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Permit File 2007 10th Street (2)
O City of Anacortes Invoice/Permit#: BLD-2018-0731 ` 904 6th Street Applied date: 11/30/2018 P.O.Box 547 10; Anacortes, WA 98221-0547 Issue date: 11/30/2018 11 Expire date: 05/28/2020 , (360) 293-1901 Job Address: 2007 10TH ST Permit Type: Single Family Alteration/Repair Permit ANACORTES WA 98221-1421 Project: APN: P56127 Remarks: 13X20X12 tent structure. Owner: LEAH HONEYCUT Contractor: OWNER Address: 2007 10TH ST Address: ANACORTES WA 98221-1421 Phone: Phone: License#:. General Information: Fees: Building Valuation 520 Building Permit Fee 26.55 Carport 260 Plan Review Fee 17.26 State Building Code Fee Resi 6.50 Total Calculated: 50.31 Deposits/Receipts: 0.00 Total Due: 50.31 : -i 'i m r fT n r, ,—t— r•+ ,-.. t I If, Q} CI rn t— r• y t r—' µ rye Si ri- 0) 0 ^: If . _.� ; rl r" THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 D4S, Oft IT• CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM NCE(Ii ct HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISI;bt`{S OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN ORiNOT,t7Hk GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER~ TAT * LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. a. °' r NATURE OF OWNER OR RIZEDA T ISSUED BY "~I ' T �~ • ,y. PLANNING, COMMUNITY, &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APP T 7 sr Mailing Address:P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, free* ' �� ' Office Location: 904 6th Street, Anacortes W e • 821 Phone: (360) 293-1901 NOV 2.8 2818 pp���cORTES PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST BELOW FOR SU �RE- UIREMENTS PROJECT ADDRESS(Street,Suite#): PARCEL(S)#• -7 1 C� h s* p I a n Subdivision/Lot#: PROJECT VALUATION: $ APP ICANT: P one: ()AA o) OP/6--f Bch Address(Street,City,State,Zip)• Email Address: Zcx�7 i C� s� ,114ccx- t ei'zz \ l ee%-Yk‘cr,}n lc s(r2 €€,c mc\c •cam PROPERTY OWNER: , Phone: p ) Lekei L�tpck(0LG-sYcts��(oCYS /Ofas7, Address(Street,City,State, p): Email Address: CONTACT PERSON: Phone: C—V\ Address(Street,City,State,Zip): 1 Email Address: LENDING AGENCY: Phone: Address(Street,City,State,Zip): Email Address: CONTRACTOR:* Phone: o kg- Address(Street,City,State,Zip): Email Address: *All Contractors&Subcontractors must have a valid City of Professional License#: Exp.Date: Anacortes business license prior to doing work in the City. Contact Business License#: Exp.Date: the City's Finance Department at(360)299-1968. PROPOSED WORK: PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE: Basement SQ': ❑ Finished Basement: ❑ Unfinished Basement 1'Floor SQ': Garage/Carport SQ': 2nd Floor SQ': Deck/Covered Porch/Patio SQ': Fire Sprinkler: ❑ Yes 0 No Lot Area SQ': I declare under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided on this foi n/application is true, correct,and complete,and that I am the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Anacortes. Print Name: OwnerMgent 0 (specify): Signature: Date: \\ 4 Page 1 of 5 0 PLANNING, COMMUNITY, &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST 17. W,_ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 Office Location: 904 6th Street, Anacortes WA 98821 Phone: (360) 293-1901 Plans shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location,nature, and extent of the work proposed, and conform to the provisions of the adopted International Codes and City Ordinances. PERMIT TYPE: t � • 0 = C CD CD SUBMITTAL REQUIREEMENTS: �? o :o• - r PI) The number indicates the number of 2 - clip copies for submittal (if applicable). ' �. 0 2 0 ® A ,� C �, n Residential Building Permit Application 1 1 1 1 1 Site Plan(Drawn to Scale & Surveyed—if 2 2 0 2 2 applicable) Building Plans (Drawn to Scale) 2 2 2 2 2 Reduced Site Plan(11"X 17") 2 2 0 1 1 Reduced Floor Plan (11"X 17") 2 2 2 2 1 Structural Calculations (if applicable) 2. 2 . 