HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-09 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—February 9,2018 At 8:06 a.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the advertised special Anacortes City Council meeting of February 9,2018 in the Reid Harbor Room of Educational Service District 189 at 1601 R Avenue in Anacortes. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Anthony Young,Ryan Walters,Brad Adams,Liz Lovelett and Matt Miller were present. Councilmember Bruce McDougall joined the meeting at 8:20 a.m. The full day retreat was facilitated by Larry Bauman of Agreement Dynamics, Inc. Planning Director Don Measamer, City Attorney Darcy Swetnam,Museum Director Bret Lunsford,Finance Director Steve Hoglund,Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh,Police Chief John Small,Public Works Director Fred Buckeruneyer,Fire Chief Richard Curtis and Parks and Recreation Director Gary Robinson participated in the meeting. Mayor Gere reviewed the goals for the meeting: to understand each other's roles in serving the citizens, understand the needs of department heads to carry out the policies established by Council, and understand what councilmembers need from staff to make good decisions. Mr. Bauman reviewed the agenda. Councilmembers expressed no objection to the agenda. Mr. Bauman distributed discussion guidelines to maintain a constructive and cordial atmosphere. Councilmembers concurred with the guidelines. Councilmember Round Robin Presentations Mr. Bauman invited each councilmember to describe what motivated him or her to run for office and what he or she hoped to accomplish during the term of office. Councilmembers shared the personal and professional paths that led them to service on the Anacortes City Council and what they hoped to achieve for the community and its governance. Mr. Bauman remarked on councilmembers' commitment to serve the community and the breadth of experience represented on the Council. Mr. Bauman then invited each department head and Mayor Gere to summarize his or her professional background and goals for their service to the city. At approximately 9:35 a.m. Mayor Gere called a brief break. At 9:45 a.m.the meeting resumed. Governance Discussion Mr. Bauman introduced a discussion of governance and the roles of policymakers and administrators in government. He asked councilmembers to share their views on the dividing line between policy and administration. Council and Mayor Gere engaged in extended discussion of how councilmembers and staff can serve each other in their respective roles of setting vision and policy for the city and bringing professional expertise to efficiently carrying out daily operations. Councilmembers discussed the role of committees and suggested that more regular and in depth reporting from committees to the Committee of the Whole could be useful,particularly regarding upcoming contracts and projects. Several councilmembers requested adequate contextual information and more information about potential consequences of decisions that are presented to them. Some expressed frustration that by the time a matter is presented to Council for action,there is effectively only one available course of action and that staff appears to take offense if councilmembers request more information or additional time in order to make a responsible decision. Mr. Johnson commented that funding for the Blue Heron reservoirs was a positive example of early discussion and presentation of alternatives so that Council could research and ask questions long before the matter was presented for action. Several councilmembers commented that discussion with their colleagues during a meeting sometimes prompts a new way of looking at an issue and that additional follow up time would be useful before voting. Councilmembers observed that it is also their job to monitor the effectiveness of the policies they set so they need status updates over time;Mr. Walters suggested reports from department heads as well as committees at the beginning of each meeting. Several councilmembers observed the uneven size of agendas from week to week and asked for a more even distribution of workload from meeting to meeting. Several also noted that value of study sessions and second readings to provide adequate time and consideration of large issues. Councilmembers asked that the budget impact and alternative viewpoints sections of agenda bills be more fully utilized. Chief Curtis said that staff very much appreciates receiving questions from councilmembers before a meeting so staff can assemble Anacortes City Council Minutes February 9,2018 1 additional material to bring to the discussion in a timely manner. Ms. Swetnam added that agenda bills could also provide links to past meeting packets and video so that councilmembers can review prior discussion of a topic. Councilmembers said that"track changes"versions of documents, summaries of contract change orders, and indications confirming the level of staff review on a topic are also useful. Councilmembers urged that staff not take offense at questions asked during meetings as councilmembers often request information as a means of sharing knowledge with the viewing public. Ms. Lovelett suggested that if a mistake occurs, Council and the public both need to know that it has happened and the steps that are being taken to prevent repeat occurrences. Mr. Hoglund suggested different means of communicating to Councilmembers the financial status of budgeted projects in the context of fund accounting. Mr. Buckenmeyer suggested a quarterly update to Council on public works projects, similar to the Finance update provided by Mr.Hoglund each quarter,which does include status information on each capital project. At approximately 11:00 Mayor Gere called a two-minute break, after which the meeting resumed. Departmental Overview Department heads presented summaries of the services provided by their departments,current issues facing their departments,recent accomplishments, and upcoming projects and