HomeMy WebLinkAboutAA-332365 ZY SKAGIT PUBLISHING 1215 Anderson Road • Mount Vernon • WA • 98274 • t: 360.424.3251 • f: 360.424.5300 Michael Distelhorst, Publisher Affidavit of Publication in the matter of AA-332365 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and For Skagit County STATE OF WASHING TON County of Skagit ss The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes that he/she is principal clerk of the Anacortes American, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court of Skagit County and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Skagit County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed at an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the annexed is a true copy of an advertisement, with publication dates, as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplemental form) of said newspaper commencing with the issue of February 15, 2023, and ending with the issue of February 15, 2023. That such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period and the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing is the sum of$44.66, „� r Clerk Subscribed and s4rn'to-beforg me this 15th Day of February, 2023 Notary Public and for the State of Washington Date: February 15, 2023 Clerk's filing stamp =BRITTANYNZALESbiicirgton201 1993rear 12. -1025 A10 1:o_»an Awuxle..a 1 i x Prl,'„= ,c�a r.r....rrnnl 1AInn�ar.vy.Frnkr-rRr 1 _IIZ3 Parts L"ts Lewis Loemb; LeyNs PUBLISHER'S TOP CASH ON W tP as p'o Jeo u,- WASHINGTON. cal R pmB ustive e: I SPOT d' GW 1 t 4J.070(1 qc), AMENDING THE thisFst fe. Any person 4ci r' or 1 I ro r months after TABLE IN SECTION ha ng a in- n against the NOTICE the date gf the first pub- 10.O6.030(B)TO Decatlem must,before the hcetlon of the notice. If REDUCESPEED time the clam would be n - •.el..cram I T7 the claim is rot present- LIMITS IN CERTAIN baited by any otherwise nx sal.«s.reru,eny ern iris rtr-oa.` ad within this tirra frame, ARE", applicable statute of lim- newsyilx, ss wgect rn the claim Is forever bared. ttations,plastem the claim rMe rtir ifoirMg 4cr,M,ch FPr Your umrantad except as otherwise pro. A copy of lha complete kn the manner ae provid- 1 matean llkgat..dwn(,e vehicles,running or'wt. Notice ri Public 'dad In RCW11.40051 text of eaen°rdMance Is W k1 RCW 11.40.070 by airy prMeicrnce,Mnn,,n Ucenaea'Bundsg. Hearing and 1140.060. This bar Posted at the Arsaeortes servers on Or mailing to « ril'o.*,vtore lured TowingBTrenspor!. Including public meeting Is effective as to claims City Hall,Anacortes Mu- the Personal Represent.- ,. rNm, „u,gNn 3a0.158.3638 data against bMh lha dace- niclpd Building.ten Street five a the Personal Rep- lam'rr.r tt A loyal Mount Verr,pn dent's probate assets and and O Avenue.Upon m- resentetive's attorney at ,Cana.