HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-18 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—May 18, 2015 At 7:00 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of May 18, 2015 to order. Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and Matt Miller were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Citizen Hearings No one present wished to speak. Mayor/Council Communication and Committee Reports Mayor Gere reported on the visit of Tiger Scouts Pack 4085 to City Hall earlier in the evening to learn about city government. Confirmation of Mayor's Appointment of Darcy James Swetnam as Assistant City Attorney: Mayor Gere requested Council confirmation of Ms. Darcy James Swetnam as Assistant City Attorney. The mayor explained that Brad Furlong would continue as contract City Attorney on a limited basis for a transition period which would provide a cost effective way for the City to train a city attorney within the 2015 budget allocation for the position. Ms. Pickett moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to confirm the appointment of Ms. Swetnam as Assistant City Attorney. Vote: Ayes—Walters, Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller and Johnson. Motion carried. Ms. Swetnam thanked Mayor and Council for the opportunity to serve the City. Mr. Johnson announced the unexpected death of Frank Spargo and expressed his condolences to Mr. Spargo's family. Mr. Johnson observed Mr. Spargo's deep involvement in Anacortes city government and expressed appreciation for his contributions to the Council Finance Committee's work on fund balance policy. Mr. Adams reported from the Parks and Recreation Committee which met earlier in the evening. He said the committee discussed the recently completed youth track program, the new section of the Guemes Channel Trail section that opened on May 9, the new disc golf course at Rotary Park, and the spray pad at Storvik Park which is still pending the State grant award cycle. Consent Agenda Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson and Walters. Motion carried. Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing Officer(Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee on May 6, 2015 and May 13, 2015 are approved for payment as of May 18, 2015. Claims Check Numbers 76201 through 76371 in the total amount of$1,001,011.18 EFT Number 76200 in the total amount of$66.30 Cancelled Checks Check Number 75888 in the total amount of$377.80 Check Number 76051 in the total amount of$118.43 Check Number 76131 in the total amount of$70.00 In the same motion Council: approved the minutes of May 4, 2015, May 6, 2015 and May 11, 2015 as if read and approved the Street Fair Application for the Anacortes Waterfront Festival on June 6-7, 2015. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 18, 2015 1 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance 2948: Library Endowment Fund Library Director Sheri Miklaski presented draft Ordinance 2948 which would repeal Ordinance 2643 creating Library Endowment Fund 605 and transfer the balance of that fund to the Anacortes Public Library Foundation Legacy Endowment Fund. Ms. Miklaski recapped the history of the anonymous $30,000 donation in 2004 which initiated the creation of Fund 605, the 2011 creation of the APLF endowment fund, the fund balances required before interest from either endowment fund can be spent, and the contrasting missions of the Library Board of Trustees and the Anacortes Public Library Foundation. Ms. Miklaski noted that Ordinance 2948 and the associated draft agreement between the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Public Library Foundation had been drafted by City Attorney Brad Furlong. She recommended approval of the ordinance and the agreement. Ms. Pickett supported the recommendation and noted the higher return on investment available to the Foundation. Mr. Walters argued against the recommendation, suggested simply rescinding Ordinance 2643 and spending the donated funds, and spoke against accepting such donations in the future. Ms. Miklaski said that honoring donor intent is imperative. In response to a question from Ms. Lovelett about potential audit issues, Mr. Furlong advised that the State Auditor's Office had reviewed the draft agreement and given it provisional approval but that the proposed agreement includes a requirement for the Foundation to make its books available to the to the Washington State Auditor if required. Mr. Archibald moved, seconded by Ms. Pickett, to approve Ordinance 2948 repealing Ordinance 2643, terminating the Library Endowment Fund, and authorizing transfer of funds to the Anacortes Public Library Foundation pursuant to the agreement therewith, and to approve the Agreement to Provide Library Support Services between the City of Anacortes and the Anacortes Public Library Foundation. