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Ordinance 1344
i e r y M t C�INA�FC$ �a. �y AN ;QaPINAXCR relaatind to healtb rand sanitation, providinq For the ea ta►bAish sent, maintes aa" and operati,oex of a uni E ersaal, compulsory system of colleation, removal and disposol of garb&4o# r4efus* amd do#A animals, providing for the handling the sox by 1 id one a granted by the City or by muoioipal operation, provibino for qhs saoomt mod method of payment of pr11ags aalle ation shar,gess asking del inq t Obarges for aarviass perfbrmed ra lien, Mpon property, revealing ordimanass No. 11021 passed and appj�ovod ttk* 17th day of February, 198 5, No, 1181, ps&6ed and approved the 19�h daytof Japuary,t 19"r and No* 112 s, passed and P M approvid the 2nd dhy of February, 1954, and comprising Sections 8-8.01 f through 8-8.O of the Coda. l A TdS MY OW011 OF THE CITY OF ARACORTF,9, WhSH194"II DO ORDAa AS P014AVIS1 Se -t i&e, 1. Covorags (8-8.01) tm'Xs ,OPd1m*nos shall appi:r to all territory embr&ood within the corporate IWts of the City of Anaeortest Washington sAd area of juris- dldtion of pollees power thereof. A"tion 2. Inte+at (8-8.09) The maintonanbo of health and sanitation require, and it Is the intWation hereof to maks the 9okleeUOn, removal and disposal of garbage, refuse aged dead animals wtthla the Pity of Anacortes compulsory and anivormal. r uation Ze Definitions (8-8.42) ' (a) RRFU SI The term Orefgsae db+ali include garbage, rubbish, ashes, swills and all other' putbesoible QW non-putrescibhle wastes, svaept **wag* from all auolio and V*Ivate establishment* and residences. (b) GAa$A6gt The 'Um "garbege" nh4ill include all putrusoible wastes except aowage 4W kwdy waxt**OL inoluding vfflA*Ukft1PO4OWP ansaia jotm t and aarsasaea of dood Animals$ but not including r000gnisod induetrl�l b;$•prodwis, arA sbAll SAO-100' all audh •ub&tai..'aOx f>frf All Tullio and r private establiAbgWn" cad residenOOGo ` s OIL344 (a) MUM The term "rubbish" shall include all non-putre$eible vastest except &$neat From all public and private establishmento and residenees. (4) Swills The tern *#will" *hall mean and inaltnde every retuse accumulation of animal, fxnd t or va o table mat ter, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing In or storing cc matt * fish, fvwi, fruit, and begetabl es, a sept coffee grouns#. (e) AAH35t The term "&she$" shall include the solid waste products of coal, wood and other fuels used for heating sad booking, + from all public and private establiay,apnts and from allresidencera (f) ?EPSOM. The terra "person" shallmean. every person, firm, partnerships sssoaiationt Inxtltk%t1on and eorporatio n. the term shall also mean the ooeupant aid/or the owner of the promises for which serviee he-ainmintloned is rendered. ( u) HkALTH OFFICHM= The term "health of 6 icer" shall meas the City or County health orficer, as defined in %action* 70.04.0209 70.04e030 ! and 70.08.080 of the Revised Code of bashington, or their authpriaed representatives* (h) COLLICT lR OF REM$$ The term "collector of refuse" shall mean the person who obtains Iloonse from the City of Anaoortes and operates under said Ileense In compliance with this ordinance for removal of refuse as provided heroin, and said term shall, be interchangeable with and have the name meaning a# licensee as used heroin. (1) .3A1tI TATj0X pUPERVIAOR t The term *sanitation supervisor" shall mean the alto offieial or employee of the City of Anacortes delegated and authorised to administer this ordinance. $dation 4. L,spartoont of Sanitation (8-8.04) For the purpose of carrying into effect ,he provisions and aims of this ordinance, there is hereby created ane estabiished a department, to be known as the Department of Sanitation. 