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City Council Minutes—June 20, 2011
At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Maxwell called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of
June 20, 2011 to order. Roll call found present: Eric Johnson, Nick Petrish, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Bill
Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer. Roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, that the minutes of June 6, 2011 be approved as if read. Vote:
Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer and Johnson. Abstain: Petrish. Motion carried.
Citizen Hearings
No one present wished to speak on any item not already on the agenda.
Mayor/Council Communication
Mayor Maxwell read a statement proclaiming June 18-26, 2011 to be Paint the Town Purple Week in
Anacortes and encouraged everyone to participate to make this year's Relay for Life a success.
Mayor Maxwell invited Council input for the 2012 budget. He called it a difficult year with not a lot of extra
dollars available but that he and staff do their best to incorporate Council program suggestions.
Mr. Turner observed that Bark in the Park was a huge success, that many visitors came from Seattle or
beyond, and that everyone had a great time. He thanked Recreation Coordinator Nicole Johnston and
everyone who helped put on the event.
Mayor Maxwell announced that Homestay International brings about thirty Chinese students 14-16 years
old to town every year. This year they will be here June 25-July 20. The mayor invited citizens who are
interested in hosting a student to contact Michelle at 360-421-5436 or Theresa at 360-929-4150.
Unfinished Business: Pennsylvania Avenue Project Fence/Wall Options
Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer briefly reviewed the work performed in Phases 1 and 2 of the
project. He reminded that at its May 16, 2011 regular meeting Council awarded the contract for Phase 3
to C. Johnson Construction, Inc. but deferred selecting a fencing option and requested additional
information on Option A, Redi Rock Stone Wall split rail fence, and Option B, vinyl coated chain link
fence. He noted that the Phase 3 contract amount of$517,752 was considerably less than the Engineer's
Estimate of$731,000. Mr. Buckenmeyer displayed plan views and cross sections of where the
approximately 180 LF of fence will be placed. He reviewed the revised costs of the two options, $19,950
for Option A vs. $11,000 for Option B. Mr. Buckenmeyer referenced correspondence in the Council
packet from the neighboring property owner and from the Anacortes Arts Commission, both of whom
supported Option A.
Mr. Geer asked about the cost of the wall under the fence. Mr. Buckenmeyer said the wall cost is the
same for both options. Mr. Buckenmeyer clarified the additional cost and location of the concrete block
that would be required to support the chain link fence. Mr. Petrish asked if either option meets DOT
guardrail standards. Mr. Buckenmeyer said this is a fence, not a guardrail, and said guardrail isn't
required at the posted speed on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Petrish, to
support Option A for$19,950. Mr. Geer said cyclone fence would do a better job of protecting the public
and be less expensive. Mr. Johnson said the Option A fence is 4' high, the Option B fence is 6' high and
that 4' is sufficient to protect pedestrians and cyclists. He added that with all the effort to make this area
attractive, aesthetics should be taken into consideration. Mrs. Pickett inquired about the amount of
property previously donated to the project by the adjoining property owner and concluded that the value
of that land is in the ballpark of$9,000. Mayor Maxwell noted that the project was fully funded in the 2011
budget and since the bids came in under the Engineer's Estimate there is funding available for either
option. Mrs. Richardson said the split rail Option A is clearly more attractive but questioned how the City
will decide which projects get more attractive fences and which get cyclone fences given limited funding.
Anacortes City Council Minutes June 20, 2011 1
Mr. Buckenmeyer clarified that the Option A style fence was not possible on Sunset Avenue because of
the design sequence on that project. Mr. Adams said he understands why the neighbors prefer Option A,
said he doesn't mind Option B himself, and asked how far the drop is along the fence line. Mr.
Buckenmeyer said the wall varies from 6' to 8' high but reminded that the sidewalk is on the other side of
the street, bike lane and curb run along the fenced side. Mr. Turner said when initially presented the price
difference between the options was greater but now that there is only a$9,000 difference he agrees with
Mr. Johnson that after all the effort and expense to make this area attractive and involve the neighbors,
he strongly favors Option A and doesn't feel there is a safety reason to choose one over the other. Vote:
Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Johnson and Petrish. Nays: Geer. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote:
Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Petrish and Pickett. Motion carried.
Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks
Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing
Officer (Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee
on June 9, 2011 and June 16, 2011 are approved for payment as of this date June 20, 2011.