-ny. Publish Date:February 15, non-pmbata assets. quest to the City Clerk's the address stated below suer.a narb�+-tl."n. €,� ,-, 2023 Office (380-293-1900) a copy o1 the claim antl air baron,re mere Purpose of Public Hear- DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- copies will be mailed. filing the original of the anywn vM pelermce. vg:The purpose of the TION:February 1,2023 claim with the Court.The publi ilm.Ltirn cr des-.nminaz!nn c hearing is to receive PERSONAL REPRESEW Steven D.Hoglund Balm must be presented Fain.i.:'. au!us unrtudes antl review comments on TanVE City Clerk within the later of:(1)Thir- cha4ru.,:rrxv m,.9,W -RYa,M.e.r tMmes the City of Anscra.les's Name:Kenny Berlin y days after the Personal 13 Ii•"o with parems or Past porlarnance using Address: 1Op4 Commer- Published Representative served a u an sgnant -- - 524,96a Washington State ciai Avenue,a1082 Febr us 15,2023 mailed vo,.w.scuve• ds pr provie Community DevebPment Anacortes,WA 98221 AA-332365 creditor tse,Provided under Block Grant-CorOned- ATTORNEY FOR ESTATE RCW 1140,020(3:a(2 vruMg.'a dyolchdd- _ 2•-*# us(CDBG-CV funds)for Name:Stephen C.Schutt four nwnths after the date uMer'.^•.This nwspaver the aarVitr6a listed un- AIX torte PO Box 221 s y of rust publication of the as "'i+,ylr xmm der Project Description. Anacortes.WA 3-509 JW. notice If the claim is rwt y adwe,tssrig rw she C°Z-}'s�>i'O, Full aciNttY Information Is pnane;(3801 293-5044 /�` - s r ore of real abate Cu-la. m available on theebsite presented wlaim this bme M h In riclatnnr,d gn ants of ladad belrai ow. DOwmenl3 frame,the claim re(P" mptPrn ^ua ctmipin9 Published ' er barred,except as oth- ht is wr rwekrs an traffimr.camper vans and A edable at:htt�lY WO February 1,8,15,2023 qo arwse provided In R n rM+rMor:ned That ap Pith-Up campers.... a.RrtaSw8.9. /_7.52_<^% AA-32TOB0 11.40.051 and/1.40.060 dwcilripsaArartlsirq mMa CDBG-CV-Washington- This bar Is effeotlye .t ^r'A+cape• a a�a4abk Call Country Stine-Dept-oaCPmmerr NOTICE OF DECISION claims a arriet both lh ao.ec,W opp"ant, MatempaNa: Lead ARah.y:City of Ana- a Decedents probate an onplaiv of 2g19 Cedardale Rd. codes irlanmrsy,Commu- c> File Number.GAP-2022- nonpmbata assets, 1 i rail H.A)n• Mount Vernon.WA nity&Economic Develop- WM Data of First Publication Phone:380428.5640 meet Departmem r Property Owner/ApPa' "- Comae Person Don 'sr h" cant City Of Anacortes Febru 15.2023 -PAL a. P,w Vans and Meer ,amer,Director 'cos Date of Appibatlon:No- Personal PepreaentelN A Sgadpm°t" .__" -9sr:tarlaam-.- _._ Putlic.H�nne&+$".Ana- vember 2l 2022 r„nia15',LsBas - - n ..: tortes City Council_ Data dT�: )aTeriaea: Attorney for the Person Public Hearing Date Mon- NOTICE OF DECISION December 14,2022 a R®presentative: Justl a day. March 6, 2023, at Protect Location: 3802 q.Msam 6:00 PM File Nrenber:CAP-2022- Marine Heights Way Address fa Msilirsq or Ser 0003 vice:1008 5th Stre@t Ana Wo1oct Dasrrlption Property Owacores ll- NOTICE WAS GIVEN cones,Washington W221 CDBG-Comnavirus funds cant'City at Anacortes THAT AN APPLICATION were, provided HUD Date W AOPlloadat:No- WAS MADE FOR THE v by The Lew Office of Jwt: y„ through the Washington vemhw lit,2022 FOLLOWING PROPOS• RPthbeeck Attorney to .