HomeMy WebLinkAboutAA-338092 i SKAG IT PUBLISHING 1215 Anderson Road • Mount Vernon • WA • 98274 •t: 360.424.3251 •f: 360.424.5300 Michael Distelhorst, Publisher Affidavit of Publication in the matter of AA-338092 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and For Skagit County STATE OF WASHING TON County of Skagit ss The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes that he/she is principal clerk of the Anacortes American, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court of Skagit County and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Skagit County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed at an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the annexed is a true copy of an advertisement, with publication dates, as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplemental form) of said newspaper commencing with the issue of March 1, 2023, and ending with the issue of March 1, 2023. That such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period and the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing is the sum of$40.60. Clerk Subscribed and sw rn to before a this 1 st Day of March, 2023 Notary Public and for the State of Washington Date: March 1, 2023 Clerk's filing stamp 1 - - - - - - - - BR7TANY GONZALES Notary Public State of Washington Commission#2201 1993 My Comm, Expires Mar 12, 2026 WLAI>Ta11 V..\1:I111 TT 1.1U'�:? c0.1N.dC0kTES.CQ11 .AmcoPTrs.Aslrxicx,;/Yom F1D.47Lo A13 nr LeeMa r .. i fra•ra,the claim Is foray- Aoeral rsv air street treat you.If you wish to request was recorded t1Ma No. termination,you must do er barred,except as oin- A^ruco ,WA that a could make this de- 201603010007 on March so by filing and serving a er:alse it mided in RCW Phoaw: 206.390.960il (f) The fortehum of the termkmtion,you meat do 1,2016,rods of Skegh summons d complaint 11,40.051 and 11.40.060. Eme6: ggsmtn48rfgmail. E•,mraCt will re,ult in the sD by filing and servyrg a Cawlty,Washington. before a de.den o1 This bar is`,11 lve ss to coin Ioliowirg: summons and complaint (cl Legal Oemriptbn of fodeiture re recorded. 11 cleans against both the WHO CAN ATTEND A 1,A4 nggfit,title and inter- before a declaration of prtoperty: you make such a request i].x adanfs pooeta and net In rile properly d Ina lorfeitule le recorded. If LATS 15 AND 16.BLOCK the court wig require you nonorauate assets. NEIGHBORHOOD MEET purchaser artd of all per- you make such a requast 18,AMENDED PLAT OF to deposit the antiopatad INGT sons Uana through the the court will require you BURLINGTON, SKAGIT sales costs with the clerk Ca!a of Fint PUNiratbn: NeighhoaTwaxl maenng ppp;haser given Chia rattw to depoan dro amicipated COUNTY,WASHINGTON. of lea court No arbiaa- February 15.2023 notices art pas, on the .hell be temaiosno: miss costa with the Clark AS PER PLAT RECORDED lion or judlclel action'ra P.-mill Repreeentadv.: pmiad site,published in p.Ne purchaser's rights of the tout, IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, pending on a claim mad. A"".W.L.Run the Anacones American undo,Na G hbl eha4 PAGE 17,RECORDS OF by the setter agamet the Atromey Ir,he per_wn- Navrspal0.r,end mailetl to be canceled; (k)No other notice of all ,SKAGR COUNTY,WASH- purchaser on any oblige- al Represartatn•e: Justin neigahllo-ing is'downers 3.ail sums previously Paid tuft lMll be cent W any NOTION Ilon eecurad by