1i® manairor of the City of Anaoortes is hereby empowered and authorIASd to appoint a suitable and quallfl*4 person as Sanitisation Supervisor, and tnis pe-soo shall have full oharge and control of all of th* work provided for and contempla ted under this ordinance and as may be provided for by rules and regulations adopted by the City Council, do shall furtt,r have charge of all collee-a tions and the enforcement of all charges for Services rendered under the ordinance, and shall be paid suah %al ary as shall be determined by the Citf 00anoil. So a tf on S. Fund (8-805) The a is he *by created and established a special fund# to be known and designal ed as the City Sanitary Service Fends Into which all suss collected under this ordinance shall be deposited and kept by the Treasurer of the City of Anadortes, &nd from which all expenses of the administration and operation of this ordlnance shall be paid0 Section 60 city Powers (8-8,06) This ordirALnoe empowers the City of Anac©rtes to issue lioense, i exoiusive and/a► non-exclusive, for the nollectirn of refuse, in accordance herewith# and aleo empowers the City of Anacortes to buffy+ waintains or lease and operate equipment for the collection, removal and disposal of refuse from within the "Ity. deation 7. Acaaaulation of Refuse (8-8007) It shall be the duty of every perisan in possessiop, ah,arge, or In control of any dwelling, flat, roaming house, apartment house, hospital, school, Motel, club# restaurarwt, boarding house or eating place, or in possession, charge or control of any shop, place of business of manufac- turing establishment whore garbage, refuse or swill is created or accumu- lated, at all ties to keep or aawxs, to be kept portable a, partenanoes, metal or othty approved cans for the deposit theroin of garbage and refuse,, and to deposit or a&use to be deposited the same theta in. It shall, oe the duty of the owner of wq dwelling, flu t, apart- ient house or trtilor camp to fbrn1sh or to see that his tenants are sup,tiied with sura cans. 8action S. dpeel.ficati.ons of Cans (8-8.'}8) Such cans shall be constructed in such a manner as to be strong, watertight, not easily co-rodible, rodent-proof, insect-proof, of not lees than 15 and not more than 30 gallons capacity, shall have two handles at the sides thereof and tight-fitting lits. Such lids shall toot be removed except when necessary to place garbage and refuse In such canS or take the same therein —44 hen garbage and refuse is placed they. ein +��1�5 • 3 - ___j s or taken therefrom, such lid shall be replaced by the person placing the sap* therein or taking the same therefromo n4oft o or garbage owV shall not be filled with dish waiter or other liquid or noel—liquid idtahen wastes which are properly disposable down the sanitary drains, such cams shall not be overloaded beyond the point where covers can be soourely replaaed, Such cans shall be inept in a sanitary condition with the out- aid♦ thereof clean and fro* from saounulative grease and 4e0txposi.ng #� k matariale Each can shall br kept in a place accessible to the solloaters sa tett hs is not 3requljPed to► starry the refuse farther than necessary. Section 8• Condition of Cans (8-8*09) Bach garbage can shall be kept Olean inside an4 out, so that no odor nuisance shall onset, and the area around xald cans shall be kept In a neat and sanitary '1cmh41tio k The ,garbage polls etor shall place tags on garbage cats found to be in violation of this section, and notify the Ssnitatior Supertisoro The tar shall harte a perforated stub, with identification number and pla*o fee: location and deecrtptlone Two or mcre violations of this previdion by persons shall subjeot the person to penalties described in Section Section 10. Goadis-Ig of Cans (8-8910) ft 4arbage can shall be overloaded with earths rooks cr heavy refuse beyond the point where one pick-up sena can lift the can to the pick-up truck, 3, eoial pick-ups shall be plAced at the garbage can or as near the -at* as possible, 0ttstome.:s must restrain vicious dogs beyond reach of the garbage cans and prevent any interferon** with pick-up mea an this account. Section. ll, Commercial Containers (A-8e11 ) Lane, suitable cor taitneve for both oollsetion of garbage and refuse may with the approval of the Sanitation S ipervisor be used by hotels, restaurants# boarding housosp eating places, apartment houses, schooIR and hospitals, and in the business district* Section 12, �'Xalusive (8-8,18) It shAl.l be the duty of every person to causR such garbage and refuse to be removed and disposed of only by the Collector of 8efuso• Garbage and swill shall not be disposed of upon private promises by inc in4rat lon. 0:1344 - 4 - r � i $estikA IS* Dead 4nlMIS (8-8.18) It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control or any dead aniwal or upon ohms a pmals as the a&** may be locate4, to forthwith cause the waste to be "moved and disposed of by said colleotor of Refuse, durlag ttte hours of S tOO a.m. to 5tOO p.m., Dtcndayf through Sw-utrdays. ' 4s *ti©n 14. 