HomeMy WebLinkAbout28thSt_2105 ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 0AY �44 Jim Baldwin, Public Works Inspector Cell:360.661.3547 en P.O.BOX 547,ANACORTES,WA 98221 Office/Inspections:360.299.1972 4. 4v E-MAIL:jimb@cityofanacortes.org FAX(360)293-1938 } Memo Date: February 6,2008 To: Rick Guttormson,Owner From:Jim Baldwin Subject:Correction Notice—2105 28th Street cc: Eric Shjarback, Steven Lange, Don Measamer A site inspection was performed on your building site at 2105 28th Street on February 4, 2008. Below are the following items that need immediate attention. 1. Stabilize all exposed areas using DOE approved BMP's. 2. Remove all construction debris from the Public Right-of-Way 3. Implement other DOE approved Erosion Control BMP's for inlet protection at the catch basin. The hay bales are a traffic hazard at the intersection and need to be removed. 4. Complete the work that was performed under Right-of-Way Permit Number ROW-2007-0170, issued to Schwabe Construction on December 20, 2007. The City of Anacortes approved a 'Window" cut in the asphalt at 28th and D Avenue on the east side of the intersection. The 'Window" cut was performed within an existing patch and was completed in an acceptable manner. The final patch for this project will require the entire patch across 28th Street to be removed and replaced to meet WSDOT and the City of Anacortes specifications. A copy of the Right-of-Way permit is attached for your convenience. If you have any questions regarding this Correction Memo or need an inspection, please contact me at 360.299.1972. For your information, inspections need a minimum of 24- hours notice for proper scheduling. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Jim Baldwin Public Works Inspector A.1Y0 �'l�'`'� � ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Y� p°°%�N's. ., P.O.BOX 547,ANACORTES,WA 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 ,^ ' = t FRED BUCKENMEYER,P.I.S.,DIRECTOR FAX(360) 293-1938 E-MAIL:fredb@cityofonocortes.org 1L.0gtC January 23, 2008 Rick Guttormson 1712 Ohio Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Deviation.Request— Professional Engineering for Civil Work- 2105 28th Street Dear Ricky, This letter is to inform you that the City of Anacortes Public Works Engineering Department approved your Deviation Request to eliminate the requirement from the November 5, 2007 letter, of having a Professional Engineer design the frontage improvements. Prior to beginning construction of said improvements, the Public Works Engineering Department would like to meet with you and your contractor on-site to go over the layout, needed inspections and required testing procedures. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES tiYL Steven ange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Erik Shjarback, Jim Baldwin, Don Measamer • Water • Wastewater •Streets•Storm Drainage •Engineering •Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capital Projects •Development Services (-8;Y 44 ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT P.O.BOX 547, ANi]CORTES,Wt:I 98221 PH (360) 243 ]419 FRED BUCHEI`IMEYER,P.L.S.,oItiECrOR FAX (360) 293-1938 trot E-MAIL: fredb@cityofanocortes.org ICOWC November 5, 2007 Rick Guttormson 1712 Ohio Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Required Improvements for 2105 28th Street Dear Ricky, This letter is to inform you of the required frontage improvements for your project located at 2105 28th Street. The requirements are based on the submitted site plan, dated October 25, 2007 sheet A1.1. Site Plan: 1. Complete the Residential and Duplex Site Plan Checklist. A copy of the checklist is attached for your convenience. Submit the completed checklist with the next submittal. 2. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-28 Property Access, the maximum width of a driveway at the street is 20-feet. 3. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-28 Property Access, the driveway shall be placed a minimum of 50-feet from the Point of Tangency of the curb at the radius of the intersection. Street Improvements: (Frontage) 1. Frontage improvements shall be designed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington. 2. Per the Anacortes Municipal Code, Chapter 16.32, Residential Access requires a 32-foot wide driving lane with curb, gutter and sidewalk. The existing roadway on 28th Street was installed as three-quarter street(24-feet wide), which leaves an 8-foot section of roadway to be completed across the frontage of your parcel. 3. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-04 Intersections, an 8:1 asphalt transition approach is required from where the curb and gutter end to the existing asphalt. 