HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-09 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Study Session Minutes— November 9, 2015 Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council study session of November 9, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and Matt Miller were present. Police Chief Bonnie Bowers introduced Mitch Barker, Executive Director of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC), to brief Council on the re-accreditation process recently completed by the Anacortes Police Department. Mr. Barker explained the Association's accreditation program which rates departments on 130 different policy and operational standards. He observed that only about 20% of agencies statewide elect to undertake the tough process to achieve accreditation and even fewer seek re- accreditation. Mr. Barker shared his staff's glowing praise of the Anacortes Police Department and expressed confidence that re-accreditation would be granted by the WAPC Executive Board. He thanked Chief Bowers for her longtime involvement in WASPC and her many contributions to the organization. Retail Discussion Report by WWU Center for Economic and Business Research Planning Director Don Measamer introduced Hart Hodges and James McCafferty to share their final Retail Discussion report following up on their initial presentation at the July 27, 2015 City Council study session. Mr. Measamer advised that the Council Planning Committee was working on a Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) analysis as recommended by CEBR and would provide an update on that effort to the full Council in December. Mr. McCafferty referenced the report that was included in the evening's Council packet and highlighted its discussion of general merchandise retail statistics, the use of K-T analysis to define what retail could/should look like in Anacortes, and the five key topics listed on page 3 of the report. Councilmembers discussed a number of topics mentioned in the report, considered obstacles to opening retail businesses, and envisioned possible means of providing incentives. Mr. Measamer indicated that the primary challenges mentioned by businesses were traffic speeds on south Commercial Avenue and parking requirements. The group discussed various means for potential businesses to research land and building availability in Anacortes. In response to a question from Mr. Johnson, Mr. Measamer advised that the Chamber of Commerce would present an update on the Destination Anacortes campaign at an upcoming study session. First Draft 2016 Comprehensive Plan Overview Planning Manager Libby Grage presented a slide show summarizing the first draft of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan which had been distributed in the evening's Council packet. She displayed the schedule for the remainder of the update process including a community workshop in December, public hearings and workshops in January/February, SEPA and Dept. of Commerce review in February, additional public hearings and review by Council through April, and adoption by the June 2016 deadline. Ms. Grage called Council's attention to notable changes in the first draft, including updated growth targets and future land use map amendments. She summarized the various elements of the plan, including the GMA-mandated elements and the optional elements included by the City, then highlighted some of the Big Ideas in each of the element sections: Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, Environment& Conservation, Parks, Recreation and Open Space, Transportation, Capital Facilities, and Utilities. Mr. Walters asked how the zoning code text and map would be revised to reflect a wholly new zone created as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Grage advised that there would be two maps temporarily, a current zoning map and a future land use map, and that development code regulations would then be developed for each new zone according to priorities established by Council. She added that staff was drafting an implementation strategy to document that process. Ms. Lovelett requested a definition of"affordable housing." Mr. Measamer advised that staff intended to establish an affordable housing task force to develop an affordable housing strategic plan including action and implementation steps. Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes November 9, 2015 1 Mr. Archibald encouraged including strategies to brand and strengthen the marine trades sector. Ms. Lovelett referenced the comprehensive plan amendment proposed by Evergreen Islands regarding water use goals and policies and suggested that the Environment& Conservation element of the comprehensive plan include a value statement regarding that topic. Mr. Walters suggested that the Shoreline Master Program policies should be pulled into the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Grage noted that would significantly increase the size of the Comp Plan and that currently the SMP was incorporated by reference. Mr. Walters discouraged circular references to separate plans that are in fact part of the Comp Plan, having been incorporated by reference. He said it is improper under the Growth Management Act for separate plans that are incorporated by reference to be updated independently because those updates happen without the GMA-mandated public participation process. He asked if the Skagit Countywide UGA Open Space plan would be incorporated. Ms. Lovelett noted the finite time line for the Comp Plan update and asked if component plans could be updated over time. Ms. Grage and Mr. Measamer indicated that would be the case and that the implementation action plan would address that. Ms. Pickett spoke in support of retaining separate documents for the various component comprehensive plans to maintain ease of access. Mr. Walters said he preferred one truly comprehensive plan, edited for brevity, which would be internally consistent. Mr. Walters questioned whether the Anacortes Airport Subarea Plan should be a component plan incorporated by reference. Mr. Walters recalled discussions about reducing the parking requirements for businesses, particularly in the Central Business District, and said he did not see that included as a policy in the draft comprehensive plan. Ms. Grage said the draft included a policy regarding implementing the downtown parking management plan, which in turn recommended easing parking requirements. Mr. Walters urged making that an explicit policy in the Comp Plan. Mr. Walters also suggested a policy that would encourage more dense CBD development by reducing the fire impact fee for buildings three stories and taller. Mr. Archibald referenced the proposed land use map, Topic N, and asked if his colleagues supported rezoning the area in question from Commercial Marine to Marine Mixed-Use. Councilmembers discussed the definition of that zone. Ms. Grage referred them to the table on page 1-17 of the draft. Ms. Lovelett asked if councilmembers were to email comments and feedback on the draft to Mr. Measamer. Mr. Measamer said that would be fine. He outlined the extensive public process still to come and advised that the Planning Commission would be meeting weekly for some time to address the draft plan. Mr. Johnson suggested that the website needed to provide a means of posting and viewing comments on the plan. Ms. Grage advised that all public comments received to date had been posted on the Comp Plan page of the website. Mr. Miller urged focusing on areas where consensus had not yet been established. Mr. Walters and Ms. Lovelett encouraged that the Economic Development section of the plan promote more flexible, affordable spaces for start-up and small businesses. Mr. Measamer discussed with councilmembers possibilities for expanding home occupancy permitting to encourage appropriate businesses in residential zones. There being no further business, at approximately 7:40 p.m. the Anacortes City Council study session of November 9, 2015 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Study Session Minutes November 9, 2015 2