1so1at*d Locations (8-8.14) 1n the case of isolated dwelliaSs, or of places of business loeatod in sparsely settled portions, of the City, or where reasonable aeo"s cannot to had by truck, ,garbage and refuse thorefrom may, upon apeoial psm1t fraas the Sanitation Supervisor, be eolleotsd, removed, and disposed of in such manner that said S tpi.tatloift Suvervi 3or shall, approve and diroat. Section The Pdatriotions (6-8.13) X t shall be unlawful for MW person to burr , dump, c of le a t# removes, or in any other manner dispose of garbage or will upon any street#, alley,, public place or private proporty within the City otherwise than as hereln prowided. 3eetion 16, Collection (8-5.16) The Collector of Refuse shall eoll,eat, remove and dispose of all garb& ,* and refu."e in the rksidential sections of the City at Least ono* each *eek, =0 from hotels, restauraAts, boarding houtses, eating places, apartment houses, sabools and hospitals and in the busino" seotiom of the City of Aoaeortes, as designated from time to time by the Sanitation 8upervis"p at least onoe each day, or in either of said distriots as often as raquired by said Supervisor. Residential sleotions of the City shall include all portions tbereof not otherwise designated. Sootiun 17, Separation of Refuse (8-8917) The City reserves the right to and zay have 00ti-.n to roqulr• the aeraratlon of paper or swill, or other component parte of garbage and rsfuse, or any of theta, may require the deposit thereof in soparat a *atm or receptabjes, and may presbribe the methods of disposal thoroOf 6 Until otherwise provided, with the approval of the supervisor and subjact to the rules and retzulatiuns of the City Ocunoil, 01.344 - 5 - swill mq be used or sold by the persons producing the same and remoted {beyond the City limits by the persons using or purchasing the same•. Socti(,n 18. Public P1%6js �8+�•1®� Y k F It shall De unlawful for any persons firm or corporation conducting any hotel, rostaUrants, or any public eatlog puce, to diposit* throw or place *twill or other refuse food m4tter In a Ianop al.Loq# street, cr other public place, or to 4op4s it# throw or pU oo any swill upon any pri* >r vato property# regardless of ownership, unlous said swill shall be enclosed In vessels or tanks of a tgps approved b7 the Sanitatle n Supervisor, ant! which shall be perfectly watertight and shall have tightly f1tting covers, which covers sb ll not be remeved ereopt when absolutely necessary for the dspos i ting and removal of swill. Sua4 vessels of t anis shall Ie kept In the rear of the promises or in the basement, or other place authorixed by the mos i Cation Supervisor, so as to be readily aooessimlo X cr *ollea- tions and shall not be kept upon tbo s trmet, al Ley Or sidewalk or Public place. All such tanks or vessels shall be prorpt:ly dellvered to the collector when *aIle d for *Ad shall be returned by glia without unneoes- sary Idlay, and - o peraaa, except for purposes or aglloctiion Baader license,, shall in any manner interfere with w4d vessels or tsnk s or with contents thte root• Sscstion 19. Disposal of Garbage and Other Itefuser (8-9.19) All disposal of roftee, sball bo by t e tfaod or methods specifically approved by the S tato Department or Heal the PROVIDICD, that said method or methods shall inalude the maxiaaum practicable rodro t# Ins scat, and nuisanaa oantrol at that P]Aoe of 41"osal, "d rROM901, furttwr, that anUal vftal ane a-Lresea" of dead animals shall be buried or 4rumted as directed by the Health Officer. Section 20. 9LO440 a (8-9.20) It is the intact of the City Gouzwil to provide for the licensing of a propw parsons firm or corporation to coils-t# rasove and dispt+s e of all relUse. The toraw and conditi-ins undex which saah a license shall be issued to and kept and maintained by the lioensoe are set -forth in the following aeat tons. r 8 .. 