#y Oepadmem of Commerce Date of Compbteness: AL: PetBlonar tOpB Stn Slrae 200i Chevrolet with the goal to prepare, December 74,2022 The apptiPaM Is requesting Anacortes, Washingte :coo CtiC Suburban 1500 LT Rrevent. antl reaporM to Project LocaOon: 2790 a Critical Areas Perri[10 98221 for eelei the Coronevirus ahem- 29th St, install an AMI System far Dated this 7th of Febmar Yorkshire puppies 26UK miles,4WD. These funds we targpeett managing the City's water 2023 born November sunmot 3rd row seating, ad to benefit ppnnmanly'w NOTICE WAS GIVEN rosters.The City proposes Justin Rothbpeck 2022 - and tow package. to moderate Income indl- THAT AN APPLICATION the instillation of an 80- SBA p47458 Re owl a etas n1clWo Adulate. WAS MADE FOR THE toot wooden ut,nty pole. 51800 each Pd Two projects am ac- FOLLOWING PROPOS- set to a height of r0 feet Publisher new braces end calipers, complished utilizing the AL; above grnde,on which to Februit 15,22,2O redone tronsmisslPn,m- 1 n' Ready Ion good yore.' CO rmarO funding from The applicant Is requesting affix a D-fwt omni-0eec- March 1,20 placed hiel,nd@cbra antl npmes rw.v One k5al@ Commerce.The tat prof- i Cntical Areas Permit to florist antenna(80 feat M AA-33261 and One Female. fuel pump,.mime r.0, act PmAdred re tat relief install en AMI System flu total height above grader heels.fact accident.grace, , to 3 famnles consistingof man n the Ci a watw and base station data col- d3mege.RUM139reat. as.�J tY Bern mom and dod an 11 Individuals. The ling the Ins. he,on of SO- lean for the AMI System. s1e.Dad IS 4K1 As.inin 551i)Or to ect provided enhance the Installation of an 60- The newt the infrastructure s ragisaned and-031b5 br:3t oRCr. to expand and enhance !cot wooden utility pole, planned al the F=ex- fully grown. the rertwte teaming equip- set to a hegM 70 feet rating Skyline Reserve. Gobbet Ray' non l for the Ammons atNrve grade.on which t0 site and requires trench- �t 4' Mom i_=CKC ragaeerW 360.788.6050 or Sepia-Center to provide car a 10-foot OMNI dire.- vg,conduits,and cablei 'fr:uRs and 5lbs.tuPY grown. 39p-gql-Boca.Email: remote learning and ex- floral a,a-(80 feet of wnducto for power and EermaleP w5iggM of fekrtet;eP...�.Ydhgg.99m emise et-tivhiaa t0 5eniore fatal height abpVe grade) fiber optie service. Puppy is 51bs. _----•-�-- unable to attend in-per- and base station data col- City of Anacurte8 Vat Ch@crud,mils son classes due to Covid Iecto for the AMI System. Data of Final Decision: Notice of Small Work VIt Creaked,shots, LEGALS concerns.This acthriry will The new Infrastructure is Faouary 3.2023 Roster ProlI'ecL Public d--.d and dew cia," Oane8t approximerfely 75 Planned at the CKy's exist- Notice Pf Decision Is- Safety euilding removed. seniors weekty. ing 29th Streat Raise sued:February 15.2023 Generator Inatallatio Laali site and requires ho;=1 Dacraion:Appnsved with please cell or text How to t`Rarnment ing,conduits,end cabld ditrons NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Naomi:8&0.824.18aa. Email comments are Wen duct- and SEPA Determinatlon.Op- EN that the City is solicitLa bed In Burlington, SUPERIOR COURT OF }emetl and must bur Wito fiber Poll..-Ito tional DNS issued on Feb. ing bids through the Sim, WA WAEL-Al- N ggnGcityofan#pextea.prg. ruery 2,2023(SEPA Num- Works Rest' process FOR CHELAN rAUN7Y Pieria include your coin- Date of Final Deelalon'. bar 202300060) Sealed bids will be re - --ti 111\'Y OF),;}'• m marls In u,e body of your February 3,2023 nmd at the office of lh in Re the Estate at: email message rather than Notice of Decision Is• The final decision may be Clerk-Troasuren Murnclp Gina[Pyre.ees Puppies CHARLES W.BEEBE, az ettachmenis auetl:February 15,2023 viewed by