the con- Rofnboeck !e:red wlNin 3W-lest of untler the Contract shall parson.The next no tke g DeScriptlon of each de treat Adoreas fr Melling or Ser- me subja;t property Duly- beang to antl be fMairletl Nat you w11 naalva alit rabid under ,the Contract on �:!Or18 Stn Sheet Ano- one however 5 welronte by the seller r other par- Complete the forf•itura. which the tr`C 19 based: (k)No other nonce Of de- corae,Washington S8221 to attend a naighboraotl sons to when paid and 1.Failure to pay the tol- fault wilt lea aem fo y rn.e!inp hether a neigh- entitled thereto: (A Additional information: iow•mg past due rt.ma,the reason.The next nofke The Law Office of Justin bon of the rojml r not. 4.NI improvements made No action Is p.nd71 rg to amounts and an t-..- that you w61 receive w11 RpNbCack AttPm. for to and unharvested cops se9k aetlafacdOn of iha Lon for wnioh are given in aomPlme the forrograe, Patilinner 1D178 5N !raet CAN 1 SUBMIT COM- on the Paopaty shad be- amounts claimed herein. g)and(h)below: A actress WaSr ngion MENTS7 Irg to the seller,and 2.Other defaults:Faiium (I)Additional informal 9822-. Following a heighbornood S.pre purchaser and a4 EARLIER NOTICE SU- to insure and provide proof NONE ❑aired this 7th M Fel-y ieshng, if an applicant persona claiming through PERSEDED: This Notice thereof ^n23 Ixocceds with the sub- the purchaser given this of Intent to Fortes super- (e)Failure to can the de. EARLIER NOTICE SU- St lustm Rothbotaok: mittal of a IaM ua9 p.rm4 n.6_ snail lea regfred aeries arty notice cl Intent fault on pr before rpm 21, PERSEDED: Tl Notloe •f;,cSA a47456 ePolioatgn,�WIC MtigO to surrender possession to Forted revlously given 2023 will result in the for- of Intent to Foil aupar- will be provided consistent cloth parapar .Improve- under this Contract and feature of the Can act. cad..any notice of Intent Published wth AMC requirements manta tl harvested which deals wth the same (t)The foatelWre of the to Fat prevlaiaty given Fenibez 15,,2 2023 and a pudic treading will crops to the solar on April defaufis. Contract will result in the under IN DOmmct and Merck d 2023 be held.Cpntnn,a shoultl 23,2023. fblipwing: filch cents with the same qA_ 2g15 be submitted during this DATED this 17th day of i.All npM,title and Inter- defsuks. phase of the project so () The following is a January.2023. est All propMy of the that They will be a pat of statement pf payment. puhol and or a4 per, DATED this 17th day of t t, the project record. of money In default(or. STATE OF WASHINGTON son$claiming through the January,2023 where intlkated an es0- COUNTY of 5Kagfi purchaser given this ratite p" Published mete thereofl aced.for enY shalt be terminated: David L Day March 1 2023 dell rI in�vmg bra O..U;is 17 da f Jawar., 2.The p:,.Utaaad AA-339585 failure to pay money.the 2023 before yme, . No- Ixder the COMIaM shell STATE OF WASHINGTON actions)required to cure tary Public in and for the be canceled; COUNTY OF SKAGIT Filed for Record the detaWt: Slate of Washington,duly 3.AA"- previously Paid Th.following ia..ummary at Request Of: Comm Toned and awom, under Ile Contract shall On this 17N tlay of Jan- of an Oroinahoo passed by 1.Monetary peamnally appeared D-to belong to and be retained uary.2023.before me.e me Anaartes Cary Cowxll Cellnquuncies: L Day to me known to be by Ne seller air other per- Notary•Public in and fa pre February 