HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-04 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—May 4, 2015
At 7:10 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of May 4, 2015
to order. Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald
and Matt Miller were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizen Hearings
No one present wished to speak.
Mayor/Council Communication and Committee Reports
Proclamation of Autism Awareness Month: Mayor Gere read a statement proclaiming April to be Autism and
Special Needs Awareness Month in the City of Anacortes and encouraged the community to be aware that
autistic and special needs individuals need acceptance and social interactions.
Appointment of Adam Farnsworth to Planning Commission: Mayor Gere requested Council approval of her
appointment of Adam Farnsworth to a term on the Planning Commission that will expire December 31, 2018.
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to approve the appointment. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Lovelett,
Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters and Pickett. Motion carried.
Mayor Gere announced that the City was accepting applications for membership on the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee and invited anyone interested to fill out a Talent Bank application.
Mr. Adams reported from the Planning Committee which met earlier in the evening. He said the committee
discussed recent state legislation regarding medical marijuana and observed that the City's current medical
marijuana moratorium would expire in June 2015 and would probably require an extension while the WSLCB
continued its work. Mr. Adams reported that on May 13, 2015 the Planning Commission would begin
consideration of proposed housing alternatives for the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update. He commented that
the Talent Bank process is working well.
Mr. Johnson reported from an April 30, 2015 meeting with Planning Department staff and community members
to discuss "tiny houses" ranging from 144 to 300 SF. He referenced Quixote Village in Olympia, Washington and
said the group was looking at best practices from other jurisdictions and how similar permanent supportive
housing can be addressed in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update.
Ms. Lovelett reminded of the community meeting on oil transportation on May 6, 2015 in the Council Chambers
from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. including Representative Rick Larsen, industry professionals from the refineries and
BNSF and representatives from emergency management and first responders to discuss prevention, planning
and response.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes—
Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett and Adams. Motion carried.
Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks
Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer
(Finance Director)and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on April 22,
2015 and April 29, 2015 are approved for payment as of May 4, 2015.
Check Numbers 76066 through 76199 in the total amount of$292,394.07
EFT Numbers 76063 through 76065 in the total amount of$3,080.00
Pre-Written Claims
Check Numbers 76061 through 76062 in the total amount of$413.54
Payroll for May 5, 2015 in the total amount of$660,563.15
Check Numbers 40420 through 40468 in the total amount of$35,882.15
Direct Deposit Numbers from 58608 through 58804 in the total amount of$380,361.62
EFT Numbers from 1803 through 1808 in the total amount of$244,319.38
Cancelled Checks
Check Number 75867 in the total amount of$250.00
Anacortes City Council Minutes May 4, 2015 1
In the same motion Council:
approved the minutes of April 20, 2015 as if read,
adopted Resolution 1916 authorizing expenditure of Lodging Tax funding for the purchase of the Heart of
Anacortes art and music venue, and
adopted Resolution 1917 authorizing execution of a Lodging Tax funding contract for the year 2015 by
and between the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Music Channel.
Anacortes Historic Preservation Board Presentation and Award
Museum Director Steve Oakley introduce Diane Wilkinson, chair of the Anacortes Historic Preservation Board.
Ms. Wilkinson introduced Board members Ken Hansen, Janet Moore and Richard Storwick. Ms. Wilkinson
shared a slide presentation describing the importance of the historic character of Anacortes to both residents
and visitors and the efforts of the Board to preserve that character in the face of demolition and renovation of
historic structures. She described the House History program that has helped Anacortes residents research the
history of their homes. Ms. Wilkinson described with examples the Board's 2014 priorities including identifying
resources, educating the community, improving signage and expanding outreach. She then reported that the
Board's efforts in 2015 will focus on the downtown core including documenting and posting the history of major
buildings. Ms. Wilkinson voiced the Board's position that it is not unreasonable for the City to expect some
consideration from entities that buy large blocks of property, including possibly impact fees held in trust for
historic preservation, public access to the historic waterfront structures, land offsets for historic displays,
completing title searches before building demolition, creative/adaptive reuse of historic buildings, and other
ideas deserving of more investigation. She recognized the tension between future expansion and historic
preservation and urged putting in place tools and incentives to preserve the historic charm of Anacortes.
Richard Storwick then honored the significant contributions of Susan Rooks to historic preservation in
Anacortes, including two terms on and chairing the Historic Preservation Board, working closely with the
Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, conducting in depth research, and
tirelessly promoting the House History and Historical Designation programs. Mr. Storwick lauded Ms. Rooks'
efforts to demonstrate the importance of looking to the past to more clearly see the future. Mayor Gere
presented the 2015 Anacortes Preservation Board Achievement Award to Susan Rooks.
Authorize Mayor to Execute Contract to Design Sewage Sludge Incinerator Improvements
City Engineer Matt Reynolds advised that new EPA discharge limits will require improvements to the City's
sewage sludge incinerator by March 2016. He described staff's use of the MRSC consultant roster to select a
consultant to design the required revisions. He recommended authorizing the mayor to execute a contract with
CH2M Hill Engineers. Mr. Miller requested specific information on the discharge limit changes required by the
EPA. Mr. Reynolds said he could provide that after the meeting. Ms. Lovelett asked the estimated cost for
constructing the improvements. Mr. Reynolds estimated $1 M. He reminded that the design cost was included in
the 2015 budget. Mr. Reynolds responded to questions from Ms. Pickett regarding the tight timeline for
compliance and from Mr. Adams about the high cost of switching away from incineration. Mr. Johnson moved,
seconded by Mr. Walters, to authorize the mayor to execute a contract with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. to
perform the work discussed for$205,230. Vote: Ayes—Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams and
Lovelett. Motion carried.
Executive Session: Real Estate Discussion per RCW 42.30.110(1 b, 1 c) and Potential Litigation per RCW
42.30.110 (i)
At approximately 7:45 p.m. Mayor Gere announced that Council would convene in Executive Session with City
Attorney Brad Furlong for approximately 35 minutes to discuss potential real estate transactions about which
open discussion could result in terms unfavorable to the City and also potential litigation. The mayor advised
that there would be no action taken following the Executive Session.
There being no further business, at approximately 8:25 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council
meeting of May 4, 2015 was adjourned.
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