ciickirsg"Cur• Building; P.O. Box 547 Deceaeed. Decision:Approved with mat Land Use"T ecls 904 8th SiroeL Art c rhos Pepsi coarmelNs may be onditions arM Notices" and then WA.98221. urMil 1:3 Cause N. mailed or degvered to: SEPA Determination:OP- opening the appropriate local time on February 28 23.4.00025-06 CiIY of Anacortes-Plan- floral DNS issued on Feb- proje t file number fold- 2023.fa me Puhiic S w - ring,Communay&Ew- ruery 2.207,t((SEPA Num- ar at the iollowing Ikrk: Building Generator miter p PROBATE NOTICE TO -.to Denrel°pment De- bey 20230W72) httos,[w_wyg,anacortesn latbn 422-Ogg-ERR-Otx CREDITORS partment QQYJ1.81%_Plapnino-Gom_ Bids received after th RCw 7t 40 090 ATTN:Don Meesamer Tt1a final decision maybe gnrri-Economic-Devil- III and date will not Male 3 tamales. P,O.Box 547/904 6M St. viewed by aickirg"Cury 9�801 conaldwed. 0.rih ci ! aadv 3l7 Pure whlte. The personal Anacortes,WA 98221 rent Land Use Projects, who bid on this proj reprazen- and Notices"and then $3�0 each ar Appeals:Appeals of the must be ,stared on t .•rill crosrdae wades. no" named below has Verbal eornmema may ter opening the appropriate decision for this within 1al City s Small Woks Res � boar appointed as p'' made et the Public Hear- project file number told- must be filed by within 14 tar at mrsarosters.ag 1 Call Pr-for do,an Oral reprersentatve, of i�. The public hearingg 'at the}allow ng fink: days the date the the time the ds are due 53U-91)52W !his estate. Any p'son 1v,1 be held remotely arrd tom.:!/=ww anarortaswa slob was mailed. Please The contract pr des I ing a melnl against u'ce In Person.Meeting access gOW181iR _m- refer to AM0 19.20.030 the removal and disp dacederrt must,Pefore the information can bur fount Inunily:.4i,9ny�rr IS.�e!!61• and AMC 19.20.180 for of an existing ggenera! it no the claim uld be on the City Council agar• g2ata_r0 procedures. Genarac 275 KWV narced by any otherwise de, poslixi WedneSdaY p in51811a1ipn of a City-a REAL ESTATE applicable statute gf him- poor Io the meeting here: Appeals:Appeals of the Project Cotltaot:Nathan 'dad Cummhls DSF{AD FOR SALE ^either,Present 0a@ claim hs : ="teCPrteswa decision for this proposal Goldxhmidt, Associate COmmecial Closer Gen'the" as prowtl- pow/700/Me t' O - must be filed F;In ACW t 1.4g.070 by oyy- by of 14 E vlronmental planner• afor Set;230kW Stand ircemelhveutrnent -ling On or mailing to meMs told-Mdeo days of the date the dscl- 3&1-333-a599, namanoQ 60Hz at the Pubic Sa ProylertY ma personal reprasenta- slob was mailed Please n4o � City Buildingg, 1218 24M St five or fhe personal repre- Published refer to AMC 19.20.030 of Anaeortes Depanmant Anecorles.No h1d depoa sen,�r semadve's attorney at the February 15 2023 and AMC 19.20.180 fa' of Planning, Communiy, i[is required.Bid specifF .7�-�jyy,,yyjj address stated below a '�- 151 appeal procedures. &Economic Davaiopmem, catiore are available ti'ea copy of the claim and fll- P.O.Box 547,Anacortes, of charge at ­a,re, SUPERIOR COURT Pro )act Contact Nathan WA8$221 carteswa.gov/Bids.aspx. j LIssfv(e Propanias •wim the won in rich OF WASHINGTON Goldschmidt. Associate Hobby Farrne the probate proceeCings COUNTY OF SICAOjT 360 3 hmemal Planner. NPOce: kf1;Vy d pn v- Published acm��e lames n fare commenced, The 360-333-8599. 