HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-28 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—August 28,2017
Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of August 28,2017 at
6:00 p.m. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Erica Pickett,Brad Adams,Liz Lovelett,Bruce McDougall and
Matt Miller were present. Councilmember Ryan Walters was absent. The assembly joined in the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Announcements and Committee Reports
Parks&Recreation Committee: Mr.Adams and Ms. Lovelett reported from the committee meeting the
prior week at which those present received staff updates on the milfoil treatments at Heart Lake, ongoing
survey and routing work for the Guemes Channel trail, strong seasonal use at Storvik and Washington
Parks, and design efforts underway for the Depot stage and madrone grove access.
Planning Committee: Mr.Adams reported that the committee meeting scheduled for earlier in the evening
had been cancelled.
Ms. Lovelett reminded everyone that school resumed session the following day and that the 20 mph speed
limit would be in effect in school zones between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Public Comment
No one present wished to address Council on any topic not already on the agenda.
Consent Agenda
Ms. Lovelett removed Item 5c,Contract Awards: Treatment Plant Chemicals, from the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The
motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
a. Minutes of August 21,2017
b.Approval of Claims in the amount of. $700,879.78
d. Contract Modification: M Avenue Waterline Replacement Project(17-001-WTR-002)
e. Street Fair Application: Anacortes High School Homecoming Parade
The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment:
EFT numbers: 86175 and 86178 through 86213,total $566,552.75
Check numbers: 86176 through 86177 and 86214 through 86231,total $133,479.11
Wire transfer numbers: 219838 through 220590,total $16,293.94
c. Contract Awards: Treatment Plant Chemicals
Ms. Lovelett reported ongoing constituent concern about fluoride in the water. She said that the city
strives to have the highest quality water possible and uses the same fluoride treatment as all other
municipal jurisdictions. Ms. Lovelett said the city doesn't take treating the water lightly and uses the best
available science. She said the topic was worthy of further discussion at some point. Ms. Lovelett moved,
seconded by Mr. Johnson,to approve Consent Agenda Item 5c. The motion carried unanimously by voice
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 28, 2017 1
Finance Department Strategic Report and Budget Update
Finance Director Steve Hoglund reviewed RCW 35A.34.130 requiring a mid-biennial review and
modification of the 2017/2018 biennial budget. Mr.Hoglund outlined the schedule for that review
including a public hearing on November 13,2017 and subsequent adoption of any modification by
ordinance,possibly on November 20,2017. The complete schedule was included in the packet materials
for the meeting. Mr. Hoglund reminded that the 2018 portion of the biennial budget had already been
adopted by Ordinance 2993 but that the mid-biennial review offered an opportunity to make any required
Mr. Hoglund next reviewed the initiatives for the Finance Department for 2017 and 2018,referring to his
slides in the packet materials, including updating the purchasing policy, evaluating outsourcing of utility
payment receipting, adding an on-line pet licensing option, implementing employee purchase cards,
transitioning vendors to EFT payments, implementing new contract management software,updating the
debt policy and pursuing Washington Public Treasurers' Association(WPTA)certification of that policy.
Mr. Hoglund then reviewed the initiatives of the Information Technology Department for 2017 and 2018
including addition of one IT technician, finalizing the VOIP telephone implementation,updating
Windows Enterprise software,virtualizing the accounting software, and implementing Laserfiche. He
added that early planning had also begun for a disaster recovery solution and transitioning to Microsoft
Office 365 in 2019/2020.
Administrative Services Budget Update
Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh presented an update on her department in preparation for
the mid-biennial budget review and modification. Ms. Schuh referred to her slides which were included in
the packet materials for the meeting. She reviewed the potential budgetary impact of initiatives and issues
in human resources including collective bargaining negotiations,healthcare reform, civil service testing,
and sick leave and state minimum wage impacts of Initiative 1433. Ms. Schuh also reported on
developments at the municipal court and the public defender's office. In response to a question from Ms.
Pickett,Ms. Schuh confirmed that the public defender was proactively assigning 5-7 cases per month to
the overflow/conflict attorney to ensure the public defender complied with the court mandated 400-case
annual limit. Ms. Schuh reminded Council that the city would take over administration of the Anacortes
Senior Center on September 5,2017 and that a 2017 budget amendment would be presented at a future
meeting to recognize that transition. She advised that the new city website would go live in October 2017.
Ms. Schuh closed with a summary of the municipal fiber system status as discussed at the August 21,
2017 regular City Council meeting. Mayor Gere reported that the Public Works department remained
responsible for the installation and operation of the fiber telemetry network but that Ms. Schuh had been
appointed to coordinate the municipal fiber phase of the project in recognition of her project management
Ordinance 3010: A Moratorium on Wireless Tower Applications and Telecommunication
City Attorney Darcy Swetnam presented draft Ordinance 3010 to place a moratorium on processing new
applications for wireless facilities and telecommunications franchises for six months to allow time for
the City to adopt new sections of the Anacortes Municipal Code. Ms. Swetnam's slides were added to the
packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Swetnam summarized the AMC chapters addressing wireless
communications towers and franchises and discussed the ways in which that code does not adequately
address evolving technology and state and federal law. She outlined staff's proposed work plan for the
code update. Mr. McDougall endorsed the plan to engage Foster Pepper and encouraged consultation with
industry to ensure that the code addresses evolving technologies. Ms. Swetnam explained that while the
Anacortes City Council Minutes August 28,2017 2
code update was underway,the moratorium would allow acceptance of new applications but they would
be subject to the new code. Ms. Swetnam reviewed the authority for moratoria and advised that a public
hearing would be held within 60 days of adoption of the ordinance, likely in September. In response to a
question from Ms. Lovelett, Ms. Swetnam reported that no applications were currently in process though
one interested party had held a pre-application meeting. Mr. Miller commented that the absence of
pending applications made the ordinance very timely. Mr. Johnson encouraged soliciting input from the
hearing examiner on the code update as the examiner is tasked with deciding some related matters.
Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Pickett,to adopt Ordinance 3010 establishing a moratorium on the
receipt and processing of applications to site wireless communication towers and antennas.
Mayor Gere invited members of the public to comment on this agenda item.No one present wished to
address the Council.
Vote: Ayes—Pickett,Adams,Lovelett,McDougall, Miller and Johnson. Motion carried.
There being no further business,at approximately 6:55 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of
August 28,2017 was adjourned.
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