HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-20 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—July 20, 2015
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of July 20, 2015 at the
advertised special time of 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters, Erica Pickett, Brad
Adams, Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and Matt Miller were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of
Citizen Hearings
Pinky Vargas, Puget Sound Energy's Energy Efficiency Outreach Manager, reported on PSE's support of
the city's participation in the Georgetown University Energy Prize competition. She introduced PSE's
Government Relations Manager, Don Amor. Mr. Amor announced that PSE would be conducting a door
to door campaign during the afternoons of August 4, 5 and 6, 2015 in the area between 12th and 41st
Streets west of Commercial Avenue to raise awareness of the HomePrint home energy assessment
program and invite residents to sign up for a free assessment, by appointment, of recommended energy
saving upgrades.
Mayor/Council Communication and Committee Reports
Swearing in of Officer Tyler Hatcher: Police Chief Bonnie Bowers introduced Officer Tyler Hatcher who
was hired the previous winter and entered the Criminal Justice Training Commission at the first of the
year where he excelled. Mayor Gere administered the Oath of Office to Officer Hatcher.
Mayor Gere read a statement proclaiming July 24, 2015 John Tursi Day in Anacortes to celebrate Mr.
Tursi's 98th birthday and recognize his extraordinary contributions to the community.
Mr. Adams complimented the recently completed painting and lighting improvements in the City Council
Consent Agenda
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Pickett, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Vote:
Ayes—Walters, Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller and Johnson. Motion carried.
Approval of Vouchers/Cancellation of Checks
Council voted unanimously that the following vouchers/checks audited and certified by the City's Auditing
Officer(Finance Director) and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Council Finance Committee
on July 8, 2015 and July 15, 2015 are approved for payment as of July 20, 2015.
Check Numbers 76911 through 77081 in the total amount of$298,759.22
EFT Numbers 76909 through 76910 in the total amount of$145.20
Prewritten Claims
Check Number 76908 in the total amount of$7,658.09
Payroll for July 20, 2015 in the total amount of$946,928.86
Check Numbers 40647 through 40683 in the total amount of$27,037.16
Direct Deposit Numbers from 59634 through 59852 in the total amount of$649,280.83
EFT Numbers from 1833 through 1840 in the total amount of$270,610.87
In the same motion Council approved the minutes of July 6, 2015 as if read.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Update -Continued Alternative Land Use Concepts Discussion and
Public Comment
Mr. Measamer recalled that at its June 22, 2015, July 6, 2015 and July 13, 2015 meetings Council had
been reviewing land use alternatives proposed as part of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update. He
Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2015 1
invited Council to complete review of the last four items, referencing the Alternative Land Use Concepts
and Recommendations document included in the Council packet for June 22, 2015.
T: R3 area north of Hwy 20 spur, east of Commercial Avenue, south of 34th Street
Mr. Measamer summarized the alternatives under consideration for this area and reported the Community
Advisory Committee (CAC)and Planning Commission (PC) recommendations and comments from the
public as reflected in the document.
Mr. Johnson agreed with the PC recommendation including the extension of the designation to the
remainder of the contiguous R3 zone indicated in yellow on the map. Mr. Walters supported the live/work
concept for the area but suggested designating the yellow extension area R2 instead. Ms. Pickett agreed
with Mr. Walters and warned of the need to minimize conflicts between residential and business uses
when those are intentionally co-located. Mr. Adams said he was open to a new live/work designation but
was concerned about the impact to the existing affordable housing in the area. He discouraged extending
the designation to the yellow area to the southeast as recommended by the PC. Ms. Lovelett argued that
live/work was intended to foster an affordable option for cottage industries and incubator businesses but
agreed the designation should not be extended to the yellow area to the southeast. Mr. Archibald
supported Alternative 2 and, like Mr. Johnson, supported the inclusion of the extended yellow area in that
designation. Mr. Miller supported the live/work concept but urged more definition to minimize conflicts
between uses in the zone. Councilmembers discussed with Mr. Measamer the current permitting process
for home based businesses and how those could be adapted to achieve the goals of a live/work zone.
Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this topic.
Walt Guterbock, 2005 29th Place, CAC member, expressed enthusiasm for the live/work option and said it
could include artist studios.
Mayor Gere summarized Council's support for the concept of live/work spaces but concern about
regulating to ensure compatibility of uses with split opinion on the optimal boundaries of the zone.
V: LM1 zone north/east of Fidalgo Bay Road and SR20 adjacent to Fidalgo Bay
Mr. Measamer summarized the alternatives under consideration for this area and reported the Community
Advisory Committee (CAC)and Planning Commission (PC) recommendations. He explained the inherent
conflict between the LM1 zoning and Shoreline Master Program Conservancy designation. Mr. Measamer
recommended zoning consistent with the SMP Conservancy designation while allowing for some limited
use by private property owners in the area.