Claim Checks
June 2011: Check Numbers 60629 through 60818 in the total amount of$454,561.58
June 2011: EFT Numbers 60616 through 60628 in the total amount of $3,213.88
Prewritten Claims
June 2011: Check Number 60613 through 60615 in the amount of $1,005.19
Payroll for June 20, 2011 in the total amount of $559,095.80
Check Numbers 36048 through 36096 in the total amount of$38,316.33
Direct Deposit Numbers from 40204 through 40388 in the total amount of$342,178.41
EFT Numbers from 1293 through 1298 in the total amount of$178,601.06
Cancellation of Checks
June 2011: Check Number 60505 in the total amount of$829.19
In the same motion Council:
• approved the Street Fair Application for the Anacortes Arts Festival on August 5-7, 2011 including
street closures beginning 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, 8/4/11; and
• approved Resolution 1822 relating to health care facilities in the City; authorizing the Kitsap
County Consolidated Housing Authority to exercise specified public corporation powers within the
City; and providing for other matters related thereto.
Resolution: Establishing the Docket for 2011 Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation
Planning Director Ryan Larsen reviewed the six proposed code amendments to the development
regulations and two proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the revised proposed
schedule for the 2011 amendment cycle which was handed out to Council before the meeting. Mr. Larsen
noted the schedule provides ample public comment opportunities before the Planning Commission and
City Council. He said the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed docket at its
May 25, 2011 meeting and recommended that all the proposed amendments move forward on the docket
for the 2011 amendment cycle. Mr. Larsen asked Council to approve a resolution establishing the 2011
docket and proposed schedule. He clarified that the resolution does not approve or deny any of the
Anacortes City Council Minutes June 20, 2011 2
proposed amendments, it simply establishes the docket and schedule so staff can begin required
environmental review and public comments can be taken.
Mr. Larsen then briefly described each of the proposed amendments as presented in the City Council
packet. Mayor Maxwell noted that some of the proposed changes are significant and urged the
community to take notice and be prepared to testify at the public hearings. He advised that the docket
proposals will be available on the City website. Mr. Adams clarified that the public can mail or email
testimony to the Planning Director once the public comment period is open. Mr. Larsen said that staff will
perform environmental review over the summer and then in September will issue a SEPA threshold
determination at which point it will be appropriate for the public to begin commenting. He stated that all
comments should be directed to the Planning Director so they become part of the record. The mayor said
Planning Commissioners and City Councilmembers will also forward any comments they receive to the
Planning Director. Mrs. Richardson asked when the 60-day review period occurs. Mr. Larsen said staff is
targeting sending the amendments to Department of Commerce on September 21, 2011 and all state
agencies will then have 60 days to comment. Mr. Johnson inquired about opportunities for public
comment. Mr. Larsen clarified that after the scheduled October 26, 2011 public hearing at Planning
Commission the commissioners may choose to accept additional comments at their November 9,
November 16 and/or December 14 meetings. Mayor Maxwell stated that written comments will be
accepted that entire time. Mr. Larsen added that there will be at least one public hearing before the City
Council as well. Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve Resolution 1823 establishing
the docket of proposed comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments to be reviewed in
2011. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Petrish, Pickett and Adams. Motion carried.
Ordinance: Updating Wholesale Water Rates
Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented an ordinance that would revise AMC 13.32 regarding
wholesale water rates to reduce the capital costs charged to the two refineries. He explained that the City
is able to do this because after the first ten years of the 2010 water bonds there is a partial call provision
that would allow any portion of the outstanding balance to be paid off. The new rates will charge principal
only on years 11-20. He likened this to a 20-year mortgage on which early principal payments can't be
made until year eleven. He said the change won't affect the other wholesale customers. Mayor Maxwell
called it a great option for all parties. Mr. Hoglund said the revision involves no risk or penalties to the City
and offers significant savings to the refineries. Mayor Maxwell said the City did not want to go beyond a
10-year payback on this capital project with either refinery to protect the rest of the wholesale customers
on the system. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mrs. Pickett, to approve Ordinance 2855 amending
Chapter 13.32 of the Anacortes Municipal Code to revise rates charged for furnishing and sale of water.
Vote: Ayes— Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Petrish, Pickett, Adams and Turner. Motion carried.
There being no further business, at approximately 8:15 p.m. Mayor Maxwell adjourned the regularly
scheduled City Council meeting of June 20, 2011.
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