HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-03 City Council Minutes Approved o Y oft; OOR„ City Council Minutes—June 3, 2013 Special Meeting: From approximately 5:00 p.m. to approximately 5:06 p.m. Mayor Dean Maxwell and City Council attended an advertised site visit at 1705 28th Street regarding the Allen Fourplex Conditional Use Permit application. No public testimony was taken. City Councilmembers Ryan Walters, Brad Adams, Bill Turner and Cynthia Richardson were present. At 7:00 p.m. Mayor Dean Maxwell called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of June 3, 2013 to order. Roll call found present: Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters, Brad Adams, Bill Turner, Cynthia Richardson and Brian Geer. Erica Pickett was absent. Roll call was followed by the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Maxell announced that the meeting would be continued to June 10, 2013 for the purpose of considering a Tourism Fund contract following a meeting of the Tourism Committee on June 7, 2013. Minutes of Previous Meeting Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, that the minutes of May 20, 2013 and May 28, 2013 be approved as if read. Vote: Ayes—Walters, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer and Johnson. Motion carried. Citizen Hearings No one present wished to speak. Mayor/Council Communication and Committee Reports Proclamation of Soroptimist International Week: Mayor Maxwell read a statement proclaiming June 23-29, 2013 to be Soroptimist International of Anacortes Week and invited the community to congratulate the club members for 65 years of volunteer service to improve the lives of women and girls in Anacortes and throughout the world. Mr. Turner reported on the successful Rotary Club youth boat building activity at Waterfront Festival over the weekend. Mr. Adams reported from the Planning Committee meeting earlier in the evening that the Assisted Living definition and recommendation would be at the Planning Commission on June 12, that Terry Christiansen's proposals for Title 17 would be discussed at the City Council study session on July 8, and that the matrix of permitted and conditional uses by zone was nearly complete. Consent Agenda Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson and Walters. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks: Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer(Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on May 23, 2013 and May 30, 2013 are approved for payment as of June 3, 2013. Claims: Check Numbers 68673 through 68816 in the total amount of$1,131,780.47 EFT Claims: Check Number 68672 in the total amount of$1,777.00 Pre-Written Claims: Check Number 68671 in the total amount of$1,373.48 Anacortes City Council Minutes June 3, 2013 1 Closed Record Review: Allen Fourplex CUP - 1705 28th St. (CUP-2013-0002) Senior Planner Libby Grage presented a request from Brian Allen for a conditional use permit to construct a detached duplex on a lot with an existing duplex, resulting in a total of four units (fourplex) in the R3 zone. Ms. Grage summarized the project and the existing uses in the neighborhood. She reported that the Planning Commission held an open record hearing at its meeting on April 24, 2013 and voted to recommend approval of the CUP subject to conditions. Ms. Grage advised that issues of concern at the hearing included drainage and impacts on neighbors during construction which the Planning Commission believed to have been addressed by the recommended conditions and by regular staff review of the applicant's drainage plans during permitting. She added that the Planning Commission recommendation was not appealed. Assistant Planning Director Don Measamer responded to councilmember questions about the drainage concerns. Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to approve the conditional use permit subject to the Planning Commission's recommended conditions and to direct staff to prepare the City Council's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision for subsequent Council review and approval. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Walters and Adams. Motion carried. Council Establishment of the Docket for 2013 Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Amendments Planning Director Ryan Larsen presented the proposed 2013 Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Amendments and the proposed schedule for the 2013 amendment cycle. He advised that if Council made docketing decisions at the current meeting a resolution establishing the docket would be included on the Consent Agenda for the June 17, 2013 regular City Council meeting. Mr. Larsen briefly described each of the twelve proposals and the Planning Commission recommendation for each, all of which was presented in the Council packet and available on the City website. Mr. Larsen requested that Council review each of the twelve proposed Exhibits one at a time and make a docketing decision on each one independently. Exhibit 1, Comp Plan Map/Rezone—GDR Lending, LLC: Mrs. Richardson stated that some of the proposed changes would be better addressed during the upcoming 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update. Councilmembers discussed the appropriate time and format for addressing rezoning in the Ship Harbor area and the extent to which proposed amendments could be expanded or altered by Council as part of the docketed 2013 amendment cycle. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Walters, not to docket Exhibit 1 but instead to move it forward as an element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update. Vote: Ayes— Richardson. Nays - Geer, Johnson, Walters, Adams and Turner. Motion failed. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to docket Exhibit 1. Vote: Ayes—Geer, Johnson, Walters, Adams, Turner and Richardson. Motion carried. Exhibit 2, Comp Plan Map/Rezone— Island Hospital: Mr. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to docket Exhibit 2. Mrs. Richardson argued that a medical and dental overlay district should be considered more comprehensively and not be limited to the proposal at hand. Other councilmembers supported docketing the proposal to provide for community discussion of the idea. Mayor Maxwell and Mr. Johnson requested copies of the Island Hospital comprehensive plan. Mrs. Richardson cautioned against weakening the retail sales tax base along Commercial Avenue. Vote: Ayes—Johnson, Walters, Adams, Turner and Geer. Nays— Richardson. Motion carried. Exhibit 3, Comp Plan Map/Rezone— MJB Properties, LLC: Mrs. Richardson said the audience should be aware that the stated purpose of this proposal was to allow a big box store on MJB's property north of 28th Street. Mr. Adams suggested the community was ready to have a conversation about possible permitted uses in a proposed new C2 zone and moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to docket Exhibit 3. Mrs. Richardson called this the most egregious example of spot zoning she'd seen in a long time and said the community should indeed discuss whether it wants big box stores but that should be part of the comprehensive plan process, not part of the 2013 docket. Vote: Ayes—Walters, Adams, Turner, Geer and Johnson. Nays— Richardson. Motion carried. Anacortes City Council Minutes June 3, 2013 2 Exhibit 4, Comp Plan Map/Rezone—City of Anacortes: Mr. Larsen addressed questions from Mr. Walters regarding reactions from property owners affected by the proposed rezone. Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to docket Exhibit 4. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson and Walters. Motion carried. Exhibit 5, Richardson— 17.28.120: Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to docket Exhibit 5. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Walters and Adams. Motion carried. Exhibit 6, Richardson— Parking: Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to docket Exhibit 6. Mr. Geer cautioned against too much restriction in that area. Vote: Ayes— Richardson, Johnson, Walters and Adams. Nays—Geer and Turner. Motion carried. Exhibit 7, Richardson— 17.18.090: Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Richardson contrasted this proposed amendment with prior proposals which had not been successful. Mr. Larsen clarified that staff had recommended placing either Exhibit 7 or Exhibit 8 but not both on the docket and consolidating their details into one proposal. After considerable discussion among councilmembers Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, to docket Exhibit 7. Vote: Ayes—Geer, Johnson, Walters, Adams, Turner and Richardson. Motion carried. Exhibit 8, Barnes— 17.18.090: Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, not to docket Exhibit 8. Vote: Ayes—Johnson, Walters, Adams, Turner, Richardson and Geer. Motion carried. Exhibit 9, Pickett—Curb Cuts: Mr. Geer moved, seconded by Mr. Turner, to docket Exhibit 9. Mr. Walters questioned the extent of the proposed prohibition on curb cuts. City Attorney Brad Furlong suggested clarifying the language of the proposal during subsequent consideration. Vote: Ayes—Walters, Adams, Turner, Richardson, Geer and Johnson. Motion carried. Exhibit 10, Adams- CUP: Mr. Adams explained the intention behind his proposed amendment. Mrs. Richardson noted that outside of residential and commercial zones, the City code places no restrictions on the size of building footprints. After considerable discussion, Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to docket Exhibit 10. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Turner, Richardson, Johnson and Walters. Nays— Geer. Motion carried. Exhibit 11 Samish Indian Nation— 17.19.020: Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Geer, to docket Exhibit 11. Vote: Ayes—Turner, Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Walters and Adams. Motion carried. Exhibit 12, Lauridsen - Density: Mr. Larsen that this issue would be before the Planning Commission on June 12. Mr. Johnson said that process already underway would be the quickest way to address the topic and moved, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, not to docket Exhibit 12. Vote: Ayes—Richardson, Geer, Johnson, Walters, Adams and Turner. Motion carried. Mr. Larsen advised that he would include the 2013 docket schedule as part of the resolution for adoption. Contract Award: Safe Routes to Schools 2012 -Phase 3, 22nd Street and M Avenue Improvements Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer requested Council approval to award a contract for Safe Routes to School (SRTS)—Phase 3: 22nd Street and M Avenue Improvements. Mr. Buckenmeyer reported that five bids were received with the low bid from C. Johnson Construction who has successfully performed under prior contracts with the City. Mr. Buckenmeyer added that the engineer's estimate was $291,430.50. He said staff recommended awarding the contract to C. Johnson Construction in the bid amount of$280,086.67. Mrs. Richardson moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the contract award to C. Johnson Construction. Vote: Ayes—Geer, Johnson, Walters, Adams, Turner and Richardson. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 8:45 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of June 3, 2013 was continued to June 10, 2013. Anacortes City Council Minutes June 3, 2013 3