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City Council Study Session Minutes— February 10, 2014
At approximately 7:15 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council
study session of February 10, 2014 to order. Roll call found present City Councilmembers Eric Johnson,
Ryan Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and Matt Miller.
Port of Anacortes Update
Port of Anacortes Executive Director Bob Hyde provided an overview of the history, structure, operations
and future direction of the Port of Anacortes. He summarized the history of port districts in Washington
State and of the Port of Anacortes since it was established by a vote of the citizenry in 1926. Mr. Hyde
reviewed the long list of what state law allows ports to do and described the operations of the three
primary Port facilities: the marine terminal, the airport and Cap Sante Marina. Mr. Hyde said the focus of
the Port today is on generating jobs on Port property and reported 909 full time employees on Port
property last year working for 50 tenants including anchor tenant Dakota Creek Industries. Mr. Hyde
reviewed the Port's budget and its expenditures that fuel the local economy. He said a key Port metric is
revenue per FTE of Port staff. He added that taxes provide only 3.4% of the Port's operating revenue. Mr.
Hyde reviewed recent contract developments with tenants. He reviewed statistics of the airport operations
and noted that all the hangars are full for the first time since 2007. He highlighted some of the marine
terminal tenants and their businesses. He reviewed the features of the Cap Sante Marina including its
tenants and the Marine Skills Center. Mr. Hyde said the marina has become a destination and described
the many high tech but personal features of the marina. He said guest moorage, permanent moorage and
fuel sales are up. Mr. Hyde highlighted some of the many derbies, vessel rendezvous, and other events
that attract visitors to the marina and then to the downtown. He outlined upcoming projects including
capital projects, technology upgrades and planning. Ms. Lovelett inquired if the City would be
collaborating with the Port on its marina upland plan. Mr. Hyde said yes.
Auto Magic Program Presentation
Mrs. Pickett explained the City's Auto Magic incentive program that has been in place since 2008 to
encourage alternatives to single-occupant vehicle trips. The non-profit organizations whose members
save the most vehicle miles by walking, cycling, carpooling or taking public transportation get to tell the
City where to spend $2000 of the City budget each year. Eric Shen of Transition Fidalgo, a winner of past
awards, spoke about how many thousands of vehicle miles have already been eliminated by the program,
about the value of the seed funds for future projects, and about the partnerships fostered. He said
Transition projects seeded with Auto Magic funds have included the 29th Street Community Garden; the
Anacortes Bike/Pedestrian Advisory Committee; the Anacortes Bikes and Walks Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan
which has since won the City a Bicycle Friendly Community Bronze Award in 2013; and a bike kiosk and
several bike racks. Mr. Shen emphasized the great bang for the buck when volunteers partner with the
City to spend the funds and the successful community awareness effect the program has had on
alternatives to driving. He encouraged promoting more participation in the program among the wider
community and suggested that Council increase the funding level. Mayor Gere then presented the 2013
Auto Magic award to Westminster Presbyterian Church which won in both the commuter and non-
commuter categories. Valerie Holtgeerts accepted the award on behalf of the church Stewardship
Committee. She announced that the 2013 award funds would be used for two covered bike racks to be
designed and built by students at Anacortes High School.
Public Works Department Briefing
Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer reported on his department's prior year highlights, upcoming
2014 projects, performance measures and Top Ten events. He described the organization of Public
Works, the largest department in the city. He displayed maps of the water system, the stormwater
conveyance system, and the sanitary sewer pump stations. Mr. Buckenmeyer reviewed projects
completed in 2013 including the WTP expansion project, the 22nd and R Avenue roundabout, grant
funded traffic safety projects including back in angle parking on 4th Street, grant funded bike parking for
Island View Elementary School, 22nd and M Avenue intersection improvements, and Q Avenue utilities
improvements. Mr. Buckenmeyer briefly listed nine projects planned for 2014. Mr. Buckenmeyer
Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes February 10, 2014 1
described the operation of the award-winning WWTP and highlighted the impressive energy savings
implemented at the plant since 2006. He described the projects planned for the sanitary sewer system in
2014 and beyond. Mr. Buckenmeyer updated Council on the progress on the Guemes Channel Trial. He
addressed upcoming work on the water reservoirs, paving Q/R Avenues, utility and street improvements
projects, the H Avenue sewer project, American Public works Association (APWA) re-accreditation, the
new City website, painting City Hall, automated solid waste collection, pavement management planning
and financing, and decommissioning the old water treatment plant. Mr. Buckenmeyer shared some 2013
performance measures. He closed by announcing the Public Works Top Ten Events of 2013 as voted by
Public Works staff. Mr. Walters, observing Mr. Buckenmeyer's intention that a number of the upcoming
projects would be funded with cash reserves, said Council needed more information about what the
reserve balances were in each fund to make good decisions going forward.
