HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-14 City Council Minutes Approved City Council Minutes—January 14, 2019 At 6:00 p.m. Mayor Laurie Gere called to order the regular Anacortes City Council meeting of January 14, 2019. Councilmembers Eric Johnson,Anthony Young, Brad Adams,Liz Lovelett,Bruce McDougall and Matt Miller were present. Councilmember Ryan Walters was absent. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcements and Committee Reports Port/City Liaison Committee: Mr. Miller reported from the committee meeting the prior week. He confirmed that ownership of the Olsen Building had transferred from the Port of Anacortes to the Anacortes Housing Authority and advised that vacation of the alley behind the Olsen Building would come before City Council for action in its quasi-judicial capacity. Mr. Miller also reported on discussion of the Northwest Basin timeline, an upcoming joint City Council/Port Commission meeting anticipated in the spring, formation of stakeholder groups for the Port's planned event center,Port input on the city's development regulations update,the nearly complete Maritime Strategic Plan, and public process for the Guemes Channel Trail. Mr. Young elaborated on several of those topics. Skagit County Law&Justice Council: Mr. Miller reported from the LJC meeting the prior Wednesday.He described the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment(RSAT)program providing inmates and those transitioning out of jail with substance abuse treatment after release. Mr. Miller said the new justice center includes a very well established substance abuse treatment program. He noted that an estimated 70%of inmates have mental health and/or substance abuse complications. Mr. Miller advised that the LJC would meet every other month henceforth and the next meeting would be in March. Mr.Young asked what share of law and justice resources were addressing drug abuse and treatment. Mr.Miller explained the data collection constraints on such calculations. Ms. Lovelett said she could provide her colleagues with Skagit Population Health Trust resources addressing that question. Finance Committee: Mr. Johnson reported from the committee meeting the prior week at which the group discussed the revised contracting and purchasing policy which would come before the full Council later in the month. He thanked Finance Director Steve Hoglund, City Attorney Darcy Swetnam and Contract Specialist Tiffany Matson for their extensive efforts on the draft. Mr. Young asked if the draft policy was available for review as he was particularly interested in small purchases. Ms. Swetnam indicated that the draft policy would be included in the packet materials for the January 28,2019 City Council meeting but that she could circulate a draft to councilmembers after the Finance Committee's latest round of input had been incorporated. Mr. Johnson said the committee was also investigating the extent to which similarly sized cities support human services and would be seeking additional data from MRSC in that regard. Planning Committee: Mr. McDougall reported from the committee meeting earlier in the evening. He advised that Senior Planner Libby Grage had updated those present on the status of the third draft of the development regulation updates,reporting that the public hearing begun at the Planning Commission had been extended to January 23,2019 to accommodate all interested parties. After final edits a draft of the regulations was anticipated to come before City Council in February. Mr. McDougall reported that the committee also discussed wireless telecommunications facilities,noting that outside counsel at Foster Pepper was updating the Anacortes ordinance and that the Planning Commission would hold an advertised public hearing on those regulations on January 16. He added that the city would also be working with GeoEngineers to update the city's Critical Areas ordinance and that a Shoreline Master Program update was coming up as well. Public Comment No one present wished to address the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. Anacortes City Council Minutes January 14,2019 1 Consent Agenda Mr. Johnson moved, seconded by Ms. Lovelett,to approve the following Consent Agenda items. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. a. Minutes of January 7, 2019 b.Approval of Claims in the amount of: $366,244.61 The following vouchers/checks were approved for payment: EFT numbers: 91842 through 91872,total$259,316.19 Check numbers: 91873 through 91907,total$246,954.65 Wire transfer numbers: 243239 through 243471,total $6,763.85 Mr. Young thanked staff for purchasing locally when it was cost effective to do so. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing: Ordinance 3031 Updating AMC Titles 16, 17 and 19 for Low Impact Development City Attorney Darcy Swetnam recapped Ordinance 3031 adopted by City Council on November 19,2018 to reinforce low impact development. Her slide presentation was added to the packet materials for the meeting. Ms. Swetnam reminded that RCW 36.70A.390 requires a public hearing within 60 days of adoption of an interim zoning ordinance. At approximately 6:20 p.m. Mayor Gere opened the advertised public hearing.No one present wished to speak. The mayor left the hearing open until the next regular City Council meeting on January 22,2019 to allow more opportunity for public comment. Ms. Lovelett suggested reordering the remaining agenda items to consider the legislative priorities prior to the training,in deference to audience members who might wish to comment. Ms. Schuh advised that the proposed order was intended to allow the guest speaker to travel back to King County at a reasonable hour. Mayor Gere inquired if anyone in the audience was in attendance in order to comment on the legislative priorities.No one present indicated in the affirmative. Mayor Gere advised that the agenda order would stand as presented. OTHER BUSINESS WA Cities Insurance Authority 1-Hour Elected Official Training Regarding Liability Exposures and Recommended Risk Controls Administrative Services Director Emily Schuh introduced Ann Bennett,Executive Director of Washington Cities Insurance Authority(WCIA). Ms. Bennett facilitated a training session on managing the city's risk. Her slide presentation was included in the packet materials for the meeting.No Council action on this item was taken during or following the training session. Resolution 2029: City of Anacortes Legislative Priorities Ms. Schuh presented revised priorities based on councilmember input at the January 7,2019 City Council meeting. Ms. Lovelett distributed draft language for three potential additional priorities; her suggestions were added to the packet materials for the meeting. Mr. Miller supported the priorities as presented by Ms. Schuh in the packet distributed prior to the meeting,but he discouraged references to specific legislation,noting that he could not support documents he had not read. Mr. Johnson noted that SHB 2367,referenced in the draft priorities,had already been adopted. Mr.Miller reiterated that he could not support documents he had not read. Mr. McDougall supported adding a distinct priority incorporating Ms. Lovelett's first and third proposed priorities and specifically tying them to protecting the Salish Sea. Ms. Lovelett suggested removing references Anacortes City Council Minutes January 14, 2019 2 to specific bills from the legislative priorities and instead adopting resolutions in support of specific legislation if and when appropriate. Mr. Miller concurred and other councilmembers nodded in agreement. Ms. Schuh requested clarification that councilmembers wished to add a bullet incorporating Ms. Lovelett's first and third proposed priorities,referencing the Salish Sea,and also a bullet incorporating Ms. Lovelett's second proposed priority regarding renewable energy,removing references to specific bills. Councilmembers nodded in agreement. Ms. Schuh said she would bring the revised version back to Council on the Consent Agenda at the next meeting. Mayor Gere invited Ms. Schuh to report on the visit the prior Friday from the governor's office regarding one of the top Anacortes priorities,municipal broadband.Ms. Schuh said that the mayor,Mr. McDougall,Public Works Director Fred Buckenmeyer and herself had received staff from the governor's office and the Department of Commerce who were very enthusiastic about the fiber project, calling Anacortes ahead of the game in Washington State. She said the visitors suggested funding ideas and asked Anacortes to review and possibly speak on behalf of the broadband bill that would be introduced in the legislature. Mayor Gere invited members of the audience to comment on this agenda item. Wim Houppermans referenced proposals at the state level to limit high capacity magazines for assault guns and pistols and said some cities impose similar constraints on a municipal level. Mr. Houppermans wondered if Anacortes could have some policies regarding gun control. Mayor Gere confirmed that staff would bring the revised legislative priorities back to Council for further consideration at its next regular meeting. There being no further business,at approximately 7:30 p.m. the Anacortes City Council meeting of January 14,2019 was adjourned. Anacortes City Council Minutes January 14, 2019 3