01344 i seoticn Olt, acmplianoo (8-S,21) The licensee must 411i,gently and strictly comply with all provisions of this ordinance pertainiAg to the collection of refuse arks all appiiaable ordinancea, laws, rules mad regulations of the City of Anasortes, County of Skagit, State of Washington# and their respective health departments and offisers , Any failure to comply with this section, shall be sufficient reason for tho forfeiture of liornse as herein provided. Section 229 Term (8-$v429) The lltonse shall be issued for a to of three (3) years$ subject to the limitations on term as set forth in recent opinions of the Attorney General regarding the term of the counall gramtU�g the sane, Section 23, Duty (8-8#25) The 1 is oris ee shall collo c t# remove and d is ps e of all refuse, garbage# rubbish# swill mad ashes depositsO for has collection in the City of Anaoortes# in accordance with *do ordinance, aW with all reasan- abl a and appropriate rules and regulations Laid down by the Sanitation Supe ryisor. ti Section 24. Bquipsent (8-8,E4) Licensee must furnish and maintain a sufgcIent number of vehicles, not leas than three in number, wbiah moot state, aomty and lac al health a and sanitary regulations& and are properly manned and sanitarily equipped j to remove the garbage, inflammable matrrial and ashes, and other swill, refuse, debris, serap# acne and bottles of every kind and nature. Licensee shall operate on a daily basis except for holidays and Sundays. The ve icles used by the collector shall be metal covered, with all #tool bodies, of leak and rly-proof %"o, They shall be painted blue and maintained in a'alean, sanitary and neat condition, and shall be so enclosed and operated as not to scatter garbage, refuse, inflammable , material and/or ashes or other arl lied patierial collected, onto the streets 1 or alloys of the City of Anaaort:eb.' Section 25, Uniform (8-8.23) All employees of the Collector will be crossed in blue when working at collecting the garbage or driving vehicles, Said employees y shall have their names plainly printed on the front of the coveralls 01344 ' 7 and said coveralls sha11 be changed every day* $eetion 800 -Sanitary Fill (8-4#26) r Tao, liospaee shall operate and maintain a sw%f Lary fill at the t site furnished by the City`at- all timiai in a safe and sanitary odnditloti in all respeota, and f res t"m tire hatttrds under such rules and regulttiow as have boon or may hswrea rue, be prombigat" " adopted by the Washington Sta" Hoard At fiealtihe the ]a YhK Ot the Stalb Ot Mashingtons ordiumost# > kulda and regulations of the City of Anaeorties and the City Fire Chiu' and state Firs marshal. y 86ation 87.r Salvage (8-8*07) " &ivsna ee, shall be responsible for 41 operati ous, p Ota ining to salvage, Mild 00041'tions p1' the sanitary rill. Al salvage mattrial shall` become the property of the oolleotora but he shall keep suoh aoeukulation 9 ~ neat in appearmse and In a sanitary aondition, SeotioA 28, BurnJzg (8-81041 8urnibg at the pit: vball° be a neppmtibI l i ty d the collector send shall be darrifd out; s trl*tly, In &OqOrA4n4e, wSt:h ,end wt►der gush +ion+ x diticas as m#y be not by ordipaa"q of tk4 City of Anaoortes, lawb of the Sete of 8'asbix�gton orfjors of tho Fire thiof of the Anaoorsoa t fire Dowt cont and of tt �Otate Pipe oft soil: Sectign 29. Watchmen (8-11*99) Licensee shall provide a oompstent watohnan when required. 