Mr. Walters observed that both LM1 and R2 zoning could allow residential uses. Ms. Pickett discouraged
R2 zoning for the area, observed that the likelihood of manufacturing development in that LM1 zone was
small, and suggested a new zoning designation for the area. Mr. Adams agreed that a new zoning
designation would be appropriate but preferred retaining the LM1 zoning over rezoning to R2 because
that would provide more effective protection. Ms. Lovelett supported a new conservancy zone but asked if
residential uses could be grandfathered for current property owners. Mr. Archibald encouraged staff to
create a new zone designation. Mr. Miller echoed Ms. Lovelett's concern for the rights of current property
owners. He said he leaned toward an R2 designation as most closely reflecting current use in the area
but encouraged investigating current ownership of the parcels in the area before changing the zoning.
Councilmembers discussed with staff the practical constraints on development in the area including the
difficult topography. Mr. Measamer offered to have staff prepare a white paper detailing the situation.
Mayor Gere summarized that the area needed more study.
Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this topic. No one present wished to
address the Council.
W: LM1 zone west of Sharpe's Corner Business Park
Mr. Measamer summarized the alternatives under consideration for this area and reported the Community
Advisory Committee (CAC)and Planning Commission (PC) recommendations.
Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2015 2
Ms. Pickett agreed with the CAC recommendation to create a new zoning designation to allow for
essential public facilities, multi-family residential and mixed use but discouraged including assisted living
in the zone. Mr. Adams agreed and discouraged R2 zoning for the area. Ms. Lovelett urged zoning for
park use. Mr. Archibald observed that since the land was entirely owned by the city there was no
immediate need to change the zoning. Mr. Miller agreed that the property could be rezoned at a future
time if necessary. Mr. Johnson agreed with Ms. Pickett on supporting the CAC recommendation minus
assisted living but also urged exploring use of the site as an educational campus. Councilmembers
discussed with staff the location of the natural gas pipeline and overhead power lines that crossed the
property, the constraints those might impose on its development and the possibility of relocating the
pipeline. Mr. Walters encouraged zoning the western section Public and adding it to the ACFL with a
conservation easement while the eastern section could be incorporated into the city's business park
property immediately east of it. Ms. Lovelett suggested developing a short list of optimal uses for the
property and then pursuing those directions.
Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this topic.
Mr. Guterbock supported the idea of a zip line and climbing wall to attract tourists, mentioned that a drug
rehab center could be sited there, and added that the Marine Technology Center was looking to expand.
Mr. Measamer observed the range of councilmember ideas for the property and suggested creating
Goals and Policies that would allow for master planning of such a site. Mayor Gere concluded that more
study was in order for the area.
X: LM1 zone fronting SR20/SR20 intersection [Sharpe's Cornerl
Mr. Measamer summarized the alternatives under consideration for this area and reported the Community
Advisory Committee (CAC)and Planning Commission (PC) recommendation to change the zoning to
Commercial. Mr. Measamer noted that some of the current retail businesses had expressed interest in
expanding and also observed that a portion the area could be affected by eventual reconstruction of the
intersection by WSDOT.
Mr. Adams supported the recommendation to change the zoning to Commercial. Ms. Lovelett agreed and
noted the need for better access to the area. Mr. Archibald supported rezoning to Commercial but called
for design standards to support the aesthetics of the gateway entrance to the city. Mr. Miller said
Commercial zoning would make sense but urged against taking any action prior to design of the
roundabout, noting that the state may have to purchase property for that improvement and property
values could be affected by zoning decisions. Mr. Johnson supported Commercial zoning and echoed
Ms. Lovelett's call for traffic access improvements. Mr. Walters and Ms. Pickett agreed with Mr. Miller.
Mayor Gere summarized general agreement that the area should be zoned Commercial but noted some
sentiment that the city should work with WSDOT to achieve the optimal design for the intersection
improvements and then revisit the zoning designations.
Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this topic.
Gabriel Olmstead, 1019 16th Street, encouraged Council to think proactively about the future of the entire
Sharpe's Corner area 30-40 years out. He observed that the intersection could develop into a complete
neighborhood with residential, commercial, retail, and transit because the intersection would only become
more important over time.
Mr. Measamer thanked City Council and members of the public for their extensive feedback on the
Alternative Land Use Concepts.