4. The required sidewalk width is 5-feet and shall be off-set from the back of curb to match the improvements on the north side of 28th Street. Storm Drainage: 1. Provide a Small Parcel Storm Water Plan, per the City of Anacortes Municipal Drainage Code. A Copy of the report has been enclosed for your convenience. •Water • Wastewater •Streets• Storm Drainage •Engineering •Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capital Projects •Development Services 2. The proposed storm drainage connection will be connected to a private drainage system for the house built on D Avenue. There is an existing private storm system in 28th Street . for use by this parcel. A copy of the City of Anacortes Utility Map is attached for your convenience. Sanitary Sewer: 1. A 4-inch sewer stub is identified on the City of Anacortes Utility Map to this parcel. The location is shown differently than the proposed location on the submitted site plan. Verify location and depth prior to placement of the foundation. Water: 1. There is public water available to this parcel on 28th Street and 29th Street. Provide a location of the new proposed water meter location. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES tee ven ange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Erik Shjarback, Don Measamer, Dave Walde, Jim Baldwin • (1) GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS JULY 2006 - Facts and Findings from Anacortes City Council GEN-04 GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS All construction on City, County or State Roads or Right-of-Way shall be done in accordance with the agency's standards and requirements and in accordance with the franchise and/or permit requirements. The Contractor is responsible to determine these requirements prior to construction. Where conflict exists between these Standards and permit requirements, the most stringent permit requirements shall take precedence. GEN-05 DEVIATIONS GEN-05.1 General The Developer may propose a deviation from the standards. A non-standard system may take longer to review. The Developer acknowledges these risks when submitting a non-standard system for review. GEN-05.2 Deviation Criteria Requests for deviations which are site or project specific, shall be reviewed by the City of Anacortes Public Works Engineering Department. The City's decision to grant, deny, or modify the proposed deviation shall be based upon evidence that the deviation request meets the following criteria: A. The change will achieve the intended result through a comparable or even superior design; and B. The change will not adversely affect safety and/or operation; and C. The change will not adversely affect long-term reliability and maintainability. GEN-06 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Any errors or omissions in the approved plans or information used as a basis for such approvals may constitute grounds for withdrawal of any approvals and/or stoppage of any or all of the permitted work, as determined by the City of Anacortes. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to show cause why such work should continue, and make such changes in plans that may be required by the City of Anacortes before the plans are reapproved. CHAPTER 1 G-6 (3) STREET STANDARDS JULY 2006 STR-28 PROPERTY ACCESS STR-28.1 Driveways Driveway Standards Measured Curb to Curb Minimum to Property Line 8 feet Minimum Between Driveways 30 feet Minimum Tangent Curb Length to 50 feet Intersection *Maximum Width at Street 20 feet 30 feet Residential **Commercial <_ 250 feet _< 125 feet Right Turn Only at Signalized Intersections Arterials Collectors Right-In-Right-Out Only When Safety Warrants * Driveway cuts in sidewalk required ** Unless topography or traffic volumes require wider. STR-28.2 Parking Lots Plan cross access and unified circulation with adjacent parking lots. STR-29 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES Prior to preparing a Traffic Impact Analysis, the developer and design engineer should schedule a meeting with the City's Development Review Group to discuss requirements specific to the project. A traffic impact analysis includes: 1. Project Information -Vicinity map • - Site Plan - Project Description - Number of development-generated peak hour trips - Existing land use on site - Proposed land use on site -Anticipated phasing of the project 2. Existing Conditions - Identify streets, intersections, pedestrian and transit facilities affected by development-generated traffic. - Obtain 3-year accident history at key intersections; identify accident trends. - Diagram existing lines of sight and turning movements for affected intersections; identify sight distance problems. - Provide traffic volumes at key intersections using field counts and the pipeline model. • CHAPTER 3 STR-13 • ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STEVEN LANGE,Project Manager P.O.BOX 547,ANACORTES,WA 98221 Cell: (360)661.3468 E-MAIL:stevel©cityofanacortes.org FAX(360)293-1938 2)tDc ''j A 1•-"0 ll.yStZ-Ilol.