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson and Pickett. Nays—Walters. Motion carried. Ms. Lovelett suggested that the Finance Committee address the question of how the City receives donations. Mr. Johnson reported that the Finance Committee would be addressing that topic. Initial 2036 Population & Employment Growth Allocations Planning Director Don Measamer explained that as part of 2016 Comprehensive Plan update Skagit County and its cities were collaborating to update the 20-year population and employment projections and ensure that Urban Growth Areas include sufficient space and density to handle the projections. He reported that the initial growth allocation for the Anacortes UGA was an increase of 5,895 residents between 2015 and 2036 for a total projected 2036 population of 22,293. Mr. Measamer advised that by June 2015 Anacortes would need to complete its land capacity analysis and report to the Growth Management Steering Committee (GMASC)whether that projected growth could be accommodated. He said that staff's initial land capacity analysis, based on an average household size of 2.25 people, showed a shortage of 756 people or 336 dwelling units if existing zoning were maintained. He added that the existing UGA appeared to contain sufficient buildable land to accommodate the initial employment allocation. Mr. Walters asked if the density alternatives currently under consideration as part of the 2016 Comp Plan update would allow Anacortes to absorb its initial population allocation. Mr. Measamer said that the alternatives would allow Anacortes to easily accommodate its initial population allocation. Ms. Lovelett expressed concern about the large projected population increase and about further growth after 2036. Mr. Measamer and several councilmembers observed that actual growth had not met projections during the prior 20 years. Mr. Walters urged planning and designing for growth, whether or not it happens to the extent projected, to create a more vibrant economy and community. Mr. Measamer noted that both Mt. Vernon and Burlington were accepting their initial population allocations and asked for some indication from Council as to whether Anacortes would or would not accept its allocation. Mr. Miller said he was comfortable responding to the GMASC that Anacortes can accommodate its population allocation with amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Archibald and Mr. Adams agreed with Mr. Walters and Mr. Miller. Ms. Lovelett observed that Fidalgo Island is finite and Anacortes City Council Minutes May 18, 2015 2 that if the allocated population increase was realized it would fundamentally change the nature of the island. She said the growth over the past 35 years has been significant and has changed the island a lot. Mr. Walters urged working with Island County to address the traffic bottleneck on SR20. Mr. Measamer advised that consultant TSI would be looking at traffic circulation as part of the Transportation Plan update. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on the issue. No one present wished to address the Council. Ms. Pickett acknowledged Ms. Lovelett's concerns but observed that councilmembers appeared largely agreed that Anacortes could accept its initial population allotment. Ms. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Archibald, to endorse the population and employment growth allocations. Vote: Ayes—Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett and Adams. Nays—Lovelett. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Change Order: TSI Modeling Analysis &Additional Transportation Planning Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer presented a $75,510 modification to the contract with Transportation Solutions, Inc. (TSI)for transportation planning and traffic engineering analysis to aid in the development of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. He summarized the first phase of TSI's work, working with staff and the CAC on land use options, and said the modification would cover the next phase of the work including a traffic count summary and forecasting level of service (LOS) requirements based on the Comp Plan land use alternatives. Mr. Buckenmeyer explained that$50K was included in the 2015 budget for this work so the modification would require a budget amendment but he noted that TSI had not expended the full amount of its original $30K 2014 contract and nor the full $50K budgeted for 2014. He recommended authorizing mayor to execute the$75,510 contract modification. Mr. Walters requested formal opportunity for Council to participate in the transportation element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, noting that the LOS should be established by Council. Mr. Buckenmeyer addressed questions from councilmembers about consultant rates and the extent to which tasks are outsourced. He explained that the City does a great deal of work in house but that some skill sets are not represented on staff, including traffic modeling. He added that staff would be writing the transportation plan in house. Councilmembers requested more information about the total amount requested for contract work by TSI and the total amount budgeted for that work. Mr. Walters moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to postpone consideration of the modification for two weeks pending that information. Vote: Ayes—Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams and Lovelett. Motion