priorities. Their visual aids were added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mayor Gere reported on behalf of the library and reported that a new library director had been selected and that her appointment would come before Council for confirmation in March. Councilmembers posed questions and offered comments and suggestions on various topics that arose. Mr. Bauman observed that some topics warranted more discussion than time allowed at the retreat so he began a list of Parked topics to be revisited in another forum. The group worked through lunch for this very productive discussion. At approximately 1:55 p.m. Mayor Gere called a short break. The meeting resumed at 2:05 p.m. 2018 Goals and Priorities Mayor Gere distributed a copy of the budget goals developed by Council in 2015 in preparation for the 2016 budget,updated with progress to date on specific action items. She invited Council to review the list,remove what was no longer relevant,retain what is still valid, and add any new items in preparation for the 2019/2020 budget process. Councilmembers and staff worked through the list,which was updated to reflect the discussion and added to the packet materials for the meeting. Parked Topics Participants agreed that the following topics would be addressed in future in another setting. Economic Development: EDASC vs. city staffing Issuance of a city-owned laptop or tablet to each councilmember Mental health training and support for first responders in the police and fire departments Implementation of the Fire/EMS Master Plan The influence and roles of boards, commissions and foundations Transportation Benefit District sales tax Formation of a City Council Economic Development Committee Update Council on the Depot Plaza,then schedule joint meeting with the Port Commission Anacortes Community Task Force Restricting formula businesses Installing sharps disposal containers in all public restrooms There being no further business, at approximately 4:00 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of February 9, 2018 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes February 9, 2018 2 Broad Budget Goals from 2018 City Council Retreat (in prep for 2019/2020 biennial budget development) UPDATED February 9, 2018 Status Community Enrichment Complete the Guemes Channel Trail Ongoing Build Pickett Park next to Penguin Coffee Pickett Park to be constructed in 2018 Update Depot Master Plan Depot Master Plan in development. Work with Port of Anacortes on Event Center in the Maritime Center Convergence Zone Work continues with Port and City. Develop community enrichment and diversity programs Establish principles of cultural exposure and inclusion Establish Community Youth & Recreation Center Ongoing Public Safety Provide 24/7 Fire/EMS staffing at Marchs Point station Staff 3 paid/volunteer Firemedics at each fire station 24/7 ($600k/yr additional cost) Pursue regional cooperative agreement for Fire/EMS Provide mental health resources and support for first responders Refine and complete Emergency Operations plan for disaster preparedness and recover Community Planninq and Economic Development Update development code Development Regulations & Design Standards in progress. Inventory and develop Sharp's Corner and other city owned parcels Explore instituting a municipal broadband network Develop Maritime Strategic plan To be completed June 2018 Eliminate barriers to business recruitment and relocation into Anacortes Ongoing Establish City Council Economic Development Committee Essential Infrastructure Explore Guemes Channel force main Explore all funding options for expanded street maintenance program $20 car tabs fees began collection in 2015. Complete fiber telemetry network Traffic management Ensure utility financial sustainability through rate review and adjustment Analysis led to rate increases for Water, Storm water, and Sanitation. Sewer rates planned increase in 2019. Continue capital facility planning, including solid waste facilities Continue expansion of bike/pedestrian/lowered mobility connectivity ,Participate in regional water planning City of Anacortes Page 1 of 2 Broad Budget Goals from 2018 City Council Retreat (in prep for 2019/2020 biennial budget development) UPDATED February 9, 2018 Stewardship and Conservation of Natural Resources Pursue land acquisition opportunities ACFL, critical areas, housing) Enhanced lighting projects throughout City facilities and community; transitioned 16 gas vehicles to propane/gas Promote and adopt alternative energy powered with additional 6 in process; first electric vehicle added to fleet including new charging station at City Hall. LED lighting projects have resulted in over$1 M savings over past 4 years. Skookumchuck wind energy project. Explore revolving loan fund for residential alternative energy installations Expand education and outreach for recycling and composting programs (and/or other conservation programs) Update Critical Areas Ordinance Underway IDevelop plan for stewardship of city-owned critical areas Community Services Renew agreement with ASD 103 for School Resource Officer Explore staffing for a Community Resource Center Networking Expand CDBG opportunities and consider reallocation of 20% administration portion Explore staffing and resources for community services Develop Homeless Services addendum to Affordable Housing Strategic Plan ,Develop Community Resources addendum to Affordable Housing Strategic Plan Ex lore partnership opportunities for providing infant care Effective Government Management and Trans arenc Outreach Updated website; VOIP; ATOT publication; social media Part-time communication position Networking Succession planning Ongoing Establish performance measures reference ICMA and LGPC Implement electronic records management system Laserfiche implementation ongoing 2018 Evaluate Council goals annual) Plan for long term maintenance and replacement of capital assets Update municipal code Leverage the CWP ,Engage in legislative advocacy City of Anacortes Page 2 of 2