8+eation °SO* Aaints"noe (8-8,,30) Licensee shall maintain tho garbs dump in accordance with toe provisions of this ordinahbe. All expowe of mallatenanes shall be tha, responsibility of the liaonsee and paid by the lioox wtse�4 If the City of Ansoortes is forced by the State Health Department to proaood with a out and cover sanitary fill, it shall be the. respcneibility or- *o city to provide fill -material, and the liaoosee may negotiate witU t'hp b i ty for prepQr earth moving o quljWrtatt to otekply wi'tlt $tats Health Y T Department's requirements R Seation 31. Pickups ("401) F Licensee shall collect and dieposN of garbagt and rerun* from the various districts of the aitys `its*s sonmeralale resideatialw indvbirial, oto, , with such regularity as is requtirsd in each particular 01.94% •� i t M F l I T 1 r 1notowe 0 fwnish the noossaary s*rvxas in a000rdance ftth provisions r of this or41446*es and &U11 furnish thi eeity with sah6dulee ot servLoe trips, soaps of routbs, l4sts of euatomWs, loost;ion of piekupsg an& all 0hor slllied inf ormt t*A requ#r*A by they City in disder that the Oity- i WAY ei*r ctively bill for ami 001lsot tk# ,gov4Iee oharge for refubs• ar*llee* Voa e`A6 et osal. Uo"ee Wha i Wpr1t od"ra'tively with the •tf Uw 6f } h thb 3Mttati4a 8uPdWisor and the AnAe rtos Vatvv Department to facilitate, K the admir4le trattou of this cr di4aw e. rstiaex 38. Rat* (8-8052) L10amrpe lbal] operate such Soft or gates as may be installed at ties dump alto for the purpose of prevent Ing unauthorixod asoeas to the a dump area and to t top thesame closed at all hflu# o"opt p hen in use by ` the oollectoar dr when apeu for pobIis a**#* * � rK X+10onsbe shall shook 4111v Vit'h 'the- pity wator office with refer• enoe to all questicna arisLag,;j outtgmero p0t4inIfts to the, disp.osel of Wwbage. 740 01tf aAahl cat as s *4oavinq t}ous s tar-4LIJ of staid dues- w tions so arising* Rootion U. Rodents (6-8.1 41 . Lioensea► -shall a"psrait with, V�o OLV and exeroirse due diligsnse, at , till UMA for sff*4tin9 scientific reN1a*t oontrol at the sanitary fill* section, 3i . Witty Ticker (".88) ' Lietzm ao SWI wake all tees"iASr:` colleetione of garbage and gash r ' at All a 1 tr parIM and at e►11 city a i #nd �ku lld ing s, at least once eaoh weeks Abd 41,t 44ty trash oana 18 the oamoroial distriat ot** ea0h ree)[„ or as oasts "me* as rdHuired by the 8AUltation 6upe"isor4 b Soo4 t 36. Taystent to Lior►*oo (6*4,36) t i"fAa es shall be pais a sum ,equal. to seventy-fjvo prep tent A75%) of 1026 aaaOW*n 1dl-led ee4ah acrd *very month to pore*= *Ad f 121" for and an 4040=t Of garbA" golioatio �v rfgrmed by the 1iseupee. Ui d pa ymenttl 'sh4U be rnm4 t:t ed to tho`l la ens ee not later than the a If th day of the month suaaaeding tbM month of billing. ; 4 $e4titsn 37. $at4liag not Goa►ated (8.8.37) The 11*owr granted pnrsua�rre to tis ordinance shall not apply wK to trunk a hauling, manare cr pasta "verial from cannery premix oo,'a*or ` 1 i 01344 H w4ter or ]and# or to the hauling and diaposing of material from wrecked or destroyed buildings, or to oinders of commercial value, or to city vehiolva performing department work other than Department of Sanitation. Section 38. Bona (8-8.$8) The pity shall keep on hand the sham of $2800.00 cash derived from garbage collections whIch would otherwiso be payable to the liaenaee, rrhi-ah will be 18f't with the city as a cash bond& conditioned upon the faithful performance of this license in aomplianoe vrith all ordinances of the City and all rulee, regulations, laws and statutes relating to the garbage business and relating to the mcainteaanoe of the sanitary fill and dump. This cash deposit shall be to indeMaify and stave harmless the City of 1 Anaaorttava against any and all loom *onto and expenses caused by or arld- .Ing out of the fatlure of the liesaseo to keep and perform the oovenants herein and,/or the ordinancesp lnwa&, rules a3ad regulations as aforesaid. The arrangement for deposit of said sum in a special tend must be made with the Cleric -Treasurer prior to the lssuanoe of the liesnsp herein pro- � vided fort Said sum shall not be reduced by payment to the licensee dungy• Ing the term of the iieen"o. 2hO 11,0easse consents to the use of said w r funds by the City is the event of his failure to perform under the liobnse to hereinabove required& and said lioense• shall have no claim against the city for any of said fund• so used v Section 39. Indemity and Insurance (8.8.38) The lieensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Anacortes from any setd all liability whatstaVer from Wury to or death of persons or loss of or damage to property **used by or arising out of activities or nonfeasance in conneatiol sifh the perfermsnoo under the