poles and maintaining a consistent visual theme. Ms. Beamer said
Phase I of the Anacortes project involved focus groups including the Mayor, Chamber of Commerce,
community organizations and City staff. Ms. Beamer also performed independent research about the
traffic flow through town. She said her Phase I Findings Report identifies targets for the signs: tourists,
delivery vehicles, business visitors and residents. Destinations were determined and design
considerations were also established as part of Phase I. Ms. Beamer said that Phase II involves
photographing the streets in Anacortes for the areas that were identified as needing signs, studying traffic
flow, designing signs and developing wording. History, waterfront and art will be themes reflected in the
design. Phase III will be production of a Wayfinding System Standards Manual that will provide final
specifications for constructing and installing the signs. Ms. Beamer said she will meet with the City's
Street Department sign shop to see if the signs can be made in house economically.
In response to a question from Mr. Adams, Ms. Beamer said the wayfinding signs will identify city services
such as City Hall, Municipal Court and the library; city amenities such as the visitor information center,
shopping district, Port, Marine Trades Technical Center, Brodniak Hall, and major parks; and points of
interest such as the W.T. Preston, Tommy Thompson Trail, restrooms, the Depot, baseball fields, the
Farmer's Market, Fidalgo Pool and the Senior Center. Mr. Petrish asked about sign cost. Ms. Beamer
said construction of the signs may be contracted out or the City sign shop may build them. Mrs.
Richardson reported that the University of Washington Medical Center used consultants for wayfinding
signage very successfully. Mr. Geer asked if the design standards will be tailored to the capabilities of the
City sign shop. Ms. Beamer said yes. Mr. Geer asked if the State has to approve signs on Commercial
Avenue because it is a state highway. Mr. Larsen said staff will work with WSDOT but noted that
wayfinding signs are easier to gain approval for than commercial signs. Mr. Petrish asked if the signs will
be accompanied by a map. Mr. Larsen said that is not included in the current contract. The Mayor noted
that maps are available at the Visitor Information Center. Mr. Turner noted the challenges involved in
designing effective signage and thanked Ms. Beamer for her expertise. Mr. McKeown asked the amount
of the consultant budget. Mr. Larsen said a maximum of$10,000 total for all three phases. Mrs.
Richardson said she is looking forward to having consistency in wayfinding signs around town. Ms.
Beamer added that the project includes replacing some existing signs with the new, consistent design
and placement. The Mayor expressed support for improving the wayfinding signs for the City's many
Update on Ongoing Projects
Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer provided an update on three major public works projects:
Pennsylvania Avenue, Flounder Bay dredging and the water treatment plant upgrade. Regarding
Pennsylvania Avenue, Mr. Buckenmeyer reported that right of way issues are mostly resolved. He said
after the median and sidewalk improvements were installed near Tursi Park the remainder of the project
had been postponed in hopes of attaining Federal funding. A highly ranked funding proposal was
Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes August 23, 2010 1
prepared but the jobs program has not materialized so Phase II will now be pursued with internal funding.
Phase II will include intersection improvements at West 12th Street and some curb, gutter, sidewalk and
paving. He said the remainder of the curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving will be contracted out next year
under the 2011 budget. Mr. McKeown asked when Phase II will start. Mr. Buckenmeyer said ASAP now
that engineering staff have finished the 6th Street improvements. All present agreed paving Pennsylvania
Avenue is a very important project.
Turning to the Flounder Bay dredging, Mr. Buckenmeyer reported that project is progressing well. He said
the exact completion date will depend on a number of variables but confirmed that the final completion
date by contract is the end of September. He noted that the Department of Natural Resources changed
the spoils disposal site at the last minute which delayed things somewhat. Mr. Buckenmeyer
acknowledged the Dredging Advisory Committee for its efforts to keep communication open and the
project moving forward. Mr. Turner seconded that sentiment.
Finally, Mr. Buckenmeyer reported that the Water Treatment Plant is past the 90%design phase and
HDR is now developing the 100% plans. He said staff has submitted the building permit application to
Skagit County and costs have been contained there. The City has also applied for a required Special Use
Permit. Mr. Buckenmeyer said a bidders checklist is being developed to establish criteria responsive
bidders must meet to help ensure a successful project. Mrs. Richardson asked if bidders will be
prequalified. Mr. Buckenmeyer said no, prequalifying bids is against the law. He emphasized that anyone
can bid on the project but the bidder criteria will be written into the specifications as requirements and will
be used to evaluate the bids for responsiveness. He added that this will apply to the prime contractor as
well as key subcontractors. Mr. Turner asked if there will be enough qualified bidders. Mr. Buckenmeyer
said yes and noted there has been a lot of interest from both regional and national contractors. Mr. Turner
asked how much sales tax this project will generate for Skagit County. Mr. Buckenmeyer said the project
is currently estimated to cost approximately$60M over two or two and a half years. Mr. McKeown asked
if bids will be more competitive given the economic climate. Mr. Buckenmeyer said that effect is not as
strong in projects this large but it should still help. Mayor Maxwell added that Build America Bonds are
available through the end of the year which City is going to try to capitalize on. He also noted many large
contractors aren't working at capacity now. Mr. Buckenmeyer agreed and said the timing of this project is
even better because there aren't other directly competing projects going out to bid at the same time. As
for a timeline he said the bid documents are due in September so the project could advertise in October
and begin construction in February or March 2011. Mr. Buckenmeyer added that the City's financial
consultant has been developing water rate scenarios to accommodate the project and that the regular
three-year regional rate review for contractual water customers is also underway. Mayor Maxwell
reminded that City residents account for about 8% of water sales so will pay for about$6M of the project
over twenty years. He said the City will work to keep the rates down and emphasized that Anacortes
continues to have high quality low priced water. Mr. Turner called the City's Skagit River water rights key
to the City's future and said the plant upgrade will help the region grow.
There being no further business, at approximately 8:15 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly
scheduled study session of August 23, 2010.
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