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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-26 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Study Session Minutes—January 26, 2015
At approximately 7:00 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called the Anacortes City Council study session of
January 26, 2015 to order. Roll call found present City Councilmembers Eric Johnson, Ryan Walters,
Erica Pickett, Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett, and Matt Miller. Councilmember John Archibald was absent.
Mayor Gere reordered the agenda to place the EMS System presentation before the 2016 Comprehensive
Plan discussion.
EMS System Presentation
Fire Chief Richard Curtis provided a general overview of EMS service in Anacortes in preparation for the
countywide meeting scheduled in the Anacortes City Council chambers from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. on
February 11, 2015 to discuss future directions for EMS service in Skagit County. Chief Curtis presented an
overview of the components of a 911 system, described ALS (Advanced Life Support)and BLS (Basic Life
Support)service levels, and discussed different models of tiered EMS response systems and which
models are followed by the three EMS transport providers in Skagit County. The Chief outlined the history
of provision of ambulance service in Anacortes since the 1970s. He described the demographics of the
Anacortes population and the relative geographic isolation of Fidalgo Island. Chief Curtis presented the
rates charged for ambulance transports for various levels of service and the collection statistics for 2014.
He concluded with revenue projections for the Anacortes ambulances in 2015.
Mr. Adams asked how much Anacortes residents pay into the countywide EMS levy and how much the
City gets back from Skagit County from that levy. Chief Curtis said he would provide that information. Chief
Curtis responded to councilmember questions about the collection rate achieved on ambulance billings.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Update Scope and Preliminary Alternatives Review and Discussion
Planning Director Don Measamer presented a status report on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update due
to be completed by June, 2016. Mr. Measamer summarized the extensive public input and committee work
undertaken thus far, then described the anticipated scope of the update including:
• Update all Plan elements for consistency with GMA and to reflect most recent adopted growth
• Review UGA to ensure areas &densities are sufficient to accommodate 20-year growth
• Review critical areas ordinance to ensure consistency with best available science
• Address postponed 2013 amendment proposals and new requests
Mr. Measamer then addressed in detail a series of potential land use changes to accommodate projected
growth consistent with community goals and values. He presented each potential change as a range of
alternatives. Mr. Walters suggested that each potential land use change include and analyze"status quo"
as one of the alternatives. Mr. Miller asked that each alternative include analysis of its effect on additional
buildable residential units to meet population growth allocations. Mr. Measamer reminded that the ensuing
public process would arrive at a preferred alternative for each proposed change and the preferred
alternatives would then proceed through SEPA. Mr. Johnson requested that the risks of each alternative be
presented, not just the possible advantages. Mr. Measamer solicited and recorded councilmember
feedback on each proposed land use change including the range of alternatives considered for each.
Ms. Pickett thanked the committee members who had spent so much time working on the update.
There being no further business, at approximately 9:15 p.m. the Anacortes City Council study session of
January 26, 2015 adjourned.
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