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Ordinance 2954: AMC 2.92 Public Records Act Rules Amendment
Resolution 1920: Records Management Policy Adoption
Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh presented for Council review and action an ordinance to
update Anacortes Municipal Code Section 2.92, Public Records Act Rules, and a resolution to adopt a
Records Management Policy. Ms. Schuh recapped staff's work with Attorney Mike Connelly since April
2015 to develop the proposed changes and said the documents presented reflected councilmember
suggestions during Mr. Connelly's presentation at the June 7, 2015 City Council meeting. She added that
the Personnel Committee had reviewed the documents at its meeting on July 7, 2015. Ms. Schuh
summarized the key changes in the code as reflected in her memo to Council in the evening's Council
packet. Councilmembers questioned Ms. Schuh regarding the basis for the proposed changes in the
costs for providing paper and electronic copies of requested public records and the designation of the
Public Records Officer.
Mr. Walters moved to adopt Ordinance 2954 with three changes: delete identification of the City Attorney
as the Public Records Officer, change the price for scanned documents from 13 cents to 2 cents per
page, and change the price for CDs from 3 dollars to one dollar. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Miller, a member of the Personnel Committee, spoke in support of the ordinance as drafted.
Councilmembers continued discussion of the actual cost of copying public records and encouraged direct
access to public records via the city website. Mr. Adams suggested reviewing the costs periodically.
Mr. Johnson agreed with Mr. Adams that the fees could be reviewed on an annual basis in the future and
moved, seconded by Mr. Archibald, to approve Ordinance 2954, AMC 2.92 Public Records Act Rules
Amendment, and to approve Resolution 1920, adopting the Records Management Policy. Ms. Lovelett
offered, and Mr. Johnson accepted, a friendly amendment to add language calling for the fees to be
reviewed on an annual basis. Vote on amended motion: Ayes— Pickett, Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller
and Johnson. Nays—Walters. Motion carried.
Amendment to Skagit County Jail Facility Use Agreement
Finance Director Steve Hoglund presented an amendment to the interlocal agreement between Skagit
County jurisdictions for jail facility use to address costs for inmate medical care. He described the wide
fluctuation in actual medical costs year to year and said the proposed methodology, based on actual
average medical costs for each jurisdiction during 2011-2014, would provide much greater budget
stability for all concerned. Mr. Hoglund said the amendment was negotiated by the sheriff and police
chiefs and that the Jail Finance Committee had unanimously recommended approval. Police Chief
Bonnie Bowers spoke in support of the amendment.
Ms. Lovelett moved, seconded by Mr. Adams, to authorize the mayor to enter into the Jail Medical Care
Subsequent Agreement to the existing Jail Facility Use interlocal agreement. Mr. Walters disclosed that
as a fixed salary employee of Skagit County, one of the contracting parties, under RCW 42.23.040 he had
a remote interest in the agreement and for the city to enter into the agreement his vote could not be
counted. Vote: Ayes—Adams, Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson and Pickett. Abstain—Walters. Motion
Personal Services Contract for Fire Volunteer Coordinator
Fire Chief Richard Curtis requested approval of a future 2015 budget amendment to cover a personal
services contract for a volunteer coordinator. Chief Curtis reviewed recommendations from outside
agencies presented to Council in the prior year regarding Fire Department operations. He advised that
twice monthly meetings of the Public Safety Committee in response to the recommendations had
developed a plan for incremental improvements and had identified the volunteer program as the first
priority. The chief described the proposed changes to the volunteer program to include both shift
volunteers and support volunteers as well as an interim contract position to coordinate and recruit
volunteers. Chief Curtis said the proposed contract, which had been reviewed by the City Attorney, was
within the Mayor's contract authority but would require a budget amendment. He proposed to fund the
Anacortes City Council Minutes July 20, 2015 4
$26,000 NTE contract out of the $74,000 of Swinomish Class Ill gaming impact revenue which would also
be an amendment to the revenue budget. He outlined the qualifications of the proposed contractor, David
Skrinde. Mr. Archibald, Mr. Miller and Mr. Adams, the members of the Public Safety Committee, all spoke
in favor of the contract and stressed the value of strengthening the volunteer program.
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett, to authorize the mayor to sign a personal services
contract for the purpose of developing the fire department volunteer program for the remainder of the year
and later present a budget amendment. Vote: Ayes—Lovelett, Archibald, Miller, Johnson, Walters,
Pickett and Adams. Motion carried.
Executive Session: Real Estate Discussion per RCW 42.30.110(1 b, 1 c)
Mayor Gere announced that Council would convene in Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to
discuss a potential real estate transaction about which open discussion could result in terms unfavorable
to the City and that no action would be taken.
There being no further business, at approximately 8:30 p.m. the regularly scheduled Anacortes City
Council meeting of July 20, 2015 was adjourned.
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