license herein to be granted) wether such aetUi.tjes be those of +the licensee or any of the officers* employees or agents of the licensee. The lieensee shall appear and defend in airy aotioa or suit instltuteO against the City of Ana eor tes Oris i ng in any manner' out of said Licens t,. The 1 i Bens ee shall earry liability insurance for personal is,Ljury or death In amounts of not less than $100,000,.00 for each porswo nor lean than $300,#000..00 for each 000urreneei, In addition,, property 4amage liability insurance shall be eayrpied in an amount of not lose than $2 5,000.00 for each &AwidenU A bertifieate of insurance shall be delivere* to the City prior to the Laou- ance of the libenslr, and the certificate shall provide that the insurance cannot be eanoetj j ft thout ten days written notice to the City. • 10 • z i i 8eetion 40. Assigment (8-8.40) The licence shall spat assign, transfer or sub-le't, either volun- tarily or invoZ�mtarlly, his rights or duties in this, licenses vi thout the prior written consent of the City of Anacortes, nor small Us lioensee'e ' rights under the license: be subject to transfer by operation df law or otherwise, nor shall the licensee's business be sold or alienated In b any nanri4r without the prior written consent of the Ofty of Anaoortes nor w ithout appropriate bond's boing evpplied to protect the City. The 11tensee may &all or dispose of individual pieces of equipment as the same may becom antiquated and no longer ue4essary for the, perforamoo of this license# so long as adequate replacement of said equipment it mads by the lioensee to continuo complying ri th the ;a ovis' ms heroUkaba e sat forth. 3,uoh sale or d1sporlt x, of old and mmece-.easy equipment 1 may ba made ui thout notios. to the City. $sats:n 41. Porfelture (6+8.41) In case of breaoh by the lioenese, or in tbir *vont of the Ueens"'s failure fcar any reason whatsoever to furnish efficient public service, the City ray declare the Liseaea terminated and tha rights et the ltosnsue thereunder terminated„ In addition to otter prooedures and 1•omsdies proscribed by law, the City may take poatte ion of the Lioeasee'$ egp1pnant and uas seas to continue public serviee# provided$, howevert that in suah evwnt the City #bal.l be deom4id the Uxe" at suoh property and shall pay a ruasonablet rental. therefor; and that the City+s lease they efor shall coatInue only for such a time as will ,zat4s the City to provide other and efficient service, provided this provision shall not valve rights of the City for brei►:" of license against the Lleenseo or hia bond I ng company. Secti(.n 42. Applieation (8-8.42) do license shell be issued except upon proper writs �n application therefor on form supplied by the City Clerk* Applloant must s;.gu a statement to the effect that applicant has read, underatands and agrees to amply with all provisions of this ordinance„ 01344 11 - Seatloa 43o Dpi ;offal of 4arUags (+Q.-4$)f 5V , orl porz rt mil "oko of six Wbag�L p#o�ptly ac¢ordin to 4 the terms of this vrdinaroe and ides and roguiati of s's 'end no person � Oall pat-forat way of tha ,provisions of the liaww d referred to a boy►.# except the Colts astir and Asil s4. *Only the Qoilo4te# of Refuse shall use or be permittod to us a th• 'sani Lary f t11 or f ills or other p]a as of dis- posail, aetiabllshed~and ursd 1W the oi%,y of A=4mWtasr gud he shall be responsible and be ro1uir4d to maintain sa4d place or places or disposal h, in a stir Atary sa tanwr at all Uses and In o**pl14aos with all applioe;ble ` statutos, r",ss, rqplairtions and ordJuNwes of the City Coun4il'. wad i (rOstrs o f'On Sani tat ion Sopsrtls or sad 1*02 th Officer; provided, than tbs VA2dt4ry fila. #hall be opo to the fteldonts of the City an W*dneso. Mayr, 34tardays and Mkwdays tetwsen tba )%qurs of 6s0o a**,, and atoo p.*.0 { undtr 16bO aupsrv1&1on at the Cellsator*of &t fus e. Sveti o*r 44. Otnirgos (&4-8.44) All applioants for s*mloe not the o (tors of the prdporly to be served shall 1�9 jrequirftd io *oka a` wash d%msit with t�j* City TroSsurer of St*0©, Such dopgo It or 9*VUKty may bre, *ppiti ed t ►d-,tt t4j paX#ent of garbage bills Wh4never tUs same *U21 bivi t*o4sia -d*1inquorA. CUrgos Cdr rerufe a411eation and djApoaea *U11 'tN sompui.