-�< - tt-ikem . - '� C:Z:VA1l1%0-11b#-1 f.-101•► t f�� - •/•4•• 'V IPrT)b)-S • -- Ca Cl t oc_zs Tb E' llat.Kd we c�- 1 • .--- ()L.-4 • • Water • Wastewater • Streets • Storm Drainage • Engineering • Solid Waste • Transportation and Equipment • Capital Projects • Development Services rC),,Y � ANACORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 547,ANACORTES, WA 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 FRED BUCKENMEYER,P.I.S., DIRECTOR FAX (360) 293-1938 E-MAIL: fredb@cityofanacortes.org 100111 . January 23, 2008 Rick Guttormson 1712 Ohio Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Deviation Request— Professional Engineering for Civil Work - 2105 28th Street Dear Ricky, This letter is to inform you that the City of Anacortes Public Works Engineering Department I approved your Deviation Request to eliminate the requirement from the November 5, 2007 letter, of having a Professional Engineer design the frontage improvements. Prior to beginning construction of said improvements, the Public Works Engineering Department would like to meet with you and your contractor on-site to go over the layout, needed inspections and required testing procedures. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES a-e"-5C--- , Steven ange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Erik Shjarback, Jim Baldwin, Don Measamer • Water • Wastewater •Streets• Storm Drainage •Engineering •Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capital Projects • Development Services if 0 RNRCORTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT P.O.BOX 547, REVFECORTES, WR 98221 PH (360) 293-1919 FREDD 0UCHENA�EYER,P.1..5., DIRECTOR FIX (360) 293-1938 "';poi T;- ► E-iHIREI: tredb@citvc+Fnnacortes.arg 0 • November 5, 2007 Rick Guttormson 1712 Ohio Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 SUBJECT: Required Improvements for 2105 28th Street Dear Ricky, This letter is to inform you of the required frontage improvements for your project located at 2105 281h Street. The requirements are based on the submitted site plan, dated October 25, 2007 sheet A1.1. Site Plan: 1. Complete the Residential and Duplex Site Plan Checklist. A copy of the checklist is attached for your convenience. Submit the completed checklist with the next submittal. 2. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-28 Property Access, the maximum width of a driveway at the street is 20-feet. 3. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-28 Property Access, the driveway shall be placed a minimum of 50-feet from the Point of Tangency of the curb at the radius of the intersection. Street improvements: (Frontage) 1. Frontage improvements shall be designed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington. 2. Per the Anacortes Municipal Code, Chapter 16.32, Residential Access requires a 32-foot wide driving lane with curb, gutter and sidewalk. The existing roadway on 28th Street was installed as three-quarter street (24-feet wide), which leaves an 8-foot section of roadway to be completed across the frontage of your parcel. 3. Per the 2007 EDS Standards, Chapter 3, Section STR-04 Intersections, an 8:1 asphalt • transition approach is required from where the curb and gutter end to the existing asphalt. 4. The required sidewalk width is 5-feet and shall be off-set from the back of curb to match • the improvements on the north side of 28th Street. Storm Drainage: 1. Provide a Small Parcel Storm Water Plan, per the City of Anacortes Municipal Drainage Code. A Copy of the report has been enclosed for your convenience. •Water a Wastewater •Streets• Storm Drainage •Engineering •Solid Waste •Transportation and Equipment •Capital Projects •Development Services 2. The proposed storm drainage connection will be connected to a private drainage system for the house built on ID Avenue. There is an existing private storm system in 28'h Street for use by this parcel. A copy of the City of Anacortes Utility Map is attached for your convenience. Sanitary Sewer: 1. A 4-inch sewer stub is identified on the City of Anacortes Utility Map to this parcel. The location is shown differently than the proposed location on the submitted site plan. Verify location and depth prior to placement of the foundation. Water: 1. There is public water available to this parcel on 28'h Street and 29th Street. Provide a location of the new proposed water meter location. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at 360.661.3468 Sincerely, CITY OF ANACORTES #ems ven . ange Project Manager CC: Fred Buckenmeyer, Erik Shjarback, Don Measamer, Dave Walde, Jim Baldwin