HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-21 City Council Minutes Approved OS Y 0etri`:: t9 w City Council Minutes—November 21, 2011 At 7:00 p.m. Mayor Dean Maxwell called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of November 21, 2011 to order. Roll call found present: Eric Johnson, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer. Nick Petrish was absent. Minutes of Previous Meeting Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, that the minutes of November 7, 2011 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer and Johnson. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No one present wished to speak on any item not already on the agenda. Mayor/Council Communication and Committee Reports Mayor Maxwell thanked volunteers from the Kiwanis Club who attended a recent community work party at Guemes Channel Kiwanis Waterfront Park and also thanked the Kuhnlein Clan who organized a work party at N Avenue Park the same weekend. Mayor Maxwell proclaimed November to be United Way Campaign Month in Anacortes and urged residents to step forward with vigor and generosity to volunteer and contribute financially to the community. Mr. Geer congratulated the Anacortes High School cross country team and the Anacortes Parks Foundation on a successful first annual 5K Turkey Trot at Washington Park over the weekend. Consent Agenda Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson and Pickett. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on November 10, 2011 and November 18, 2011 are approved for payment as of this date November 21, 2011. Claim Checks November 2011: Check Numbers 62512 through 62684 in the total amount of$644,902.95 EFT November 2011: EFT Numbers 62501 through 62511 in the total amount of$3,103.59 Payroll for November 18, 2011 in the total amount of$567,695.61 Check Numbers 36677 through 36705 in the total amount of $30,198.42 Direct Deposit Numbers from 42149 through 42330 in the total amount of$347,532.90 EFT Numbers from 1352 through 1356 in the total amount of$189,964.29 Cancelled Checks Check Number 54222 in the amount of$27.00 Check Number 54649 in the amount of$4.00 Check Number 55887 in the amount of$3.00 Check Number 56189 in the amount of$12.00 Check Number 56978 in the amount of$12.00 Check Number 57368 in the amount of$84.18 Check Number 57970 in the amount of$4.00 Anacortes City Council Minutes November 21, 2011 1 In the same motion Council: Authorized the mayor to sign an interlocal agreement with the Port of Anacortes regarding the Depot property; Adopted Ordinance 2862 vacating a Right-of-Way of certain portions of Third Street and R Avenue; Adopted Ordinance 2863 vacating a Right-of-Way of certain portions of S Avenue and Market Street; and Authorized the mayor to sign interlocal agreements instituting permanent Reciprocal Library Borrowing Agreements with Sedro-Woolley and the Upper Skagit Library District. Ordinance: Adopt 2012 Budget Finance Director Steve Hoglund advised that following the public hearing on the budget two weeks ago the final step in the budget process is adopting the budget by ordinance and authorizing the 1% property tax increase by resolution. Mr. Hoglund presented Council with an ordinance to adopt the budget and a resolution to adopt the property tax increase. Mr. Geer praised the balanced budget in the difficult economic climate and moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to approve Ordinance 2864 adopting the 2012 budget. Mrs. Pickett commented that the budget projects an upswing in sales tax revenue countered by downswings in other revenue streams. Mr. Hoglund concurred. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Pickett and Adams. Motion carried. Resolution: 2012 1% Property Tax Increase Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve Resolution 1835 adopting a 1% property tax increase for 2012. Mr. Adams observed that the 1% property tax increase will bring the City approximately $46,000 and asked how that will affect individual property owner tax bills. Mr. Hoglund replied that all things being equal all tax bills would go up 1% but in actuality each bill depends on how the property's assessed valuation has changed relative to other properties in the taxing district. The mayor offered that the net effect on an average$250,000 home would be around $5. Mr. Adams observed that the minimal increase for each taxpayer really does help the City maintain a level of service. Mrs. Richardson added that if the city doesn't take the increase this year it loses that opportunity forever so it is wise to plan ahead to meet rising costs in the future. Vote: Ayes— Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Pickett, Adams and Turner. Motion carried. Finance Update Mr. Hoglund presented an update on the City's financial condition through October, 2011 (83%through the year). Regarding revenue, sales tax is already at 104%of budget and is up 11% over the same period in the prior year. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET), which is restricted for capital projects, is at 75% of budget and approximately equal to 2009 levels. Impact fees for streets and parks have generated $65K year to date or 59% of budget, primarily on residential permits. Mr. Hoglund then reviewed other General Fund revenues including property tax, utility taxes, leasehold tax, licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenues, fines and forfeits, and interfund transfers. He noted that property taxes to date don't reflect 2nd half receipts. Mr. Hoglund reported that overall revenue is at 89% of budget 83%through the year and that revenues are still exceeding expenditures. Mr. Johnson asked what impact is expected from changes in liquor taxes and profits after the last election. Mr. Hoglund said the state estimated revenues would increase for both state and local governments following passage of Initiative 