-sovy and sb4l be 1 bilie4 in conjunctim and sipttaltausously with statsst uts is-suad by the Oltz for water. ,-sial charges or aoaounts shall be paid at# the Water bepar#trnt offiao by *vAer or, to t, on or before the loth dar of eaq t mouth following date of bill.isagr s44 i,f not paid shall, boa**# dvliaWwM$ k after the lat dant of thin fo3lowfing month. A delinquency Wuwge of $0j( ti to cover extra *out c[' oelleation shall. be *4ddd t0 all a000antss Yi.ott have boon delinquent for thirsty (30) days or over, DeIiiquent obtargos shall be the solo property of the dit't'o Obargos for refuse ealloetic*► acid disposal shall -beoome a ll*A aga3,as t Whe pro ►ty ,* Serbia• meq be a suspended for non+p"pat tt juah aacounw, Suph AuspSnslon shall not re li eve the person owing *141 r""nt Crow ote Oty of -eostplying W i t A the provialms of this ord1n*no#* Sum suspensiod trhall reader t#ks pres" loss whore aah servies is suipp d aubleat to condemnation f or sanLiso " reasons. It shall be 'tom reipcoftblklty or*oa'oh pqr*&' furnlabod garbag* { f s 013 - All - Y collection service to notify the Sanitation Supervisdr of arty dooirei suspension of service. Failure to do so may cause a forfeiture of the security dlpositsd. Section 45. Sbhedule for Service Changes (8-8.45) The rates of garbage and refuse service and for the removal and disposal of dead ani-nals shall be as followas Nmber of containers and prices per month Pick-ups per Wt*k 1 2 3 4 5 d O 1 $1,26 02100 $2,1# $3.26 $3178 $4.95 8 2x80 4,00 5.50 6.50 7,50 8050 I1 0 3 3175 6100 9126 4.75 12.25 Z2'M $,y do 7,050 12 v 50 16.58 19,50 22.50 28.50 *Daily except Sunday JOB Vi ORK Two men end truck, far hover #8050 JOB WORK AND MIRTMO Two men and truck, per hour 12000 DISPOSAL OF DEAD ANIXAL$ Ca is, par he ad 1000 Dogss per head 1.20 I Saction 46. A000ss-ibility 18.8.,46) F I All garbage awa add ref be shall be acoeop1ble to the Collector � and within thirty (30) feet from thhoer stopping point of they track an the streets alley (or within the driveway with permission of the owner) as the case may be. Removal of all garbage beyond the thirty (30) feat from the stopping point of the truck shall be paid on the following basiss Thirty (30) fest to Forty (4Q) Feet from the stopping point: Base price plus thirty 4ents (30¢) per can por Month for the first can, and ten cents (10¢) per can per month for each additional can; Forty (40) foot to Sixty (60) feet from the stopping points Base paries plus sixty cents (60¢) per can per mgmth for the i first can, and twenty cents 20¢) per can per mouth for each � additional can. Over sixty (60) feet from the stopping point: Base price plus ninety cents (90�) per can per month for the first *any and thirty eents (30¢) per oan per month for each additional oan, 01344 • la n All of the &bave ehargas arc bated upez one plokup per wook. IPar tbass requiring more than as pickup pear weak, the obafte will be •o" puted by mul t 1 pl ying said 4hargs by the number of days per week upop which pickups are mades ; 3emtion 47. SUair Flights (8.8*47) There snail be Wed to the fareaoing *barges the sun of twenty- � fir♦ oemta (25j) per month per can fOV •Mab flight of stAtrs where a colleotion is not made or, the ground U vol. Six or iaar e -stops ohall I* considered a !lipht of stairs. The dstermtnation of the question of vAthsr a stairway amstitutas ons or more flights of stairs shall rest witb %be danitation S,.psrvisor. 3*14 >abarge Is based u~ on pno pickup I per week. Por those requiring xw re than one pickup per weeks the ohal" will be computtd by vultipl,ying said ,z b4w4e 1�y the nusalmw of days per week upon which piakups a44 msd#, 3eottca 0,6` Arush, stab (8.8.48) The gate for the alt aping up and removal of bra sh# areas# weeds, , rubbish Od d*bria, for bulk colleetign or garbage and refuse in either the business or residential districts, and for unalassifed and misooll.ane- 41 ous service shall bb a reasonable charge based upon equtiMont need gad time pea MMod. r Sedtion 49• Looked Doors (8-8*41) Whore *an is kapt xi.tdin a 'building or to basement