21,202'u•. Attprl0•X'ftt w Item Amount the indivdualls)described sons to whom paid end Vte State o1 Washington .L327_S.r$gO0f1d.5tt0at Mathly payments in end who exocuted the a bled thereto; duN Coanmlasianed and ORDINANCE NO.404Y Mount Vernon WA 98273 f$Z8 jil 2022 to within and foragoirag in- 4.All improvements made sworn, perearial>• ap- January2 2388630.W strummt. and ackrawl- to and unh.rvestsd crops Reared David L.Day to AN ORDINANCE DOCt1MENTTITLE: edged that he signed the tin f.property shah be. me known to be the Indh ADOPTING NEW NOTICE OF INTENT Insurance paid by seller same as his Imo and vot- to�tg to the seller;and viduela(s)deecnbad in and CHAPTER 2J36 TO FORFEIT $ 791.00 unary act and dead for the 5.The purchaser d II who scuttld the within REGARDING COMPOST Late Pey��.+rt Pdla;ty sus and purposes therein persons clalmirg through antl foregoing Instrunant, PROCUREMENT REFERENCENUMBER $431.D mentbnetl. the pu,chaoor given thw erC acknowletlgetl Nat OF RELATED DOCU- $ notice shall be required he signed the same as his A p of the compete MENT:201a11200075 TOTAL$0552.90 GIVEN under my'hand end to surrender possession free end voluntary act and teat of each ordinance is official seal this 17N day of the property,improve- dead for the bass and pun posted at the Ar odes GRANTORNENDOR: 2. An1on(s) requireo to ofJanu ny 2023. mends and unh.rvacted Russia,[harem mentioned. Cmj Nall,Anecortas Mu- Romeo Ubungen cure any non-nanetery raps to the seller on April mcpal"Ki BN Street default: Judy Zavala 21,2023. GIVEN antler my hard and and O Avon,. Upon re- GRANTEENENDEE: Pay taxes eumand and NOTARY PUBLIC nor 191 The following a a official seal Nis 17 day of guest to the Ci, GiertCs Brand Martinez show proof Of same.Show Waahirgl0n. statement of pva -ts January,2023. Office '380.233.19CO) Proof of insurance from R-16 at Burlington of moray in default(cr. copes will be mailed. ABBREVIATED January 1,2023 onward. My Commission f�pves: where indicated,an sell. Judy Z-.I. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1-Q::M-2�S$ ate thereop old for any NOTARY PUBIC for Steven 0.Hoglund Lots 5,B.end 7 81oac 118 In)The fod-N i...we- oefaufis rent irwobing the Washington. City Clerk Anandad Plat of ant of other payments, Published failure to pay money,the My Co Expires: Bursgton charges, fees d is February 22,2023 -fill required to cum 10-01-2f125 Pubtlshed for where indicated. an March 1.2023 the default: Passing tea Burlington March 1,2W3 .ASSESSOR'S TAX rotate thereon to cure AA-333442 AA-330092 PARCEL NUMBERS): the default: 1.Monetary Published P72036\Reno 4076-11S- Filed for Record Delinquencies: February 22.2023 C07-0004 Item Amount at Request of: hem Amount March 1,WZ3 1.Cost of Title Report 1.Cost of Title Repot AA-333464 NOTICE OF $735.4 David L Do. $629.88 INTENT 7iD FORFEIT 2.sir-n'asim,m 6LtIX 2.ServicdPosting of PURSUANT TO THE Nbtiw of Infant Io Forfet 1023 SThirU gtneat Nitrate of Intent to Forfat 'ry REVISED CODE OF (estimatatl)$150.00 MQVLltygntgn.yy9$ 7,'{ (sebmaled)S 125.00 { WASHINGTON 3.CopyinglPosyoe 3.Copy'm1g�Postega ter CHAPTER 61.30. (Estimatetll$30.00 DOCUMENT TITLE: (asernatal)$30.00 4.Atlomayy9 Tea$1500.00 NOTICE OF INTENT 4.Attorney'.Fee$1 Sol NOTICE OF TO: S. Log Distance Phone TO FORFEIT 5.rate Charges$300.00 NEIGHBORHOOD Biondi Martinez Charges$N.A. 6.Reaming fees$207 50 MEETING ID17H Ave. 6. Lals Charges$ See REFERENCE NUMBER OF T.Publication Iesitinatetll azel 8.0el ton,WA 91 above RELATED DOCUMENT,. $75MOO A pre application neigh- 7_ Recording Fees Totsl$3242.38 bgrno0d meeting has Clean HomeOpt ores Inc $412.00 GRANTORS: xt atluee to Intnduco the 226 2n St Godard 8.