1183. Mr. Hoglund next reviewed General Fund expenditures by department. He noted that Medic/Fire expenses are at 98% of budget but some of that is covered by a grant. Regarding non-departmental expenditures, Mr. Hoglund recapped the second quarter budget amendment that adjusted the way health insurance premiums are booked. Mr. Hoglund then looked at revenues and expenditures in all the other funds. He noted that all funds that receive property tax have not yet received the 2nd half property taxes from the county so appear low at this point. He noted that Washington Park had higher revenue and expenditures than budgeted reflecting enthusiastic use of the park. He reported that Fund 200 will balance out after scheduled payments in December. He explained that Fund 209 has no revenue stream and is budgeted and paid out of cash reserves. He said Water Fund 401 revenue from bond proceeds for the water plant improvement project will be posted at year end. He also explained that Storm Drain Fund 445 appears out of balance because Anacortes City Council Minutes November 21, 2011 2 of dredging project revenues that spanned fiscal years. Equipment Rental Fund 501 appears out of balance because its spending happens disproportionately early in the year. Mr. Adams asked how property tax revenue hits each fund. Mr. Hoglund explained that when tax revenue is received it is allocated among funds according to the adopted budget. Mrs. Richardson asked if the revenue in Forestland Endowment Fund 602 is interest or donations. Mr. Hoglund said it reflects both ongoing contributions and investment interest. Ordinance: Third Quarter Budget Amendment Mr. Hoglund presented an ordinance amending the 2011 budget and reviewed the ordinance language to explain each line item. Mr. Hoglund specifically addressed the amendments affecting Ambulance Service Fund 110. He explained that to ensure GAAP compliance all amounts billed to patients and their insurers should be recognized as revenue and then the unreimbursed portion should be recognized as uncollectible debt expense. He added that Fund 110 had to use reserve cash to balance at the end of 2010 leaving that fund cash poor so the General Fund will be subsidizing it in 2011. Mayor Maxwell underscored that Anacortes is under-reimbursed by the Emergency Medical Commission and is seeking a higher rate of reimbursement. Mrs. Richardson asked how other service providers are covering costs if private insurance doesn't cover the full cost. Mayor Maxwell said all providers have the same problem, the question is how much EMS reimburses of that and how much the city has to make up. Mr. Turner asked how much of its cash reserves the City will use in 2011 to meet the budget. Mr. Hoglund said those figures can't be pinpointed until year end but he projected that the City should not have to dip significantly into cash reserves. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to approve Ordinance 2865 amending Ordinance No. 2843 adopted on November 15th of 2010, entitled "An Ordinance Adopting The Budget And Salary Schedule For All Municipal Purposes And Uses For The Year 2011". Vote: Ayes— Geer, Johnson, Pickett, Adams, Turner and Richardson. Motion carried. Public Hearing and Ordinance: Fidalgo Bay Road Right-of-Way Vacation Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer reviewed the location of the proposed right-of-way vacation which is part of the South Fidalgo Bay Road improvements that will service the proposed new Willette Business Park. He stated that the City owns all adjacent parcels. Mr. Buckenmeyer reminded that in September Resolution 1830 set a public hearing date on this vacation and Resolution 1831 revised that public hearing date to the present meeting. He said all legal notifications had been made as required. At approximately 7:50 p.m. Mayor Maxwell opened the public hearing. No one wishing to speak, the mayor closed the public hearing. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the vacation and adopt Ordinance 2866 vacating a right-of-way of certain portions of South Fidalgo Bay Road Short Plat. Mr. Johnson commented on the useful public hearing schedule on the Planning Department page of the City website and encouraged a similar display for Public Works. Vote: Ayes—Johnson, Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson and Geer. Motion carried. 2012 Contract: WTP Construction Management Services Assistant City Engineer Matt Reynolds explained that the City currently has consulting contracts with MWH Americas, Inc. and HDR Engineering, Inc. for construction management services and engineering services, respectively, during the construction phase of the water treatment plant improvement project. Mr. Reynolds said those contracts were set up on an annual basis to help the City manage scope and costs. He presented proposed annual contracts with those consultants to cover services anticipated during 2012. Mr. Reynolds explained the nature of those services and levels of staffing. Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve a one-year contract with MWH Americas, Inc. in the amount of $1,479,500. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer and Johnson. Motion carried. 2012 Contract: WTP Engineering Services Mr. Reynolds explained that HDR has already performed in 2011 a lot of the work anticipated for 2012. Mr. Adams asked how the contractors are performing. Mr. Reynolds said staff is very pleased and that the contractor is currently ahead of schedule. Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve a one-year contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$694,017. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson and Pickett. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 8:00 p.m. the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of November 21, 2011 adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes November 21, 2011 3