carried. Contract Award: Design of WWTP Administration Building Improvements Mr. Buckenmeyer requested Council authorization for a contract to design improvements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Administration Building including additional restroom facilities, meeting space and updated kitchen facilities. Mr. Buckenmeyer displayed the plant plan view and provided the rationale for the proposed improvements to allow greater safety and efficiency for WWTP staff. He recommended authorizing a contract in the amount of$35,430 with Zervas Group Architects for design, preparation of bid documents and cost estimate, permit application, bidding support and construction support services. He added that the construction cost would be determined by the design but he anticipated it would be less than $300K. Ms. Pickett noted the extensive cost savings achieved by WWTP staff through energy efficiency. She moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to award the contract for the design of the WWTP improvements. Vote: Ayes— Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams, Lovelett and Archibald. Motion carried. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 18, 2015 3 Contract Award: Flood Proofing Manholes at Golf Course Mr. Buckenmeyer requested Council approval of a contract in the amount of$48,985.75 with Welch Brothers Construction to waterproof nine sanitary sewer manholes along SR20 at the Swinomish Golf Course and one in Skyline between Queen Anne Way and Bryce Drive. He explained the need to reconfigure those manholes to prevent stormwater overflows from entering the sanitary sewer system which causes added cost and potential capacity overflow at the WWTP. In response to a question from Mr. Walters, Mr. Buckenmeyer said Sewer Fund 440 has sufficient funds to complete the project. Mr. Adams moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to approve the contract with Welch Brothers Construction. Vote: Ayes—Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald and Miller. Motion carried. Contract Award: Safe Routes to School Covered Bicycle Parking Mr. Buckenmeyer requested Council approval of a contract to build bicycle parking cover structures at Mt. Erie Elementary School, Island View Elementary School and Anacortes Middle School using Safe Routes to School grant funds. He reported that two bids were received with the low bid from Strandberg Construction in the amount of$127,536.33. Mr. Buckenmeyer advised that the grant funds available fall $2,103 short of the bid amount so that additional amount and any additive changes encountered during construction would have to be funded out of City transportation funds. He recommended awarding the contract to Strandberg Construction. Ms. Lovelett and Mr. Miller inquired if there were other higher priority projects that could be constructed with the grant funds. Mr. Buckenmeyer explained that the grant funds had been awarded for this purpose and would have to be returned to the grantor if not used for the bike parking covers. Ms. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, moved to award the contract for the covered bicycle parking to Strandberg Construction. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller and Johnson. Nays—Walters. Motion carried. Contract Award: Upgrade Pump Station 14 Control Panels Mr. Buckenmeyer requested Council authorization of a $33,477.15 contract with Quality Controls Corporation for upgrades to the control panels and programmable logic controllers (PLC) at sewer Pump Station 14 near the Washington State Ferry terminal. He reminded Council that it had previously declared QCC a sole source vendor for PLC and SCADA upgrades for the sewer system and added that the project had been budgeted for 2015. Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to authorize the mayor to execute a contract with QCC in the amount of$33,477.15 to perform the work indicated in the scope of work included in the Council packet. Vote: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson and Walters. Motion carried. Contract Award: Purchase Roll On/Roll Off Containers for Commercial Garbage Mr. Buckenmeyer requested Council authorization of a $91,651 contract with Wastequip, Inc. for fifteen (15) lidded roll off containers for commercial garbage drop box service. Mr. Buckenmeyer reminded that at its February 17, 2015 meeting Council authorized spending up to$295,000 for the drop box service vehicle and containers and said the proposed container contract would cause the combined cost to exceed that limit by approximately$35K. He added that the excess was due to staff's recommendation to opt for stronger, more expensive lids for the containers to enhance safety. Mr. Buckenmeyer said Sanitation Fund 450 had sufficient funds to cover the overage. Mr. Miller endorsed the stronger lids and moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to authorize the mayor to execute the contract with Wastequip according to the prices on the vendor proposal included in the evening's Council packet. Vote: Ayes— Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters and Pickett. Motion carried. At approximately 8:35 p.m. Mayor Gere called a five minute recess. At approximately 8:40 p.m. the mayor called the meeting back to order. Ordinance 2951: Amending Wholesale and Industrial Water Rates Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented draft Ordinance 2951 which would increase the Fixed and Variable component of the rates for the City's six wholesale water customers. Mr. Hoglund reminded Council that the Fixed and Variable charges are subject to an annual reconciliation against actual cost. