HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-08 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—May 8,2017 Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of May 8, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Ryan Walters,Erica Pickett,Brad Adams, Liz Lovelett and Matt Miller were present. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcements and Committee Reports Appointment of Councilmember to Fill Remainder of Councilmember John Archibald's Term: Candidate Interviews and Discussion Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh summarized the procedure for appointing a city councilmember to fill the term vacated by John Archibald effective April 30,2017. Her slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Schuh advised that candidates Bob Hyde and Bruce McDougall would each respond to two previously identified questions and that councilmembers were free to ask additional questions of the candidates. Ms. Schuh thanked the candidates for stepping forward for consideration. Bruce McDougall confirmed that he did intend to run for City Council Position 5 in November. He summarized the values and skills he felt he could bring to the Council position including an extensive background in technologies trends and high tech infrastructure,interest and experience in green energy systems and carbon footprint reduction,broad knowledge of geopolitics and economics, analytic problem solving, and remaining steady even in the face of challenge or crisis. Bob Hyde confirmed that he did intend to run for elected office in November. He summarized the values and skills he felt he could bring to the Council including a passion for making government work well, a passion for people, infectious optimism, expertise in economic development, expertise in governance, expertise in infrastructure, a sense of humor, an understanding of how Anacortes fits into the region and its collaborative potential, and a servant's heart. Mayor Gere asked each councilmember to opine on the candidates. All the councilmembers commented that the city was fortunate to have two very strong candidates for the position and thanked Mr. McDougall and Mr. Hyde for offering to serve the community on the Council. Each councilmember listed what he or she felt were the experience and strengths that the two candidates would bring to the existing skill set on the Council. Mr. Walters thanked Chad Ehler for participating in the process before withdrawing his candidacy on May 3 and reminded that four city council seats were up for election in November. Ms. Pickett moved, seconded by Mr. Walters,to appoint Bruce McDougall to the City Council position vacated by John Archibald. Vote: Ayes—Walters,Pickett,Adams, Lovelett,Miller and Johnson. Motion carried. Mr. Walters said he would be reviewing committee assignments now that a new councilmember had been appointed and invited all councilmembers to let him know if they were interested in a change of assignments. Oath of Office for New City Councilmember: City Clerk Steve Hoglund administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed Councilmember Bruce McDougall. Mr. McDougall joined his colleagues on the dais and participated as a voting councilmember for the duration of the meeting. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 8,2017 1 Housing Affordability and Community Services Committee: Mr. Johnson reported from the committee meeting held the prior Thursday at which the members discussed progress on the strategic plan for affordable housing. Planning Committee: Mr. Walters reported that the committee meeting scheduled for earlier in the evening had been cancelled. Public Comment Walt Blackford,Puget Sound Energy Outreach Manager,reported on the results of the 2017 Home Energy Assessment Door-to-Door campaign conducted in Anacortes on April 4 through April 6. Mr. Blackford's slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. He concluded that 788 doors were contacted, 173 residents engaged, and 72 residents enrolled for an average annual energy savings of 575 kWh. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Blackford and his staff for helping to reduce energy use in the city. Consent Agenda Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of April 27,2017 and May 1,2017 b.Approval of Claims in the amount of. $446,219.18 c. Contract Modification: Coatings on the Inside of Washington Park Upper Men's Restroom (15-028-IDS-007) d. Contract Modification: Storvik Park Spraypad and Restroom Project(14-014-IDS-002) The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 84797 through 84838,total$178,712.96 Check numbers: 84839 through 84882,total$207,078.19 Wire transfer numbers: 215264 through 216090,total $13,140.14 OTHER BUSINESS Anacortes Historic Preservation Board Annual Report Ken Hansen,member of the Anacortes Historic Preservation Board,updated Council on the Board's goals and accomplishments over the past year. Mr. Hansen's slide presentation was added to packet materials for the meeting. He announced that the new Anacortes Museum exhibit, "At Home in Anacortes,"would open on May 13 in conjunction with National Historic Preservation Month. Mr. Hansen reported on Board activity including educational workshops,the Central Business District historical building plaque project,research on historic architectural styles in Anacortes in support of the museum exhibit, and research establishing the oldest home in Anacortes. Mr. Hansen then presented the 2017 Preservation Award to Chad and Angie Sage for their home renovation at 2024 L Avenue. Mr. Walters observed that the home had belonged to his great grandparents and great aunt and uncle prior to the restoration and that it had originally been built by his great great grandparents. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Hansen and the Historic Preservation Board for their time and efforts on behalf of the community. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to address the Council. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 8,2017 2 Fiber Optics Proiect Update Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer presented an update on the fiber optic network project. His slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Buckenmeyer summarized prior presentations identifying the project phasing, first installing a dark fiber network to replace the aging and outdated radio-based telemetry system for the water and wastewater systems,then lighting that fiber to serve as a municipal broadband network. He reminded that Council had previously approved a contract with NoaNet for design,permitting and construction support of the fiber system. Mr. Buckenmeyer said staff would seek council approval later in the evening to contract for installation of the central("in town") and eastern segments of the system which were expected to substantially complete at the end of the summer. Mr. Buckenmeyer then explained in some detail the technology selected for the eastern segment of the network connecting the Blue Heron reservoir in Anacortes with the water treatment plant in Mount Vernon. He reminded that Council had previously approved a contract to purchase microduct from Craley in the United Kingdom which would be used to install fiber inside the existing water transmission main, a much more efficient method than trenching or pole-mounting the fiber for that extended distance. Mr. Buckenmeyer emphasized that the microduct system was already in use internationally,was fully certified by the ANSI, and had been approved for use in Anacortes by the Washington State Department of Health. He clarified that fiber transmits light,not electricity, so there would be no electricity in the pipes and that the carrying capacity of the 36-inch water mains would not be appreciably reduced. Mr. Buckenmeyer said city crews were already at work preparing the pipe for the microduct and that installation was expected to complete by September 1. Mr. Buckenmeyer concluded by outlining a possible model for using the fiber telemetry system as the backbone of a municipal broadband network,using the Anacortes Public Library as the network hub, Public Works staff to install,operate and maintain the system,and contracted internet service providers (ISPs)to connect end users and provide customer support to them. Mr. Buckenmeyer responded to councilmember questions about keeping service affordable for local residents and businesses,repaying the utility systems over time for the up front capital investment, Council participation in eventual selection of a service model,the demonstrated safety of the microduct installation method, and the timing of the third phase of the project to the west end of Anacortes. Mayor Gere reported that earlier in the day she and staff had met with the Port of Skagit which was working with EDASC to create a strategic plan to run fiber from Anacortes to Concrete to provide critical support for economic development in the county. The mayor said Anacortes was ahead of the rest of the county, already constructing the westernmost part of that network. She called fiber the biggest quality of life project for the community, for education, for families,and for economic development. In response to a question from Mr. Walters regarding a potential grant of$500K from Skagit County for the fiber installation,Mr. Buckenmeyer and Mayor Gere advised that the city was still negotiating terms with the county and would continue to work with Port of Skagit and EDASC to educate all parties about the big picture of fiber in Skagit County. In response to a question from Mr. Miller about the budget for the fiber project, Mr. Buckenmeyer reported that staff had estimated costs of roughly$1 M for each of the three fiber segments and currently anticipated spending totaling$2.2M by year end to complete the first two segments so the project was on budget. Mr. Johnson reiterated a prior request that agenda bills relating to capital projects reflect progress to date against project-level budget. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 8,2017 3 Contract Award: Anacortes Fiber Build(14-056-IDS-001) Contract Award: Purchase of Fiber Optics Communication Materials (Fiber) (14-056-IDS-004) Contract Award: Purchase of Fiber Optics Communication Materials (Conduit and Drops) (14- 056-IDS-003) Assistant Public Works Director Matt Reynolds presented three contracts for Council approval: a construction contract for the central and eastern segments of the fiber network and material procurement contracts for fiber and for conduit and drops, as presented in the packet materials. Mr. Reynolds advised that the low bid for the construction contract was from was Henkels&McCoy,Inc. and recommended awarding to Henkels&McCoy. He responded to questions from councilmembers about the material specification for the fiber,the excess capacity of the fiber,and the bid results. Mr. Reynold noted that the low bid was within$30K of the engineer's estimate so staff was comfortable with the bid and reported that NoaNet had worked successfully with Henkels&McCoy elsewhere. Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett,to provide consent to award contracts for the subject project in the amount of$1,019,043.76 to Henkels&McCoy, Inc., and in the amount of$154,097.72 to Power and Telephone, and in the amount of$47,758.36 to Gray Bar. Vote: Ayes—Pickett,Adams, Lovelett,McDougall,Miller,Johnson and Walters. Motion carried. There being no further business,at approximately 7:40 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of May 8,2017 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes May 8,2017 4