$ Dianne L.Dalb.y The total amount eces- ppotenhalproject described CA W07 Total S 2827.22 sary t0 cure the default to bet0u'.The 0urpose Of t!a GRANTEES: the sum of the amounts •- meeting is to i lfotm neugh- CIN of Burlington The total amount maces- Romeo N.Ubungen ((gg�X(1) and (hi which # - borea the ntl interested p.1 833 S.Spruce$1 sorry to cure the default is is S21 f32.21, plus the .' at ut a stagel and to Rusin n,WA 98233 the sal I f Me amounts ABBREVIATED LEGAL araolmt of any Payments i(gg 1 (h},which DESCRIPTION: Lots 15 and lab thefaea whaah i f.sta-wmmunbetion be- You ere hareb)• notifletl is $12679.72, Dlus Ne 8 18 Blodt 18 Amended fall Min after 61e dot•of Morin the.ppiaam and that the Reel Estate Con- amount of any payments plat d Btriygton in Vol 3 this Notice of Intent to the pubic ragartlin9 1w- trod desrrlbed Wow Is and late chargges whbh i Plats,retards of Skagn FwReit end on or Prior temlai project Issues and in default, .rd you are fall tlue.her the data of County to tine date the default 4 e ntlai wcies for 5olunOnd provided Ne following this Notice of Indent to cured.You must sun the inforrt:atan with ,carrel Forfeit and on of pion ASSESSOR'S TAX PAR- dataW!prir ro April 21, PROJECT OESCeIP- thereto: m the date'.he deteuft CEL NUMBER(-- F 2023.Mories ratu:ac to TION: � +ld.You must cure 71408,X nl ld 4076-01e- tore the defaun ay be The rcpa:h•owrrers end la)The name,add-and the rlefeult prior to April 016-0005 terdend to David L Day residents of 1303 Stl-, telephone number of the 23,2023.Monies requu'ad at the following adtlross. Street are looking to tip- se!br and,K any Ne.all• to sure Ne tletatill may be NOTICE OF INTENT TO ply fora Condmonai Use ors agent and attorney tendered to David L.Day FORFEIT PURSUANT TO 1023 S.3rd St Permit to.reran a one 11) giving the notice: m the I.1 ng add-: THE REVISED CODE OF Mount Vernon,WA 98273 bedroom Bed and Break- WASHINGTON fast from their home.The Rcmeo UbungBn 1023 S.3rd St. CHAPTER 61.30. (7 You have dgM to APPIIOante are pnapoynq P O Box 1942 Mount Vary-WA 98273 contest the a 1 xiburs, to offer o-nIQ accom- Mrmt Vernon,WA 98273 TO. r sleek an extension of mbdelirla for 1-2 peo- 0)You have.right to con- Diane Dalbey time to cure the default, ppiIe et a time focusingam Devid L. Day, Attomey test the forfai4uhe or seek 125 Stale St. Or both.If you wtsh to hospitality,weln•ss,and Agent ire 5. 3rd St a^a iterelon d hme to Bad.Woolley,WA 98284 exercise this qht you etivmluaa. The owners Mount Vernon.WA 96273 Cara the default,or hoN. must rile ands serve a w41 ,amain residing on If you wish to exordye Nis Brand Marenez summons and conplis remises and "1 Open- 10) :earn ptlon of the Can- hgM,you mu91 file arum- 1G17 Hazel A- on n the seller or seller's ate the bad end lneakfasf tract: Real Estate Con- mare and eompekt on Burlington.WA 98233 .gent r attorney beron per.Anau es Municipal tact cared November 20, the ease,air seller's.gem a declaration of forfei- Cotle IAMC) etanovtls 018,nnucutad b9 Rrneo r attomey heree a dim- Citttyy Of Burdngta tun in recorded which can be found online Ubunggan. as seller, and unatbn