HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-14 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Study Session Minutes—July 14, 2014
At approximately 7:00 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council
study session of July 14, 2014 to order. Roll call found present City Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan
Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and Matt Miller.
Interlocal Agreement to Establish a Home Consortium under the National Affordable Housing Act
Interim Planning Director Don Measamer advised that Skagit County had requested that Anacortes join
an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement to form a Regional HOME Consortium in an effort to address
affordable housing needs in the region. He said it appeared that joining the consortium would have no
adverse impacts on the City's current HUD grant and that the consortium would be eligible for more HUD
funding if Anacortes joined it. Mr. Measamer introduced Skagit County's consultant, Paul Schissler, who
explained the HUD HOME Investment Partnerships Program and outlined the other jurisdictions in and
including Skagit, Whatcom and Island Counties that have already acted to join. Mr. Schissler said the
consortium would qualify for an annual recurring grant without additional local matching requirements.
The interlocal agreement and a draft resolution were included in the Council packet. Mr. Schissler
addressed Council questions about allocation methodology, type of programs eligible for funding,
administrative fees for the grant, and minimum aggregate population to qualify for the grant. Mr.
Measamer advised that staff would bring back a resolution for Council action at the July 21, 2014 City
Council meeting that would authorize the mayor to enter into the interlocal agreement with the
Cvclovia Update
Warren Tessler provided an update on the Open Streets project last presented to Council in February
2014. He said the event would be held Sunday September 14, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Referring to a
handout he provided at the meeting, Mr. Tessler outlined the health, environmental and economic
development goals of the project. He reported that the City would co-sponsor of the event along with the
Anacortes Bike/Pedestrian Advisory Committee and a number of other local business and organizational
sponsors. He summarized the route for the event and described a number of activities and attractions that
would be included. Mr. Tessler said a turnout of 500-1000 would be a great start for a first time event in a
community of this size and advised that Mayor and Council would receive invitations to attend, including
the dedication of newly designated U.S. Bike Route 10.
Mayor Gere asked that Council consider starting the July 21, 2014 regular City Council meeting at 6:00
p.m. rather than 7:00 p.m. because of the very full agenda for that evening. Councilmembers were
generally agreeable. The mayor advised that the meeting would be advertised accordingly.
2015-2020 Capital Facilities Plan
Finance Director Steve Hoglund introduced the Council discussion of Public Works Department items in
the draft 2015-2020 Capital Facilities Plan, focusing on items scheduled for activity in 2015. He
addressed questions from Mr. Johnson about REET funding. Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer
then summarized the CFP items scheduled for expenditure in 2015 and addressed councilmember
questions on those items including fleet equipment, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, transportation and water
projects. Mr. Buckenmeyer explained the 20-year CIP plans for the utilities and how those relate to the
six-year Capital Facilities Plans and annual budgets. He outlined deferred maintenance projects for the
sewage system that would be funded via sewer rates since payoff of the 20-year bond for the Wastewater
Treatment Plant. He outlined reasons for including transportation projects in the CFP, including some that
must be in the CFP to qualify for grant funding (all federally designated routes)and any projects that
would be REET funded. A number of pedestrian safety and traffic calming projects were discussed as
well as street projects in the UGA. Mr. Walters requested two additional CFP projects: replacement of the
Tommy Thompson Trestle which was suggested by the Samish Indian Nation for environmental reasons
and a citywide electronic records management system.
There being no further business, at approximately 9:00 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City
Council study session of July 14, 2014 adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes July 14, 2014 1