2 2 2 PO Energy Code Compliance(shown on plans) in PC [Fc 1 Temporary Erosion& Sediment Control 2 2 2 Narrative(13 Elements of SWPPP) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control 2 2 7 Site Plan Drainage Plan (How the site meets DOE's 2 2 2 Stormwater Manual) Landscape Plan 2 - 2 2 Grading Plan/Cut/Fill 2 2 2 Critical Areas Report(if applicable) 1 1 1 1 Geotechnical Report(if applicable) 1 1 1 1 ro' ki Plan Review Deposit(due upon submittal) F< Fr M ro F2 rc"Fo" Page 3 of 5 STAFF DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS: Please note,that the subject building permit application will be reviewed by staff for completeness. All of the items above as listed in the"Residential Building Permit Checklist"need to be submitted at time of application submittal unless deemed unnecessary by staff. If staff deems the application incomplete,the applicant will be notified by mail and/or email as to what items and/or revisions are still needed. Additionally, if the application is deemed incomplete, the applicant will have 90-days to submit the requested information per AMC 19.20.130(B)(2)(b). If the requested items and/or revisions are not provided by the deadline [90-days],the application may be rejected by staff and returned to the applicant along with any unspent application fees per AMC 19.20.130(C)(3)(b). FOR STAFF USE ONLY—COMPLETENESS DETERMINATION: IS THE APPLICATION COMPLETE?+? (CIRCLE ONE) COMPLETE INCOMPLETE If deemed incomplete,what is the d:,te it was deemed incomplete? If deemed incomplete,was it deemed as such at the counter, by letter, or email (Circle One)? If by letter or email,when was it mailed by USPS or emailed? If deemed incomplete at the counter,when was this checklist with items circled given to the applicant? If deemed incomplete,what is the 90-day deadline for resubmittal of requested items and/or revisions? If deemed incomplete,who deemed it as such? (Please include the letter/email in the file detailing what additional items or revisions are still needed). If the application is deemed complete,what is the date it was deemed complete & who deemed it as such? Page 5 of 5 Details for Parcel: P56127 s r ' Jurisdiction: ANACORTES 1 1 �; ! Zoning Designation: Please contact the city of ANACORTES for ANACORTES zonin i alrm _ + , ,2 ;ma ` Recorded Documents Documents scanned and recorded by the Auditor's office l'" t ,.r Excise Affidavits Document scans of excise affidavits "(It _�J4db�� � . .. . Parcel Number XrefID Quarter Section Township Range P56127 3772-177-004-0002 SE 13 35 01 Owner information Site Address(es) Map Links SMALE NICHOLAS L 2007 10TH STREET Open in iMap HONEYCUTT LEAH A Anacortes, WA (Jurisdiction, State) Assessor's Parcel Map: 2007 10TH STREET Zip Code Lookup J Site Address Information PDF I DWF ANACORTES, WA 98221 Current Legal Description Abbreviation Definitions LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 177, MAP OF THE CITY OF ANACORTES, SKAGIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGES 4 THROUGH 7, RECORDS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 2018 Values for 2019 Taxes" Sale Information 2019 Property Tax Summary Building Market Value $157,200.00 Deed Type WARRANTY DEED 2019 Taxes will be available after 2/15/2019 Land Market Value +$205,000.00 Sale Date 2018-03-13 Total Market Value $362,200.00 Sale Price $255,000.00 Use the Taxes link above for 2018 taxes Assessed Value $362,200.00 Taxable Value $362,200.00 * Effective date of value is January 1 of the assessment year(2018) Legal Description at time of Assessment *Land Use (111) HOUSEHOLD, SFR, INSIDE CITY WAC 458-53-030 Neighborhood (21ANORTH)ANACORTES NORTH CHANNEL VIEW RESIDENTIAL -- Levy Code --- 10900 ---- --- Fire District ----School District SD103 Exemptions Utilities *SEW, PWR, WTR-P Acres 0.14 Improvement 1 Attributes Summary Building Style 1 STRY FIN BSMT Year Built 1958 Foundation Above Grade Living Area 1,125 Square Feet Exterior Walls SIDING Finished Basement 1125 Square Feet Roof Covering COMP *Total Living Area 2,250 Square Feet Heat/Air Conditioning FORCED AIR Unfinished Basement Fireplace 1 DOUBLE 2 STORY *Total Garage Area 462 Square Feet Bedrooms 16 Bathrooms 2 FULL BATHS For additional information on individual segments see Improvements tab * Land Use codes are for assessment administration purposes and do not represent jurisdictional zoning. Please contact the appropriate planning department in your jurisdiction for land use questions. *Total living area includes above grade living area and finished basement area. * Garage square footage includes all garage areas; basement garages, attached garages, detached garages, etc. Assessment data for improvements is based on exterior inspections_ Please contact the Assessor's office if the information does not accurately reflect the interior characteristics. d IY OF ANACORTES PLANNING & BUILDING DEPT° APPROVED PLANS P :IT i#: 1 LO0.1 �-��1�" C al SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION. APPROVED PLANS SHALL NOT BE ALTERED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. im• r---,1 r•„ r..... 1 0 I ti (.,__ 1. il ,V.,f .;.:-•=..; Ot' " A) ?(Ill 1 ' , t ,.,.. E, ,: 1_ L. • CFI.'" OF ANAC.:(1)RTF:: ......,____ .... ---•___ .. ..___. ___ _.___, _ , _ • ., t•. r* ,II. :. 4;1', ,rn4: 4 . . 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While great care was taken in this process, maps from different sources rarely agree as to the precise location of geographic features.Map discrepancies can .. .. Pre Tax Account Property be as great as 300 feet. Copyright 2016 f '3, .,..`..,St,. i,.!..•.,.. _.hitior..\ American Earth Anchors LOAD CAPACITY - ----,f10,- ----- The hest screw you will have in tile dirt TM ,„,•,s-.!",'" --•• ' •,,..- " - • Penetrators 1:.,,, [;,'Atiitiotowit0.040*t**, .,0,.v*.... : . . - :-.:#4.r., ,.. ,!.• -, - ,, • v.,,,,.,..,t,..:-. -.„: „.:•,:•,,..„..,.,•:::„.....,...,;..).„,.....„.... .....,•. . •, , . .. . ..,, ,.:‘ ,......„:„.1.2,„. . ..,. . . . . . .. . 1 I • . . ,.:PENETRATORS® L . . I 0 . . 1. „. 1 .I , .., . .6 . .... , LOAD .CAPACITY . , • . ... ....... -:, 1.-. ! : -..T'.1'n.'d:i-7, .. , 1 4 ftr>141T.,Ig.,. . ... ...4,,.1, . . • - ' /1 ,N.„,„, - f. '•.,".44-444 ':':'''':1'J'•FVF '....,,. •••• .11,i, '. • • . =11 ' . . :r. 1::.•:1 . : :. ..., 1 • •. . 3 . - • - • " ''•'' .'. • •'. '. 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Through asphalt Through metal plate Drill PILOT HOLE Recommended plate thickness through asphalt and hole diameter for clear I " (2.5 cm) diameter passage of PE26's screw: --• • 1/4" late 11/2" hole 4 i ... .... • , , E.Er.lt.i..17.;:tifilieN;;.X 44-- ------:,-, _ , ,. :.., (39 rtInn) , _ .,., i Asphalt . — 1/2El plate • ' ,• J '•;. . ...,,,, • - - • .: - --. 15/8' tIole ! - i --Mi4; ' 441Z- r.,,,clifti- :,,,fiet., •-• P3r.mtn1 , ;:` '''' - ...---- NI .. , '..,z4-°,,,#.",,V,` , =t-,-1,•:-!. ,:,,44 ' • • .- '.- -, ' (42 mrn) 1 rifigi4a. ,, •••,, ; ",‘,fi.V:;,,,ztr-,.. 3/4" i late _••• ....._. • • soil ,...X"::,):„.;•4;t7,1;;41*•.j i. .,:qt..,7-;,, -8 .-4;;;-. 3.5/.... hole ',,..,-,-Y:t,:,',,,,!`-..',.•.• ' '''''''''''.,',4+.''''''';''''' ':°' •i',,--- -,4*"',1.::`,.,,,,,e1,9,,,44....,)': ..a 6,, , ‘ , „..,`,7,-.- kii#.**101•.44,1/;.,RI.,.. 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' - - -',--..--„,. . 1•:-.t.-7:z. . • :7: . 4/ v• , / . , v, ....• , 4x4 lumber , '''---) ..- •.-s,.. -,---• , .....:"'. J.,.... , PE-TC ‘..... -.i ''2'"--..??"1 ';':--,.- .• .7...x..:1 '',, ,-i.„ear• ;`... 14:1.0-4 .:::... . ._ . -. . ...,,.. .,.. . ', • 2x4 lumber •-,, . ..' ,' •'5 --- •- Can be doubled over to Sleeves , -. '..:•!: ;:--..- " make large loop around and plates .-', 2" pipe • structural member , Brackets . _., .... 11 - ,..... rn• A erUcan Earth Anchors - ' 866-520-8511 ... ._ , Contact us for CUSTOM WORK 1-, unfo@annericalea.corn Size, length, shape, material, .:, •,,it.vt'-- americaneartliancliors.corn prototypes, cable assemblies k:p.i +1 508-520-8511 ;•: 4.