HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-24 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—April 24,2017
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of April 24,2017 at
6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Erica Pickett,Brad Adams,Liz Lovelett, John Archibald and
Matt Miller were present. Councilmember Ryan Walters was absent. The assembly joined in the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Planning Committee: Mr.Adams reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening at which the
members discussed the critical areas ordinance update being prepared by staff and consultants for the end
of July,the proposed community youth center which would be considered at a joint meeting with the
Anacortes School Board on April 27, and the affordable housing strategic plan targeted for release in
Mr. Archibald observed that this would be his last regular meeting as a City Council member prior to his
retirement on April 30. He said it had been a pleasure and an honor to serve on the Council, expressed his
excitement about the evolution of the community, and thanked the public for its trust.
Mayor Gere announced that on April 27, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. in the Anacortes School District School Board
meeting room the City Council would conduct a joint meeting with the School Board to discuss a
proposed youth community center on District property at 22"d Street and J Avenue and ongoing
maintenance and operation of such a facility.
Public Comment
Sara Holahan, 1511 38th Street, observed that Anacortes is a beautiful and safe place to walk and
commented on sidewalk design. Ms. Holahan quoted AMC 16.32.020 regarding sidewalk separation from
curb and gutters by a planted median. She said that in the past few years she had seen a lot of sidewalks
with no planted median. Ms. Holahan said that without medians there was no place to plant street trees,
shrubs or flowers. She displayed photographs contrasting a sidewalk with a planted median to one
without and observed that the former offered shade, separation from traffic and better stormwater
management. Ms. Holahan questioned which engineering considerations warranted construction without a
median and asked why the city had not followed AMC 16.32.020 along D Avenue. She urged making it
very clear in the new development regulations what the community was looking for in terms of sidewalks.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of April 17,2017
b.Approval of Claims in the amount of. $258,486.82
c. Contract Award: Ford F450 Crane Flat Deck&Crane
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 84610 through 84666,total$88,255.72
Check numbers: 84667 through 84718,total$189,437.47
Wire transfer numbers: 214780 through 215544,total $25,247.67
Anacortes City Council Minutes April 24, 2017 1
Public Hearing: Review Draft Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) 2017/2018 Action
Plan,Housing Needs& Community Input
Planning, Community and Economic Development Director Don Measamer explained that the Action
Plan submission date had been delayed due to Congress still working on the appropriations bill but that
the city expected funding similar to the prior year. He said completion and adoption of the Action Plan
was pending final funding determinations by Congress. Mr. Measamer summarized the funding
applications as presented in the packet materials for the meeting. He said the public comment period on
the Action Plan opened April 3 and no comments had been received.
Mayor Gere opened the public hearing and invited members of the public to address the Council.
Susan Rooks, 1219 10t`Street,representing the Anacortes Housing Authority Board of Commissioners,
introduced fellow commissioners Vernon Lauridsen,Tanna Baker and Patrick O'Hearn, and recognized
absent commissioner Bill French. Ms. Rooks thanked the city for its past support of the AHA and
presented the Authority's request for CDBG funding for the 2017 fiscal year. Her slide presentation was
added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Rooks summarized the mission of the Housing
Authority and described the residents it serves,noting 175 applications on the waiting list for affordable
housing. She summarized projects completed by the AHA with past CDBG funding allocations from the
city,then described the 2017 project request to fund renovation of two 3-bedroom apartments at 508 6"'
Street to bring the 1970-era units into compliance with current building codes. Ms. Rooks reported that
HUD estimates a$26 billion maintenance backlog in public housing and emphasized that there is no new
public housing being built so current stock must be maintained. She thanked Council for its consideration.
No one else wished to address Council as part of this public hearing.
Ms. Lovelett inquired if any organization other than the Anacortes Family Center had applied for the
Public Services portion of the 2017 CDBG grant. Mr. Measamer advised that the only two funding
applications received had been from the Anacortes Family Center and the Anacortes Housing Authority.
Mr. Measamer reiterated that the Action Plan would come back to Council for consideration and approval
once proposed funding allocations could be determined.
Anacortes School District Early Learning Programs Presentation
Dr.Nicole Mortimer,2007 27"'Place,Early Learning Coordinator for the Anacortes School District,
addressed Council on early learning services and unmet demand for same in Anacortes. Dr. Mortimer's
slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. She shared a brief video describing
the importance of brain stimulation and responsive caregivers for the development of very young
children. Dr. Mortimer emphasized that stress negatively affects the development of even very young
children. She then shared statistics about the number of young children in Anacortes currently in full time
licensed day care and the number who are underserved with wait lists at licensed facilities averaging 30
applications. She said the cost of full time child care is approximately$800-1000/month in Anacortes. Dr.
Mortimer emphasized the importance of quality full-time child care for healthy child development as well
as healthy communities. She said she was encouraging creation of more licensed childcare in Anacortes
and urged the creation of a full service child development center. Dr. Mortimer requested a commitment
from the city to make early learning a priority concern and encouraged streamlining and incentivizing
child care providers to locate here. Councilmembers discussed how early learning needs might be
Anacortes City Council Minutes April 24, 2017 2
addressed by the work of the Affordable Housing and Community Services committee,local employers,
the Anacortes Public Library and the city's established legislative priorities.
Resolution 1987: Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with U.S.
City Attorney Darcy Swetnam explained how intergovernmental purchasing agreements allow
governmental agencies to work together to purchase needed goods and services at lower cost. Ms. Pickett
and Mr.Archibald supported the agreement. Ms. Lovelett and Mr. Miller preferred to discuss the topic at
greater length at a future meeting when the Finance Director could be present to address the anticipated
purchases under the agreement and the purchasing policy more generally. Ms. Swetnam agreed and
reported that the city's purchasing policy was currently being revised.
Before adjourning the meeting,Mayor Gere thanked Mr. Archibald for his service to the City of
Anacortes and for contributing to the city's accomplishments during his term. Mr. Adams also thanked
Mr. Archibald for his service,particularly his efforts on the Planning and Lodging Tax Advisory
Committees. Mr. Johnson said he looked forward to Mr. Archibald's future involvement as a community
member on the Affordable Housing and Community Services Committee.
Mayor Gere invited community members who were interested in being appointed to the remainder of Mr.
Archibald's term to address City Council at its regular meeting on May 1,2017.
There being no further business,at approximately 7:00 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of
April 24,2017 was adjourned.
Anacortes City Council Minutes April 24, 2017 3