08ffiarP@ ty owners may request a February 15,2023 Jim Spare claim must be a In Re the Estate a: �ityofanawrtes Qrq% ty drnnge In valuation from %U-7C13.5141 ihln the tat'Pf r(7 eT11eCr- a Anacortes Dap iron the coup assessor far AA 333880 Rspane.cpm ry daire after the Personal HAROLD V.BERLIN, of Planning, Community. propel tax /� Y purposes � LJ reprasentahve served 8 EConemlC Development, nofwlthalantlirg any pfo- n 'h .ra:ksi the notice 10 ft, Deceased. PO.Box 547.Anacortes, gram of revalua6Pn. `-- - cr,dnot as Provided und' WA 9&'21 /"<- - RG'N 11.40.020(11(c);pr(2) NO.23-4-00040-29 Published RENTALS Inur months 1'}he date NOTICE TO CREDITORS NINica:Affected proper- February 1bl shed } ci first publication a the ry owners may request a AA-333950 'rt'oRn� nOtiPe-If the olarm is not The Pesonal re:presen- change in yaluation from be°rego/Warebeaaa therm,resented within this time tatbee named below has 8'e county assessor ter IN THE- gUPERIOR frame,the iLnmthen is furev- bee ;;pr7ded az per- prPparty fez Purposes COURT OF THE Notice of Public air barred,ax,ept as Pm- oral representative of noiwdthstandrng any Pro• STATE WASHINGTON Hearing f too sgaaro kwlsrop-j pprovided in RCW 0'is estate. Any parson gram of revalua8on. IN AND FOR THE Irlcluding ng 3ex40.rt4fi uP dPas. 11 a0A51 antl 1140.0&7. having cle'uns against the COUNTY OF SKAGI7 sbrnrtenl Electncal antl cseiar, This bar is effective a9 to decedent must,before the Pub bed Period,public For sW.go ar7 claims a ainst bnih the time the claim would bur FelNuary 15 meeting data aeop a mooch. , decadent s 2024 In the Matter of the ------- andPublish 1]ate of First Pubikauort Rations,Present the claim Keith H.LaRue 20 n the menn'are provid- POsad Nana: Old,. TRANSPORTATION Fab 1.2023. ed m RCW 11.40,070 by ctt y nonce No.4042 Amend- P'sonal R@Prasantativa: serving on or making to Deceased. Ins the Development Dena C.Beeoe the personal rePr"- x No.23.4-00004-29 in�Anacortes M nti free ,soefa a AttOmey'for the Robert S five a the Pe130r1a1 m e- '1` Da y Water Sparta RatuesenWtive:Robin S. sformn a attorney a<�a AMENDED NOTICE TO coda Tide 19.Unified Morsel Eaq.4VSP.,A W.7 address stated below a CREDITORS velopmant Ccide,��, Addra%tOr Melling or OPPY PI the Claim and fit- 59aion 5'vlce: P.O. Box 2128 'N Ne°rigrnal°fthecla,m Thetollowing isa sum Thg Ame^dad 19.42.050, emus Heigh, -_._...._..._ Notice to Incentives In the R4,C arm...... N 357 Chelan,WA g8816 with the court in which of an ONtnarlca passes bepyy Creditors supersedesand CBD Usa Zones; lYAH7Ep bye nSn presented wnerepnd %�np ih�e ad February CO23. dl (,editors filed an°January Dei'mina[ion of Non-Sig- Feb ua /s•Dat ad:January24,2023 claim must be presantad 17,sshed The earlier no- nNicance EONS) al ra_JUH.v whhln the later of.(1)Tarr ORDINANCE NO.403q face`ems kaadvanwill not vlew of Ordinance 4042 t206i 930.531t Published lY days enter the pars°nai Published. emending Anacortes February 7,g,75,2023 repreeMtetlye served w AN ORDINANCE OF The P Municipal Coda Chapter Aq_3�819 marled ma notice in tree THE CITY OF a`sohel .-Prawn- 19-42.50• Bcnus Hight ANACORTES tai named the W free IneeMlvea In Ma R4,C and WASHINGTO �^ appointed as Par. CBD Use Zones eddress-