Commercial Vehicle Parking in Residential Zones, Proposed Title 10, Parking Revision
Assistant Planning Director Don Measamer presented proposed revisions to AMC Title 10 governing
vehicles, traffic and parking largely in response to complaints received from the public. Mr. Measamer
reviewed the proposed revisions, a complete draft of which was included in the Council packet. New
Section 10.12.032 would address commercial vehicles, boats, trailers and RVs parked in residential
zones. Revisions to Section 10.12.010 would provide for easier enforcement of the 72 hour parking limit.
Mr. Walters suggested alternative wording for Section 10.12.010 which Mr. Measamer said staff could
consider. Mrs. Pickett said she wanted Section 10.12.032 to address oversized vehicles, whether or not
commercial. Mr. Measamer said the next topic was time limits for parking on Commercial Avenue. He
said the Chamber of Commerce had offered to conduct a survey to collect opinions on appropriate time
limits. He described changes to Section 10.12.030 which would prohibit vehicle and trailer parking in cul
de sacs consistent with City road standards in Title 16. Councilmembers questioned this change. Mrs.
Pickett asked for data from the Fire Department to substantiate a need for the prohibition. Mr. Walters
suggested a delayed effective date if this change were adopted. Mr. Archibald opposed the prohibition
and Mr. Johnson asked what would happen at the Ship Harbor cul de sac. Mr. Measamer said penalties
for violations of Title 10 had been consolidated into Section 10.12.060 with a uniform penalty of$50. Mr.
Adams and Mr. Walters discussed when cars can be impounded and suggested repeat offenders should
not be allowed to continue violating the parking code. Mr. Walters suggested formatting the parking
restrictions in a table form. Mr. Johnson asked if the draft ordinance would be presented for public
comment. Mr. Measamer said yes. Mr. Measamer said staff would like to begin with the Chamber of
Commerce survey, including both businesses and shoppers on the street, then come back to Council with
the results. Ms. Lovelett asked that the survey include residences adjacent to the CBD. Mayor Gere
asked if the 2005 parking variance for the New Wilson Hotel had been updated. Mr. Measamer reported
on staff's efforts to locate additional resident parking in that area and said a residential parking permit
system would help New Wilson Hotel residents.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update -Community Involvement Discussions
Mayor Gere outlined the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update process which sets the plan for the next 20
years and suggested an ad hoc committee that would help that process create a collective vision of
Anacortes'future, engage the community in a meaningful way and take action to achieve the vision. She
outlined how an ad hoc committee would be involved in the process including visioning, alternative
concepts, and preferred direction. Mayor Gere recommended that the ad hoc committee be chaired by
Mr. Larsen with members recruited by the mayor's office including representatives from the City Council,
Planning Commission, and Port of Anacortes and sectors including retail, service, manufacturing, tourism,
marine trades, environmental groups, neighborhoods, a large land owner, and a member at large. Ms.
Lovelett urged including young people on the committee. Mayor Gere outlined the objectives of using an
ad hoc community and the activities that would be assigned to them. She said if Council agreed with this
idea she would develop the ad hoc committee in time for the first visioning workshop scheduled for mid-
March. The mayor encouraged feedback and input from Council. Mr. Walters supported the approach and
suggested the committee have some kind of a charter, perhaps by Council resolution. Mayor Gere asked
councilmembers to email her their further thoughts.
There being no further business, at approximately 9:40 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City
Council study session of February 10, 2014 adjourned.
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