or upatairs a and is inaaoesaiblo by reason of locked doo", or it is neoessary to call Orr 'knock for owner or occupant of building to gain, admi ttan6o, an addi- ticaal charges bused upon the time cowunod shall be m de„ .Qootion 60. Fever of City (8-8460) The City of Anacortes shill have the power, from tins to time# in an appropriate manner to set torn and determine rules and reg letions and rates„ dutias ,wd responsibilities ate!! n*oesmary salaries, and v ueh other matters as may be necessary in the disoretion of its city comoli for tho proper execution of this ordinance* Th6 city of Anaaortea is hereby empowered to carry out all the terms and provisions of this ordinance " to collect and 61arpose of ruse In the warner provided hereilao dowbverp it shall not sxoreise such pager 01 344 -• 14 • 4 if the Collector V Refuse is faith"lly complying with the provisions of M this ozdtinano# wl is Verating under liiaense as herein prgvided, or =Josh the 8ity purchases the property of the Collector of Refuse, Sec tt on Sl* Negottia ti ons Prohibited (8-8.51) Uospt as provided hereinq no ctbangea in ttppiicattion of, or amtnd- ments to this ordinance shall be oonsidorod by the city during the term of the license herein mentioned, and negotiations with licensee relative to such matters will not be permitted. Section 62. Separability (8,.B.52) If any sbationc, provislaagt or part thereof of this ordinaece shall be adjudged to be, inval2d 6r uacmatitutiotial, sueh adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinanco, as t whole or any section, pro- vision# or port thereof not a tjvAged tavalid or unoonstitutional, Section 16„ Psnaltio* (8.8453) Any person viola ting any of tib provOlons of this ordinance bball be guilty of a misdemeanor, and epon conviotion thereof shall be fined is any sum not exceeding Three lzd red Dollars ($500,00),p or impr i s onsien t far a term not exceeding ninety (90) dayost d1r both, in the discretion of the eourt. S 4 80ation 54. Repeal Ordinance leo. 1108, szctitled "Ali 4RDINANCB relating to health and sanitation, providing fog+ tho 4stablis'lsamiMp "maintenance and operatics of universal, compulsory system Ot oellearttoa, removal and disposal of garbage, refuse and dead animals, providing for the bandling thereof exalutivoly on contract: or by municipal operatic u# providing for the amount and method of payment of garbage oolls altion alargea, making delinquent chargee for wervises performed a lien upon property, repealing Ordinance No. 869 (7-5.10 of the Code) passed and approved on the 20th day of October, 19150, 4nd 4omprising Section 8-8.01 through 848.19 of the Cod e", passed and approved on the 17th day of FebrWWy, 1653; Ordinance No* 1121, entitled i "AN OrMINANOR amending Section 131, ';barges (8-8.33 of the Code) of Ordin- ancl No. 1102 of the City of Anaaortee, passed the 17th day of Februoryo 1953, and beixig the garbage oollsettm OtOnAneot so an to relieve owners of property applying for garbage servibe 'fors making the cath deposit La a advanoe", passed and approved on the 19th day of January, 1954; and Ordin- ance Noy 1124, entitled "AN ORDIUSON a,jending 3ectiun 15 , Schedule for Serviae Charges =8.8.15 of the Code) or OrOlmanoa No*1102 of the City of Amoortes, paas4d the 17th day of February+1953jand being the ga��raabrracl (1age apt+ lecti n ordinance, so vide. for owbdn ad�itiaaalahrges far 0613emarb1 �+ 25 w I trw eaus ever thirty (00) Feet from the s tagpist peirst of the Lolls *torts txnwk, uw to eliminate a provisi ors aliowixa for oangss in rues frfe th a Specified In the Grdifiad4e,* passed and approved on a* W 2nd day of yrb ikwq& 1954* be an+d the saws, hereby are4 r9pealed• r 1. Seats on W. "t► er Re�'ere�t . k This 9rdinanes shall compftoe $eottons 8-8901 through $+8•l* df Wt Offt c iai Mode of Ord!,-ara is at tbo Oi ty of Asia eor tes. 41*Ucn fig'. 8.fr-ootive nate This OrdInazoo shall take efteet and be in some from AW aft4► five (S), days after its passage, approval and legal publloatUmv Passed see appm*d this /�j C& day of April, 1883. rITY OP AXACOR'P'�2 NWIgr drr #. dTT88�t (CC RPORAT r., SOL) APPROVED AS TO PORP _W41 lop, arney 01-344 - is