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 18, 2015 4 He said he had initially intended to incorporate the rate increase with other rate restructuring currently being studied by the City's water rate consultant, FCS Group, but that postponing the rate increase further would result in larger charge backs to wholesale customers during the reconciliation and that customers preferred to minimize those lump sum charges. He presented a comparison of the current rates with the rates proposed by Ordinance 2951. In response to questions from councilmembers, he explained that the operating rate for Skagit PUD would drop to $0/cf because the PUD's consumption had dropped dramatically and the City had already collected sufficient funds to cover PUD's projected consumption through the end of the year. He added that the change in the unit of measure from millions of gallons per day (mgd)to cubic feet(cf)was to reduce the number of conversions required for billing since the meters measure in cubic feet. Ms. Pickett asked why the increases were so large. Mr. Hoglund explained that the rates have been lower than actual cost for some time and significant annual reconciliation charges to wholesale customers have been standard. He added that the rates had not been increased for nearly two years. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on the issue. Dan O'Donnell, Town of La Conner Council, said that the premise of the proposed increase flies in the face of the City's commitment that its wholesale customers are partners. Mr. O'Donnell asked to see the calculation of the new rates. He requested two weeks to study the proposed increase before any action was taken. Mr. O'Donnell pointed out that the proposed Fixed Operating Cost for La Conner increased but the proposed Variable Operating Cost decreased compared to current rates and he said he wanted to know why. Mr. Walters confirmed with Mr. Hoglund that postponing action for two weeks was not a problem and that the proposed increase would be recalculated because it would then apply to a smaller remaining portion of the year. Mr. Hoglund added that he had advised the wholesale customers in 2014 that the 2015 increase would be significant and that he had emailed the proposed rates to the customers the prior week. Mr. Walters suggested postponing action for two weeks. Ms. Lovelett asked Mr. Hoglund to provide a calculation of what each wholesale customer would be paying if the pro-rated annual reconciliation were added to the monthly rates, to allow a better comparison between the current and proposed rates. Mr. Walters asked to see the reconciliation figures from prior years as well. Mr. Hoglund said he would provide the requested information. Mayor Gere concluded that the matter would come back before Council at the next regular meeting on June 1, 2015. Ordinance 2952: Amending 2015 Budget Mr. Hoglund presented Ordinance 2952 to amend the 2015 budget. He explained that this amendment was strictly to correct the amounts transferred between General Fund accounts in the prior 2015 Budget amendment Ordinance 2946. Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to approve Ordinance 2952 amending the 2015 budget. Vote: Ayes—Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams and Lovelett. Motion carried. Government Transparency Suite Software Mr. Hoglund sought direction from Council on pursuing the purchase and implementation of Granicus Government Transparency Suite software to enhance the usability and availability of video recordings and associated materials for meetings of City Council and other official city boards and commissions. Mr. Hoglund summarized the benefits of the system, the one time ($4500) and ongoing ($4800/year)costs of the program and some potential offsetting hardware savings. Mr. Miller confirmed with Mr. Hoglund that IT and City Clerk staff were comfortable with the usability of the system. Mr. Walters called the cost reasonable, noted that the Port of Anacortes uses the same system, and moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to approve the purchase excluding the eComment component. Mr. Adams agreed that the price was reasonable but asked where previously recorded meetings would reside. Mr. Hoglund advised those would continue to be available in their current location on the City website. Vote: Ayes—Miller, Johnson, Walters, Pickett, Adams, Lovelett and Archibald. Motion carried. There being no further business, at approximately 9:10 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City Council meeting of May 18, 2015 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 18, 2015 5