of frfelnae es ra- Ms.Spruce Bt- at 50 0iyiple; El_rd Martinez,as par- ceded: ah dinglon,WA 98233 NO EXTENSION OF THE ade./AM✓C 1S.aa�05Gf61. chaser,which Contracl or TIME FOR CURE CAN This had uas applioalan a main dam thereof NO EXTENSION OF THE you ere hereby notified BE GRANTED FOR DE- rocess mqulres a pre-tip- was-road under No, TIME FOR CURE CAN that the R.al Estate Con- FAULTS THAT ARE A aliratio^ neightarhood 20181200075 on Novam- BE GRAMED FOR DE- becl described below is FAILURE TO PAY MON- meeting to be held prior to leer 20,2018,re-de of FAUL78 THAT ARE A In default, and you an EY.Arowever,you may tea appl-tion submittal. To Skagit Count'.Washing- FAILURE TO PAY MyyON- pravklad the IWlowing be in defau"it you nave learn mom about this Pm- ton. lea inotla al ult �h Information with respect i�oleim againstrebase,adi5 trial consider trending l You thereto. would the virtual pre-.ppkcation ic) Legal description of a cream against the seller charge,or excuse the do. m ighbrho v!meting. Propa - that would rekrase, dia. tit The name,stldrese and fault. LOTS 5,8 AND 7,BLOCK charge,or excuse N.da• felephene number of the PROJECT LOCATION: 118,AMENDED PLAT OF fault. annex and,if am the sell- 01 You nave a right to ni t303 5b1 Street. All BURLINGTON, AS PER er•s agent or attorney glv- quest a court ro tletermine 10 Cates,WA 9L4_f PLAT RECORDED IN VOL- IU You have a hgM to re- ing the notice: w'hathe,a public sale of w LIME 3 OF PLATS,PAGE quest a court to tleteamine the popery should be a, MEETING DATE 8 TIME: 17-REOORDS OF SKAGIT whether a public sale of Rnmea Upu en Seer dared A public sale may Tueaoay, [damn tat' C COUNTY,WASHINGTON, the property should be or- P O Box 194 be ordered t the court 6. d.rao.A public sale they Mount Vernon.WA 98273 find that the fair market (dj Deacripbon of each de- lea orderetl rt the court vale.o1 the property sub 01 - HOW TO JOIN THE fault underthe Contract on finds Nat tlo fair market Davy L pay starlually exceeds the sum MEETING: Via -put- which the nonce is based: value of the PmRarfY sub- Aftomey Mr Seller f the debt owed under et or imenphara: a- 7.Failure to pay the folk sfamiely exceeds the sum 1023 S.3rd Sr. the amraat ad all It- g6lLVawa.gPY11499LPyl:_- owing past tlue Items.the OI the Cebt owatl under Mount Vernon,WA 98273 on the PropatY that have tic-Mgelittya - is and an rtemim- the contract ad ail liens 3rA_755 11 party over the S.t.,$ Via phon (o video): i lion for which are given in on Iha p%trim have interest. Th. ii- a, If (321, 416.3157 Ph- t91 and(h)below- P ady the seller's (b)Dasripnen of Na Con- any,of the highest led at CAr1-ce ID: 947 486 2 Other defeuits:Failure Interest ThB excass, it (tact: Reel Estate Con- tlay sale over the amount 736. to pay taxes and Insure any,of the highest bltl at L.cl dated Fed"' 29, owed a your contract the ale aver[tie amount 201fi,exmutad by Romeo alit be applied to the b" PROJECT APPLICANT/ (e)Failure to cure the ale- owed no your antrect Utwngen, tie seller, end .laminated by the sale and PROPERTY OWNER fault on a before AprX •Mill be apoiied to ire liens Dianne L.Oalbey.as Rur- the,balance.ff any,paid to Name:Gregory Smith R 23,2023,will rosult M eflmin.t by th.s.le and chess,whloh Grrtract or You.if you wish to request Denise Hernans-Smith the forfeiture Of the Con- the baalnca,ff any Pant to a memorandum thereof that a court make Nis tlo t